Ideas for ESO Plus

  • Mystic_wolf479
    Ability to apply your characters/ toons skin to a companion.
    Ability to have your characters/ toons as houseguests.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    reazea wrote: »
    Why has there never been any reward for loyalty? Those who have been ESO+ members for 5 plus years and more continuously have seen nothing for their loyalty and investment.

    This is a fantastic idea.
  • Maitsukas

    This is a fantastic idea.

    There were a few loyalty rewards when the game was using the buy-and-subscribe-to-play format.
    PC-EU @maitsukas

    Posting the Infinite Archive and Imperial City Weekly Vendor updates.

    Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.
  • Mystic_wolf479

    There were a few loyalty rewards when the game was using the buy-and-subscribe-to-play format.[/quote]

    Oh yeah! I think I have a few.
    The ice wraith pet I think might be one.
  • Wildberryjack
    Just more pack space and housing slots would make me happy. As big an increase as possible.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • Mascen
    For the 10th anniversary in April, id like a means to swap around some of the eso plus reward statues/paintings.
  • Stirvik
    1] The ability to have two companions active at one time.

    2] A desk for all the endless paper based in game items, available from every player house, and via certain companions, the desk would have limited storage, which could be increase via a for a small fee of gold or increase based on ESO membership

    3] ESO+ free members raffle

    Okay, sorry if these ideas have already put forward.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Using my ability color wheel idea finally!

    - you can place your ship player home outside your other homes that have water like the Daggerfall overlook.
    - sea enemies dungeons and pvp
    - Incentive to visit other player houses: I’m working on this one still
    - A collection of npc companions from each guild/ faction that you can find randomly during those related quests.
    Example: you’re on the made guild quest of the day and you can encounter one of many npc companions who needs your help. The encounters would be at random and they would come with a small side quest.
    When you find these companions after completing their quests you can find them at that guild house location wondering around.

    - in in at my house before my random I should go back there. That would be awesome.
    Edited by Mystic_wolf479 on January 22, 2024 5:01PM
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Turn collision off on the Halloween ghost pet so it goes through objects as a thousand might/ should.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Make it so that I’m when you link furnishings together they become just 1.
    Like if you put together a table.
    Max furnishings per link 5?
    But you can combine linked sets by linking the first linked item from a set to another sets first item.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Add dividers to the character selection screen for different roles.
    To separate tanks heals dps pvp I guess just custom dividers.

    Idk if I added this one before but the ability to paint your screenshots and turn them into furnishings with craft able frames.
    Not bound.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    A mount with optional elements like you can change if it’s fire ice or lightning by howling.

    A farm where you can grow ingredients at your house.
  • thecatsme0w
    Priority logins for ESO plus subs when there are log in queues.

    Eventual goal: Own all the houses. Currently 5 short of that goal.
  • moo_2021
    Entire collections of crown items that are unavailable to non-subscribers: pets, mounts, furniture, etc.

    A double plus yearly subscription for access to all the latest contents, extra items and more crowns
  • WeWentElsweyr
    To be able to, with a yearly subscription, only once a year (or more if you're feeling nice), buy any item from the crown store that is currently not available. I suggest this because it's clear that the rotation is intentional and this keeps that but allows a little bit of choice.

    This would slightly improve upon the wait for certain items to return and it would be applicable to the players who you know are playing for the next 12 months or longer. A limited number of times means people need to think about it and it doesn't remove the overall rotation going on at all, it just means that the people who would otherwise be waiting an entire year or longer for something actually have an option to get whatever they're waiting for.
  • Wildberryjack
    Can we have more Special Collectable house slots maybe? I'm making a market in one of my notables and wanted to put barn animals for sale and have houseguests wandering around, you know so it looks like a market! But we can only put ten which isn't nearly enough to make it look alive. So double at the least the number of Special Collectables we can put in a house if we have ESO+, if not more than double. At least in the notables? Please?
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Can we have more Special Collectable house slots maybe? I'm making a market in one of my notables and wanted to put barn animals for sale and have houseguests wandering around, you know so it looks like a market! But we can only put ten which isn't nearly enough to make it look alive. So double at the least the number of Special Collectables we can put in a house if we have ESO+, if not more than double. At least in the notables? Please?

    Yes for real please somebody who works on eso please care about this for us.
    It really sucks.
    There shouldn’t be a limit. If I have 30 house guests and 70 mounts and 180 non combat pets and want to have them all running around inside of my single room at the Daggerfall Inn I should fetching be able to!
  • BretonMage
    Since we were discussing this on the General forum, I'd like to add my vote here to increasing Special Collectibles limits in player homes. I think they should be increased across the board for everyone, but increasing it only for ESO+ would work for me too.

    I've got 9 mounts/pets out in my Psijic Villa, but the place is so big I could use at least 7 or 8 more houseguests and pets to make it feel homely.
  • Muizer
    Here's an idea for a nice perk: Make it so that all gear and weapons in your inventory that you also have collected in your sticker book do not count towards the inventory and bank size limits.

    Edited by Muizer on May 9, 2024 10:41AM
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    I wonder if anyone at ZOS follows this thread any more? Only Gina has replied to this thread, and her last reply was over 7 years ago. It would be nice to know if someone at ZOS was actually taking all these replies into account.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Mystic_wolf479
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    I wonder if anyone at ZOS follows this thread any more? Only Gina has replied to this thread, and her last reply was over 7 years ago. It would be nice to know if someone at ZOS was actually taking all these replies into account.

    They don’t care lol
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Fun idea…
    For guilds with 400> members the leader could make a guild city instead of using a plain player home.
    They can make a copy instance of any city in the game with each being different prices and they get craft if access as a dev would.
    They have to assign players to crafting stations before they can be active. Could give them the ability to charge NPC taxes.
    Build defenses and have your city be attacked by daedra and stuff and your guild gets the notification to defend it.

    This idea is huge, I spent 5 hours and 3 fat azz bowls writing this down.
    But I’m told too often when talking about my idea to not give the whole idea for free.
    Like I did with the companion idea.
    I’d love to share everything I have for this one though, I filled a small spiral notebook lol
  • Rkindaleft
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    I wonder if anyone at ZOS follows this thread any more? Only Gina has replied to this thread, and her last reply was over 7 years ago. It would be nice to know if someone at ZOS was actually taking all these replies into account.

    I seriously doubt it. The same happened to the Overland content thread, there hasn't been a dev response there in a year.

    Maybe I'm a cynic but I think realistically ZOS is happy with how ESO Plus functions and are unlikely to change it this far down the line.

    Hmm, anyway, I'll put out a random list of what I think could be added:

    1) Increased/extra rewards from daily rewards for subscribers, alongside the ability to claim missed log in rewards for people who can't log in every day
    2) Access to past items in the store that are no longer available/out of season (for example the Treasure Hunter personality hasn't been in the store for a year or a house like Stone Eagle Aerie that only ever comes back during Skyrim event)
    3) Increased collectible slots for housing
    4) More discounts for more items in the Crown Store
    5) Bring back monthly crown crates you got with your sub, like it used to be a number of years ago

    Edited by Rkindaleft on May 28, 2024 3:02AM PlayStation NA. I upload parses and trial POVs sometimes.
    Have cleared all trial hard modes.
    6/9 trial trifectas.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    A Construct version of mounts and pets.
    Like the existing pets and mounts but with construct armor on them.
    Like you found it traveling and tired it to them for protection.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Mount and pet stats and unique player passives granted.
    You should be able to pat/pet your non combat pet or mount when they’re at your home.
    Or your pet anywhere.
    Petting them can instead their experience.
    Passives could include that world enemies sharing creature types with your pet might not attack you and may even help you.
    Like bears and dogs or little daedra.
    Mounts like heavy big boys should knock down enemies when you sprint through them.
    More nimble mounts should be able to sprint through caltrops like the wolf or fox.
    All mounts should run faster down hill and slower up hill.
    Mounts should swim helping the player swim faster.
    Pets with hands like monkeys and companions should have the option to loot containers for you as you pass them.
  • Wildberryjack
    How about the ability to dye polymorphs. I would LOVE that.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • Thoriorz
    Another bonus for ESO+ would be a +10% increase the chance to drop Leads in the game.
    Now thanks to ESO+ we have various bonuses on xp, gold and now after the update there will be also on pvp currency, so why not something to increase the chance of drop Leads?
    Me as an "Antiques andy" I would be extremely happy with this. :)
  • SkaiFaith
    Up the monthly crowns from 1.650 to 1.900 (taking the yearly offer to 25.000) - many players are not happy to miss 2 DLCs every year after the quarterly content reduction. This would compensate the crowns value and incentivate to remain subbed.

    If this change happen, consider not making it simply a "from now on", since there could be players that have just renewed their yearly subscription and would be pissed by missing the increase in crowns.
    Edited by SkaiFaith on October 7, 2024 7:05PM
    A: "We, as humans, should respect and take care of each other like in a Co-op, not a PvP 🌸"
    B: "Too many words. Words bad. Won't read. ⚔️"
  • Danikat
    I know this isn't quite what the thread is for, but it didn't seem worth starting one just for this:

    Please can you reduce the ESO+ free trial notifications? At the moment it sends the same notification every single time you log in or switch characters during a trial.

    If I didn't already know that's specific to the trial and the paid version doesn't do that it would genuinely put me off buying it because it gets annoying having to clear the same notification (or having it costantly flashing at me) every time I change characters, especially when it's notifying me of something I already know because I had to manually activate the trial.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Stirvik
    A library like the Craft-Bag, where all ESO documents can be stored and access, similarly to the Craft-Bag.
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