Just wondering if anyone out there is on my wavelength on this theory I have.
So for the last few weeks looking over the PTS, playing on it and watching all the cry/videos/pre-mature suffering. I had a thought about why the game needs to change. But what ZOS is trying to do it is where it all goes wonky. I think a majority of us feel this way.
I think it's agreed that the CP system is where most of the issues are happening. It looks great on paper, but in practice "with no player level increases" what we get are new and exciting gear combos that can only be used and become OP with the current CP system.This includes infinite sustain and increasing DPS. If ESO was like any other multitude of past MMO's we would have players and content gaining new level caps every so often. This would offset the power creep some people are talking about out there. Then the current CP system wouldn't be as much of a run-away power train.
It's not a crime to have players coming in that might be a bit behind.There are many ways to catch them up. If the game is that great content wise, then they will still love playing their way thru to catch up.What I don't understand (and thinking about it as I write this now) is how the game is supposed to stay fresh? Sure you put out new encounters, but instead of making those encounters harder with increased levels of NPC DPS and HP's...all we get is new gear choices? Instead of re-working the the CP system to perhaps separate CP's into PvP and PvE choices that we need to make. What ZoS is doing is hitting everything including the CP system. Where just the CP system redone would have sufficed, or...raising the level caps. If right now ZoS turned back the sustain changes, and added 10 levels to the cap...without raising the CP cap this time around. Does anyone think that would stave off some of the power creep?
"The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"