When tea-bagging, one must ensure proper alignment with the torso of the receiving party. A good way to gauge if one is properly aligned is to first stand with feet shoulder-width apart. When squatting, knees should be pointing towards the receiving party's armpits.
It is also important to tea-bag for the appropriate length of time. A "quick" tea-bag shows a lack of dedication to the cause, whereas a lengthy session often reveals a lack of confidence and self-respect. A tea-bagger must own each and every tea-bag and deliver each one with grace and dedication.
Finally, one must understand that no matter how rude or inappropriate tea-bagging may be, and without regard to the deliverer or the recipient of said tea-bag, this practice will always ensue. He who tea-bags today will receive a tea-bag tomorrow, as the saying goes.
Personally, I only tea-bag my friends. I don't typically like to tea-bag random people, because I generally have no idea where their mouth has been. Also, they're dead, and that's kind of weird.
ZeroZero77 wrote: »lol rofl
No Balls --> no TEABAG.