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Unplayable Lag Master Thread, Please Share Your Details

So, we've all seen these threads popping up over the last few days. It's been suggested by a few users that we put all of it in one place and give specific information. Hopefully this helps. If you are one of the people experiencing this game breaking lag please chime in. Ill start and hopefully this picks up momentum, try to follow a format.

1. Location: Thailand
2. Server: NA
3. Platform/Operating System: PC, OSX
4. ISP: True Online
5. Issues: Severe lag, 3-6+ second delays in abilities, bar swaps, accessing menus, entering and exiting buildings, etc. Basically every in game activity. Normal latency is 270-350, latency now is 270-999+ constantly bouncing around. In Cyrodiil everytime I go through a transit shrine, my latency spikes to 999+. Multiple instances of character entering load screen and then resetting to a previous position in open world, sometimes two instances back to back. Both PvP and PvE unplayable.
  • irstarkey57
    I am also one of these unfortunate people. Cp800 been playing forever from Portugal on NA server. I guess a week ago it started and it's making the game unplayable. About to unsub honestly. All I can basically do is writs. Combat, skeleton parses, trials, dungeons, pledges are all a joke. Can't bar swap, cast skills reliably etc. my ping goes up every 10 seconds to somewhere between 200-999 plus. Then back down. Then back up. It's infuriating. I have also posted in most all the other lag spikes threads.
  • Vapirko
    @irstarkey57 thanks, hopefully we can get some more responses.
  • djdc1234
    why would you be on the NA ?
  • OsielGam3r
    Soul Shriven
    1. Location: México
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC, Windows
    4. ISP: Izzi
    5. Issues: my normal latency 90-120, since Saturday i have 90-400+ every 40-60 secs making the game unplayable.
    Edited by OsielGam3r on July 4, 2017 3:53PM
    @Osiel_Gam3r :: 501+ Champion Points :: Vice GM Dovah Miin :: Adept Member Fear Is Failure

    Ebonheart Pact:
    Samali Circe - Sorcer
    Thoruk-Mx - Templar
    Bakuu - DK - (Former Emperor Haderus)
    'Bakuu - NightBlade (Former Emperor Axe Of Belharza
    Nessa Tinuviel - Templar (Former Empress Haderus)
    'Thunder Queen - Sorcer
    Kojedor - NightBlade
  • Vapirko
    @djdc1234 let's try and keep this thread for people with issues only, but because I'm from the US and started there, live abroad for work.
  • Vapirko
    @OsielGam3r can you please edit your answer to include your platform, which server you play on?
  • theslynx
    djdc1234 wrote: »
    why would you be on the NA ?

    SE Asia to EU is generally higher ping.

    Also laggy here in Taiwan on PC NA (Win 10, fairly strong PC, dedicated wired line with ports triggered, no other devices using the connection). Average 240ms latency essentially doubled with random lag spikes to 999+. Happened in multiple zones, activities for an hour and a bit just now.
  • moonbat
    I can't even list my items for sale on the store without getting disconnected. I log back in, and 10 seconds in, my ping goes to 999+

    This is not acceptable.

    1. Location: Canada, West coast
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC
    4. ISP: Telus
    5. Issues: Severe lag, 3-6+ second delays in abilities, bar swaps, accessing menus, entering and exiting buildings, etc. Basically every in game activity. Normal latency is 120-200, latency now is 650-999+ constantly bouncing around. Constant disconnects, can't open doors, can't list items on guild stores, constant rubber-banding.

    I literally cannot play the game.
  • MarzAttakz
    1. Location: South Africa
    2. Server: EU
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC, Steam
    4. ISP: Axxess VPN: BattlePing
    5. Issues: Frequent Lag Spikes, 400-6+ second delays in abilities, bar swaps, accessing menus, entering and exiting buildings.

    Normal latency is 240-350, latency now is 290-999+ constantly bouncing around. Logging in, changing zones, opening inventory and for no reason my latency spikes to 999+. I'm aware that the ping counter is choked by CPU cycles but damn those spikes are ridiculous. Checking Resource Monitor lists my VPN ping as 180-200ms, when not using Eso64.exe follows a similar trend but does not reflect in game.
    PC EU
    Qura Scura | Altmer | MagBlade
    Lhylyth | Breton | MagPlar
    Nhynyth | Khajiit | MagDK
    Ghwynyth | Dunmer | MagSorc
    Loots-All-Urns | Argonian | MagDen
    Shades-Of-Gray | Argonian | StamDK
    Or'Chastration | Orc | StamSorc
    Little Miss Famished | Orc | StamCro
    Fhane Sharog | Orc | StamDen
    Dead Moons Rising | Khajiit | StamBlade
    The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.
  • Azyle1
    1. Location: United States, East Coast
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: Xbox One
    4. ISP: Comcast OR StratusWave
    5. Issues: Severe lag, disconnects, abilities taking 5-9 seconds to cast, crashes, etc.

  • djdc1234
    1. Location: Canada, East coast, Ottawa area
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System:XBOX ONE
    4. ISP: Xplornet

    Rubber banding/Teleport

    2-7 second delays

    DC or not being able to log in
  • Nestor
    PC NA Colorado Charter

    Rubber banding, excessive lag (5 seconds to open a container) pings going over 999 frequently, unresponsive controls, and just kicked from the game.

    certainly population related. I was on this am early and no issues.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • MissBizz
    1. Location: Canada, Alberta
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC
    4. ISP: Telus
    5. Issues: Severe lag, 3-6+ second delays in abilities, bar swaps, and looting. Normal ping is 100-130, normal ping during weekend was about 400-600 often with spikes to 999+. Playing Sunday/Monday at varying times from 10am EDT to 10pm EDT, had issues all times I played. Was only booted once when making an attempt at looting corpses in a dungeon. Biggest issues were abilities, bar swap and looting. Teleporting was seen but not super constant.

    Edit - may be worth noting I am not one who has been experiencing this for 2 weeks or since Morrowind.
    Edited by MissBizz on July 4, 2017 4:28PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • marcosvpl
    1. Location: Brasil (or Brazil for you)
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC, Windows
    4. ISP: Oi
    5. Issues: my normal latency 190-217, a 2 week ago i have 250-400+ every 40-60 secs making the game unplayable.
  • invo261
    1. Location: Brazil
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC/Steam
    4. ISP: Oi Velox
    5. Issues: I usually play fine with 200~ ish ping but this week I started to get 999+ ping every 10~20 seconds. Everything lags, opening doors, interacting with NPCS, using abilities, bar swaps etc. I have a friend thats also from brazil that plays with me and he can play just fine. Right now the game is literally unplayable for me, sadly.
    Edited by invo261 on July 4, 2017 4:38PM
  • megacephalum
    Soul Shriven
    1. Location: Texas, USA
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC/Win7 64-bit
    4. ISP: Suddenlink
    5. Issues: Latency meter staying around 400, drops to ~80, jumps to 999+. Several seconds to loot, swap bars. Teleporting back to where I was several moments earlier. Just generally infuriating lag that never goes away. It's been several days now, though I can't pinpoint when exactly this started to happen. Also, customer service has been walking me through things to try, as they say that they can definitely see some connectivity issues. I really don't think it's on my end, but I'm going through everything they ask of me anyways.

    edit for other info: not using steam. have tried launcher and opening directly through the exe. i also just tried running the 32bit client to see if that had anything to do with it, but no changes.
    Edited by megacephalum on July 4, 2017 7:17PM
  • Stania
    1. Location: Mexico
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC/Win7 64-bit
    4. ISP: Axtel
    5. Issues: Latency from 95 to 999+ (400 average) Constant teleporting to previous places. Around 3 seconds to loot, attack or use abilities. Constant loading screens while riding in places like Craglorn and Coldharbour.
    PC NA server
    ¡Hablo español!
    |vet trial #1|vet trial #2|vet trial #3 HM|Another vet trial|a hard-to-get achievement|
    My characters:
    <List of characters that no one cares to know with their classes and roles>

    "Inspirational quote"
  • oMrRust
    1. Location: US, Central Time Zone.
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC
    4. ISP: Midcontinent
    5. I'm experience 24/7 ping spikes 400+ ping then 999+ ping. when it's low ping it lasts only for a small time then back up to huge lag spike that would cause me to die.

    [Edit: I would also like to mention I have the steam version incase it''s only happening to those of steam]
    Edited by oMrRust on July 4, 2017 5:09PM
  • Vorret
    Soul Shriven
    1. Location: Eastern Canada
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC
    4. ISP: Cogeco
    5. Issues: Massive lag spike some are in the 400s but most are 999+ then back to 90-110 for 30-60 seconds, never the same.

    My friend with a different computer, different ISP (but the same city) is having the exact same problem as me and sometimes more severe since he's getting kicked out of the game.

    I'm glad I got the game for sale since it's not looking like it'll get fixed anytime soon.
  • Jaxwell
    1. Location: Canada, East Coast
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: Xbox One
    4. ISP: BellAliant
    5. Issues: Severe lag, disconnects, abilities taking 5-9 seconds to cast, crashes, etc.
  • Balgost
    1. Location: US, Tennessee
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC/Win7-64bit/Steam
    4. ISP: Comcast
    5. Issues: Massive lag spike some are in the 400s but most are 999+ then back to 90-110 for 30-60 seconds, never the same. (Same as Vorret above, copied and pasted)
  • Skyvertex
    1. Location: United States, West Coast
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: Xbox One
    4. ISP: Giggle Fiber
    5. Issues: Severe lag, disconnects, abilities taking 5-9 seconds to cast, crashes, etc.
  • SuperBPro
    1. Location: East Coast, NA
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC and PS4
    4. ISP: Suddenlink
    5. Issues: On PC I get lag spikes every 15-30 seconds. Ping goes from my normal 100 ping to 400, sometimes even 900+. 5-6 sec bar swap time, interacting with anything takes forever, same as most people. On PS4 its completely broken, even worse than it is on PC.

    On a side note, my friends on PS4 are from the Westcoast and Midwest and they have no issues. And while talking about it in In-Game chat, some people are completely fine. But a LOT of people are having more and more issues.
    Edited by SuperBPro on July 4, 2017 5:59PM
  • eirinnpryderi
    1. Location: Argentina
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC, Windows
    4. ISP: Telered
    5. Issues: My normal latency is 214-300, since Saturday I been having LAG spikes of 500-999+ ms, frame skipping and freezing, delay on skills showing or directly applying multiple times, CTD with Error Screen, Issues to log in, Infinite Loading Screens and even CTD without error message.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_TristanK
  • Katki
    1. Location: Canada
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC, Windows
    4. ISP: Cogeco
    5. Issues: Severe lag, 3-6+ second delays in abilities, LAG spikes of 400-999+ ms, frame skipping, delay on skills showing or directly applying multiple times, auto disconnect without crashing to desktop, random loading screens in the middle of nowhere sometimes 2 or more subsequent loading screens right after each other, Random replacement of my character to a different point on the map in the same general area, but not the place i was riding on my mount, disconnect when teleporting via wayshrine.
  • Rin_Senya
    1. Location: Russia
    2. Server: NA/EU
    3. Platform/Operating System: PC, Windows
    4. ISP: a-n-t
    5. Issues: I have this issue ONLY on NA megaserver (I play on EU too). My normal ping is between 200-270, Since this Saturday(1st) I've been having latency spikes of 500-999+ every 10-20 seconds in every single location of the game, delay on skills , permament disconnections with error screens, Issues when trying to log in, constant rubberband teleporting to previous places and back with loading screens. This is with and without addons on, changed DNS (google's), firewall exceptions added and ports forwarded.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert
    Game is completely unplayable for me for last 4 days on the NA megaserver.
    Edited by Rin_Senya on July 4, 2017 7:55PM
    Anairi ~ EP | NA | AR50 - Dracarys
    Anaire ~ AD/EP | EU | AR50 - Banana Squad/Zerg Squad/AOE Rats

  • ashl3y44
    1. Location: Central Alberta, Canada
    2. Server: NA
    3. Platform/Operating System: Xbox One
    4. ISP: telus
    5. Issues: Logged in, take two steps get stuck in load screen for 15 mins, force quit then can't log back in, when I get back in I'm put in a load screen that required me to force quit again. Issues swapping bars and abilities not casting. Not being able to open doors, not being able to use wayshrines. Rubber banding where character goes back then forward again. Also had lots of random loading screens while playing. Also had 3-5 seconds delays in all my skills which either results in same skill being spammed over and over or everything being applied at once. Also had my character get stuck in a heavy attack animation after everything had been killed and couldn't get out of it.
    Edited by ashl3y44 on July 4, 2017 8:50PM
    660 High elf mag sorc, Argonian templar healer, & Dark elf mag Dk.
  • Azylir
    Soul Shriven
    1. Location: Vancouver, Canada
    2. Server: NA
    3. ISP: Telus
    4. Issues: typical connection was 80-120, since Friday I have experienced more time at 400+ than at what was my typical. Running a tracert my last hop is at and is where it shows the only big lag spikes, occasionally had issues at as well which is 2 hops before.
  • casparian
    PC NA Charter southeast continental US. 100 mbps connection, using ethernet not wifi.

    Normal ping is 80-100. Since Friday, my ping goes up to somewhere in the 300-600 range every 60 seconds or so, and occasionally (once every 5-10 minutes) spikes to 999+. Gameplay issues include rubber banding (in cities and and dungeons), lag (dialogue options, opening containers, etc. takes several seconds), sticking heavy attack animations, and a several-second delay on bar swap.

    This is not the first time I have experienced these issues since the Morrowind patch, but it is the first time I have asked about it in guild/zone chat and no one has said they're not also experiencing the same, and it is the first time the rubberbanding and lag have been so regular.

    I pay for ESO+ because I love this game and want to support its availability and growth. Please don't make me regret my faith, ZOS.
    Edited by casparian on July 4, 2017 8:59PM
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • LuminaLilly
    Current location, California. Absolutely unplayable lag. Cannot PvP for anything without ppl getting cheap kills over lag. Takes 10 seconds to switch bars.
    Edited by LuminaLilly on July 4, 2017 9:36PM
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