I don't think they will be nerfed, at least to the level we'd like. They seem to be performing their intended role(narrow the gap between skilled and unskilled players) quite well. In the eyes of devs, the way they are working seems to be a feature, not a bug.
The voices calling for nerfs seem to be pretty numerous, but I suspect if they nerf proc sets significantly, the unskilled masses will be awoken and they will drown us out in a sea of complaints.
I don't think it DOES narrow the gap. They are even stronger in the hands of skilled players
You fight a lesser skilled player 20 times, both of you have procs. Odds are you will still win more than you lose, but the lesser skilled player is probably going to win noticeably more than he did when neither of you had procs just from the random nature of them.
I actually view Viper as the least problematic of the proc sets for this reason. I acknowledge that it's the most powerful of them, and I won't complain when it gets justifiably nerfed. The non-randomness of it makes it more tolerable to me than the other proc sets in the meantime though.
rimmidimdim wrote: »Bring back crits on all proc. Lower viper damage by 50%. Lower tremor scale by 35%. Raise affliction and ashen grip by 50%. Some examples. All the sets need rework, not another blanket Nerf. It's not a proc issue, it's certain proc sets issues. Cheers.
And the lesser skilled magicka player that can't stack 3 proc damage sets wins how often versus procs? Those players are in an even worse place than before because a much higher level of skill is demanded of them right from the start than, say, the proctard NB trying to gank them.
Selene I can see and counter. Velidreth I can see and counter. Viper? Red Mountain? They are just free invisible damage, and you don't know what's causing it until your death recap. They can be blocked, oblivion enchants can't. Without knowing WHY your health is dipping so drastically you can't react accordingly. You either waste stam blocking something for no reason, or take more damage because you aren't blocking.