How the hell do you make a good-looking female Dunmer?

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  • Aliyavana
  • Avidspark
    Like this? nz6Ihtq.png
    'Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.'
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  • Tomg999
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    Dunmer are some pretty ugly people......

    Perhaps it reflects the inner ugliness of this bitter slaveholding race...

  • Aliyavana
    Tomg999 wrote: »

    Perhaps it reflects the inner ugliness of this bitter slaveholding race...

    Dunmer are necessary to keep the argonians in check
  • TheTwistedRune

    I had to have a go. This is what I came up with after 5 minutes or so.


    Edited by TheTwistedRune on July 14, 2017 4:48PM
  • Dystopia2020
    You can make a good looking Dunmer guy if you really want a Dunmer. If you want a really hot girl stick with the Altmer, you have to TRY to make an ugly female, and yes people still manage to make ugly Altmer.
    Dunmer females are short, squat, don't have perfect hour glass shapes; if you give them hips they look fat, and even if you just make them skinny they still look like an ugly goth chick at best with that face. They are DUNMER they are not supposed to be the human ideal of "pretty", they are fierce. Make them pretty and they are not really Dunmer are they?
    Edited by Dystopia2020 on July 14, 2017 5:04PM
    Apotheosis Priori~ EP Altmer Vamplar
    Illumanatus Priori~ EP Altmer Mag Sorc
    Apostate Priori~ EP Altmer Mag DK
    Apostate De'Void~ (retired) AD Altmer crafter
    PC/ NA, Vivec
    This is the Spiral Skein. The tower is One. The strands are Eight. The lessons are Forever.
    "No really, I AM an Ayleid".
  • Sigtric
    Good looking Dunmer eh?





    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • GreyWolf_79
    Idinuse wrote: »
    I've never created a Dunmer since Beta :o, but this is my try at Naryu. I'm sure there are many tweaks that would make her better. I apologize for the many settings pics.


    Not bad, but she should try smiling.

    Avidspark wrote: »
    Like this? nz6Ihtq.png

    No. Just no.

    I had to have a go. This is what I came up with after 5 minutes or so.


    Me like. :)
    Sigtric wrote: »
    Good looking Dunmer eh?





    #1 no.
    #2 maybe if she smiled.
    #3 yes. :)
    #4 see #2
  • Megabear
    I couldn't make a good looking female Dunmer so I gave up and made a good looking male Dunmer instead.

    Guide to making $$$ in Tamriel:
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    Vhevet - (S) Night Blade/Female/Orsimer
    Ecaer - (M) Templar/Female/Breton
    Captain Beaster Bunny - (S) Warden/Male/Red Guard
    Ezaera - (M) Sorcerer/Female/Altmer
    Ecaeri - (M) Warden/Female/Argonian
    Dun-and-Dunmer - (M) Dragon Knight/Male/Dunmer
    What Can Go Wong - (S) Night Blade/Male/Bosmer
    Izaer - (M) Templar/Male/Breton
  • NyassaV
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • Myyth
    The real question is how do you make a happy looking dunmer female.
    They always look either angry or grumpy with no smile.
    Edited by Myyth on July 14, 2017 6:56PM
  • Pandorii
    To make a nice looking dunmer, you have to hide her forehead wrinkles with some kind of accessory. the one that worked best for me was the EP circlet that @Sigtric and @Hollery are both using.

    I've gotten a lot of compliments on mine. I will show later. On lunch break now.
  • Sigtric

    Not bad, but she should try smiling.

    No. Just no.

    Me like. :)

    #1 no.
    #2 maybe if she smiled.
    #3 yes. :)
    #4 see #2

    This is funny, 3 and 4 are the same character. #1 is the same face as 3/4 just different hair

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • Sigtric
    Myyth wrote: »
    The real question is how do you make a happy looking dunmer female.
    They always look either angry or grumpy with no smile.

    Dunmer have good reason to be angry/grumpy with all these n'wahs and s'wits all over the place. :)

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • altemriel
    Amour wrote: »
    The secret is to try, try more and then try even harder! :p


    That's my baby girl.

  • Sigtric
    Pandorii wrote: »
    To make a nice looking dunmer, you have to hide her forehead wrinkles with some kind of accessory. the one that worked best for me was the EP circlet that @Sigtric and @Hollery are both using.

    I've gotten a lot of compliments on mine. I will show later. On lunch break now.

    There are a few spots on the 'face type' triangle slider that those forehead wrinkles smooth out to almost nothing.

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • Idinuse

    Not bad, but she should try smiling.
    Avidspark wrote: »
    Like this? nz6Ihtq.png

    No. Just no.

    I had to have a go. This is what I came up with after 5 minutes or so.


    Me like. :)
    Sigtric wrote: »
    Good looking Dunmer eh?





    #1 no.
    #2 maybe if she smiled.
    #3 yes. :)
    #4 see #2

    I used these pics as references.

    In all 3/10 comment. :p
    Edited by Idinuse on July 14, 2017 8:03PM
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • Anti_Virus
    Vigarr wrote: »

    Nords are hideous in this game, I think you're confusing it with Skyrim. Bretons are easy to make pretty but the most attractive race imo is redguard...I'll post a pic of my redguard later if I get the chance.

    Redguard and Breton females looks the best.
    Edited by Anti_Virus on July 14, 2017 7:44PM
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • Hjelmerina
    Don't let anyone tell you that dunmers aren't pretty!

    Here's a few of mine. :smile: Dunmers are definitely my favourite race <3



    PC EU // Guild: Hodor
  • Lingenedil
    Soul Shriven
    I think my sorc girl looks pretty good, even as a vampire.
    And pre-vamp:
  • Aliyavana
    Anti_Virus wrote: »

    Redguard and Breton females looks the best.

  • Iselin
    Step 1: roll a Redguard
    Step 2: dress her in light armor and give her a staff.
  • code65536
    One of the characters on my new bank mule account...

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  • asuzab16_ESO
    Lingenedil wrote: »
    I think my sorc girl looks pretty good, even as a vampire.
    And pre-vamp:

    Your character is by far the most beautiful dunmer I have ever seen. By any chance, would you remember the creation settings? I tried to get something similar but I can't get even close to that result.
  • Enodoc
    I have a potential solution to the actual question; try creating a good-looking Bosmer (or <insert race here>), lock all the sliders, and then change the race to Dunmer.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • kichwas
    I suppose this depends on your idea of beauty.

    I find it quite easy to get a good looking Dunmer. Nord, Breton, Bosmer, and Altmer - impossible.


    All my dial settings for that are here:
    Jah bless
    PST timezone - mostly PvE player.

    Super casual player
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  • MehrunesFlagon
    Usually I find that randomize appearance works until something acceptable comes up.Just mkae adjustments from that just don't do too much at once so it's easier to undo,
  • CKnight_55
    Soul Shriven
    After some adjustments to the previous character I think that I came up with a slightly better result cXa3oRJ.jpg3gQjrME.jpg


  • ictopbasli
    What do you think guys?

    Thalmor rules!
  • MudcrabSammich
    its impossible. My main is a female Dunmer. I try to avoid closeups. All Dunmer, male and female have resting bitchface.
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