[NEW] (Videos) Dracarys - Where the Flames Converge - Waking Flame Patch

  • Texas
    Ixtyr wrote: »
    TL;DR - can't we all just get along? </3


    Vehemence Mindless Zergling
    All Classes and All Factions
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    zyk wrote: »
    When two or more parties want something bad enough, it gets messy fast.

    I feel its more the opposite GvG's tournaments are never successful if they are based on hatred between guilds. People need to go with the mindset of doing their best but having fun. This way more guilds can be included and theres more chance of further events. One of "who's best" fights are fun but normally lead to dented ego's and people suddenly becoming "busy" on the day of the GvG.

    Take EU for example:
    Our first tournament fun community event, people watched, had fun etc:

    Compared to Grudge Match style where salt was had :P

    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • BraidasNM
    zyk wrote: »
    When two or more parties want something bad enough, it gets messy fast.

    I feel its more the opposite GvG's tournaments are never successful if they are based on hatred between guilds. People need to go with the mindset of doing their best but having fun. This way more guilds can be included and theres more chance of further events. One of "who's best" fights are fun but normally lead to dented ego's and people suddenly becoming "busy" on the day of the GvG.

    Take EU for example:
    Our first tournament fun community event, people watched, had fun etc:

    Compared to Grudge Match style where salt was had :P

    well ideally competitive matches shouldn't be community organized. that's why i've never rlly liked dueling guilds/tourneys - i dont want to interact with ppl i dont like/compete with. players also have to make their own rules which makes everything feel ambiguous.

    rivalry is good, in the game we have now everyone is more or less friendly cause its so casual. it was way more heated back in the day


    "I like to think of myself as the good cop and braidas as the bad cop. Hes the little devil on DC's shoulder, im the angel" -Subtomik
  • Ghostbane
    BraidasNM wrote: »
    zyk wrote: »
    When two or more parties want something bad enough, it gets messy fast.

    I feel its more the opposite GvG's tournaments are never successful if they are based on hatred between guilds. People need to go with the mindset of doing their best but having fun. This way more guilds can be included and theres more chance of further events. One of "who's best" fights are fun but normally lead to dented ego's and people suddenly becoming "busy" on the day of the GvG.

    Take EU for example:
    Our first tournament fun community event, people watched, had fun etc:

    Compared to Grudge Match style where salt was had :P

    well ideally competitive matches shouldn't be community organized. that's why i've never rlly liked dueling guilds/tourneys - i dont want to interact with ppl i dont like/compete with. players also have to make their own rules which makes everything feel ambiguous.

    rivalry is good, in the game we have now everyone is more or less friendly cause its so casual. it was way more heated back in the day

    Like a 17 page thread between Hova and Sypher over their love of a guild that they both wanted nothing to do with at the time. The rage..
    Edited by Ghostbane on July 12, 2017 1:11AM
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Ixtyr
    Texas wrote: »
    Ixtyr wrote: »
    TL;DR - can't we all just get along? </3


    Tex, do you even play anymore?
    Ixtyr Falavir - Bosmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Reya Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
    Kaylin Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Ebonheart Pact
    Alyna Falavir - Dunmer Dragonknight - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aernah Falavir - Altmer Templar - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aranis Falavir - Bosmer Sorcerer - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerin Falavir - Bosmer Warden - Daggerfall Covenant
    Rhys Falavir - Orc Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
    Rhiannon Falavir - Altmer Templar - Aldmeri Dominion
    Nenara Falavir - Argonian Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    Neera Falavir - Orc Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    The Ska'vyn Exchange - Guild Master
    Vehemence - Officer
    Nightfighters - Member
    Ømni - Guild Master (Retired)
    Moderator of /r/elderscrollsonline
    BraidasNM wrote: »
    BraidasNM wrote: »
    Satiar wrote: »
    Nivellan wrote: »
    Satiar wrote: »
    Nivellan wrote: »
    Rin_Senya wrote: »
    NACtron wrote: »
    Also, outstanding job to whomever made your logo. Looks amazing!

    Thank you, Nikolai! :blush: I'm glad everyone like it hehe, means a lot for me!

    Ishammael wrote: »

    K-Hole at peak (patches 1.7-1.8) was more or less unbeatable. But that's PC NA, so we never went against Banana Squad. I watched a lot of their videos and would have liked a chance to fight them. Braidas, ofc, was in KH. KH never made many videos nor advertised much.

    Tbh I always hear the same things from different people representing all op guilds on NA PC ^^ that they were more or less unbeatable at peak (e.g Havoc, NM, IR, KH and more) I wasn't there by that time so can't really judge :P

    No guild is ever unbeatable. NM and KH are the best guilds on that list, the rest were glorified pug farmers. Alacrity and NM were the best overall. KH the best since I think. We matched up with them in the first GvG, but they got the better of us in Cyro. NA and EU aren't really compatible to compare because meta's have been very different for a while now.

    I have no great love for Havoc for obvious reasons, but I fought with them vs Alacrity on quite a few occasions. Pretty evenly fought overall, though I'd say Havoc's contingent of HA Kags Templars gave them an edge.

    Disregarding the fact any havoc vs Alacrity fights only include at best half of the original Alacrity members my main memories from those fights are: lag, multiple EP groups, one fight at drakelowe that had neither of those and Havoc folded pretty easily. To touch on the stealth bomb my all time favorite memory of them was with Decibel when they ran for 3+ minutes in an open field against just us only for deci to get bored and stop chasing (we even ran through one of their chokes to try and get them to fight), and then get stealth bombed half a minute later on our mounts.

    My favorite groups from that time though were when ala and die groups died down to small numbers late at night we would merge and keiryan or luvboard would lead.

    I think my fav was a fight outside Aleswell. Deci and VE were mopping up pugs and circling each other, doing that prox det dance. Then suddenly we trip over a stealth Havoc group that had somehow made it dead center of the field without being seen. One of the few times in ESO that made me jump in my chair.

    I do remember some good fights with Alacrity but I'll concede it may have been past the prime. The fights I remember included a lot of Red Bull misting around between the 2-3 meatbags he'd set down and unstable WoE everyyyywhere.
    It's a simple fact that in this game often times numbers win no matter how skilled the opponent which is sad but is also needed in order to keep pugs around and population up because w/o them we have no PVP.

    idk I wonder if pugs would like 1.1-2 pvp better or worse than recent patches...my guess would be better.

    The people dying over and over to destro ult and vd are the same ones that would go into the cubby with perma bat dks and ground oils or spam healing springs and whatever else into absorbtion field giving sorc infinite resources or they would spam purge on blockade. There is always going to be some game mechanic that the more hardcore players take advantage of that will give them a considerable edge over the pugs and casuals it's just a permanent shifting meta that people find something strong, make builds to get the absolute most out of that meta and then slaughter the groups that don't make the most out of their setups.

    my point was people had more ability to fight larger groups with less numbers then, but i dont think it made the game less fun for pugs than today

    :'( RIP those days
  • Texas
    Ixtyr wrote: »
    Texas wrote: »
    Ixtyr wrote: »
    TL;DR - can't we all just get along? </3


    Tex, do you even play anymore?

    Vehemence Mindless Zergling
    All Classes and All Factions
  • Xiphyla
    It is kind of sad that a GvG tournament that happened over a year ago in an era I almost forgot about (bombard meta) is seen as a defining in PC NA.

    I would mostly chalk this up to the lack of competitive organized guilds. On PC NA there are a lot of good players, but not nearly the amount of organization there was earlier when pop caps were higher and there were enough hardcore guilds on I often mixed up who was in Die/Alacrity/IR/Havoc/VE/etc.

    I don't think the less organized presence is a culture thing, rather it's a game/ZoS thing. Competitive organized guilds will do their thing regardless if they feel the game is interesting and fun enough. There is a reason why all those guilds that were around so long ago left and haven't returned and I don't think it's because there is this perception that NA PC is about farming PUGs or ducking competitive fights.

    While I do acknowledge there is skill in Guild Vs. Guild fights - there is a reason the better ones win consistently - I can't say the actual fights and mechanics behind them are terribly interesting as it is mostly either evade-bomb-counterbomb with Negates/destro/Warden Sleet playing disproportionately strong roles. And something that has plagued ESO since the Champion system was introduced is that when I die, I disintegrate without much I can do about it: If I am not bursted down by ultis, proc sets, and OP skills, I will instantly shield/heal up and be at 100%. The Power Creep for offense and defense is out of control.

    In April, one of those competitive hardcore guilds I ran with way back in 2014 was thinking about coming back. They bought XP pots and were going to use the launch anniversary XP bonus to grind up their CPs. And then they decided nope. They put up with the Lighting Patch Lag, OP DKs, and all the nonsense from launch, but changed their mind about Cyrodiil today. I'm sure some people like Hovaling, Tom Hanks, Moon, etc., moved on with their real lives and just don't have the time to lead/GM competitive guilds any more. But I'm also sure some of them have moved on to what think are more interesting games and any game needs to find/replace people who move on with their real lives from within.

    Ixtyr wrote: »
    8v8 can be good too.

    If we looked at it there might be enough if everyone participated:
    DC: VE, Bod, AK, LoM, Iron Legion, Khole(I see some around)?
    EP: Dracarys, IVS, Pact, ZDM, Flame
    AD: Fantasia, DK, DM, Venatus

    That's plenty of guilds there is no shortage (AD side is a bit) but I guess not many of those would actually want to GVG unfortunately.

    (No offence if I missed your guild off the list just what came to mind)

    I think you'd probably be able to get a 12man out of that new Knights of Ni group on DC, and probably from DD on the Dominion side of things. Definitely a bit of a DC-heavy list, but that's 16-17 guilds there that *probably* have the numbers to field a group. Plenty for a tournament.
    A constructive criticism of Dracarys play style.

    You are too bunched in certain scenarios, you tend to wipe at tri-keeps because you run so tight opponents can repair and rez behind you. 2-3 times recently at Faregyl you have allowed the keep to unflag, allowing defenders to rez at will, you end up negated and bombed in a dead blob.

    This "issue" is not so pronounced at outposts or Emp keeps as they are smaller and more controllable.

    I realise this will probably hurt my side but it is one *** in your formidable armoury. :smiley:

    Unfortunately it's almost impossible to fight against this "res spam" if you want to take the keep you need to split or run between flags. There's far more anti siege and generally larger response to these keeps. Taking the examples at faregyl we were generally against pugs + 1-2 20+ guild groups as 12-16 ppl we will often intentionally take a fight upstairs because it's a nice way to fight outnumbered and let people respawn there. The fact we will get overwhelmed at some point adds challenge to it. Imo

    Only counter to the rez spam is, sadly, more numbers in most cases. Even with ZOS nerfing the speed rez builds, there's just too much going on in most fights to be able to afford to split up the group to camp bodies (which is also not necessarily the "fun" job to do).
    Ghost-Shot wrote: »
    There are obviously a lot of issues leading to the lack of guilds, but it might help if we all made high level guild play a more welcoming environment. I know there will always be salt surrounding guilds, its the nature of the beast and to an extent creates the competitive rivalries, but we are all guilty of turning this into an incredibly toxic environment. If I think about looking from the outside in, I can't honestly say I'd want to be involved either.

    More players getting involved in and starting their own guilds would be great for all of us.

    Yep, agree 100%. People are less likely to want to join a community full of toxicity. So the people who insist on being toxic are the ones who are helping kill the aspect of the game that they say they enjoy for other people. People should be happy that there are still some guilds out there. Encouraging animosity between the guilds left on PC/NA (or any server for that matter) is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary. There's a difference between having competitive rivalry and just flat out being a pos towards other guilds. Keeping PC/NA friendly between guilds(with room for competitive rivalry still) is what's going to keep our PvP alive and going, and encourage players to start their own guilds or get involved. Of course the salt will always be around between player 1 and player 2, etc. etc., it's PvP, but that salt doesn't have to turn into toxicity. Just my thoughts.

    It's exactly why the end-game PvE community is having a hard time as well.

    11/10 would quote again. Although, I would add that having better inter-faction relationships would also be more helpful. The toxicity between guilds that tend to fight alongside one another is another completely pointless barrier-to-entry for a lot of newer players, I'm sure. DC's been notoriously bad about that for years now on PC NA, I'm sure the drama/politics on EP and AD has boiled over a few times too.

    TL;DR - can't we all just get along? </3

    8v8 would be nice. There' shouldnt be any rez coming from healer. It should be a non-rezing thingy.
    AD : DiE (Inactive)
    DC : K-hole (Inactive)
    EP : ZDM (Inactive)


  • Vilestride
    Giahh wrote: »
    Lastest Video!

    Healer POV. Some nice fights around ales and an eventual ales Snipe.


    Nice Vid :o you kept this one quiet XD, middle part was interesting "healing" nb PoV XD

    Sap essence is technically a heal? :P
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    BraidasNM wrote: »
    BraidasNM wrote: »
    Satiar wrote: »
    Nivellan wrote: »
    Satiar wrote: »
    Nivellan wrote: »
    Rin_Senya wrote: »
    NACtron wrote: »
    Also, outstanding job to whomever made your logo. Looks amazing!

    Thank you, Nikolai! :blush: I'm glad everyone like it hehe, means a lot for me!

    Ishammael wrote: »

    K-Hole at peak (patches 1.7-1.8) was more or less unbeatable. But that's PC NA, so we never went against Banana Squad. I watched a lot of their videos and would have liked a chance to fight them. Braidas, ofc, was in KH. KH never made many videos nor advertised much.

    Tbh I always hear the same things from different people representing all op guilds on NA PC ^^ that they were more or less unbeatable at peak (e.g Havoc, NM, IR, KH and more) I wasn't there by that time so can't really judge :P

    No guild is ever unbeatable. NM and KH are the best guilds on that list, the rest were glorified pug farmers. Alacrity and NM were the best overall. KH the best since I think. We matched up with them in the first GvG, but they got the better of us in Cyro. NA and EU aren't really compatible to compare because meta's have been very different for a while now.

    I have no great love for Havoc for obvious reasons, but I fought with them vs Alacrity on quite a few occasions. Pretty evenly fought overall, though I'd say Havoc's contingent of HA Kags Templars gave them an edge.

    Disregarding the fact any havoc vs Alacrity fights only include at best half of the original Alacrity members my main memories from those fights are: lag, multiple EP groups, one fight at drakelowe that had neither of those and Havoc folded pretty easily. To touch on the stealth bomb my all time favorite memory of them was with Decibel when they ran for 3+ minutes in an open field against just us only for deci to get bored and stop chasing (we even ran through one of their chokes to try and get them to fight), and then get stealth bombed half a minute later on our mounts.

    My favorite groups from that time though were when ala and die groups died down to small numbers late at night we would merge and keiryan or luvboard would lead.

    I think my fav was a fight outside Aleswell. Deci and VE were mopping up pugs and circling each other, doing that prox det dance. Then suddenly we trip over a stealth Havoc group that had somehow made it dead center of the field without being seen. One of the few times in ESO that made me jump in my chair.

    I do remember some good fights with Alacrity but I'll concede it may have been past the prime. The fights I remember included a lot of Red Bull misting around between the 2-3 meatbags he'd set down and unstable WoE everyyyywhere.
    It's a simple fact that in this game often times numbers win no matter how skilled the opponent which is sad but is also needed in order to keep pugs around and population up because w/o them we have no PVP.

    idk I wonder if pugs would like 1.1-2 pvp better or worse than recent patches...my guess would be better.

    The people dying over and over to destro ult and vd are the same ones that would go into the cubby with perma bat dks and ground oils or spam healing springs and whatever else into absorbtion field giving sorc infinite resources or they would spam purge on blockade. There is always going to be some game mechanic that the more hardcore players take advantage of that will give them a considerable edge over the pugs and casuals it's just a permanent shifting meta that people find something strong, make builds to get the absolute most out of that meta and then slaughter the groups that don't make the most out of their setups.

    my point was people had more ability to fight larger groups with less numbers then, but i dont think it made the game less fun for pugs than today

    :'( RIP those days

    Still can combat large groups with smaller groups. Just takes more work now true.

    Also you may enjoy our latest video:
    Edited by Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO on July 12, 2017 9:40PM
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Durham
    The worst aspect of PVP right now is destro ball groups..

    This style is destructive to the game.. I can't tell the hundreds of people this runs out of PVP on weekly basis..

    I don't blame the guilds for using the tools that given to them but it's not really an accomplishment to take something so OP and roll over pugs/small groups with no negate, no heals, and little if any counters...

    DAoC required 10 time more coordination the. The ball groups in this game...
    PVP The Unguildables
    Giahh wrote: »
    Lastest Video!

    Healer POV. Some nice fights around ales and an eventual ales Snipe.


    No BoL on main bar seems a little bit odd to me, not super fast to spam it when someone is stuck in the back or overextending away, having entropy on back bar could help you getting a better uptime on minor mending aswell since you will have to bar swap more often

    My healer 2 cents ^^
    AD // Marc the Epic Goat // Templar // AR50
    EP // The Goatfather // Templar // AR44
    AD // Unforgoatable // Sorc // AR33
    EP // You Goat Rekt // NB // AR28
    EP // Bill Goats // Swarden // AR28
    AD // Goat Ya // NB // AR24
    AD // Unforgoatten // StamDK // AR 21
    DC // Egoatcentric // Stamsorc // AR16

    and many unused PVE chars


    AoE Rats
    RIP Zerg Squad
    RIP Banana Squad Inc
    Not your typical goat

  • Vilestride
    FENGRUSH wrote: »
    BraidasNM wrote: »
    BraidasNM wrote: »
    Satiar wrote: »
    Nivellan wrote: »
    Satiar wrote: »
    Nivellan wrote: »
    Rin_Senya wrote: »
    NACtron wrote: »
    Also, outstanding job to whomever made your logo. Looks amazing!

    Thank you, Nikolai! :blush: I'm glad everyone like it hehe, means a lot for me!

    Ishammael wrote: »

    K-Hole at peak (patches 1.7-1.8) was more or less unbeatable. But that's PC NA, so we never went against Banana Squad. I watched a lot of their videos and would have liked a chance to fight them. Braidas, ofc, was in KH. KH never made many videos nor advertised much.

    Tbh I always hear the same things from different people representing all op guilds on NA PC ^^ that they were more or less unbeatable at peak (e.g Havoc, NM, IR, KH and more) I wasn't there by that time so can't really judge :P

    No guild is ever unbeatable. NM and KH are the best guilds on that list, the rest were glorified pug farmers. Alacrity and NM were the best overall. KH the best since I think. We matched up with them in the first GvG, but they got the better of us in Cyro. NA and EU aren't really compatible to compare because meta's have been very different for a while now.

    I have no great love for Havoc for obvious reasons, but I fought with them vs Alacrity on quite a few occasions. Pretty evenly fought overall, though I'd say Havoc's contingent of HA Kags Templars gave them an edge.

    Disregarding the fact any havoc vs Alacrity fights only include at best half of the original Alacrity members my main memories from those fights are: lag, multiple EP groups, one fight at drakelowe that had neither of those and Havoc folded pretty easily. To touch on the stealth bomb my all time favorite memory of them was with Decibel when they ran for 3+ minutes in an open field against just us only for deci to get bored and stop chasing (we even ran through one of their chokes to try and get them to fight), and then get stealth bombed half a minute later on our mounts.

    My favorite groups from that time though were when ala and die groups died down to small numbers late at night we would merge and keiryan or luvboard would lead.

    I think my fav was a fight outside Aleswell. Deci and VE were mopping up pugs and circling each other, doing that prox det dance. Then suddenly we trip over a stealth Havoc group that had somehow made it dead center of the field without being seen. One of the few times in ESO that made me jump in my chair.

    I do remember some good fights with Alacrity but I'll concede it may have been past the prime. The fights I remember included a lot of Red Bull misting around between the 2-3 meatbags he'd set down and unstable WoE everyyyywhere.
    It's a simple fact that in this game often times numbers win no matter how skilled the opponent which is sad but is also needed in order to keep pugs around and population up because w/o them we have no PVP.

    idk I wonder if pugs would like 1.1-2 pvp better or worse than recent patches...my guess would be better.

    The people dying over and over to destro ult and vd are the same ones that would go into the cubby with perma bat dks and ground oils or spam healing springs and whatever else into absorbtion field giving sorc infinite resources or they would spam purge on blockade. There is always going to be some game mechanic that the more hardcore players take advantage of that will give them a considerable edge over the pugs and casuals it's just a permanent shifting meta that people find something strong, make builds to get the absolute most out of that meta and then slaughter the groups that don't make the most out of their setups.

    my point was people had more ability to fight larger groups with less numbers then, but i dont think it made the game less fun for pugs than today

    :'( RIP those days

    Still can combat large groups with smaller groups. Just takes more work now true.

    Also you may enjoy our latest video:

    Nice vid man. One of my favourites Little bit cheeky I see.
    MLRPZ wrote: »
    Giahh wrote: »
    Lastest Video!

    Healer POV. Some nice fights around ales and an eventual ales Snipe.


    No BoL on main bar seems a little bit odd to me, not super fast to spam it when someone is stuck in the back or overextending away, having entropy on back bar could help you getting a better uptime on minor mending aswell since you will have to bar swap more often

    My healer 2 cents ^^

    Appreciate the input! its something I have considered a lot. The reason the bars are that way though and I landed on the decision to leave BoL on the S&B bar is because that S&B bar is my "turtle bar" so to speak. That is the bar I go to when I need to be kept alive, not so much the group.

    Short of BoL being on both bars, which is also something I have considered, if I put it on the resto bar It we decrease my personal survivibility, and I have always taken the advice of an old school healer rooty-san who in his wisdom told me you can have all the Heals per Second you want, but a dead healer aint healing ***. I have kinda taken that as the grounds for my healing philosophy since 1.2 and its been working out.

    so yeah in short it kinda comes down to my personal comfort on that bar. which now that I think about it hasn't changed for 5 or 6 patches hahaha.
    Edited by Vilestride on July 13, 2017 6:50AM
  • zyk
    Fengrush makes a good point. I would also prefer it if you would run with less hp to make it easier to focus down your members individually.

    Also, less healing please.
  • SaraMoonandStar
    Most entertaining thread in forever! Awesome videos, awesome logo, and super awesome to see so many OG players commenting on them :smiley:

    <3 Sara

    IR, Nexus, Haxus, Invictus, Dracarys
    11th Grand Overlord NA Server
    ELE-Everybody Love Everybody
  • Vilestride
    zyk wrote: »
    Fengrush makes a good point. I would also prefer it if you would run with less hp to make it easier to focus down your members individually.

    Also, less healing please.

    2 healers too many :P
    Edited by Vilestride on July 13, 2017 11:06AM
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Durham wrote: »
    The worst aspect of PVP right now is destro ball groups..

    This style is destructive to the game.. I can't tell the hundreds of people this runs out of PVP on weekly basis..

    I don't blame the guilds for using the tools that given to them but it's not really an accomplishment to take something so OP and roll over pugs/small groups with no negate, no heals, and little if any counters...

    DAoC required 10 time more coordination the. The ball groups in this game...
    I disagree for me the worst aspect is faction stacking. Something which I believe DaoC also suffered with (I never played it).
    It already takes a lot of coordination to run 'good' groups these days, if you go to places solo vs faction, where as when you are inside your zerg wave it takes very little.
    Unfortunately ball groups are necessary to counter faction stacks just as faction stacks counter them. Unless something drastically changed pvp just becomes zerg vs zerg if you take them away.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Durham
    Durham wrote: »
    The worst aspect of PVP right now is destro ball groups..

    This style is destructive to the game.. I can't tell the hundreds of people this runs out of PVP on weekly basis..

    I don't blame the guilds for using the tools that given to them but it's not really an accomplishment to take something so OP and roll over pugs/small groups with no negate, no heals, and little if any counters...

    DAoC required 10 time more coordination the. The ball groups in this game...
    I disagree for me the worst aspect is faction stacking. Something which I believe DaoC also suffered with (I never played it).
    It already takes a lot of coordination to run 'good' groups these days, if you go to places solo vs faction, where as when you are inside your zerg wave it takes very little.
    Unfortunately ball groups are necessary to counter faction stacks just as faction stacks counter them. Unless something drastically changed pvp just becomes zerg vs zerg if you take them away.

    No sir in DAOC you did not stack and did not have that issue... there were no AoE caps so people had to spread out... keep in mind healers could only heal inside the group they were in, so Zergs were much less effective. ZERGS would spread out and reduce the effectiveness of AOE and CC... You had AOE stuns in that game that you could not break unless someone in your group removed it.. Healing mechanic is biggest issue with stacking in this game....

    I agree with you there needs to be something to counter these stacking Zergs that create the lag... I guess groups are needed like this ....

    I'm just a little salty when we spread out in open field and fight these types of groups and they gap close destro ult you... We try to avoid these groups ..I think changes need to be done to destro-ult, no gap closing is the first step..

    PVP The Unguildables
  • Publius_Scipio
    Elong, I don't know how you do it in Australia, but here in the USA! what you did last night to me at Bruma we call not honorable. It seems that you and your 7-8 cheese brigade don't care about jumping on top of a single player and mauling him or her. But that's ok Trumpetbar, ask Chasiella? Cashew? Whatever the NB's name is what happened when he and I went toe to toe alone at the Bruma flag. And mind you that Cashew got the jump on me. Ask the warden Kanumeri? Whatever the bird spammer's name is. Ask the bird whisperer what happened when I was able to isolate him. Hint, the netch didn't help him.

    Ask C "Clipped Wings" Falcon when I dropped some burst on him and he panicked only to be saved by four or more of the cabbage patch kids.

    There is a reason that in Australia children grew up watching the Rescuer's Down Under and here in the USA kids watched Rambo, Arnold S., and Hulk Hogan!

    And don't think I have forgotten about you Sara Moon and Star Print Socks. One day, if I hit the lottery, I will happen to find you in Cyrodiil without 12 other's surrounding you.
  • Malamar1229
    i wanna thank you guys and the blue zerg forcrashing me out of nickel last night.
    Edited by Malamar1229 on July 13, 2017 1:50PM
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Durham wrote: »
    Durham wrote: »
    The worst aspect of PVP right now is destro ball groups..

    This style is destructive to the game.. I can't tell the hundreds of people this runs out of PVP on weekly basis..

    I don't blame the guilds for using the tools that given to them but it's not really an accomplishment to take something so OP and roll over pugs/small groups with no negate, no heals, and little if any counters...

    DAoC required 10 time more coordination the. The ball groups in this game...
    I disagree for me the worst aspect is faction stacking. Something which I believe DaoC also suffered with (I never played it).
    It already takes a lot of coordination to run 'good' groups these days, if you go to places solo vs faction, where as when you are inside your zerg wave it takes very little.
    Unfortunately ball groups are necessary to counter faction stacks just as faction stacks counter them. Unless something drastically changed pvp just becomes zerg vs zerg if you take them away.

    No sir in DAOC you did not stack and did not have that issue... there were no AoE caps so people had to spread out... keep in mind healers could only heal inside the group they were in, so Zergs were much less effective. ZERGS would spread out and reduce the effectiveness of AOE and CC... You had AOE stuns in that game that you could not break unless someone in your group removed it.. Healing mechanic is biggest issue with stacking in this game....

    I agree with you there needs to be something to counter these stacking Zergs that create the lag... I guess groups are needed like this ....

    I'm just a little salty when we spread out in open field and fight these types of groups and they gap close destro ult you... We try to avoid these groups ..I think changes need to be done to destro-ult, no gap closing is the first step..

    To me looks like ppl back in DaoC zerg'd just as much as here but dont know if this was a one off thing or every day issue like in eso.
    Gap close is really strong with EoTS i agree. I'd even be ok with it if you couldn't gap close whilst using it.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    i wanna thank you guys and the blue zerg forcrashing me out of nickel last night.

    Pro tip for when you get crashed out like this. Open your graphics settings on your char selection screen and set your draw distance to 0 then log back in on that char. Normally helps.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Great videos and seems clear your group leader is quite skilled!

    I don't have experience with this kind of stuff, but one thing that was a bit striking is it appears you have no place for stamina builds in the big pvp groups anymore, is that correct?

    This is how it was for the first 6 months or year after launch, until 1.6, and then it seemed there were a lot of big groups spamming steel tornado along with magicka based AOE for a while. Curious to know if we are again at a point where guilds are obligating members to roll magicka builds?
  • Gederic
    Elong, I don't know how you do it in Australia, but here in the USA! what you did last night to me at Bruma we call not honorable. It seems that you and your 7-8 cheese brigade don't care about jumping on top of a single player and mauling him or her. But that's ok Trumpetbar, ask Chasiella? Cashew? Whatever the NB's name is what happened when he and I went toe to toe alone at the Bruma flag. And mind you that Cashew got the jump on me. Ask the warden Kanumeri? Whatever the bird spammer's name is. Ask the bird whisperer what happened when I was able to isolate him. Hint, the netch didn't help him.

    Ask C "Clipped Wings" Falcon when I dropped some burst on him and he panicked only to be saved by four or more of the cabbage patch kids.

    There is a reason that in Australia children grew up watching the Rescuer's Down Under and here in the USA kids watched Rambo, Arnold S., and Hulk Hogan!

    And don't think I have forgotten about you Sara Moon and Star Print Socks. One day, if I hit the lottery, I will happen to find you in Cyrodiil without 12 other's surrounding you.

    That was truly a fantastic read. Maybe bring some friends next time?
    Ours is the Fury
  • Durham
    Durham wrote: »
    Durham wrote: »
    The worst aspect of PVP right now is destro ball groups..

    This style is destructive to the game.. I can't tell the hundreds of people this runs out of PVP on weekly basis..

    I don't blame the guilds for using the tools that given to them but it's not really an accomplishment to take something so OP and roll over pugs/small groups with no negate, no heals, and little if any counters...

    DAoC required 10 time more coordination the. The ball groups in this game...
    I disagree for me the worst aspect is faction stacking. Something which I believe DaoC also suffered with (I never played it).
    It already takes a lot of coordination to run 'good' groups these days, if you go to places solo vs faction, where as when you are inside your zerg wave it takes very little.
    Unfortunately ball groups are necessary to counter faction stacks just as faction stacks counter them. Unless something drastically changed pvp just becomes zerg vs zerg if you take them away.

    No sir in DAOC you did not stack and did not have that issue... there were no AoE caps so people had to spread out... keep in mind healers could only heal inside the group they were in, so Zergs were much less effective. ZERGS would spread out and reduce the effectiveness of AOE and CC... You had AOE stuns in that game that you could not break unless someone in your group removed it.. Healing mechanic is biggest issue with stacking in this game....

    I agree with you there needs to be something to counter these stacking Zergs that create the lag... I guess groups are needed like this ....

    I'm just a little salty when we spread out in open field and fight these types of groups and they gap close destro ult you... We try to avoid these groups ..I think changes need to be done to destro-ult, no gap closing is the first step..

    To me looks like ppl back in DaoC zerg'd just as much as here but dont know if this was a one off thing or every day issue like in eso.
    Gap close is really strong with EoTS i agree. I'd even be ok with it if you couldn't gap close whilst using it.

    Notice in that video the spreading out effect... that video reminds me of the old times of PVP lol... Yes there were zergs... but if you in a zerg you did not want to in a concentrated area..

    Elite guilds ran 8 mans and a good 8 man could be extreamily destructive to a zerg ... if they stacked you would just bomb them... AOE mezz.. them bomb with AOE.. no healing = dead .. you could also AOE interupt heals lol.

    In that game used /stick when they traveled to stay together then when you saw the enemy you break fast if you were slow you died... because you just got CCed... When I say CCed your whole group is stunned lol so spreading was essential..

    No sir they are much more spread out when you fight... There were Zergs a ton of them but they did not stack when they fought... if they did they Insta died .. groups were made up of 8 ... If you had a guild that ran more then 8 mans then you built your groups so they had the right people to fight ... Zerg guilds would run 3 groups that fought indiviually on the same battle field often on flanks.. CC in that game was crazy you spread out to make it less affective...

    That game had grouping issues tho... because everyone had roles people were less inclined to pick up randoms..I remember people complaining they could never get groups ...This imo hurt that game.. that game is the grandfather of PVP in this game.... Still has active servers to with a healthly population ...but it's pretty dated at this point... 17 year old game...
    Edited by Durham on July 13, 2017 4:16PM
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Vincelex
    Great videos and seems clear your group leader is quite skilled!

    I don't have experience with this kind of stuff, but one thing that was a bit striking is it appears you have no place for stamina builds in the big pvp groups anymore, is that correct?

    This is how it was for the first 6 months or year after launch, until 1.6, and then it seemed there were a lot of big groups spamming steel tornado along with magicka based AOE for a while. Curious to know if we are again at a point where guilds are obligating members to roll magicka builds?

    Stamina excels at single target damage which doesn't really have its place in a group where we are always trying to fight more than our number. In my experience in playing in organized groups, stamina is good really only when your group has more than than the people you are facing, because you can take advantage of the single target damage without sacrificing aoe. Because ever since destro ulti came out, in terms of aoe damage, Magicka > Stamina
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Great videos and seems clear your group leader is quite skilled!

    I don't have experience with this kind of stuff, but one thing that was a bit striking is it appears you have no place for stamina builds in the big pvp groups anymore, is that correct?

    This is how it was for the first 6 months or year after launch, until 1.6, and then it seemed there were a lot of big groups spamming steel tornado along with magicka based AOE for a while. Curious to know if we are again at a point where guilds are obligating members to roll magicka builds?

    I can't speak for other guilds but for us there are places for stam builds but limited.
    In general if you want to optimize your group setup everyone has to prioritise group roles, whether that be damage, support, heals etc..
    This can change every patch too so people need to be up for rerolling or changing their focus.
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast Podcast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • Durham
    Vincelex wrote: »
    Great videos and seems clear your group leader is quite skilled!

    I don't have experience with this kind of stuff, but one thing that was a bit striking is it appears you have no place for stamina builds in the big pvp groups anymore, is that correct?

    This is how it was for the first 6 months or year after launch, until 1.6, and then it seemed there were a lot of big groups spamming steel tornado along with magicka based AOE for a while. Curious to know if we are again at a point where guilds are obligating members to roll magicka builds?

    Stamina excels at single target damage which doesn't really have its place in a group where we are always trying to fight more than our number. In my experience in playing in organized groups, stamina is good really only when your group has more than than the people you are facing, because you can take advantage of the single target damage without sacrificing aoe. Because ever since destro ulti came out, in terms of aoe damage, Magicka > Stamina

    I agree.. I would even say excluding the night Blade magicka is just as strong on single target atm also..
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Elong
    Elong, I don't know how you do it in Australia, but here in the USA! what you did last night to me at Bruma we call not honorable. It seems that you and your 7-8 cheese brigade don't care about jumping on top of a single player and mauling him or her. But that's ok Trumpetbar, ask Chasiella? Cashew? Whatever the NB's name is what happened when he and I went toe to toe alone at the Bruma flag. And mind you that Cashew got the jump on me. Ask the warden Kanumeri? Whatever the bird spammer's name is. Ask the bird whisperer what happened when I was able to isolate him. Hint, the netch didn't help him.

    Ask C "Clipped Wings" Falcon when I dropped some burst on him and he panicked only to be saved by four or more of the cabbage patch kids.

    There is a reason that in Australia children grew up watching the Rescuer's Down Under and here in the USA kids watched Rambo, Arnold S., and Hulk Hogan!

    And don't think I have forgotten about you Sara Moon and Star Print Socks. One day, if I hit the lottery, I will happen to find you in Cyrodiil without 12 other's surrounding you.

    I missed nearly all the fun as I was late to PvP having been tied up with a lovely altmer lady or three in the back room of the Bruma main hall. My condolences.
  • Vilestride
    Great videos and seems clear your group leader is quite skilled!

    I don't have experience with this kind of stuff, but one thing that was a bit striking is it appears you have no place for stamina builds in the big pvp groups anymore, is that correct?

    This is how it was for the first 6 months or year after launch, until 1.6, and then it seemed there were a lot of big groups spamming steel tornado along with magicka based AOE for a while. Curious to know if we are again at a point where guilds are obligating members to roll magicka builds?

    Its still important, its just about balance and group comp as Izy said. Outside of MAYBE warden, stam is kind of relegated to a support role this patch, which is still just as important and you will notice it if you regular stam users are not on to help you with rapids.
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