Definitely not going to be homing Shor on any of my mains, but I'm currently leveling up a DC toon that'll be pvping there for when Vivec gets unbearable laggy
Definitely not going to be homing Shor on any of my mains, but I'm currently leveling up a DC toon that'll be pvping there for when Vivec gets unbearable laggy
How ironic. I've just decided to finally level my DC as well, this weekend. IC for Vivec and Shor was practically red the whole night, with only one large DC group that quit after getting wiped twice. And Cyrodiil for Shor was red the entire time I stayed on.
Well that answers that question @Durham -- I was wondering if it was Dead Wait hitting EP's trikeeps last night, but apparently not. It must have been the pug picking up in zone once groups started working again.
It was good to see someone taking on that task. The AD comments in zone were all fatalism and we-can't-beat-them until then. Obviously they could since they managed to snag a scroll.
Rickster on haderous we would sometimes go to blue side when dominated because we enjoyed the fights with blue much better... Red was running 16 to 24 at times and that no fun when you have 6 ...