Elsweyr - Tasear's Healer Collection (All Classes including Necromancer)


My First Healers was a Sorc, but it more then one ways it was an accident or maybe it was a fate. Remembering that enticement of first time clicking play on ESO, I wonder what would of happened if I had picked bosmer nightblade like I originally attended. What things would be like be like if I my group of friends didn't need someone to heal on overland? Yes back before one Tamieral some things could be hard on overland enough for people to bring healer. What gets me most now though back then most people would tell you how templar was litterally only healer in game even in zone chat. There was zero tolerance in game for such things, but I ran my own way for awhile, before I heard such things.

I thank my first guilds in game ( Dragon's Talon, Craftoholics, Shanter, Akaviri) who let me grow without telling me I am playing wrong. After some time, I now only talked about Sorc but all advised on sorts of healers in game. I spoke out of changes for healers over years, so that all 5 classes of healers could experience healing aspect of ESO without prejudice. It wasn't just Sorc or one class, I wanted all classes to enjoy the content. To some disagreement, I showed many the path on how to start their journey how they wanted. It was on this way, that I got recognized on the path of class rep, and for a small time Community Ambassador for being the voice of the people.

Now I enjoy retirement from my positions, I take time to experience the things that I enjoy about the game the most which is still healing. As such, I have taken time to refine my 5 classes of healer builds that I had laying around for past two years. Yes, I said before not just a Sorc Healer, but a First Class Healer in ESO who plays among all the Classes.
Orthodox Healer Classes


Dark Shaman - https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildEditor?id=144435


Protector of Life: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=92350

Grand Protector of Life: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=124611

Holy Priest: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildEditor?id=135216

Unorthodox Healer Classes


Spirit Mender: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=90740

Dark Spirit: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=91310

Blood Spirit: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=78983

Storm Spirt: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildEditor?id=151188


Fighter Monk: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=135224

Dragon Knight

Guardian Knight: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=135254
Edited by Tasear on June 3, 2019 6:25PM
  • Tasear
    Revised section
    • - Mentioned 10% magikca Regain and 3% spell critical to allies
    • - Added based skills for ease of access
    Edited by Tasear on June 19, 2017 8:42PM
  • Tasear
    Update Optimization
    • Summon Charged Atronach - is the better option for sorc healer in 4 man content and more support role

    • Finally got the charged lighting Twilight staff (I had my doubts it existed for awhile)
    • --Swapped Spc staves for twilight powered staff and charged lighting staff (gives 20% more chance at concussion)

    • for 4 man dugeons charged staff should have shock damage glyph, and resto rebuff for resistances.
    • --increased concussion chance by 60%

  • Tasear
    Updated for Horns of the Reach

    • Swapped shoulder for new Domihaus 1 piece that gives magicka and stamina
    • Added poison that is useful in PvE healing
    • Optimization Champion Points
    • Clarifications in Advantages
    Edited by Tasear on August 28, 2017 5:32AM
  • Tasear
    Updated for Horns of the Reach

    • Update content on main guide for champion points and other explanations except for gear and skills.
    • Added findings about impluse for healers to guide

  • Tasear
    While "strong" can be apply under many terms, from application, numbers, and other factors, after an ongoing debate, I have added clarification to text. I have added clarification to say the Sorc burst heal is the most reliable under the terms that's it can be casted under any direction, strength of numbers, and target system. Though mind you, what else do the class skills of sorcerer have going for it?

  • Beardimus
    I personally think Sorc Healing is strong, you just to have commit. And the problem is people experience a lot of fake Sorc Healers who are DPS after a fast daily dungeon queue - they give us a bad name.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Tasear
    Beardimus wrote: »
    I personally think Sorc Healing is strong, you just to have commit. And the problem is people experience a lot of fake Sorc Healers who are DPS after a fast daily dungeon queue - they give us a bad name.

    It's very common to see sorc healers as number 2 in random normal healers showing up, but it so very different at veteran level. Why do you ask? Most of it perception, there were a lot of bugs ... I do mean a lot of bugs with the twilight and I pretty sure nobody else thought to use overlord while working against them they had nothing else that general population would consider support. So what did I do?

    I created the strongest posted build online. That highlights every single support skill the sorc can do... like I did not miss one.
    This like I said it's uncommon way to do it. You could pick a few and still make it work. Even then most people use necropotnence before twlight remedy. At last though there's no such build only. In fact it's sad, but I can counted there's about 16 builds online for sorc healer and 5 are outdated and 2 which are pvp, while 3 of them are mine (different variations) and many of them are considerable bad.

    .While admittedly, I do it very differently then other top sorc healer in game... they all laughed when I said I used overlord. (Good laugh as it was insightful), sighs... it's rare to find well skilled ones. Though, It's more common to be able to confidently dps and provide heals. I know these two guys who do 30k+ dps while still doing proficient' healing. I instead opted for uncommon support oriented variation. I have confident to say that's it's most well thought out guide visible to the public .

    P.S if you search the forums say 2015... you will find that sorc healers weren't even allowed to do dlc dungeons or.... well dungeons in general. As to say... I did what I set out to do.
  • rafaelcsmaia
    @Tasear Do you know if there is an option for command pet for consoles? I find that y matriarch dies sometimes when its not really supposed to due to bad positioning. Also, dont you think maybe making pets immune to oblivion damage would be a good idea? It would prevent them being nuked by trial boss wipe mechanics that players can follow but pets sometimes fail to.
  • Tasear
    @Tasear Do you know if there is an option for command pet for consoles? I find that y matriarch dies sometimes when its not really supposed to due to bad positioning. Also, dont you think maybe making pets immune to oblivion damage would be a good idea? It would prevent them being nuked by trial boss wipe mechanics that players can follow but pets sometimes fail to.

    I truly support them being immune to Oblivion damage, but I am sure there's complications with PvP.

    In regards to postioning of the pet there not officially way to do it like PC, but I recently tried something out in falkreath. It's about timing when you summon pet in such dangerous places. If you know that area is going to be dangerous soon then summon the pet later, or earlier if you heading in to hot zone. As twlight tends to hang back.

    P.S if you are struggling just put more points in bastion and/or with harden ward.(note emprowered ward is cheap and spamable. )
  • rafaelcsmaia
    Tasear wrote: »

    I truly support them being immune to Oblivion damage, but I am sure there's complications with PvP.

    In regards to postioning of the pet there not officially way to do it like PC, but I recently tried something out in falkreath. It's about timing when you summon pet in such dangerous places. If you know that area is going to be dangerous soon then summon the pet later, or earlier if you heading in to hot zone. As twlight tends to hang back.

    P.S if you are struggling just put more points in bastion and/or with harden ward.(note emprowered ward is cheap and spamable. )

    Yeah pvp is always a pain in the butt when making good things to pve, but im not sure it would be a big deal since there are so few oblivion damage sources in pvp nowadays (Glyph, knight slayer, shield breaker?) and pets die so easy in pvp anyways so i dont think it would be that much of a problem, how do we make this suggestion get to ZOS' ears?
  • Tasear

    Yeah pvp is always a pain in the butt when making good things to pve, but im not sure it would be a big deal since there are so few oblivion damage sources in pvp nowadays (Glyph, knight slayer, shield breaker?) and pets die so easy in pvp anyways so i dont think it would be that much of a problem, how do we make this suggestion get to ZOS' ears?

    Just talking about it is the start of any change. Search sorcerer healer and forums and you will find some interesting things tied to my name from over year ago. You have to understand both sides though for there to be balance.
  • Morgul667

    Any change coming with CC?
  • Tasear
    Morgul667 wrote: »

    Any change coming with CC?

    Yes I will be updating very soon. But changed trait of spc staff to descisive while also adding earthgore by using one each staff.
  • Tasear
    Removed Trial edition information from this section.
    Edited by Tasear on December 16, 2017 8:39PM
  • Tasear
    Morgul667 wrote: »

    Any change coming with CC?

    It took a bit longer then expected, but here is the newest version of the build. It's different enough that I am changing this to be a collection.
  • kringled_1
    I'm not sure if you're checking on this, but if you are, as someone new to sorcerers in general, can you explain how/when you use overload as a healing/support function?
    I'm trying to get a second character up and going for dungeons by the 30th, and my sorcerer is a bit further along (still low level) but I have no experience using her to heal.
  • Morgul667
    Thanks I wanted to include earthgore too but I wondered if this would create issues to have one staff on each bar :/ what are your thoughts and comments on this ?
  • Morgul667
    So no comments ?

    Also why do you choose Sanguine Altar - (Undaunted - Morph of Blood Altar) and not the morph with increased healing ?
  • Sixty5
    I dunno about full on sorc healing, but lately I've been running triple DPS groups with my mates, just slotting in Twilight on my sorc for emergency burst heals.

    With a Magblade DPS for heals over time with Funnel Health, and a Magplar who is throwing out shards for DPS anyway, we actually fill the role of healer between the three of us, and get an overall DPS boost to the group.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • troomar
    I'm playing a Bosmer Sorc Healer too and I would like to add my experience with healing trials. I created my character independently on Tasear's build, but his build helped me a lot with skill variations, equip and other thoughts. I'm only CP 450 and I've healed only normal trials, so keep that in mind. On the other hand, there are no guides by seasoned sorcerer healers for trials. I would like to point out differences between 4-man content (veteran pledges) and trials, because I think it may not be so obvious.


    Firstly, I really like the combination of SPC + Worm. I really do. Though SPC + Twiligh Remedy is simply better. I helps you with the big dissadvantage sorc healers have - lack of HoTs. I also use heavy Domihaus Shoulder part. I tried the light version too, but the undaunted passive and heavy armor passive for HP is better than mana recovery.

    As weapon traits I use Powered on both Healing and Destruction Staff.

    • Resto Bar

    Combat Prayer - In 4-man content, this is mostly used for the Minor Berserk buff. But in trials it has another very important usage - it heals everyone in front of you for around 6k health! With the combination of Healing Springs you can pull out a lot of healing power.
    Twilight Matriarch - You don't need it in trails, that's a fact. But I keep it on my bars anyway for two reasons: (1) It's something I call "heal tank" button. Matriarch's heal targets two players around you. The target is independent on your position, it's automatic and it prioritize players with low amount of health. It's also incredibly strong heal. That's a perfect solution to heal that 45k HP ball. Tanks generally don't need your heals unless something went wrong. And when something went wrong with the tank, it usually causes a lot of chaos. A perfect situation for this skill! But you may use it only once or twice in whole trial. (2) Passive bonuses for you. The bonuses are nice to have, so even if you don't need the skill itself, you can just have the pet out to boost your stats. If there are new interesting skills in the future, this skill will be probably the first one I would change for something else though. In 4-man content, this skill is useful and you can even use it as your main heal together with Mutagen (in case your team is good and you want to pull out more dps yourself)
    Healing Springs - The main heal of all healers, no doubt. Again, it heals everyone in the target area. It's usually used when ppl are stacked in one place, but you can use it when you are running around. Because you can stack up to 3 effects in one moment, you can predict the path of your team and cast it in front of you. It's not very effective, but it can help you. In 4-man content, it's just an aoe heal.
    Mutagen - Oh man, this skill is bad in trials. I mean, the effect is great and you should definitelly use it, but it's such a pain to keep it up. This skill remainds me every second how sorc healers lack HoTs in general. On the other hand, in 4-man content, this is usually my main heal. And if the dungeon is hard, just support it with some Healing Springs.
    Empowered Ward - Nothing to add

    Ultimate - Absorption Field or Aggresive Warnhorn - I really like Absorption Field, I use it whenever I can. It heals everyone in the bubble and although its heals are quite weak, it ticks twice in a second. It's very useful during "pounding" or "poisoning" phases of some bosses. It can also be used in corridors (when everyone is running around like a headless chicken ... in some trials, corridor fights are much harder than the bosses alone, ehem). And its especially useful when you're the only healer in the trial team. For some trials (nAA, nMoL, or some bosses in other trails) this skill is an overkill though and you will support your team better with Aggressive Warnhorn.

    • Destruction Bar

    Elemental Drain - Nothing to add, usefull everywhere.
    Twilight Matriarch - See above
    Energy Orbs - This is your only skill how you support your team with stamina. You must use it, period. But what it's not so obvious is its healing component. Yes, the healing is weak, but read the description carefully - it heals you and your allies nearby. What is meaningless in 4-man content is really good in trials. Sorc healers lack HoTs and this is a perfect solution, because this is basically your another HoT. Just pop up this skill every few seconds. It synergies with everything - allies can use it to replenish mana + stamina (+ another HoT from Twilight Remedy) and if they don't use it, it just heals them all (and you have more time to keep Mutagen up). The healing component is situational though, but it helps when your team is stacked up.
    Elemental Blockade - What is absolutely necessary in 4-man content is useless in trials. Let any DPS use it. I prefer to support my team with buffs. So instead of this skill I use ... tadaa ... Defensive Rune. Wait, what? Well, the skill is pointless, but it's the cheapest skill to pop up Minor Prophecy buff. I tried to use Dark Conversion for this purpose, but the skill is slow and breaks my rotation. And I don't have mana problems anyway.
    Bone Surge - Cool skill, but not in trials. It affects up to four team mates only. And it requires the synergy button being hit. And it lasts only 10 seconds. Its situational and it's better to let tanks run it. I prefer another skill - Ring of Preservation. I love this skill even more than Absorption Field, and that's something! It affects everybody in the circle and it also helps with stamina. And if your teammates are running around? Use it for yourself! It protects, it regenerates stamina, it lowers the cost of Roll dodge. I use this skill on reuse, there is always a circle somewhere by me :) It has only one major potential issue - it costs a lot of stamina and if you don't watch what's happening around, you may spend the stamina you would need for a break free or a fast roll in the same second, which may cause your death. But I keep spamming it :)

    Ultimate - Overlord. Why? Because we are sorcerers and we can show up our third bar to everyone. Up your bum, templars!

    • Unnarmed Third Bar
    - I'm still experimenting with this bar

    Dark Exchange - Great skill to use in between fights. In 4-man content it's great for speed runs, don't bother with recovery, just pew-pew and Dark Exchange when you run to other pack of mobs. In trials, this is not that useful, because you usually don't do speed runs. But when you hear a templar complaining about mana issues, you can show them. This skill can be a life saver. I also use it to pop up Minor Prophecy buff at the beginning of the fight.
    Sanguine Altar - This is a great skill when you need to mark a Heavy Sack location. Apart from that? Situational, hard to use, slow. I don't like this skill generally, but I keep it on my third bar, because it helps with some corridor fights. I tried to use it on bosses with little success, the casting duration is long and I was interupted most of the time. And being interrupted while on third bar with utility skills? Not a good idea in trials.
    Bounless Storm - In 4-man content this is just an additional to your Dark Exchange and speed runs. You also became a tank (well, half tank at least). In trials I use it as a support when I need to run fast somewhere. I also use it at the beginning of the fight sometimes. I think this skill may be very useful to help you keep yourself alive, but I haven't utilize that yet in trials much.
    Twilight Matriarch - See above
    Echoing Vigor - Yes, this is a stamina heal. Do I use it? Yes, I do. But differently than you probably think. I'm not crazy to try being a stamina healer or incorporating stamina heals in my build. Do you remember my "heal tank" button? So this is my "heal allies when something bad happened and I need to keep them alive until I switch from my third bar to my Resto Bar" button. Yeah, a long name, very situational usage, very niche skill, almost useless. But you can say you use Vigor in trials as a healer. Now on the serious hand, this skill is more useful in 4-man content, because I don't use my third bar in trials much. And Vigor has limited number of targets. So yeah, this is my free slot for trials.

    Note. In some trials (HoF) you need to run Purge. I use this skill on my Destruction Bar instead of Defensive Rune.

    CP distribution

    Generally I use the same distribution as you, Tasear. The only difference I have is Blessed / Elfborn. I don't know how useful is to have them maxed out. I keep them 75 / 75 for now and I spend more points in Staff Expert.

    I hope my experience helps new sorc healers.
  • troomar
    So, I've been always curious about Divines / Infused traits on big parts and what's better. I've experimented with different setups and I've found an interesting combination. All below I tried was with SPC + Twilight

    Your setup:
    5-1-1, all divines, 7x max magicka, 3x mana recovery

    (1) Divines / Infused
    Q: What happens when you change divines to infused on big parts?
    A: You have slightly more mana, but the healing power is lower by around 0,01% (for min-maxers: Divines = BiS, Infused = useless)

    Ok, having more mana is fine, but not a big deal.

    (2) Different Glyphs
    Now it's getting interesting. I tried to change my glyphs to:
    5 Divines - Max Magicka
    2 Infused - Prismatic

    Now, I have more health than I want, so I change your double-stat food to Witchmother's Potent Brew, and because I have quite a bit of Mana Recovery from this drink I also change glyphs on jewels to 1x Mana Recovery + 2x Spell Power.

    Now the result is:
    - I have slightly less health (-500) - not a problem, I'm still in the range OK for trials
    - I have less mana (-2000) - not a problem, Mana Recovery hasn't changed
    - I have more stamina (+2000) - this is the main reason why I tried all of this
    - I have the same Mana Recovery as you
    - I have more healing power by 3% (!)

    Moreover, with your setup, you are basically unable to run tri-stat food due to the health issues. If you wanted to do that, you would have to change 1 Max Magicka to Max Health which would lower your healing power. Therefore you're unable to go up with your Mana Recovery (or again losing Max Magicka and also healing power in the process). With my setup I can go up with Mana Recovery (change glyphs on jewels, losing healing power, but not Max magicka), I can go up with health and mana (with double-stat food, increasing my healing power, but losing Mana Recovery), and with more spell power I can contribute more to dps (useless, but still a fact).

    Am I missing something or I just created new BiS for sorc healers? (ehem :D)

    What do you think of it?
  • Tasear
    :cold_sweat: I need to tidy this up, but lets see what you got

    So I see what happened here. I will fix try to tidy this up this weekend. As it was a mistake to post both versions here. You made a interesting point about infused and divines and I do explain that somewhat just as well on the main page of the guide.
    It's misinformation that infused will provide a net game for healing. This archaic advice with healing meant just as much damage as healing, but the trend is more healing over damage for past year.

    I found your proposed changed quite interesting ...maybe even almost shocking, but at last it didn't hold up like I would of liked it to. I tried dropping below 17k without twilight summoned and it's dangerous especially in the hardest content in game. While on hand it's feasible is twilight never dies, but the risk is still there. Overall I do agree risk and reward might be worth it though if other things hand panned out.

    I found the regain wasn't higher but lower by 40 ish which I understand how you thought so. The top verision seems to be missing the vampire change and I forgot to update it. Yes like I said... I will tidy this up. But this extra spell damage does interest me, but not in trials. Let me hold my thought for now on that.

    The lost of 2k magicka regain will put it below the 35k magicka which I don't like at all. 35k is usual guideline most of us have somewhat had agreement on. On the other hand, I never been quite convenient, so I went and saw what you were seeing, but I was only seeing 40 more extra heals about. I will have to look at on pst instead of build editor to be 100% sure. I only really looked at healing springs results so more could be said, but at glance nothing was signficant enough it was okay to take a 2k magicka hit.

    On point though, I do think what you are saying is quite viable on the first build meant for pug dungeons. The loss and gains would be more valuable and the risk lower. Either way, I have some more things to think about and some testing to do. I will try look on pst this weekend, but if you want to post superstar before I then please go ahead to elaborate your results.

  • troomar

    I made a bit of mess with these two posts too, because the first post was just general thought about differences between PuG and Trials, while the second one was strictly tight to Trials.

    So let's make it clearer.

    General notes:
    - All figures are calculated while on Resto Bar (Gold Powered)
    - Armor is 6 Light, 1 Heavy. I'm not going to use monster set.
    - CP 450
    - No Vampire (I can't test it in game)
    - Both Major Sorcery and Major Prophecy buffs active (potion)
    - Spell Power Cure buff inactive
    - In our Trial group 1 tank is wearing Ebon Armory Set (+1118 Health) and we run Aggresive Warnhorn almost permanent (+10% Health). These figures are not calculated in the table below, but they will bring your Health to the level viable for Trials (that's why I'm fine with 17500 Health on my own for trials)
    - I tried the setup (1) and (5) in game, figures match (there were some rounding here and there)
    - Trials only

    Notes for the table below:
    (1) This is my final setup I'm presenting as "better"
    (5) This is your setup with my equip (my equip is not full gold, but the differences are minor and would benefit both results equally)
    (1+4) This is my "viable" combo for easy switching double-stat food and triple-stat food
    (2,3) Not viable permutations between (1) and (4)
    (6) These are changes to build (5) if you want to run tri-stat food and still be viable to Trials (with the exception of Max Magicka)

    (!) Not viable generally
    (!?) Not viable for trials?

    Heath Recovery~~~~~~370~~~~~370~~~~~370~~~~370~~~~~~370~~~~~370
    Magicka~~~~~~~~~~~33312 (!?)~35126~~35418~~~35126~~~~35672~~~33028 (!?)
    Magicka Recovery~~~~1653~~~~1184 (!)~~1433 (!)~~1681~~~~~1681~~~~1653
    Stamina Recovery~~~~~724~~~~724~~~~~724~~~~~724~~~~~724~~~~~724

    Spell Damage~~~~~~~~2433~~~~2433~~~2213~~~~1994~~~~~1994~~~~2433
    Combat Prayer Power~~~6338~~~~6533~~~6349~~~~6037~~~~~6159~~~~6280
    Healing Springs Power~~~2468~~~2546~~~2743~~~~2352~~~~~2399~~~~2445

    (1) 5x Divines Max Magicka, 2x Infused Prismatic, 1x Mana Recovery, 2x Spell Damage, Witchmother Potent Brew
    (2) 5x Divines Max Magicka, 2x Infused Prismatic, 1x Mana Recovery, 2x Spell Damage, Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup
    (3) 6x Divines Max Magicka, 1x Infused Prismatic, 2x Mana Recovery, 1x Spell Damage, Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup
    (4) 5x Divines Max Magicka, 2x Infused Prismatic, 3x Mana Recovery, Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup
    (5) 7x Divines Max Magicka, 3x Mana Recovery, Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup
    (6) 3x Infused Max Magicka, 4x Divines Max Health, 1x Mana Recovery, 2x Spell Damage, Witchmother Potent Brew

    Final notes:
    - My changes give me easy way (switch glyphs on jeweleries) to run both double-stat and tri-stat food while still being viable (?) for Trials
    - My changes give me easy way (switch glyphs on jeweleries) to increase Magicka Recovery while giving up healing power and still being viable (?) for Trials
    - I have slightly greater healing power and lower Max magicka (and more precious Stamina!)
    - Now the main question is if 33312 Max Magicka is viable for Trials or not. I treid to increase Max Magicka with Mage's Light or Bound Armor skills, but ... I haven't found any viable way to implement these skills in this build.

    Raw data:

    1: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (ArmorHeavy)
    1: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (ArmorLight)
    2: Worn Armor (ArmorTypes)
    -9%: Warlord CP ability (CP.BreakFreeCost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ColdDamageTaken)
    Daedric Mines:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Daedric Mines)
    13%: Bastion CP ability (CP.DamageShield)
    -5%: Minor Aegis buff from Twilight Remedy set (Buff.DamageTaken)
    10%: Penetrating Magic 2 passive in Destruction Staff line (Skill.DestructionPenetration)
    1%: Master-at-Arms CP ability (CP.DirectDamageDone)
    -9%: Ironclad CP ability (CP.DirectDamageTaken)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.DiseaseDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.DiseaseResist)
    7.5%: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Divines)
    -8%: Thick Skinned CP ability (CP.DotDamageTaken)
    1: Drink (DrinkBuff)
    true: Character State (CP.Enabled)
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Encase)
    -15%: Intimidating Presence 1 passive in Fighters Guild line (SkillCost.Fighters_Guild_Cost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.FlameDamageTaken)
    1: Food (FoodBuff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAMagRestore)
    30%: Cycle of Life 2 passive in Restoration Staff line (Skill.HAMagRestoreRestStaff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAStaRestore)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.HAStaffDamage)
    9%: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.HealingDone)
    10%: The Ritual mundus stone (Mundus.HealingDone)
    3.4%: The Ritual Divines bonus (Mundus.HealingDone)
    13%: Blessed CP ability (CP.HealingDone)
    5%: Quick Recovery CP ability (CP.HealingReceived)
    558: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Health)
    572: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Health)
    3511: Witchmother's Potent Brew in Food equip slot (Food.Health)
    2%: Juggernaut 2 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.Health)
    8%: Expert Summoner 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.Health)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Health)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.HealthRegen)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.LAStaffDamage)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.MagicDamageTaken)
    507: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    868: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    520: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    3192: Witchmother's Potent Brew in Food equip slot (Food.Magicka)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #2 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #3 (Set.Magicka)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Magicka)
    -12%: Evocation 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    319: Witchmother's Potent Brew in Food equip slot (Food.MagickaRegen)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #2 (Set.MagickaRegen)
    13%: Arcanist CP ability (CP.MagickaRegen)
    24%: Recovery 3 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    10%: Capacitor 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MountSpeed)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MovementSpeed)
    Negate Magic:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Negate Magic)
    (5 items) When an ally activates your synergy, they heal themselves for 24426 Health over 10 seconds and gain Minor Force, increasing their Critical Damage done by 10%. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per ally.: Twilight Remedy set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    (5 items) When you heal a friendly target that is at 100% Health, you have a 50% chance to increase their Weapon and Spell Damage by 252 for 10 seconds.: Spell Power Cure set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    Deals 1900 Magic Damage and restores 354 Magicka.: Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (OtherEffects)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.PhysicalDamageDone)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PhysicalDamageTaken)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.PhysicalResist)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PoisonDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.PoisonResist)
    Rune Prison:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Rune Prison)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.ShockDamageDone)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ShockDamageTaken)
    -3: Stealthy 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill2.SneakRange)
    12%: Spell Precision CP ability (CP.SpellCrit)
    10%: Prodigy 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill2.SpellCrit)
    10%: Major Prophecy buff (Buff.SpellCrit)
    20%: Elfborn CP ability (CP.SpellCritDamage)
    174: Spell Damage Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    174: Spell Damage Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    125: Spell Power Cure set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.SpellDamage)
    20%: Major Sorcery buff (Buff.SpellDamage)
    4884: Concentration 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellPenetration)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2178: Spell Warding 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    507: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Stamina)
    520: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Stamina)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Stamina)
    6%: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.Stamina)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Stamina)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.StaminaCost)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    21%: Y'ffre's Endurance 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    -15%: Power Stone 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.UltimateCost)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.WeaponDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.WeaponDamage)
    1: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (WeaponRestStaff)

    1: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (ArmorHeavy)
    1: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (ArmorLight)
    2: Worn Armor (ArmorTypes)
    -9%: Warlord CP ability (CP.BreakFreeCost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ColdDamageTaken)
    Daedric Mines:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Daedric Mines)
    13%: Bastion CP ability (CP.DamageShield)
    -5%: Minor Aegis buff from Twilight Remedy set (Buff.DamageTaken)
    10%: Penetrating Magic 2 passive in Destruction Staff line (Skill.DestructionPenetration)
    1%: Master-at-Arms CP ability (CP.DirectDamageDone)
    -9%: Ironclad CP ability (CP.DirectDamageTaken)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.DiseaseDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.DiseaseResist)
    7.5%: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Divines)
    -8%: Thick Skinned CP ability (CP.DotDamageTaken)
    true: Character State (CP.Enabled)
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Encase)
    -15%: Intimidating Presence 1 passive in Fighters Guild line (SkillCost.Fighters_Guild_Cost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.FlameDamageTaken)
    1: Food (FoodBuff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAMagRestore)
    30%: Cycle of Life 2 passive in Restoration Staff line (Skill.HAMagRestoreRestStaff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAStaRestore)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.HAStaffDamage)
    9%: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.HealingDone)
    10%: The Ritual mundus stone (Mundus.HealingDone)
    3.4%: The Ritual Divines bonus (Mundus.HealingDone)
    13%: Blessed CP ability (CP.HealingDone)
    5%: Quick Recovery CP ability (CP.HealingReceived)
    558: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Health)
    572: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Health)
    5395: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup in Food equip slot (Food.Health)
    2%: Juggernaut 2 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.Health)
    8%: Expert Summoner 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.Health)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Health)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.HealthRegen)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.LAStaffDamage)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.MagicDamageTaken)
    507: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    868: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    520: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    4936: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup in Food equip slot (Food.Magicka)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #2 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #3 (Set.Magicka)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Magicka)
    -12%: Evocation 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #2 (Set.MagickaRegen)
    13%: Arcanist CP ability (CP.MagickaRegen)
    24%: Recovery 3 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    10%: Capacitor 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MountSpeed)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MovementSpeed)
    Negate Magic:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Negate Magic)
    (5 items) When an ally activates your synergy, they heal themselves for 24426 Health over 10 seconds and gain Minor Force, increasing their Critical Damage done by 10%. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per ally.: Twilight Remedy set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    (5 items) When you heal a friendly target that is at 100% Health, you have a 50% chance to increase their Weapon and Spell Damage by 252 for 10 seconds.: Spell Power Cure set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    Deals 1900 Magic Damage and restores 354 Magicka.: Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (OtherEffects)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.PhysicalDamageDone)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PhysicalDamageTaken)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.PhysicalResist)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PoisonDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.PoisonResist)
    Rune Prison:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Rune Prison)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.ShockDamageDone)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ShockDamageTaken)
    -3: Stealthy 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill2.SneakRange)
    12%: Spell Precision CP ability (CP.SpellCrit)
    10%: Prodigy 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill2.SpellCrit)
    10%: Major Prophecy buff (Buff.SpellCrit)
    20%: Elfborn CP ability (CP.SpellCritDamage)
    174: Spell Damage Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    174: Spell Damage Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    125: Spell Power Cure set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.SpellDamage)
    20%: Major Sorcery buff (Buff.SpellDamage)
    4884: Concentration 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellPenetration)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2178: Spell Warding 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    507: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Stamina)
    520: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Stamina)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Stamina)
    6%: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.Stamina)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Stamina)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.StaminaCost)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    21%: Y'ffre's Endurance 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    -15%: Power Stone 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.UltimateCost)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.WeaponDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.WeaponDamage)
    1: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (WeaponRestStaff)

    1: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (ArmorHeavy)
    1: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (ArmorLight)
    2: Worn Armor (ArmorTypes)
    -9%: Warlord CP ability (CP.BreakFreeCost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ColdDamageTaken)
    Daedric Mines:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Daedric Mines)
    13%: Bastion CP ability (CP.DamageShield)
    -5%: Minor Aegis buff from Twilight Remedy set (Buff.DamageTaken)
    10%: Penetrating Magic 2 passive in Destruction Staff line (Skill.DestructionPenetration)
    1%: Master-at-Arms CP ability (CP.DirectDamageDone)
    -9%: Ironclad CP ability (CP.DirectDamageTaken)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.DiseaseDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.DiseaseResist)
    6.5%: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Divines)
    -8%: Thick Skinned CP ability (CP.DotDamageTaken)
    true: Character State (CP.Enabled)
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Encase)
    -15%: Intimidating Presence 1 passive in Fighters Guild line (SkillCost.Fighters_Guild_Cost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.FlameDamageTaken)
    1: Food (FoodBuff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAMagRestore)
    30%: Cycle of Life 2 passive in Restoration Staff line (Skill.HAMagRestoreRestStaff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAStaRestore)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.HAStaffDamage)
    9%: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.HealingDone)
    10%: The Ritual mundus stone (Mundus.HealingDone)
    4.1%: The Ritual Divines bonus (Mundus.HealingDone)
    13%: Blessed CP ability (CP.HealingDone)
    5%: Quick Recovery CP ability (CP.HealingReceived)
    572: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Health)
    5395: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup in Food equip slot (Food.Health)
    2%: Juggernaut 2 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.Health)
    8%: Expert Summoner 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.Health)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Health)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.HealthRegen)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.LAStaffDamage)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.MagicDamageTaken)
    741: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    868: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    520: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    4936: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup in Food equip slot (Food.Magicka)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #2 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #3 (Set.Magicka)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Magicka)
    -12%: Evocation 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #2 (Set.MagickaRegen)
    13%: Arcanist CP ability (CP.MagickaRegen)
    24%: Recovery 3 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    10%: Capacitor 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MountSpeed)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MovementSpeed)
    Negate Magic:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Negate Magic)
    (5 items) When an ally activates your synergy, they heal themselves for 24552 Health over 10 seconds and gain Minor Force, increasing their Critical Damage done by 10%. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per ally.: Twilight Remedy set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    (5 items) When you heal a friendly target that is at 100% Health, you have a 50% chance to increase their Weapon and Spell Damage by 252 for 10 seconds.: Spell Power Cure set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    Deals 1900 Magic Damage and restores 354 Magicka.: Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (OtherEffects)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.PhysicalDamageDone)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PhysicalDamageTaken)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.PhysicalResist)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PoisonDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.PoisonResist)
    Rune Prison:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Rune Prison)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.ShockDamageDone)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ShockDamageTaken)
    -3: Stealthy 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill2.SneakRange)
    12%: Spell Precision CP ability (CP.SpellCrit)
    10%: Prodigy 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill2.SpellCrit)
    10%: Major Prophecy buff (Buff.SpellCrit)
    20%: Elfborn CP ability (CP.SpellCritDamage)
    174: Spell Damage Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    125: Spell Power Cure set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.SpellDamage)
    20%: Major Sorcery buff (Buff.SpellDamage)
    4884: Concentration 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellPenetration)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2178: Spell Warding 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    520: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Stamina)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Stamina)
    6%: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.Stamina)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Stamina)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.StaminaCost)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    21%: Y'ffre's Endurance 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    -15%: Power Stone 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.UltimateCost)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.WeaponDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.WeaponDamage)
    1: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (WeaponRestStaff)

    1: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (ArmorHeavy)
    1: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (ArmorLight)
    2: Worn Armor (ArmorTypes)
    -9%: Warlord CP ability (CP.BreakFreeCost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ColdDamageTaken)
    Daedric Mines:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Daedric Mines)
    13%: Bastion CP ability (CP.DamageShield)
    -5%: Minor Aegis buff from Twilight Remedy set (Buff.DamageTaken)
    10%: Penetrating Magic 2 passive in Destruction Staff line (Skill.DestructionPenetration)
    1%: Master-at-Arms CP ability (CP.DirectDamageDone)
    -9%: Ironclad CP ability (CP.DirectDamageTaken)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.DiseaseDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.DiseaseResist)
    7.5%: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Divines)
    -8%: Thick Skinned CP ability (CP.DotDamageTaken)
    true: Character State (CP.Enabled)
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Encase)
    -15%: Intimidating Presence 1 passive in Fighters Guild line (SkillCost.Fighters_Guild_Cost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.FlameDamageTaken)
    1: Food (FoodBuff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAMagRestore)
    30%: Cycle of Life 2 passive in Restoration Staff line (Skill.HAMagRestoreRestStaff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAStaRestore)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.HAStaffDamage)
    9%: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.HealingDone)
    10%: The Ritual mundus stone (Mundus.HealingDone)
    3.4%: The Ritual Divines bonus (Mundus.HealingDone)
    13%: Blessed CP ability (CP.HealingDone)
    5%: Quick Recovery CP ability (CP.HealingReceived)
    558: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Health)
    572: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Health)
    5395: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup in Food equip slot (Food.Health)
    2%: Juggernaut 2 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.Health)
    8%: Expert Summoner 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.Health)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Health)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.HealthRegen)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.LAStaffDamage)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.MagicDamageTaken)
    507: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    868: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    520: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    4936: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup in Food equip slot (Food.Magicka)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #2 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #3 (Set.Magicka)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Magicka)
    -12%: Evocation 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #2 (Set.MagickaRegen)
    13%: Arcanist CP ability (CP.MagickaRegen)
    24%: Recovery 3 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    10%: Capacitor 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MountSpeed)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MovementSpeed)
    Negate Magic:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Negate Magic)
    (5 items) When an ally activates your synergy, they heal themselves for 24426 Health over 10 seconds and gain Minor Force, increasing their Critical Damage done by 10%. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per ally.: Twilight Remedy set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    (5 items) When you heal a friendly target that is at 100% Health, you have a 50% chance to increase their Weapon and Spell Damage by 252 for 10 seconds.: Spell Power Cure set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    Deals 1900 Magic Damage and restores 354 Magicka.: Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (OtherEffects)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.PhysicalDamageDone)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PhysicalDamageTaken)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.PhysicalResist)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PoisonDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.PoisonResist)
    Rune Prison:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Rune Prison)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.ShockDamageDone)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ShockDamageTaken)
    -3: Stealthy 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill2.SneakRange)
    12%: Spell Precision CP ability (CP.SpellCrit)
    10%: Prodigy 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill2.SpellCrit)
    10%: Major Prophecy buff (Buff.SpellCrit)
    20%: Elfborn CP ability (CP.SpellCritDamage)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    125: Spell Power Cure set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.SpellDamage)
    20%: Major Sorcery buff (Buff.SpellDamage)
    4884: Concentration 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellPenetration)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2178: Spell Warding 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    507: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Stamina)
    520: Multi-Effect Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Stamina)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Stamina)
    6%: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.Stamina)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Stamina)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.StaminaCost)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    21%: Y'ffre's Endurance 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    -15%: Power Stone 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.UltimateCost)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.WeaponDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.WeaponDamage)
    1: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (WeaponRestStaff)

    1: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (ArmorHeavy)
    1: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (ArmorLight)
    2: Worn Armor (ArmorTypes)
    -9%: Warlord CP ability (CP.BreakFreeCost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ColdDamageTaken)
    Daedric Mines:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Daedric Mines)
    13%: Bastion CP ability (CP.DamageShield)
    -5%: Minor Aegis buff from Twilight Remedy set (Buff.DamageTaken)
    10%: Penetrating Magic 2 passive in Destruction Staff line (Skill.DestructionPenetration)
    1%: Master-at-Arms CP ability (CP.DirectDamageDone)
    -9%: Ironclad CP ability (CP.DirectDamageTaken)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.DiseaseDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.DiseaseResist)
    6.5%: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Divines)
    -8%: Thick Skinned CP ability (CP.DotDamageTaken)
    true: Character State (CP.Enabled)
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Encase)
    -15%: Intimidating Presence 1 passive in Fighters Guild line (SkillCost.Fighters_Guild_Cost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.FlameDamageTaken)
    1: Food (FoodBuff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAMagRestore)
    30%: Cycle of Life 2 passive in Restoration Staff line (Skill.HAMagRestoreRestStaff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAStaRestore)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.HAStaffDamage)
    9%: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.HealingDone)
    10%: The Ritual mundus stone (Mundus.HealingDone)
    4.8%: The Ritual Divines bonus (Mundus.HealingDone)
    13%: Blessed CP ability (CP.HealingDone)
    5%: Quick Recovery CP ability (CP.HealingReceived)
    5395: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup in Food equip slot (Food.Health)
    2%: Juggernaut 2 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.Health)
    8%: Expert Summoner 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.Health)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Health)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.HealthRegen)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.LAStaffDamage)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.MagicDamageTaken)
    741: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    868: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    723: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    351: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    4936: Solitude Salmon-Millet Soup in Food equip slot (Food.Magicka)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #2 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #3 (Set.Magicka)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Magicka)
    -12%: Evocation 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #2 (Set.MagickaRegen)
    13%: Arcanist CP ability (CP.MagickaRegen)
    24%: Recovery 3 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    10%: Capacitor 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MountSpeed)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MovementSpeed)
    Negate Magic:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Negate Magic)
    (5 items) When an ally activates your synergy, they heal themselves for 24678 Health over 10 seconds and gain Minor Force, increasing their Critical Damage done by 10%. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per ally.: Twilight Remedy set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    (5 items) When you heal a friendly target that is at 100% Health, you have a 50% chance to increase their Weapon and Spell Damage by 252 for 10 seconds.: Spell Power Cure set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    Deals 1900 Magic Damage and restores 354 Magicka.: Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (OtherEffects)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.PhysicalDamageDone)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PhysicalDamageTaken)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.PhysicalResist)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PoisonDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.PoisonResist)
    Rune Prison:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Rune Prison)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.ShockDamageDone)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ShockDamageTaken)
    -3: Stealthy 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill2.SneakRange)
    12%: Spell Precision CP ability (CP.SpellCrit)
    10%: Prodigy 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill2.SpellCrit)
    10%: Major Prophecy buff (Buff.SpellCrit)
    20%: Elfborn CP ability (CP.SpellCritDamage)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    125: Spell Power Cure set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.SpellDamage)
    20%: Major Sorcery buff (Buff.SpellDamage)
    4884: Concentration 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellPenetration)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2178: Spell Warding 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Stamina)
    6%: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.Stamina)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Stamina)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.StaminaCost)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    21%: Y'ffre's Endurance 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    -15%: Power Stone 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.UltimateCost)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.WeaponDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.WeaponDamage)
    1: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (WeaponRestStaff)

    1: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (ArmorHeavy)
    1: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (ArmorLight)
    1: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (ArmorLight)
    2: Worn Armor (ArmorTypes)
    -9%: Warlord CP ability (CP.BreakFreeCost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ColdDamageTaken)
    Daedric Mines:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Daedric Mines)
    13%: Bastion CP ability (CP.DamageShield)
    -5%: Minor Aegis buff from Twilight Remedy set (Buff.DamageTaken)
    10%: Penetrating Magic 2 passive in Destruction Staff line (Skill.DestructionPenetration)
    1%: Master-at-Arms CP ability (CP.DirectDamageDone)
    -9%: Ironclad CP ability (CP.DirectDamageTaken)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.DiseaseDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.DiseaseResist)
    7.5%: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Divines)
    7.5%: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Divines)
    6.5%: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Divines)
    -8%: Thick Skinned CP ability (CP.DotDamageTaken)
    1: Drink (DrinkBuff)
    true: Character State (CP.Enabled)
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Encase)
    -15%: Intimidating Presence 1 passive in Fighters Guild line (SkillCost.Fighters_Guild_Cost)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.FlameDamageTaken)
    1: Food (FoodBuff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAMagRestore)
    30%: Cycle of Life 2 passive in Restoration Staff line (Skill.HAMagRestoreRestStaff)
    12%: Tenacity CP ability (CP.HAStaRestore)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.HAStaffDamage)
    9%: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.HealingDone)
    10%: The Ritual mundus stone (Mundus.HealingDone)
    2.8%: The Ritual Divines bonus (Mundus.HealingDone)
    13%: Blessed CP ability (CP.HealingDone)
    5%: Quick Recovery CP ability (CP.HealingReceived)
    385: Maximum Health Enchantment on Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.Health)
    385: Maximum Health Enchantment on Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.Health)
    385: Maximum Health Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.Health)
    385: Maximum Health Enchantment on Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.Health)
    3511: Witchmother's Potent Brew in Food equip slot (Food.Health)
    2%: Juggernaut 2 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.Health)
    8%: Expert Summoner 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.Health)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Health)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.HealthRegen)
    12%: Staff Expert CP ability (CP.LAStaffDamage)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.MagicDamageTaken)
    1015: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    1015: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    1041: Maximum Magicka Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    820: Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.Magicka)
    3192: Witchmother's Potent Brew in Food equip slot (Food.Magicka)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #2 (Set.Magicka)
    1058: Spell Power Cure set bonus #3 (Set.Magicka)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Magicka)
    -12%: Evocation 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.MagickaCost)
    169: Magicka Recovery Enchantment on Ring of Twilight Remedy in Ring2 equip slot (Item.MagickaRegen)
    319: Witchmother's Potent Brew in Food equip slot (Food.MagickaRegen)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #2 (Set.MagickaRegen)
    13%: Arcanist CP ability (CP.MagickaRegen)
    24%: Recovery 3 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    10%: Capacitor 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.MagickaRegen)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MountSpeed)
    2%: Windrunning CP ability (CP.MovementSpeed)
    Negate Magic:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Negate Magic)
    (5 items) When an ally activates your synergy, they heal themselves for 24317 Health over 10 seconds and gain Minor Force, increasing their Critical Damage done by 10%. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per ally.: Twilight Remedy set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    (5 items) When you heal a friendly target that is at 100% Health, you have a 50% chance to increase their Weapon and Spell Damage by 252 for 10 seconds.: Spell Power Cure set bonus #5 (OtherEffects)
    Deals 1900 Magic Damage and restores 354 Magicka.: Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (OtherEffects)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.PhysicalDamageDone)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PhysicalDamageTaken)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.PhysicalResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.PhysicalResist)
    -7%: Hardy CP ability (CP.PoisonDamageTaken)
    1485: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.PoisonResist)
    Rune Prison:
    20%: Persistence 2 passive in Dark Magic line (SkillDuration.Rune Prison)
    5%: Energized 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.ShockDamageDone)
    -7%: Elemental Defender CP ability (CP.ShockDamageTaken)
    -3: Stealthy 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill2.SneakRange)
    12%: Spell Precision CP ability (CP.SpellCrit)
    10%: Prodigy 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill2.SpellCrit)
    10%: Major Prophecy buff (Buff.SpellCrit)
    20%: Elfborn CP ability (CP.SpellCritDamage)
    174: Spell Damage Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Necklace in Neck equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    174: Spell Damage Enchantment on Spell Power Cure Ring in Ring1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.SpellDamage)
    123: Twilight Remedy set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    125: Spell Power Cure set bonus #4 (Set.SpellDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.SpellDamage)
    20%: Major Sorcery buff (Buff.SpellDamage)
    4884: Concentration 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellPenetration)
    1179: Hat of Twilight Remedy in Head equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2425: Domihaus Pauldron in Shoulders equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1348: Jerkin of Twilight Remedy in Chest equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    674: Gloves of Twilight Remedy in Hands equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    523: Spell Power Cure Sash in Waist equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1221: Spell Power Cure Breeches in Legs equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    1178: Shoes of Twilight Remedy in Feet equip slot (Item.SpellResist)
    2178: Spell Warding 2 passive in Light Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    362: Resolve 3 passive in Heavy Armor line (Skill.SpellResist)
    1096: Domihaus set bonus #1 (Set.Stamina)
    6%: Resist Affliction 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.Stamina)
    4%: Undaunted Mettle 2 passive in Undaunted line (Skill.Stamina)
    -5%: Unholy Knowledge 2 passive in Dark Magic line (Skill.StaminaCost)
    20%: Daedric Protection 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    21%: Y'ffre's Endurance 3 passive in Wood Elf Skills line (Skill.StaminaRegen)
    -15%: Power Stone 2 passive in Daedric Summoning line (Skill.UltimateCost)
    1335: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (Item.WeaponDamage)
    6%: Expert Mage 2 passive in Storm Calling line (Skill.WeaponDamage)
    1: Spell Power Cure Restoration Staff in MainHand1 equip slot (WeaponRestStaff)
  • Morvane
    I think 5 SPC + 5 Worm/Sanctury is way better (add 1 shoulder or Master staves)
    also skills force me to ask questions. Damage skills in heler build? Say NO for DLC-dungeons and not-craglorn trials.
    I'm very interested does this build good in high-end con tent? I mean vDSA, Falkreth, Bloodforge, Hist Shadows, vAS, vMoL, vHoF?
    DC Dunmer Sorcerer since 2014
    @morvayn54, PC/EU
  • troomar
    This build is completely viable for all veteran DLC HM dungeons. It's completely viable for normal trials (I also had a chance to solo heal the final boss and some corridor boss fights in Craglorn normal trials. I'm not running veteran trials yet, so I can't say for myself, but Tasear is running them, so I guess it's viable.

    For dungeons, SPC + whatever suits you is fine. For me for normal trials, SPC + Twilight > SPC + Worm. I haven't tried Sanctuary, I don't like +Health and +4% Healing Taken on an armor set (trash stats)

    Damage skills on healer's bar are not for doing damage, but for providing buff/debuff for DPS. Wall of Elements = concussion, Lightning Splash = Huge HoT on demand.
    Edited by troomar on December 16, 2017 1:30PM
  • Morvane
    troomar wrote: »
    This build is completely viable for all veteran DLC HM dungeons. It's completely viable for normal trials (I also had a chance to solo heal the final boss and some corridor boss fights in Craglorn normal trials. I'm not running veteran trials yet, so I can't say for myself, but Tasear is running them, so I guess it's viable.

    For dungeons, SPC + whatever suits you is fine. For me for normal trials, SPC + Twilight > SPC + Worm. I haven't tried Sanctuary, I don't like +Health and +4% Healing Taken on an armor set (trash stats)

    Damage skills on healer's bar are not for doing damage, but for providing buff/debuff for DPS. Wall of Elements = concussion, Lightning Splash = Huge HoT on demand.

    content like normal trials is vialable nearly for PvP party which lost their way to Cyro and teleported to any craglorn normal. As to me the point is only in DLC content, veteran mode

    also u told that Lightning Splash is for damage but in previous sentence u told about these ability for debuff only, not for dps...
    Note: this ability cant provide rly good dps with all CP in healing
    Edited by Morvane on December 16, 2017 3:02PM
    DC Dunmer Sorcerer since 2014
    @morvayn54, PC/EU
  • Tasear
    Yes, I agree. I need more time to look at earthgore monster set on second version. It could be better so say the 2nd verision is now regulated as a preview. It works, and I really do think monster helm was designed to work better with sorcs. It makes up for defensive ultimate for healing we really don't have. As I tried negate and wasn't coming up with competitive results. Earthgore makes it possible to solo heal in some veteran trials burn phase for a period of time. I had a point on a training run where the other healer went down from when boss was at 8% and I carried it through. Like I said earthgore attacks healing ultimate (has bigger numbers than negate) and it will proc more often than ultimate. As to say it has it place in especially trials, but only really good for non death runs in 4 man content (vDSA is a trial so excluded from this statment). As I said, though I might have to review how I approached this design.

    The First version without monster helm definitely has worked in all content so far. I only did vAA HM with eargore though so can't say in that case. Now on back to topic, I see you did hear and honestly it will take me some time to digest such data. I agree though if it's sustainable your results might be more viable solution. I do worry about dropping so far below in max magicka, but only way to say for sure if that works to test myself. The same goes for magicka regain, but I can't really tell as might is all gold so we might be matching on non vampire verison. It seems like it's a question of trade off. But I really do like ability to switch off between trial food and blue food. My question to you is above results is about health is what you shown with expert summon passive on or off.
  • troomar
    Well, I can't comment on veteran trials, so someone else have to answer your question.

    About Lightning Splash I don't know where you see I said it's for damage. I don't even run it on my bars (and I didn't list it in my thoughts about dung/trial differences). What Tasear (not me) said was that Lightning Splash can provide another source for Twilight's 5-piece set ability (a huge HoT), which I listed in my previous post.
  • Tasear
    kringled_1 wrote: »
    I'm not sure if you're checking on this, but if you are, as someone new to sorcerers in general, can you explain how/when you use overload as a healing/support function?
    I'm trying to get a second character up and going for dungeons by the 30th, and my sorcerer is a bit further along (still low level) but I have no experience using her to heal.

    My apologizes... seem like I missed quite a few notification inside her. It looks like it got lost between replies to my thread on general forum section.

    The overlord function can actually be quite customized to your need. I removed dark deal as it was pointless with extra .4 sec delay. I seriously hope this would get looked at again. But otherwise back on point, I use it start of battle to apply intial buffs of minor life steal and minor protection. At one point I also had orbs back here too, so that I could have impulse on the back bar. These days I use liquid lighting for extra damage, and another synergy. I had talked to another using boundless storm for more resistances in trials. So overall it's to apply buffs to allies at the start or when you can find time in longer fights. The playstyle is very chaotic but it most makes sorc most flexible in reacting to various situations.
  • Tasear
    Morvane wrote: »
    I think 5 SPC + 5 Worm/Sanctury is way better (add 1 shoulder or Master staves)
    also skills force me to ask questions. Damage skills in heler build? Say NO for DLC-dungeons and not-craglorn trials.
    I'm very interested does this build good in high-end con tent? I mean vDSA, Falkreth, Bloodforge, Hist Shadows, vAS, vMoL, vHoF?

    To be honest I it's not a good idea. First sorc heals are mostly basied off max magicka so if anyone I would do spc and necropotence. The extra healing you could get from sanctury can be almost made up with bone surge skill giving minor vitality.

    There's another checky guy who came up with some alternative loadout for more damage but honestly looking at @troomar variation does seem like superior is damage. I also know other sorc healers or off healers do use nercopotance. This viable for more damage and greater class healers, but less supportive.

    I have no death in almost ever dungeon in game. I think about I missing bloodroot cause I am too lazy and wayrest 1 but that's well a story for another time. I haven't did many trials this month, but it does work very well.. been distracted making gold and working on my other healers. But don't worry, stays true to my style and they are quite original and highlights the strengths that the class can give to say the least. (one of them uses a frost staff ...for good reason).
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