First of all, it is too long with too many unecessary trash pulls between bosses. It should have been two dungeons, not one.
Second, mechanics are good, RNG heavy mechanics are not. Try to get No Death there and you will see. If healer get statues on last boss near execute phase, it is most certainly a wipe. Then another 30 minutes to get back there. Damage everywhere and the mechanic is to prevent the healer from healing, totally based on RNG? Bad design, IMO.
I've only done Mazz on regular Vet mode, not hard mode, but I read a good tip awhile back that seems to make sense. The last boss doesn't hit all that hard itself, so if you have the boss down to about 15-25% then actually have the healer taunt the boss. Whoever has the boss agro will not get the statues. Seems plausible to me
I've only done Mazz on regular Vet mode, not hard mode, but I read a good tip awhile back that seems to make sense. The last boss doesn't hit all that hard itself, so if you have the boss down to about 15-25% then actually have the healer taunt the boss. Whoever has the boss agro will not get the statues. Seems plausible to me
When my group tried veteran Mazzatun, we had a couple of attempts to get through Chudan and Xal Nur but we were at the very last boss for about 3-4 hours and we just couldn't get though it because of 2 things.... 1. The randomness of the Hist statues and 2. The draining totem now that is a pain in the neck to deal with and it is just the fact that it can turn up anywhere, the second you start hitting your resources just drop... Our group eventually just gave up after 4 hours ish of attempts.
How easy is this to solo farm on normal? I need to get some amber plasm gear.
First of all, it is too long with too many unecessary trash pulls between bosses. It should have been two dungeons, not one.
Second, mechanics are good, RNG heavy mechanics are not. Try to get No Death there and you will see. If healer get statues on last boss near execute phase, it is most certainly a wipe. Then another 30 minutes to get back there. Damage everywhere and the mechanic is to prevent the healer from healing, totally based on RNG? Bad design, IMO.
Third, no rewards. Before Homestead, you would gain absolutely nothing from doing Vet RoM. Cradle still have a very good Helmet, but RoM? Nothing. People are doing it again for the motifs, but my guess is that it will die down soon after the market is flooded with them.
I hope ZoS learn from this and the next dungeon DLC is a little bit more streamlined and with less totally RNG mechanics that 90% of the time will result in a wipe if one role is affected by it.