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Orsinium is bigger and better than Morrowind

  • Malacthulhu
    Mojmir wrote: »
    love how ppl find it unfathomable that the morrowind content can be done so fast, not everyone frolics and gazes at scenery all day.

    Some people just spam enter and have no clue what the story is. I'm not sure that really means they experienced the content though. I'm guilty of jamming skip but that's after the first play through in a game like this. I've paid too much into this game to skip everything. I realize it interrupts pvp-time. It is a fair point I sometimes get annoyed with the way pve pulls me away from pvp. I've leveled two new Wardens through Kyne-server and yet I'm finding myself engulfed in trying to get Undaunted, weapon skills, skillpoints from story content, etc. Its time-consuming and frustrating particularly when you've done this sort of thing over and over. Is skip-skip-skip warranted? Sure. I don't think the measure of an expansion should be how fast you can click the 'E' key though. Story content is not for everyone but I do think we can fairly say that the story can not be played properly in 2 hours. There is a difference well recognized by people who played Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim between a speed-run to victory over the game and actual enjoyment of the game. I'll make a comparison. It is like saying you have seen Braveheart when you watched it on x32 fast forward. It is true you might have a general sense of what went on in the film but at best you have the cliff's notes version in your mind. I'm not mocking people who skip through the content in that manner - a lot of friends do it and are entirely uninterested in the story. That's their prerogative. In my own case if I wanted to skip story I have a lot of good action oriented games or first person shooters which have generally better combat mechanics than an MMO.

    That is why I skip the story, I can get a better one other places. However, I would not say I blew through content in 2 hours etc
    Xbox One Na
  • Malacthulhu
    Xbox One Na
  • Pangnirtung
    I played Morrowind on the PTS and was struck by how small the area was. After a few weeks of playing there was nothing compelling in Morrowind for me to shell out the money for it.

    Wrothgar on the other hand I continually find myself returning to. It's so much larger. The story was much better the first time and I have subsequently placed four toons thru Wrothgar.

    As consumers we vote with our dollars. I gladly bought the Wrothgar DLC. I passed on Morrowind, there just wasn't enough there for me to justify the money.
  • Shadowshire
    You guys make me feel bad that I've done almost every quest in the game and because I skip all of the dialogue and play with the volume off I have 0 clue what any of you guys are talking about.
    LOL! You "have 0 clue", of that I have no doubt.

    So, which wiki(s) are you using to read the walk-throughs and detailed guides about each of "almost every quest in the game" that you have completed? :smiley:

    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
  • a1i3nz
    Morrowind was a purely business decision. They marketed it like a new game to draw in new players.
  • theflawlessteabagger
    ZOS still counting they money and more coming in as yall reading this so who cares . Morrowind is worth the price clearly cus it didnt crash n burn iy wad great success .

  • jaschacasadiob16_ESO
    The moment you see the High Priestess in Orsinium you know the DLC was a good purchase.
    "Yesterday while searching a barrel in vVoM I found a lemon. Best drop of the whole run."

    Protect the weak. Heal the sick.
    Treasure the gifts of friendship. Seek joy and inspiration in the mysteries of love.
    Honor the Earth, its creatures, and the spirits. Use Nature's gifts wisely. Respect her power. Fear her fury.
  • grizzledcroc
    It def does better at making no spot feel useless or empty. I run into quests all over evenly. Even the city is bigger than vivec by a immense margin with no locked doors at every corner. Everything feels so complete.
  • grizzledcroc
    In the end I think zos having to comform to es3 and trying way to hard at it limited there scope and imagination in some ways. Orsinium was this new place nobody has every been too so they got to do all sorts of amazing things with it . Hopefully now when the next one comes out they can reflect and let lose there imagination for whatever new place we go to next.
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