Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Maelstrom post Homestead 50 chests

I am one of those hated Tamriel deserters that left ESO during the big MSA RNG hate explosion half a year ago and joined Fame's BDO guild. Before that I completed vMSA about 300 - 400 times and never got my Inferno staff. The main reason I quit though was cuz most people I played with went BDO cuz of MSA RNG. Now that BDO went hardcore p2w - other people might tell you otherwise - I decided to give ESO one more shot especially after I read this:
Adjusted the distribution of Maelstrom weapons obtained from the Maelstrom Arena via the Leaderboards and drops.

Previously, this was divided evenly by weapon category (Destruction Staff, Two Hand, etc). Now, it is based on the individual item type (Dagger, One Handed Sword, etc), and all damage weapons within the item type have an equal probability to drop.
In addition, when a Dual Wield weapon is awarded, you will receive two Dual Wield weapons.
We also slightly reduced the drop chance for Healing Staves, Bows, and One Hand and Shields.

Sharpened Inferno, here I come!

1. Charged Restoration Staff
2. Infused Restoration Staff
3. Decisive Axe/Infused Axe
4. Precise Mace/Shield
5. Sharpened Sword/Shield
6. Defending Bow
7. Charged Restoration Staff
8. Charged Restoration Staff
9. Decisive Dagger/Infused Dagger
10. Defending Greataxe
11. Sharpened Restoration Staff
12. Powered Restoration Staff
13. Infused Restoration Staff
14. Decisive Sword/Shield
15. Charged Restoration Staff
16. Powered Sword/Shield
17. Charged Greatsword
18. Precise Restoration Staff
19. Charged Bow
20. Powered Restoration Staff
21. Infused Dagger/Charged Axe
22. Powered Axe/Infused Axe
23. Defending Lightning Staff
24. Decisive Maul
25. Powered Bow
26. Precise Restoration Staff
27. Charged Ice Staff
28. Sharpened Dagger/Decisive Dagger
29. Decisive Bow
30. Decisive Lightning Staff
31. Powered Dagger/Charged Dagger
32. Sharpened Restoration Staff
33. Decisive Maul
34. Defending Restoration Staff
35. Defending Bow
36. Sharpened Sword/Shield
37. Charged Restoration Staff
38. Charged Mace/Shield
39. Sharpened Axe/Sharpened Axe
40. Powered Sword/Shield
41. Precise Sword/Shield
42. Precise Sword/Shield
43. Infused Restoration Staff
44. Powered Restoration Staff
45. Infused Greataxe
46. Powered Bow
47. Defending Sword/Shield
48. Charged Restoration Staff
49. Precise Bow
50. Defending Dagger/Precise Axe

3 characters, 6 weekly rewards:

1. Charged Restoration Staff
2. Infused Sword/Shield
3. Sharpened Restoration Staff
4. Charged Restoration Staff
5. Sharpened Lightning Staff
6. Sharpened Restoration Staff

56 rewards, 0 Inferno Staves, 21 Restoration Staves. Definitely not staying in ESO. I hope my data will help someone.
  • Kodrac
    Man, the dedication to write all those down for posterity. Bravo, sir! Bravo!
  • Tempah
    Thanks for the info.
    Now I know I will never get it.
    Dro'mathra Destroyer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redemeer, Tick Tock Tormentor, The Unchained, Exstinguisher of Flames, Flawless Conqueror
  • Gorath
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Man, the dedication to write all those down for posterity. Bravo, sir! Bravo!

    that was copy-paste, running that crap was true dedication
    PC EU & PS4 NA
  • psychotic13
    Although 50 runs seems a lot, overall it isn't a big enough sample to get reliable statistics
  • Strider_Roshin
    I was waiting for something like this to pop up in the forums. Looks like I won't be returning to VMA any time soon. Thank you OP
  • Izaki
    People quitting a game over a weapon makes me laugh.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • brandonv516
    Less than 25 runs ever...sharpened inferno staff twice. Sharpened lightning staff? 2000 runs later.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Meanwhile at ZOS....
  • POps75p
    wow, what a kick in the ass by ESO. sure nice that they fixed this problem. I was about to try again, but seing this makes me want to quit as well.

    nice job
  • Meld777
    People quitting a game over a weapon makes me laugh.

    It's not average pugs quitting "over a weapon". It's end-game players going for rank 1 scores. Not rank 100, not rank 50, not rank 2. And if you look at the leaderboards, you'll notice something compared to what they looked like a year ago. There's no competition. There's Hodor with a full team of vMA weapons... and that's pretty much it. All the other competition got filtered out and driven away by ZOS.

    A person without a vMA weapon cannot compete with a person that has one on maximum skill-level. Thus, people who have the weapons will always be first, while people like me who don't have them farm a solo arena for over a year (almost 1.5 years by now), 1000+ runs, and eventually quit. I myself ran it 550+ times so far.

    Some play for RP, some play for skill and competition. If you play for RP, you won't quit over a weapon. But you probably won't farm a solo arena for 1000+ hours in the first place. Which is the real reason those people quit: demotivation! Not the weapon per se.
    Gorath wrote: »
    Now that BDO went hardcore p2w

    I disagree. BDO isn't more P2W than ESO. What you're referring to is probably the trading system that is more convenient when subscribed. In ESO it's the crafting bag. Both are not needed to play the game and don't help you "win". But they are convenient. If BDO is P2W, how is ESO not?
    Edited by Meld777 on February 23, 2017 4:46PM
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
  • POps75p
    People quitting a game over a weapon makes me laugh.

    has nothing to do with the specific weapon, but a total bunch of crap by ESO to BS everyone. again, again and again

    same goes for the added gems to the Crown store to buy the good stuff, but have to buy the gambling boxes to get them

    total BS
  • Stopnaggin
    POps75p wrote: »
    People quitting a game over a weapon makes me laugh.

    has nothing to do with the specific weapon, but a total bunch of crap by ESO to BS everyone. again, again and again

    same goes for the added gems to the Crown store to buy the good stuff, but have to buy the gambling boxes to get them

    total BS

    Get over the crown crates already. It's a tired ass old argument. Not needed in every friggin thread.

    Yes rng sucks, it is a real pain, I have no idea on how they could fix it at this point. Token system? How many tokens do you need so as not to *** off those who have run it 1000+ times to get their weapons? Drop useless traits? Good but still dependant on rng. Whats the middle ground to keep everyone happy?
  • Meld777
    Stopnaggin wrote: »
    Yes rng sucks, it is a real pain, I have no idea on how they could fix it at this point. Token system? How many tokens do you need so as not to *** off those who have run it 1000+ times to get their weapons? Drop useless traits? Good but still dependant on rng. Whats the middle ground to keep everyone happy?

    Trust me, someone who got it after 1000+ runs won't care. I ran it 550+ times and I'd have no problem if they introduce a merchant selling Sharpened Inferno Staves for 10 Gold each. Actually, that opinion settles in at around 100+ runs. Those who think they "worked for it" are usually those who got it within their first 20 runs, 50 max. If I get it tomorrow myself, I'll still support the 10 Gold merchant. What actually pisses me off is the noobs that get it on their 1st run, brag about it, and think someone spending 100% of his gaming time in ESO in a solo arena for 1.5 years should stop crying and "work for it".
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
  • Izaki
    Meld777 wrote: »
    People quitting a game over a weapon makes me laugh.

    It's not average pugs quitting "over a weapon". It's end-game players going for rank 1 scores. Not rank 100, not rank 50, not rank 2. And if you look at the leaderboards, you'll notice something compared to what they looked like a year ago. There's no competition. There's Hodor with a full team of vMA weapons... and that's pretty much it. All the other competition got filtered out and driven away by ZOS.

    A person without a vMA weapon cannot compete with a person that has one on maximum skill-level. Thus, people who have the weapons will always be first, while people like me who don't have them farm a solo arena for over a year (almost 1.5 years by now), 1000+ runs, and eventually quit. I myself ran it 550+ times so far.

    Some play for RP, some play for skill and competition. If you play for RP, you won't quit over a weapon. But you probably won't farm a solo arena for 1000+ hours in the first place. Which is the real reason those people quit: demotivation! Not the weapon per se.
    Gorath wrote: »
    Now that BDO went hardcore p2w

    I disagree. BDO isn't more P2W than ESO. What you're referring to is probably the trading system that is more convenient when subscribed. In ESO it's the crafting bag. Both are not needed to play the game and don't help you "win". But they are convenient. If BDO is P2W, how is ESO not?

    Weren't you that guy who said that you'd exploit everything possible just because you don't have a sharp vMA staff during that vMOL exploit? If it was you, you don't deserve the number 1 spot anyway.
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon. So if you have a Precise or a Nirnhoned one on the back bar you'd be losing what? 500 DPS? Less than that for sure actually. Even sorcs have their execute on the front bar this patch, so you're not losing much by having a "subpar" trait on the back bar. Its not a tiny bit of DPS that makes a number 1 team. Its the tactics for trash pulls, where you don't even need full penetration. Boss fights take relatively similar times across competitive teams.
    So you're full of *** about "ZOS driving away competition". Best players don't quit over a weapon. They work harder in order to beat someone with the weapon. And frankly, its not a back bar trait that will make the difference between being 1st or 2nd anyway.
    Just to prove my point I have an example for you: Streak One and Yolo Wizard on their sorcs. Streak doesn't have a Sharp vMA Inferno, Yolo does. There's literally no difference in their DPS. Both can still pull over 50k just fine. So your statement about it being "impossible to compete with someone having a vMA weapon" is just lies.
    Edited by Izaki on February 23, 2017 5:08PM
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Meld777
    Meld777 wrote: »
    People quitting a game over a weapon makes me laugh.

    It's not average pugs quitting "over a weapon". It's end-game players going for rank 1 scores. Not rank 100, not rank 50, not rank 2. And if you look at the leaderboards, you'll notice something compared to what they looked like a year ago. There's no competition. There's Hodor with a full team of vMA weapons... and that's pretty much it. All the other competition got filtered out and driven away by ZOS.

    A person without a vMA weapon cannot compete with a person that has one on maximum skill-level. Thus, people who have the weapons will always be first, while people like me who don't have them farm a solo arena for over a year (almost 1.5 years by now), 1000+ runs, and eventually quit. I myself ran it 550+ times so far.

    Some play for RP, some play for skill and competition. If you play for RP, you won't quit over a weapon. But you probably won't farm a solo arena for 1000+ hours in the first place. Which is the real reason those people quit: demotivation! Not the weapon per se.
    Gorath wrote: »
    Now that BDO went hardcore p2w

    I disagree. BDO isn't more P2W than ESO. What you're referring to is probably the trading system that is more convenient when subscribed. In ESO it's the crafting bag. Both are not needed to play the game and don't help you "win". But they are convenient. If BDO is P2W, how is ESO not?

    Weren't you that guy who said that you'd exploit everything possible just because you don't have a sharp vMA staff during that vMOL exploit? If it was you, you don't deserve the number 1 spot anyway.
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon. So if you have a Precise or a Nirnhoned one on the back bar you'd be losing what? 500 DPS? Less than that for sure actually. Even sorcs have their execute on the front bar this patch, so you're not losing much by having a "subpar" trait on the back bar. Its not a tiny bit of DPS that makes a number 1 team. Its the tactics for trash pulls, where you don't even need full penetration. Boss fights take relatively similar times across competitive teams.
    So you're full of *** about "ZOS driving away competition". Best players don't quit over a weapon. They work harder in order to beat someone with the weapon. And frankly, its not a back bar trait that will make the difference between being 1st or 2nd anyway.

    Yes, it was me. The exact number how much single target DPS I'm losing by not having it is 4k single target on average (yes, for a standard Deltia/Alcast build it sounds wrong, but just trust me on this one, I know my class and how to get the maximum out of it). If you remember my pro-exploiting reasoning, I respect my competition, thus, I don't exploit in raids. But I do not respect this game because ZOS doesn't care about fair competition. Thus, I will exploit every single thing that benefits me personally, but doesn't damage competition. And I will encourage others to exploit. If a roleplayer can get his Dro-m'Athra title easily by exploiting, he should go for it. Won't affect scores, but will make him happy. Deal with it.

    And to disappoint you, currently, I'm number 1 in Hel Ra, Sanctum, and vMoL on PC EU.
    Edited by Meld777 on February 23, 2017 5:20PM
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
  • Dr.NRG
    They should do some kind of voucher system in which you can for example trade in your weapon for 5 vouchers and with a 100 of em you can buy what ever weapon you like. Through this ppl will still grind vma but do not get frustraded cause they know they get ehat they want eventually after 20 runs or what ever the voucher value would be.
  • jakeedmundson
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon.

    Umm.... no.... no they aren't.
    Any stamina build uses front bar.
    MOST mag builds will do double bar... 1 sharpened lightning, 1 sharpened inferno. OR mal on front bar with dual wield swords on back bar.
    I know, i know.... there is some meta build that uses only a sharpened lightning or inferno on back bar and does the other with a moondancer on front. That's one build out of many.
    Edited by jakeedmundson on February 23, 2017 5:34PM
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • MissBizz
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon.

    Umm.... no.... no they aren't.
    Any stamina build uses front bar.
    MOST mag builds will do double bar... 1 sharpened lightning, 1 sharpened inferno. OR mal on front bar with dual wield swords on back bar.
    I know, i know.... there is some meta build that uses only a sharpened lightning or inferno on back bar and does the other with a moondancer on front. That's one build out of many.

    @jakeedmundson I think you may have misread that a bit. He specifically called out staves, and a large portion of your reply is about stamina weapons (also known as - not staves)
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • jakeedmundson
    Gorath wrote: »
    I am one of those hated Tamriel deserters that left ESO during the big MSA RNG hate explosion half a year ago and joined Fame's BDO guild. Before that I completed vMSA about 300 - 400 times and never got my Inferno staff. The main reason I quit though was cuz most people I played with went BDO cuz of MSA RNG. Now that BDO went hardcore p2w - other people might tell you otherwise - I decided to give ESO one more shot especially after I read this:
    Adjusted the distribution of Maelstrom weapons obtained from the Maelstrom Arena via the Leaderboards and drops.

    Previously, this was divided evenly by weapon category (Destruction Staff, Two Hand, etc). Now, it is based on the individual item type (Dagger, One Handed Sword, etc), and all damage weapons within the item type have an equal probability to drop.
    In addition, when a Dual Wield weapon is awarded, you will receive two Dual Wield weapons.
    We also slightly reduced the drop chance for Healing Staves, Bows, and One Hand and Shields.

    Sharpened Inferno, here I come!

    1. Charged Restoration Staff
    2. Infused Restoration Staff
    3. Decisive Axe/Infused Axe
    4. Precise Mace/Shield
    5. Sharpened Sword/Shield
    6. Defending Bow
    7. Charged Restoration Staff
    8. Charged Restoration Staff
    9. Decisive Dagger/Infused Dagger
    10. Defending Greataxe
    11. Sharpened Restoration Staff
    12. Powered Restoration Staff
    13. Infused Restoration Staff
    14. Decisive Sword/Shield
    15. Charged Restoration Staff
    16. Powered Sword/Shield
    17. Charged Greatsword
    18. Precise Restoration Staff
    19. Charged Bow
    20. Powered Restoration Staff
    21. Infused Dagger/Charged Axe
    22. Powered Axe/Infused Axe
    23. Defending Lightning Staff
    24. Decisive Maul
    25. Powered Bow
    26. Precise Restoration Staff
    27. Charged Ice Staff
    28. Sharpened Dagger/Decisive Dagger
    29. Decisive Bow
    30. Decisive Lightning Staff
    31. Powered Dagger/Charged Dagger
    32. Sharpened Restoration Staff
    33. Decisive Maul
    34. Defending Restoration Staff
    35. Defending Bow
    36. Sharpened Sword/Shield
    37. Charged Restoration Staff
    38. Charged Mace/Shield
    39. Sharpened Axe/Sharpened Axe
    40. Powered Sword/Shield
    41. Precise Sword/Shield
    42. Precise Sword/Shield
    43. Infused Restoration Staff
    44. Powered Restoration Staff
    45. Infused Greataxe
    46. Powered Bow
    47. Defending Sword/Shield
    48. Charged Restoration Staff
    49. Precise Bow
    50. Defending Dagger/Precise Axe

    3 characters, 6 weekly rewards:

    1. Charged Restoration Staff
    2. Infused Sword/Shield
    3. Sharpened Restoration Staff
    4. Charged Restoration Staff
    5. Sharpened Lightning Staff
    6. Sharpened Restoration Staff

    56 rewards, 0 Inferno Staves, 21 Restoration Staves. Definitely not staying in ESO. I hope my data will help someone.

    Your results are so demoralizing...

    When will this ridiculous garbage with vMA end? ZOS... care to comment? The change didn't seem to do too much here.
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • Meld777
    Gorath wrote: »
    I am one of those hated Tamriel deserters that left ESO during the big MSA RNG hate explosion half a year ago and joined Fame's BDO guild. Before that I completed vMSA about 300 - 400 times and never got my Inferno staff. The main reason I quit though was cuz most people I played with went BDO cuz of MSA RNG. Now that BDO went hardcore p2w - other people might tell you otherwise - I decided to give ESO one more shot especially after I read this:
    Adjusted the distribution of Maelstrom weapons obtained from the Maelstrom Arena via the Leaderboards and drops.

    Previously, this was divided evenly by weapon category (Destruction Staff, Two Hand, etc). Now, it is based on the individual item type (Dagger, One Handed Sword, etc), and all damage weapons within the item type have an equal probability to drop.
    In addition, when a Dual Wield weapon is awarded, you will receive two Dual Wield weapons.
    We also slightly reduced the drop chance for Healing Staves, Bows, and One Hand and Shields.

    Sharpened Inferno, here I come!

    1. Charged Restoration Staff
    2. Infused Restoration Staff
    3. Decisive Axe/Infused Axe
    4. Precise Mace/Shield
    5. Sharpened Sword/Shield
    6. Defending Bow
    7. Charged Restoration Staff
    8. Charged Restoration Staff
    9. Decisive Dagger/Infused Dagger
    10. Defending Greataxe
    11. Sharpened Restoration Staff
    12. Powered Restoration Staff
    13. Infused Restoration Staff
    14. Decisive Sword/Shield
    15. Charged Restoration Staff
    16. Powered Sword/Shield
    17. Charged Greatsword
    18. Precise Restoration Staff
    19. Charged Bow
    20. Powered Restoration Staff
    21. Infused Dagger/Charged Axe
    22. Powered Axe/Infused Axe
    23. Defending Lightning Staff
    24. Decisive Maul
    25. Powered Bow
    26. Precise Restoration Staff
    27. Charged Ice Staff
    28. Sharpened Dagger/Decisive Dagger
    29. Decisive Bow
    30. Decisive Lightning Staff
    31. Powered Dagger/Charged Dagger
    32. Sharpened Restoration Staff
    33. Decisive Maul
    34. Defending Restoration Staff
    35. Defending Bow
    36. Sharpened Sword/Shield
    37. Charged Restoration Staff
    38. Charged Mace/Shield
    39. Sharpened Axe/Sharpened Axe
    40. Powered Sword/Shield
    41. Precise Sword/Shield
    42. Precise Sword/Shield
    43. Infused Restoration Staff
    44. Powered Restoration Staff
    45. Infused Greataxe
    46. Powered Bow
    47. Defending Sword/Shield
    48. Charged Restoration Staff
    49. Precise Bow
    50. Defending Dagger/Precise Axe

    3 characters, 6 weekly rewards:

    1. Charged Restoration Staff
    2. Infused Sword/Shield
    3. Sharpened Restoration Staff
    4. Charged Restoration Staff
    5. Sharpened Lightning Staff
    6. Sharpened Restoration Staff

    56 rewards, 0 Inferno Staves, 21 Restoration Staves. Definitely not staying in ESO. I hope my data will help someone.

    Your results are so demoralizing...

    When will this ridiculous garbage with vMA end? ZOS... care to comment? The change didn't seem to do too much here.

    Well, there is a sharpened lightning staff in there... :p Also sharpened daggers, axes. Not the worst 50 runs.
    Edited by Meld777 on February 23, 2017 5:43PM
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
  • jakeedmundson
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon.

    Umm.... no.... no they aren't.
    Any stamina build uses front bar.
    MOST mag builds will do double bar... 1 sharpened lightning, 1 sharpened inferno. OR mal on front bar with dual wield swords on back bar.
    I know, i know.... there is some meta build that uses only a sharpened lightning or inferno on back bar and does the other with a moondancer on front. That's one build out of many.

    @jakeedmundson I think you may have misread that a bit. He specifically called out staves, and a large portion of your reply is about stamina weapons (also known as - not staves)

    I guess i would consider a "large portion" more than 1 line out of my 4 or 5 total... It was just a simple mentioning of all builds. Still focused on magicka drops. They are definitely more than "back bar weapons"
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • andreasranasen
    I was interested this patch to really get into it and farm the Staff-trait I really want. Now I won't do it.
    • Alliance/Platform: Aldemerii - PS4/NA - CP 800+
    • Mag Sorc: Arya Rosendahl - Altmer - Highelf
  • alexkdd99
    And they said they were lowering chance of resto, bow, s&b. So far I have only gotten resto staves from vma since homestead.

    I was hopeful when they said they were making changes, but it seems it may be bs. I mean we wouldn't know if it was bs either way.
  • Izaki
    Meld777 wrote: »
    Meld777 wrote: »
    People quitting a game over a weapon makes me laugh.

    It's not average pugs quitting "over a weapon". It's end-game players going for rank 1 scores. Not rank 100, not rank 50, not rank 2. And if you look at the leaderboards, you'll notice something compared to what they looked like a year ago. There's no competition. There's Hodor with a full team of vMA weapons... and that's pretty much it. All the other competition got filtered out and driven away by ZOS.

    A person without a vMA weapon cannot compete with a person that has one on maximum skill-level. Thus, people who have the weapons will always be first, while people like me who don't have them farm a solo arena for over a year (almost 1.5 years by now), 1000+ runs, and eventually quit. I myself ran it 550+ times so far.

    Some play for RP, some play for skill and competition. If you play for RP, you won't quit over a weapon. But you probably won't farm a solo arena for 1000+ hours in the first place. Which is the real reason those people quit: demotivation! Not the weapon per se.
    Gorath wrote: »
    Now that BDO went hardcore p2w

    I disagree. BDO isn't more P2W than ESO. What you're referring to is probably the trading system that is more convenient when subscribed. In ESO it's the crafting bag. Both are not needed to play the game and don't help you "win". But they are convenient. If BDO is P2W, how is ESO not?

    Weren't you that guy who said that you'd exploit everything possible just because you don't have a sharp vMA staff during that vMOL exploit? If it was you, you don't deserve the number 1 spot anyway.
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon. So if you have a Precise or a Nirnhoned one on the back bar you'd be losing what? 500 DPS? Less than that for sure actually. Even sorcs have their execute on the front bar this patch, so you're not losing much by having a "subpar" trait on the back bar. Its not a tiny bit of DPS that makes a number 1 team. Its the tactics for trash pulls, where you don't even need full penetration. Boss fights take relatively similar times across competitive teams.
    So you're full of *** about "ZOS driving away competition". Best players don't quit over a weapon. They work harder in order to beat someone with the weapon. And frankly, its not a back bar trait that will make the difference between being 1st or 2nd anyway.

    Yes, it was me. The exact number how much single target DPS I'm losing by not having it is 4k single target on average (yes, for a standard Deltia/Alcast build it sounds wrong, but just trust me on this one, I know my class and how to get the maximum out of it). If you remember my pro-exploiting reasoning, I respect my competition, thus, I don't exploit in raids. But I do not respect this game because ZOS doesn't care about fair competition. Thus, I will exploit every single thing that benefits me personally, but doesn't damage competition. And I will encourage others to exploit. If a roleplayer can get his Dro-m'Athra title easily by exploiting, he should go for it. Won't affect scores, but will make him happy. Deal with it.

    And to disappoint you, currently, I'm number 1 in Hel Ra, Sanctum, and vMoL on PC EU.

    4k DPS? Lol. Just stop dude.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • Izaki
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon.

    Umm.... no.... no they aren't.
    Any stamina build uses front bar.
    MOST mag builds will do double bar... 1 sharpened lightning, 1 sharpened inferno. OR mal on front bar with dual wield swords on back bar.
    I know, i know.... there is some meta build that uses only a sharpened lightning or inferno on back bar and does the other with a moondancer on front. That's one build out of many.

    That "some meta" build is the one with most potential DPS. A 4pc Moondancer/Aether bonus + spell damage glyph > maelstrom weapon. You aren't running Blockade on both bars, so there's 0 need for having 2 vMA staves.
    Btw I did say Staves, Idk why you bring up stamina builds.
    Edited by Izaki on February 23, 2017 7:13PM
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • jakeedmundson
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon.

    Umm.... no.... no they aren't.
    Any stamina build uses front bar.
    MOST mag builds will do double bar... 1 sharpened lightning, 1 sharpened inferno. OR mal on front bar with dual wield swords on back bar.
    I know, i know.... there is some meta build that uses only a sharpened lightning or inferno on back bar and does the other with a moondancer on front. That's one build out of many.

    That "some meta" build is the one with most potential DPS. A 4pc Moondancer/Aether bonus + spell damage glyph > maelstrom weapon. You aren't running Blockade on both bars, so there's 0 need for having 2 vMA staves.
    Btw I did say Staves, Idk why you bring up stamina builds.

    See bold ^^^
    I won't argue with you. You seem set on arguing with every possible person in every vma thread on these forums. have fun with that.
    The point still is... vma staves are not just back bar weapons.
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • Kodrac
    Gorath wrote: »
    Kodrac wrote: »
    Man, the dedication to write all those down for posterity. Bravo, sir! Bravo!

    that was copy-paste, running that crap was true dedication

    Too subtle?
  • Artis
    Meld777 wrote: »
    And to disappoint you, currently, I'm number 1 in Hel Ra, Sanctum, and vMoL on PC EU.

    Whaaaat? So one doesn't need vMA weapons to be number 1? how shocking.

    The truth is, the game knows if you're typing vmSa instead of vMA and punishes you for it. There's no word starting with S in Maelstrom Arena. Also, people who type in a khajit manner make it sad.
  • jakeedmundson
    Artis wrote: »
    Meld777 wrote: »
    And to disappoint you, currently, I'm number 1 in Hel Ra, Sanctum, and vMoL on PC EU.

    Whaaaat? So one doesn't need vMA weapons to be number 1? how shocking.

    The truth is, the game knows if you're typing vmSa instead of vMA and punishes you for it. There's no word starting with S in Maelstrom Arena. Also, people who type in a khajit manner make it sad.

    For me, it isn't about getting a number 1 spot or being competitive in trials anymore... They killed trials for me and many of my friends with the last update. but that's a different story...
    I just want to finish MY builds... not meta builds...I have certain ways i like to play and i would really like to maximize my own build dps. But this endless grind kills all motivation :|

    PS... i always wondered where that vmSa thing came from. I don't get it...mixing vMA with vDSA?
    Lv 50 Dunmer DragonKnight Tank/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Sorcerer Dps
    Lv 50 Breton Templar Healer/Dps
    Lv 50 Altmer Nightblade Dps
    Lv 50 Redguard Sorcerer Dps
    PS4 - DC
    vSOHM - vAAHM - vHRC - vMA Flawless

    My version of a Heavy Attack Sorc build
  • Meld777
    Maelstrom staves are a back bar weapon.

    Umm.... no.... no they aren't.
    Any stamina build uses front bar.
    MOST mag builds will do double bar... 1 sharpened lightning, 1 sharpened inferno. OR mal on front bar with dual wield swords on back bar.
    I know, i know.... there is some meta build that uses only a sharpened lightning or inferno on back bar and does the other with a moondancer on front. That's one build out of many.

    That "some meta" build is the one with most potential DPS. A 4pc Moondancer/Aether bonus + spell damage glyph > maelstrom weapon. You aren't running Blockade on both bars, so there's 0 need for having 2 vMA staves.
    Btw I did say Staves, Idk why you bring up stamina builds.

    That's the reason you're far from being 1st even with your vMA staff. Deltia builds are good for beginners. If you never question builds, buff/debuff interactions and playstyles, you'll never be number 1.

    Yes, that setup is best if you play like shown in the videos. Every competitive group has their secrets. For Hodor it's the trash pulls. You won't find a single video of them doing that, unless it's their 2nd group, which doesn't know the 1st group's trash tactics either. We, on the other hand, stream most of our raids, but especially those when going for max score. I, however, will never share my build and playstyle outside of my raid group and close friends. Same goes for most of our group. That's my competitive advantage.

    Now go enjoy light-weaving Force Pulse. :p Not saying it's bad. Just saying that if your goal is to deal 3k more damage than possible with Yolo's build, you won't be able to do it by continuing to do it.
    Edited by Meld777 on February 23, 2017 8:31PM
    Maelstrom Arena Champion | Undaunted | Fighters Guild Victor

    Level 50 Magicka NB | CP160+

    nAA | vCoH1 HM | nSO | nCoA2 | nDSA | nMA | vVoM

    PC EU
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