So, we've all seen these threads popping up over the last few days. It's been suggested by a few users that we put all of it in one place and give specific information. Hopefully this helps. If you are one of the people experiencing this game breaking lag please chime in. Ill start and hopefully this picks up momentum, try to follow a format.
1. Location: Thailand
2. Server: NA
3. Platform/Operating System: PC, OSX
4. ISP: True Online
5. Issues: Severe lag, 3-6+ second delays in abilities, bar swaps, accessing menus, entering and exiting buildings, etc. Basically every in game activity. Normal latency is 270-350, latency now is 270-999+ constantly bouncing around. In Cyrodiil everytime I go through a transit shrine, my latency spikes to 999+. Multiple instances of character entering load screen and then resetting to a previous position in open world, sometimes two instances back to back. Both PvP and PvE unplayable.