Moonscythe wrote: »An addendum:
Xbox One NA CDT
I have not been having major issues in the morning though the lag began for me with Morrowind. This morning at 10 am I logged in to get credit for my crate and to finish what I started yesterday but had to leave due to excessive dying due to lag. Nothing worked. I was rubberbanded so much in the predawn darkness of the Forbidden Wastes that I got lost. I ran into a Nix Hound and it was a good thing my bear was not lagging because I certainly couldn't contribute to the fight.
I signed up for a sub this month but I'm not sure I'm going to get any real good out of it. One thing I wanted was to dye my costumes and I got dinged for too many messages while I was running through characters and costumes. There should not have been a promotion that lures in more players while the lag issue was still so bad. The only other time things got this bad was after one of the early major patches and it did get fixed but quicker than this problem is being addressed.
We are finally getting some kind of response from Support. See Twitter link.
1. Location: New Brunswick, Canada
2. Server: NA
3. ISP: Xplorenet
4. Issues: usual connect is 100 to 130 ping. No packetloss. last week or so, i've been experiencing packetloss galore on the last 4 hops to the NA server. In game pings will shoot up to 700 to 999+. If it hits 999+ sometimes it returns, sometimes it does not.
Essentially its unplayable in dungeons and pvp. i can manage to get thru quests, with considerable delays....I've opened up all ports, etc. Its not my internet, i can ping/tracert nearly any other server, etc and its good. I work for a cable company as a in field service tech. I've triple checked my home network....and internet provider. thats not it. It boils down to the last 4 hops on the way to the server.
Using pingplotter, this is what i'm seeing.... - 16% to 25% packetloss - 16% to 25% packetloss - 16% to 25% packetloss - 100% packetloss
would also like to point out, i connected to the EU server, and everything is fine. NO problems whatsoever.