I personally think Sorc Healing is strong, you just to have commit. And the problem is people experience a lot of fake Sorc Healers who are DPS after a fast daily dungeon queue - they give us a bad name.
rafaelcsmaia wrote: »@Tasear Do you know if there is an option for command pet for consoles? I find that y matriarch dies sometimes when its not really supposed to due to bad positioning. Also, dont you think maybe making pets immune to oblivion damage would be a good idea? It would prevent them being nuked by trial boss wipe mechanics that players can follow but pets sometimes fail to.
I truly support them being immune to Oblivion damage, but I am sure there's complications with PvP.
In regards to postioning of the pet there not officially way to do it like PC, but I recently tried something out in falkreath. It's about timing when you summon pet in such dangerous places. If you know that area is going to be dangerous soon then summon the pet later, or earlier if you heading in to hot zone. As twlight tends to hang back.
P.S if you are struggling just put more points in bastion and/or with harden ward.(note emprowered ward is cheap and spamable. )
rafaelcsmaia wrote: »
Yeah pvp is always a pain in the butt when making good things to pve, but im not sure it would be a big deal since there are so few oblivion damage sources in pvp nowadays (Glyph, knight slayer, shield breaker?) and pets die so easy in pvp anyways so i dont think it would be that much of a problem, how do we make this suggestion get to ZOS' ears?
This build is completely viable for all veteran DLC HM dungeons. It's completely viable for normal trials (I also had a chance to solo heal the final boss and some corridor boss fights in Craglorn normal trials. I'm not running veteran trials yet, so I can't say for myself, but Tasear is running them, so I guess it's viable.
For dungeons, SPC + whatever suits you is fine. For me for normal trials, SPC + Twilight > SPC + Worm. I haven't tried Sanctuary, I don't like +Health and +4% Healing Taken on an armor set (trash stats)
Damage skills on healer's bar are not for doing damage, but for providing buff/debuff for DPS. Wall of Elements = concussion, Lightning Splash = Huge HoT on demand.
kringled_1 wrote: »@Tasear
I'm not sure if you're checking on this, but if you are, as someone new to sorcerers in general, can you explain how/when you use overload as a healing/support function?
I'm trying to get a second character up and going for dungeons by the 30th, and my sorcerer is a bit further along (still low level) but I have no experience using her to heal.
I think 5 SPC + 5 Worm/Sanctury is way better (add 1 shoulder or Master staves)
also skills force me to ask questions. Damage skills in heler build? Say NO for DLC-dungeons and not-craglorn trials.
I'm very interested does this build good in high-end con tent? I mean vDSA, Falkreth, Bloodforge, Hist Shadows, vAS, vMoL, vHoF?