When my group tried veteran Mazzatun, we had a couple of attempts to get through Chudan and Xal Nur but we were at the very last boss for about 3-4 hours and we just couldn't get though it because of 2 things.... 1. The randomness of the Hist statues and 2. The draining totem now that is a pain in the neck to deal with and it is just the fact that it can turn up anywhere, the second you start hitting your resources just drop... Our group eventually just gave up after 4 hours ish of attempts.
It's a horrible dungeon overall imo
Even normal can be a pain if you go through dungeon finder and get low levels with little experience. Not to blame then, but it's rare these days for people in pug groups to be on mic to take advice.
Vet I will only do if I'm with a solid group who know what they are doing. If I get any of the DLC ones in the random vet group finder I will leave unless it has experienced people on mics.
De_Mysteriis wrote: »Seriously. It's kinda discouraging when people are leaving at once saying "Ah, Mazzatun again!" or even in the middle of the run without a word. Personally I like it for great mechanics, I don't mind explaining it to new players, I don't mind low-level players. I don't farm it for gear, just got there recently several times doing daily pledges and forced to abandon it due to players leaving and impossibility of finding replacements.
De_Mysteriis wrote: »Seriously. It's kinda discouraging when people are leaving at once saying "Ah, Mazzatun again!" or even in the middle of the run without a word. Personally I like it for great mechanics, I don't mind explaining it to new players, I don't mind low-level players. I don't farm it for gear, just got there recently several times doing daily pledges and forced to abandon it due to players leaving and impossibility of finding replacements.
I used to hate the hard-mode final boss fights of both of the SotH dungeons. But with the high market value of the new motifs, I've farmed vCoS HM and vRoM HM almost 60 times since Homestead's launch, and the vRoM boss fight isn't that bad (easier of the two), if you have the right strategy.
- Everyone must stay in melee range of the boss. Even if you're the healer. Even if you're a ranged DPS. The totem picks the person farthest away from the boss and then spawns a random distance from that person. If everyone stays close, the totem will spawn close.
- Careful coordination and planning of ultimate use is essential.
- The two DPS should run AoE ultimates. In order of preference: standard, destro ult, meteor, Nova, or dawnbreaker.
- The healer should run destro ult (or Nova if they can't run destro ult).
- When a totem spawns, one DPS will drop their ult on the totem (and try to catch the boss and as many adds as possible in the ult's AoE).
- When the adds spawn, one DPS will drop their ult on the adds to nuke them down quickly.
- The healer holds their ult in reserve, for use in case the DPS who is supposed to ult the next objective is hallucinating.
- A common mistake is that people all blow their ults at the same time on one objective, and then when the next priority objective comes up, nobody has an ult available.
- When someone is hallucinating, bring the boss to the vicinity of the statue, so that the hallucinator is able to stay close to the group. You want to do this for two reasons: First, it's easier to keep the hallucinator healed if they are not separated, and second, you want to avoid totems spawning far away from the group.
- When adds spawn...
- The tank's first priority is to get taunt control on the two most dangerous adds: the mason and shaper.
- Their second priority is to chain or otherwise bring the mason and shaper close to the boss.
- And their third priority is to bring in the other adds.
- As soon as enough adds are close to the boss, the DPS responsible for ulting the add pack should drop their ult.
- If the healer is hallucinating, some backup off-heals will be necessary. Vigor from the tank or stamina DPS and Funnel/Sap from a magblade all work well. A mag DPS could also back-bar a resto, but it's a bit too much of a DPS loss and generally not necessary. DPS should are also responsible for their own survival: Harness Magicka (or Conjured Ward) is essential for magicka DPS, and stamina DPS will need Vigor.
- If you're hallucinating, move around as you're destroying the statue, so that you don't get hit by the statue's rain.
- When the amber shades are up, that is a moment for the group to catch their breath. Don't waste resources trying to kill the Chudan and Xal-Nur shades quickly. Instead, use this lull in the battle to clean up any adds that are up and then rebuild resources (via heavy attacks) and ultimate.
This is a great synopsis, but at the same time also the perfect case and point of why this dungeon is a turd burglar. Almost everything you mentioned is what you'd expect of someone running veteran trials. I won't lie to you, in that list I see nothing that I'd expect a PUG to be able to pull off. Nothing. That goes a long way in saying just how dumb this dungeon is and the lack of foresight in the fact that it's possible to random it.
Tbh at this point I generally don't expect anything from a pug, not even taunts from tank nor heals from healer(not to mention at least 7k+ dps and not standing in red, and not even thinking about such things as interrupts and whatnot). And I actually (used to) like pugging, it can be very fun to teach new people stuff or meet experienced nice people that way, but 8/10...okay, maybe 7/10 times lately... it seems to be tanks who don't know how to taunt and/or avoid getting oneshot, healers who don't heal and dps with like 3k dps who will try to bite your head off if you dare suggest they should change/improve something. Those teams struggle in Wayrest I, nevermind dlc dungeons. And that shows a long way to show how badly we need some sort of a learning curve in this game.
That aside, there's nothing wrong with a piece of content being hard to complete for an unprepared and/or uncoordinated group. But I do agree it probably shouldn't be in the "random" list. Or it should be optional if it's there or something.