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Is AP Boosting Cheating?

  • Rohamad_Ali
    To sum up my thoughts on this . "It goes against the spirit of the game ." The Devs probably did not write the game with it as an intended way to gain AP . ZoS won't comment after three years so it's not until they say it is . I personally PVP to PVP . AP is a bi product .
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    To sum up my thoughts on this . "It goes against the spirit of the game ." The Devs probably did not write the game with it as an intended way to gain AP . ZoS won't comment after three years so it's not until they say it is . I personally PVP to PVP . AP is a bi product .

    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • DurzoBlint13
    What exactly are you calling boosting? Are we talking about the double AP event and people sitting at an outpost AFK? Or are you talking about real boosting like people working deals with other alliances to falsely gain AP (most of the time to get EMP)? The former is a special case and will be over soon. The latter is cheating at its worst.

    Coming over a hill and seeing a Blue standing ion front of a que of Yellow lined up for him to kill to get easy AP is most certainly cheating in my eyes. However, I have reported (with video proof) several people doing this and nothing was ever done. I even sent an email of a guy that was trying to sell EMP to the next couple of players in the ranks. For 3mill gold he would drop campaign and get his AD guild to flip the keeps and then back away so we could have flipped them back. ZOS never did a thing. I keep coming to these forums and log in every now and then in hopes of seeing things (and many other things) change but I am constantly left asking myself why I even bother. They have to know it happens. When you see a campaign reset and 2 hours later the player in top spot has 4 mill AP, yet there is no one in the server.....something is not right.
  • randomkeyhits
    I've a pretty simplistic way of looking at it.

    If people just go in and play the game to the mechanisms in place then its fine (barring exploits, a different category)

    If people collude/communicate outside of the game to gimp said mechanisms for profit then its cheating.

    Sometimes the former can look like the latter, especially if things get intense.

    So it all centres around intent which is a very difficult thing for developers like ZOS to identify, let alone address.
    EU PS4
  • Paulo69
    Since you can buy equipment and motifs with AP, I consider this technique as a cheat.

    Boost AP, buy Akaviri motifs and sell 'em on guild traders for a huge amount of ingame gold. Ruin the economy of the game.

    Players caught doing this should be reported and banned.
  • texassob
    What exactly are you calling boosting? Are we talking about the double AP event and people sitting at an outpost AFK? Or are you talking about real boosting like people working deals with other alliances to falsely gain AP (most of the time to get EMP)? The former is a special case and will be over soon. The latter is cheating at its worst.

    Coming over a hill and seeing a Blue standing ion front of a que of Yellow lined up for him to kill to get easy AP is most certainly cheating in my eyes. However, I have reported (with video proof) several people doing this and nothing was ever done. I even sent an email of a guy that was trying to sell EMP to the next couple of players in the ranks. For 3mill gold he would drop campaign and get his AD guild to flip the keeps and then back away so we could have flipped them back. ZOS never did a thing. I keep coming to these forums and log in every now and then in hopes of seeing things (and many other things) change but I am constantly left asking myself why I even bother. They have to know it happens. When you see a campaign reset and 2 hours later the player in top spot has 4 mill AP, yet there is no one in the server.....something is not right.

    Basically what is happening is you have a large group of AD and a large group inof DC. They agree to flip flags inside of a outpost like bleakers, sejanus, or nickel. So you have say DC owns the outpost they let AD come in and take it all while never leaving the outpost just hanging out in a group up top. After AD takes the outpost and get their AP tic, they then proceed to the top as DC group jumps down kills the guards and takes the outpost. They then just rinse and repeat. Steady 13k+ tics every few minutes. Me and @Ron_Burgundy_79 watched this happen. At first we didnt even know it was happening till we came to defend the outpost and got cussed out for killing all the yellow. they then came back and proceeded to flip farm again as we were out numbered. Not sure how long it was going on but i know after we found it it lasted about a hour before we had enough DC come in and ruin the farm. After that we switched campaigns so im sure they went back to it. Its just comical of of these so called "good" pvpers were doing this. Quite a few names i recognized and most id never saw before. Is it cheating imo i dunno if it is or isn't i do believe it exploiting the system.
  • Vapirko
    Maybe, but if you don't like it group up and kick their a***s.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    "Is AP Boosting Cheating?"

    In what way ? ZOS gave us double AP gain for week - because they want to encourage more people to play PvP and also do some testing.

    So as some people stated before - it is the same "cheat" as drinking exp buff potion and running all training gear. As long as YOU play according to the game RULES - it is not a cheat.
    With two key words - "You" & "Rules"
  • Cherryblossom
    texassob wrote: »
    What exactly are you calling boosting? Are we talking about the double AP event and people sitting at an outpost AFK? Or are you talking about real boosting like people working deals with other alliances to falsely gain AP (most of the time to get EMP)? The former is a special case and will be over soon. The latter is cheating at its worst.

    Coming over a hill and seeing a Blue standing ion front of a que of Yellow lined up for him to kill to get easy AP is most certainly cheating in my eyes. However, I have reported (with video proof) several people doing this and nothing was ever done. I even sent an email of a guy that was trying to sell EMP to the next couple of players in the ranks. For 3mill gold he would drop campaign and get his AD guild to flip the keeps and then back away so we could have flipped them back. ZOS never did a thing. I keep coming to these forums and log in every now and then in hopes of seeing things (and many other things) change but I am constantly left asking myself why I even bother. They have to know it happens. When you see a campaign reset and 2 hours later the player in top spot has 4 mill AP, yet there is no one in the server.....something is not right.

    Basically what is happening is you have a large group of AD and a large group inof DC. They agree to flip flags inside of a outpost like bleakers, sejanus, or nickel. So you have say DC owns the outpost they let AD come in and take it all while never leaving the outpost just hanging out in a group up top. After AD takes the outpost and get their AP tic, they then proceed to the top as DC group jumps down kills the guards and takes the outpost. They then just rinse and repeat. Steady 13k+ tics every few minutes. Me and @Ron_Burgundy_79 watched this happen. At first we didnt even know it was happening till we came to defend the outpost and got cussed out for killing all the yellow. they then came back and proceeded to flip farm again as we were out numbered. Not sure how long it was going on but i know after we found it it lasted about a hour before we had enough DC come in and ruin the farm. After that we switched campaigns so im sure they went back to it. Its just comical of of these so called "good" pvpers were doing this. Quite a few names i recognized and most id never saw before. Is it cheating imo i dunno if it is or isn't i do believe it exploiting the system.

    I remember coming into a campaign and seeing Nickel under attack, ran there straight away, seeing a group of Blue's who I assumed were just about to attack the Reds on the flag, Charged in dropped my ulti, slaughtered about 6 of them before being killed. As I lay there I thought WTF these chickens never helped just stood there watching. Then the keep flipped, as I lay there, watched the reds run away, then the "chickens" took the flags. Admittedly I was a little slow on the up take and though huh, then I got a 8k tick, the penny dropped.

    The ranks have been meaningless since it became evident that the majority of the high scores on the leader board are from a similar method as described by a few here.
  • TequilaFire
    The AP and Emperor trading has been made easier now that you can swap alliances on the same campaign at a whim.
    You get to know people on both sides to make the agreements in the first place and then you get on your EP to get him some points then swap to your DC to get some points., rinse and repeat.

  • Vercingetorix
    As someone who dislikes PvP as a general rule, I'm only interested in farming AP this week for the things I've essentially been locked out of since release. Extra skill points, color dyes, and Akaviri motif pages are now a feasible goal for many this week. Our farming is not hurting anyone and certainly not "cheapening" a GO title that I can assure you means nothing as everyone who is Rank 50 was a farmer long before this week started.

    There are several degenerates in each faction that have a deluded sense of self-worth and feel the insecure need to "defend" their title (which they farmed themselves, ironically enough) by interfering with a grind that honestly does zero harm to the game, nor violates the ToS. The "spirit of the game" is subjective and no one reserves the right to dictate how others MUST play. If people want to take advantage of the doubled AP, they bought the game and have every right to grind. I can guarantee you next week most of the farmers will be gone because they got what they needed and Cyrodiil will be back to what it was last week (dead and boring).
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • DurzoBlint13
    texassob wrote: »
    What exactly are you calling boosting? Are we talking about the double AP event and people sitting at an outpost AFK? Or are you talking about real boosting like people working deals with other alliances to falsely gain AP (most of the time to get EMP)? The former is a special case and will be over soon. The latter is cheating at its worst.

    Coming over a hill and seeing a Blue standing ion front of a que of Yellow lined up for him to kill to get easy AP is most certainly cheating in my eyes. However, I have reported (with video proof) several people doing this and nothing was ever done. I even sent an email of a guy that was trying to sell EMP to the next couple of players in the ranks. For 3mill gold he would drop campaign and get his AD guild to flip the keeps and then back away so we could have flipped them back. ZOS never did a thing. I keep coming to these forums and log in every now and then in hopes of seeing things (and many other things) change but I am constantly left asking myself why I even bother. They have to know it happens. When you see a campaign reset and 2 hours later the player in top spot has 4 mill AP, yet there is no one in the server.....something is not right.

    Basically what is happening is you have a large group of AD and a large group inof DC. They agree to flip flags inside of a outpost like bleakers, sejanus, or nickel. So you have say DC owns the outpost they let AD come in and take it all while never leaving the outpost just hanging out in a group up top. After AD takes the outpost and get their AP tic, they then proceed to the top as DC group jumps down kills the guards and takes the outpost. They then just rinse and repeat. Steady 13k+ tics every few minutes. Me and @Ron_Burgundy_79 watched this happen. At first we didnt even know it was happening till we came to defend the outpost and got cussed out for killing all the yellow. they then came back and proceeded to flip farm again as we were out numbered. Not sure how long it was going on but i know after we found it it lasted about a hour before we had enough DC come in and ruin the farm. After that we switched campaigns so im sure they went back to it. Its just comical of of these so called "good" pvpers were doing this. Quite a few names i recognized and most id never saw before. Is it cheating imo i dunno if it is or isn't i do believe it exploiting the system.

    I see. Personally I do consider that cheating. But then I consider anyone knowingly using an exploit to their advantage is a cheater. It is certainly an exploit and should be addressed, but I could not even guess as to what ZOS will say on it (if they bother to say anything). I hate seeing my own alliance (DC) doing this but there are good and bad people in every alliance on every platform. self-centered [snip] will be self-centered [snip] no matter what zone they started the game in.

    [Edit for bypassing censor]
    Edited by ZOS_Bill on March 2, 2017 3:36PM
  • zuto40
    Hurr durr just role-playing a *** AP boosting
    Stamblade- Legate
    Tank/Heals Templar- Sergeant
    Magic DK- Corporal
    Stam DK- Sergeant
    Stamplar- Corporal

  • bubbygink
    AP boosting is cheating and those who say it isn't are lying to themselves and trying to find some technicality to justify their actions. The defense of "Zos's game design allows for this to happen so it's ok to do" is absolutely absurd. Under the design of the game one could harass somebody through chat, steal everything out of a guild bank, scam somebody out of gold, etc. Would you people defend all those actions and say "no it's ok, there is nothing wrong with it because Zos's design allows for those things to happen"? Give me a break. Just because something is literally possible in a game doesn't mean doing it isn't cheating, scamming, or not allowed.

    You are out of your mind if you think two alliance working 100% in tandem to flip a keep back and forth to get their AP up for alliance ranks and achievements isn't cheating. Clearly this is not Zos's intent behind alliance "war." You are supposed to PvP and take objectives to get AP. It's is asinine to say that Zos intends for two alliances to work together by flipping keeps back and forth to shortcut their way to grand overlord.

    What kind of moral compass do you have to sit there at a keep for hours as your alliance and another collude to flip it back and forth without fighting each other and not stop and think to yourself "gee, I'm getting hundreds of thousands of AP an hour for literally doing nothing - maybe this is wrong"? It's clearly wrong and clearly cheating. No technicality of "Zos hasn't explicitly condemned it on forums," "the game mechanics make it possible," etc. changes that.
  • Vercingetorix
    bubbygink wrote: »
    AP boosting is cheating and those who say it isn't are lying to themselves and trying to find some technicality to justify their actions. The defense of "Zos's game design allows for this to happen so it's ok to do" is absolutely absurd. Under the design of the game one could harass somebody through chat, steal everything out of a guild bank, scam somebody out of gold, etc. Would you people defend all those actions and say "no it's ok, there is nothing wrong with it because Zos's design allows for those things to happen"? Give me a break. Just because something is literally possible in a game doesn't mean doing it isn't cheating, scamming, or not allowed.

    You are out of your mind if you think two alliance working 100% in tandem to flip a keep back and forth to get their AP up for alliance ranks and achievements isn't cheating. Clearly this is not Zos's intent behind alliance "war." You are supposed to PvP and take objectives to get AP. It's is asinine to say that Zos intends for two alliances to work together by flipping keeps back and forth to shortcut their way to grand overlord.

    What kind of moral compass do you have to sit there at a keep for hours as your alliance and another collude to flip it back and forth without fighting each other and not stop and think to yourself "gee, I'm getting hundreds of thousands of AP an hour for literally doing nothing - maybe this is wrong"? It's clearly wrong and clearly cheating. No technicality of "Zos hasn't explicitly condemned it on forums," "the game mechanics make it possible," etc. changes that.

    The funny thing is though we were playing the objective, taking the keep in order to gain AP. Nothing was violated. The enemy forces were entrenched in a portion of the keep and our forces were stuck in a long stalemate of taking the keep back and forth. There, I just attached RP to our farming sessions. Be gone.
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • texassob
    bubbygink wrote: »
    AP boosting is cheating and those who say it isn't are lying to themselves and trying to find some technicality to justify their actions. The defense of "Zos's game design allows for this to happen so it's ok to do" is absolutely absurd. Under the design of the game one could harass somebody through chat, steal everything out of a guild bank, scam somebody out of gold, etc. Would you people defend all those actions and say "no it's ok, there is nothing wrong with it because Zos's design allows for those things to happen"? Give me a break. Just because something is literally possible in a game doesn't mean doing it isn't cheating, scamming, or not allowed.

    You are out of your mind if you think two alliance working 100% in tandem to flip a keep back and forth to get their AP up for alliance ranks and achievements isn't cheating. Clearly this is not Zos's intent behind alliance "war." You are supposed to PvP and take objectives to get AP. It's is asinine to say that Zos intends for two alliances to work together by flipping keeps back and forth to shortcut their way to grand overlord.

    What kind of moral compass do you have to sit there at a keep for hours as your alliance and another collude to flip it back and forth without fighting each other and not stop and think to yourself "gee, I'm getting hundreds of thousands of AP an hour for literally doing nothing - maybe this is wrong"? It's clearly wrong and clearly cheating. No technicality of "Zos hasn't explicitly condemned it on forums," "the game mechanics make it possible," etc. changes that.

    The funny thing is though we were playing the objective, taking the keep in order to gain AP. Nothing was violated. The enemy forces were entrenched in a portion of the keep and our forces were stuck in a long stalemate of taking the keep back and forth. There, I just attached RP to our farming sessions. Be gone.

    typical pug
  • NBrookus
    As someone who dislikes PvP as a general rule, I'm only interested in farming AP this week for the things I've essentially been locked out of since release. Extra skill points, color dyes, and Akaviri motif pages are now a feasible goal for many this week. Our farming is not hurting anyone and certainly not "cheapening" a GO title that I can assure you means nothing as everyone who is Rank 50 was a farmer long before this week started.

    There are several degenerates in each faction that have a deluded sense of self-worth and feel the insecure need to "defend" their title (which they farmed themselves, ironically enough) by interfering with a grind that honestly does zero harm to the game, nor violates the ToS.

    By that argument, ZOS should have a EZ Trials week so PvPers "locked out" of achievements, skins and titles from trials can be sure to get all the goodies without any of the effort needed to put together solid groups, learn the mechanics or play well enough to complete them.

    Oh yes, and better include VMA. It won't cheapen Flawless Conqueror if everyone can get it and their sharpened inferno staff by light attacking their way through 9 rounds, right?
  • DHale
    They are not going to comment. Ap boosting means different things to different people. To account for all the legitimate and illegitimate ways people get ap would take them weeks to figure out.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • maxjapank
    Vaoh wrote: »
    Vaoh wrote: »
    You'd not only ban half of the already tiny PvP popluation - we would ban a ton of PvEers who jumped in for easy AP as well. All because it is "immoral" to farm AP this way.

    We are seeing players who are playing the very mechanics of Keep/Respurce taking. If you capture it, you get AP. Simple. No bugs, exploits, hacks, cheats, or whatever are being used. The current system set in place is just very badly implemented. A simple 5-10min cooldown on the AP ticks would've solved the issue.

    Of course this is not moral..... but it still is not something to ban people over. That'd be ridiculous tbh.

    Imagine this situation - if a token system was implemented for Maw of Lorkhaj, and the first boss purposely gave quadruple the tokens than other bosses on release. Terrible design which is easily farmable (as we see in PvP right now). Now players start farming this boss. The Devs announce they have the intention of significantly reducing the token drop rate or setting a cooldown on the boss token timer.

    Should the players who gained their loot much faster by running Maw with this terrible token design get banned? I'd think not.

    This is how I see it at least :neutral: I hate the situation in Cyrodiil right now, but banning people seems crazy for not breaking anything, exploiting, cheating, etc. It sucks but it is very much fair play devoid of cheats imo. Just terrible design which will be resolved in less than a week according to ZOS.

    How is the AP boosting any different than exploiting a bug to get the vmol skin? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't ZOS come out and say it was an exploit and exploiters would be punished?

    For the record, I don't have the vmol skin yet, and I'm not a grand overlord.

    Those people exploited an area of the map to loot chests without fighting bosses (obvious exploit) and then fight and kill Rakkhat from a distance as he stood still without activating the actual fight. There were numerous exploits at work, creating a massive exploit using multiple bugged spots/encounters. You also could loot and defeat Hard Mode this way. It got people permabanned for good reason.

    Farming AP at a Keep by standing on the flag, then having enemy players follow mechanics (though in an immoral way) to flip it for their alliance is 100% not cheating in any way. It's stupid, yes, but absolutely not cheating or abusing bugs/exploits. It's just using badly implemented mechanics in the most obvious way they'd be used.

    This is by definition is cheating is it not?


    1 [no object] Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage.

    1.1[with object] Gain an advantage over or deprive of something by using unfair or deceitful methods; defraud.

    PvP in this game is inherently objective based, whether you play objectives or not in PvP that is its core system. It revolves mainly around 3 systems and 3 Alliances (Teams); (1) Score with multiple attributing factors related to objectives (2) Leaderboards, a system that revolves around AP aka Emperorship as well as contributing to your end campaign rewards and (3) AvA Ranks The 'reward' system for PvP made apparent by; sense of progression, skill points/ achievements, titles and symbols etc.

    The 3 systems intertwine with each other to form Cyrodiil PvP. The leaderboard system encourages players to PvP to gain AP to position themselves onto the leaderboards in order to obtain Emperorship, which then spills into the score/objective based system of obtaining AP via capture/defences as well as capturing the 6 Emperor keeps to become Emperor, with all actions contributing to AvA ranks.

    That is PvP at its core and as 'designed' since I see this word being thrown around a lot.

    Now I know as well as most that the system has gotten stale over the years and that a lot of players (myself included) no longer play objective PvP and therefore care little for the systems in place, but this isn't the case for everyone, new players especially. This is how PvP is designed to be played and whether you play objectives or not you're merely playing around these systems and what is happening on the map to orientate your PvP.

    Recently however there have been numerical changes, designed to encourage people to play Cyrodiil as designed by the development team in increasing the AP gains from 'objectives' to compliment all systems. To encourage more objective based PvP by feeding directly into the rewards (3).

    However because of this select individuals have congregated on multiple Alliances to manipulate this change to significantly increase their AP gains aka boosting, something that is frowned upon in next to all PvP orientated games.

    Many claim they are simply reaping the benefits of a flawed system, but by definition this is false. The problem itself isn't the numerical changes to AP (yes they are high/ considered too much making the AvA reward system redundant potentially as well as the recent changes for AP: Gold with the new overland bags). The abuse/manipulation and by definition cheating comes from the dishonest and unfair gameplay from trading kills with 'enemy players'. To be in agreement with the opposing Alliance (Team) to give each other AP aka significant advantages over those who are playing honestly.

    An example of this is how doing so affects leaderboards and Emperorship. How it spoils the designed reward system of PvP. Something that is clearly being stressed by many in game and on the forums. It also for the PvE players coming to leech for Achievements is a dishonest means of obtaining those and as well as it's a dishonest means of making gold currently in ESO which then affects economy also (although is less an issue).

    People such as @Vaoh here, no disrespect can have their views, but by definition it is cheating. I am shocked so many of the community defend this or even question it to the point they feel they need clarification from ZOS. Although I do feel we should receive it in light of all this @ZOS_BrianWheeler.

    But simply put it should be obvious in an environment with systems mentioned above as to how they were designed where you are purposely negotiating with other 'teams' to behave in such a manipulative way to abuse the rewarding system then claim to be simply playing as intended is outright deceitful and unethical, also traits also associated with cheating.

    To put it into perspective. Football/Soccer, a sport everyone is familiar with. If both teams were to negotiate with each other before the game to pre determine a forced outcome 'winner' to benefit themselves financially it would be considered a scandal. It's not so different here. Difference being the financial aid/reward is the AP with the winners being both parties who willingly participated in the agreement. This would in directly affect the integrity of the club, in this case the game rep for PvP. One that is already dire and it also affects the third party the other clubs, in this case say those who do not partake, as in they do not reap any benefits, but have been deceived and suffer for it (leaderboard positions etc)

    I am sorry but I don't see how it isn't cheating, despite all the discussed work arounds and loop holes at its core it is cheating through and through.

    Best post yet!
  • RavenRoxie
    I don't see it as cheating. And really, there is no proper way to police it anyway. I will say it IS corny af though. -.-
    Phantogram DC | Wood Elf | Magicka Nightblade/ | DPS | 856cp
    False Paradox | AD | Wood Elf | Non Combative Nightblade | Crafter | 856cp
    @RoxieParadoxx | Twitch | Twitter
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Naw, it's legit, PVP is a competitive/cooperative experience, where your group works against the other factions and the other groups on your own faction to optimize your AP/m so that you can control emp on a server. You have to teach your group to be better so you can game the game in new ways.
    -Unknown American
  • reiverx
    It devalues PVP even further. There was a time wen PVP was, you know, pretty good.

  • Ackwalan
    When two alliance agree to gang up on the third, ZOS said this was not cheating. Two alliances can have a truce and ZOS has no problem with this. Whether having a truce to dispose an emp, get/recover a scroll or even flip a resource it is not cheating. Boosting AP is the same as grinding XP, as long as Yu are not using a program to do it for you, it is not cheating.
  • Vercingetorix
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    When two alliance agree to gang up on the third, ZOS said this was not cheating. Two alliances can have a truce and ZOS has no problem with this. Whether having a truce to dispose an emp, get/recover a scroll or even flip a resource it is not cheating. Boosting AP is the same as grinding XP, as long as Yu are not using a program to do it for you, it is not cheating.

    The OP and his patsy, Texas were just trying to grief others last night on XB1 NA. The people farming right now just want some AP (its nothing personal and it hurts no one) but some elitist jerks in the pvp community would rather be hypocritical and state that they are against farming when they themselves are farmers, too. His group is composed of a bunch multi-Rank 50 pvp character account players who have been farming since release, exploiting under the radar to get Emp in isolated campaigns like Azura's Star. I find it hilarious that they actually have the audacity to sit here and preach about "fairness" and "the spirit of the game" after they've already done all their farming for the week, lol.
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • bubbygink
    The funny thing is though we were playing the objective, taking the keep in order to gain AP. Nothing was violated. The enemy forces were entrenched in a portion of the keep and our forces were stuck in a long stalemate of taking the keep back and forth. There, I just attached RP to our farming sessions. Be gone.

    This sounds so ridiculous to me I can only hope you are intentionally being sarcastic to prove my point. "Oh it isn't boosting because we were role playing flipping the keep back and forth." Are you kidding me? If you are being serious then this is exactly what I am talking about: people are making up the most ridiculous things to justify their boosting. If your alliance and another alliance were just flipping a keep back and forth in tandem without fighting each other then you weren't "role playing," you were boosting.
    DHale wrote: »
    They are not going to comment. Ap boosting means different things to different people. To account for all the legitimate and illegitimate ways people get ap would take them weeks to figure out.

    It is really not that hard: Intentionally colluding with players from another alliance to get AP without actually PvPing is boosting. Saying it is "too difficult to tell what is AP boosting" is yet another cop out excuse. There is absolutely no way that any rational person doesn't think AP boosting includes what we have already discussed (the flipping of keeps back and forth). This clearly is not fair play PvPing and, as I have said, you are lying to yourself if you say otherwise.

    "AP farming" is not "AP boosting." No rational person thinks its boosting when blues take Sejanus or a resource and hold it for 5 hours to get D-ticks. It may not help the campaign much but they are still PvPing and fighting the enemy, ergo not boosting. It becomes boosting when you collude with the enemy to get a bunch of AP without actually PvPing. It is that simple. And what players have been doing with the keep flipping back and forth clearly qualifies as boosting.
  • texassob
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    When two alliance agree to gang up on the third, ZOS said this was not cheating. Two alliances can have a truce and ZOS has no problem with this. Whether having a truce to dispose an emp, get/recover a scroll or even flip a resource it is not cheating. Boosting AP is the same as grinding XP, as long as Yu are not using a program to do it for you, it is not cheating.

    The OP and his patsy, Texas were just trying to grief others last night on XB1 NA. The people farming right now just want some AP (its nothing personal and it hurts no one) but some elitist jerks in the pvp community would rather be hypocritical and state that they are against farming when they themselves are farmers, too. His group is composed of a bunch multi-Rank 50 pvp character account players who have been farming since release, exploiting under the radar to get Emp in isolated campaigns like Azura's Star. I find it hilarious that they actually have the audacity to sit here and preach about "fairness" and "the spirit of the game" after they've already done all their farming for the week, lol.

    thats funny because our "group" as you call it is usually composed of me, @Ron_Burgundy_79 @Jaronking @Dread_Knight_N7 and maybe one or 2 other guys. half the time is just me and Ron, weve never even stepped foot in Azuras much less none of us have rank 50 hell even 40 for that matter. ive played since launch even with a 6 months break have 9 toons and my highest rank is a 23 so yeah keep trying to make yourself feel better about "getting ap" lol Rank means nothing to me but i will bust up a boost party if i see it happening that being said git gud kid.
  • Vercingetorix
    bubbygink wrote: »
    The funny thing is though we were playing the objective, taking the keep in order to gain AP. Nothing was violated. The enemy forces were entrenched in a portion of the keep and our forces were stuck in a long stalemate of taking the keep back and forth. There, I just attached RP to our farming sessions. Be gone.

    This sounds so ridiculous to me I can only hope you are intentionally being sarcastic to prove my point. "Oh it isn't boosting because we were role playing flipping the keep back and forth." Are you kidding me? If you are being serious then this is exactly what I am talking about: people are making up the most ridiculous things to justify their boosting. If your alliance and another alliance were just flipping a keep back and forth in tandem without fighting each other then you weren't "role playing," you were boosting.
    DHale wrote: »
    They are not going to comment. Ap boosting means different things to different people. To account for all the legitimate and illegitimate ways people get ap would take them weeks to figure out.

    It is really not that hard: Intentionally colluding with players from another alliance to get AP without actually PvPing is boosting. Saying it is "too difficult to tell what is AP boosting" is yet another cop out excuse. There is absolutely no way that any rational person doesn't think AP boosting includes what we have already discussed (the flipping of keeps back and forth). This clearly is not fair play PvPing and, as I have said, you are lying to yourself if you say otherwise.

    "AP farming" is not "AP boosting." No rational person thinks its boosting when blues take Sejanus or a resource and hold it for 5 hours to get D-ticks. It may not help the campaign much but they are still PvPing and fighting the enemy, ergo not boosting. It becomes boosting when you collude with the enemy to get a bunch of AP without actually PvPing. It is that simple. And what players have been doing with the keep flipping back and forth clearly qualifies as boosting.

    Technically we did do fighting - against the four or so NPC guards. No rules were violated. Stop being salty and play the game your way and leave others alone. People like yourself waste more time and energy worrying about how other people play rather than just enjoying your own experience. If someone isn't directly interfering with your game, there's no cause for alarm. Your response right now is ego-centric and its obvious that this is a tantrum that other people get to have rewards the same way you farmed them months ago, but within the span of single week. Most of the farmers this week will be out of your hair come Monday morning and you can go back to being ganked by gankers as you attempt to gank gankers who are in the process of ganking other gankers..... Have fun with that familiar circle of Hell next week!
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
  • bubbygink

    Technically we did do fighting - against the four or so NPC guards. No rules were violated. Stop being salty and play the game your way and leave others alone.

    At this point I am just going to assume that you are trying to parody those who are attemtping to justify their boosting because there is no way you can be serious. "Technically we did do fighting - against NPCs - so it is ok!" HAHAHA You just admitted you're not even actually PvPing. How can you think it is fair then that you are getting so much AP?
    People like yourself waste more time and energy worrying about how other people play rather than just enjoying your own experience. If someone isn't directly interfering with your game, there's no cause for alarm. Your response right now is ego-centric and its obvious that this is a tantrum that other people get to have rewards the same way you farmed them months ago, but within the span of single week.

    What a ridiculous thing to say. What you're essentially saying is:
    Stick your head and the mud and just let us cheat in peace and quiet. Our cheating isn't directly harming you. But you are an idiot for actually getting AP the right way by working for months because now we are getting just as much in one week by cheating! Don't be mad, you shoulda just cheated like us you dummy!
    Seriously reread what you wrote.
    Edited by bubbygink on March 2, 2017 5:06PM
  • Ron_Burgundy_79
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    When two alliance agree to gang up on the third, ZOS said this was not cheating. Two alliances can have a truce and ZOS has no problem with this. Whether having a truce to dispose an emp, get/recover a scroll or even flip a resource it is not cheating. Boosting AP is the same as grinding XP, as long as Yu are not using a program to do it for you, it is not cheating.

    The OP and his patsy, Texas were just trying to grief others last night on XB1 NA. The people farming right now just want some AP (its nothing personal and it hurts no one) but some elitist jerks in the pvp community would rather be hypocritical and state that they are against farming when they themselves are farmers, too. His group is composed of a bunch multi-Rank 50 pvp character account players who have been farming since release, exploiting under the radar to get Emp in isolated campaigns like Azura's Star. I find it hilarious that they actually have the audacity to sit here and preach about "fairness" and "the spirit of the game" after they've already done all their farming for the week, lol.

    I'm assuming you're referring to the DC group that came and wiped the AD group that was boosting with you guys. I have a nice clip of it if you'd like to see the difference between AP farming and AP boosting.

    ZOS may not care about the exploits going on in PVP, but it's refreshing to see some members of the community policing this crap. Appreciate the help @Hulk_VI
  • Vercingetorix
    NBrookus wrote: »
    As someone who dislikes PvP as a general rule, I'm only interested in farming AP this week for the things I've essentially been locked out of since release. Extra skill points, color dyes, and Akaviri motif pages are now a feasible goal for many this week. Our farming is not hurting anyone and certainly not "cheapening" a GO title that I can assure you means nothing as everyone who is Rank 50 was a farmer long before this week started.

    There are several degenerates in each faction that have a deluded sense of self-worth and feel the insecure need to "defend" their title (which they farmed themselves, ironically enough) by interfering with a grind that honestly does zero harm to the game, nor violates the ToS.

    By that argument, ZOS should have a EZ Trials week so PvPers "locked out" of achievements, skins and titles from trials can be sure to get all the goodies without any of the effort needed to put together solid groups, learn the mechanics or play well enough to complete them.

    Oh yes, and better include VMA. It won't cheapen Flawless Conqueror if everyone can get it and their sharpened inferno staff by light attacking their way through 9 rounds, right?

    Unlike you, I don't get worked up about other people's accomplishments or how they get them - because they aren't me and aren't playing my character. I'm playing my game and should have my concerns on how I want to get my accomplishments on my own character. But hey, maybe it's a maturity thing?

    I got Flawless Conqueror after a few attempts by mostly heavy attacking on concussed mobs with a generic sharpened lightning staff on my mag DK. I think anyone can do it with some practice and I don't think that title means anything (I don't even display it - I use "Daedric Lord Destroyer" because it sounds cool, lol).

    As for trials, most PvE AND PvP players (including myself) are "locked out" the achievements due to the 12-man requirement as well as specific gear needs. Also, I don't care about PvP titles or AP - I just want the Akaviri motif - If I can pick up some color dyes and skill points along the way, why not? You may want to go sit in the corner and let off some steam buddy... All that hate, salt, and jealousy isn't good for your health, lol.
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
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