Ideas for ESO Plus

  • Maitsukas
    Bring back monthly crown crates with eso plus, like it used to be.

    They used to give free crates to ESO+ subscribers ONLY during the free ESO+ trials for non-subscribers.
    PC-EU @maitsukas

    Posting the Infinite Archive and Imperial City Weekly Vendor updates.

    Also trying out new Main Quests, Companions, ToT decks, Events and Styles on PTS.
  • Gargath
    I wonder when I'll see a payment option by money transfer directly from my bank account.
    ZOS my money lies on a street, and you just pass along.

    Anytime I tried to buy ESO+ or High Isle or whatever with real money, I see this: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, PaySafeCard. First four need credit card (I don't have), the last means a visit in 3-rd party store and give them money for purchasing fixed-value tickets which cannot cover the exact amount for game or subscription (i.e. loosing money).

    Constant lack of direct bank account transfer, a popular way of transactions in my country, very quick and convenient via mobile applications.

    I have money but cannot pay. I buy plenty of games and other products via direct bank transfer on websites worldwide. My company makes bank transfers to US, Australia or Africa, all continents in this world. Only ZOS/ESO sticks to credit card transations and outdated PSC.
    Edited by Gargath on January 2, 2023 6:28PM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • syberfut
    Maitsukas wrote: »
    They used to give free crates to ESO+ subscribers ONLY during the free ESO+ trials for non-subscribers.

    This would've been perfect and awesome for the two times I subscribed to ESO+ and then a free trial was granted. Literally a couple of hours after the first time I subscribed, an ESO+ trial started. I felt so shafted that I refused to sign up again. A year or so later, I caved and decided to give it another go.. a few days go by and yup another ESO+ trial started. I barely play, spending most of my time managing a paltry bag .. preferring that opposed to being shafted again. If they gave those crates to the subscribers during the trials, I would still be subscribed.
  • Cyber10
    Please consider rotating the free items to something other than paintings and statues. Not every one who is an ESO + subscriber takes part in decorating their home, so more useful items for all players would be a nice change. As I previously mentioned offering a choice of three different items and allowing members to pick which option they want is a better approach. This way members feel as if they are getting useful items instead of monthly forced housing items.

  • Zells
    • Change the Crafting materials inventory bag from an ESO+ benefit to be a base-game, non-subscriber benefit free to all accounts.
    • Add a Housing Furnishings Inventory Bag as a benefit for ESO+ subscribers

    Reasoning – Craft Bag
    • Crafting is a primary element in all Elder Scrolls games, including ESO, and it’s an element that can hook a new player. (Look at all the customization options!)
    • With the continuing addition of new motifs, there is a continual addition of new style mats. For a new player with limited inventory, it becomes easiest to just sell everything to NPC vendors rather than try to figure out what the things are. By the time you figure out how crafting works, you don’t have a stockpile ready to dive into it, b/c everything was too much to carry. Allowing new players to build up mats sets them up for success when they’re ready to explore crafting.
    • I have heard many, many people say that the Crafting Inventory Bag makes the game playable, that without it, the inventory is overwhelming and the game is less fun by a mile. I agree. New players w/o subs are therefore playing a less enjoyable game, and are overwhelmed w/crafting mats they don't understand.

    Reasoning – Furnishing Bag
    • Subscribers are probably long-term players.
    • While crafting can be fun for a brand new player to try, the ESO housing system is best enjoyed by experienced players. I have heard multiple people refer to housing as “the true ESO end-game activity”. Indeed, many furnishings cannot even be acquired until one has mastered veteran dungeons and trials.
    • I <3 all the furnishing options we have – in fact I want more - but the luxury furnishings must be stored, likewise the Antiquity furnishings. I currently have multiple 700-count homes filled with items, which means before I can work on a housing project, I first have to spend time porting to all the storage houses to gather up items that may or may not work. Then I spend hours after the build (and during) porting back around to replace the things I didn’t use. It is very difficult to actually know all the pieces you have that might work at any given moment. I try to keep like things together, but it’s common after I finish a build to realize that the perfect plant / wall / clutter was available, I just forgot I had it.
    • The majority of my in-house storage containers are also filled with furnishings.
    • The continually growing hassle of inventory management has prevented me from enjoying working on housing projects the past couple of years. The things I do are great – I have really cool pieces! – but putting it all together and cleaning up after is too much work to be fun.

    For brevity’s sake, I have deleted out the 10,000 words of this post that was just me abjectly and shamelessly begging for this to happen. Please use your imaginations and insert that as an imaginary background audio to this post. Thank you.
    Tamriel_Tidbits provides videos showcasing all rewards in each quarterly patch. Come see at:
  • Heromofo
    Let us gift ESO +

    Remove crafting bag from it and make it for everyone it's too good of a qol just for eso +. Make new players less frustrated.

    Maybe instead of crafting bag we can freely re customise our characters each month and have bonus bag / bank space above the current limit.
  • karthrag_inak
    Let ESO+ folks do complete character customization and race change on companions. None of the stories would be ruined if the companions were, say, all khajiit.
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions. cp3600
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
    Come visit Karth's Glitter Box, Khajiit's home. Fully stocked guild hall done in sleek Khajiit stylings, with Grand Master Stations, Transmute, Scribing, Trial Dummies, etc. Also has 2 full bowling alleys, nightclub, and floating maze over Wrothgar.
  • SkynzRnR

    I just have one question. Why does ESO Plus not have access to the full game? It is a premium, I would not mind getting less crowns but being able to play every zone in game, would not mind paying 15 Euro a month with less crowns but again having access to the full game. As is it's 155.88 Euro a Year with paying for it monthly. This did made me stop playing the game for 6 months but if I has access to the full game, I've would have kept playing am sure of it.
  • PrimeSeptim
    1. Free random crown crate (doesn't have to be current crates and at least 1 of them but more if you're feeling generous) instead of another statue or painting.

    2. Loyalty rewards (pet, costume, house, mounts, more crown crates? :D Maybe have it tiered based on how long the player has been subscribed for without breaks). 3 month = pet, 6 month = costume, 9 month = mount, 12 month = house (a lovely New life festival gift!), 15 month = costume+personality, 18 month = x15 crown crates, 21 month = house+a random furnishing pack, 24 month = mount, etc.*

    3. An ESO+ only currency similar to gems but only ESO+ members can get it (part of the loyalty program)

    4. More discounts on the crown store.

    5. Maybe a x1.5 multiplier for gathering raw materials and a x1.5 chance of gaining materials back from deconstruction and another x1.5 chance for refining (obtaining upgrade materials).

    6. A monthly sweepstakes (member is automatically entered into it).

    *Maybe those who have been subscribed for 71 consecutive months can have an NPC named after them! :)
    Edited by PrimeSeptim on April 23, 2023 3:39PM
  • arch1t3ct
    More and better daily rewards
  • Tyrant_Tim
    An added Furniture Bag to store all excessive furniture for ESO+ Subscribers, and the 2x housing capacity to become the new standard for all players instead of subs.
  • Araneae6537
    It would be nice if, at least once a year, members with ESO+ could purchase a limited time item that they missed while still paying for their subscription.

    In my case, I’d been hoping to get the Ashen Fang Lair Courser, but had stuff going on, including moving and thus, no Internet, so sadly I missed out and it’s not the type of item that returns regularly.
  • SugaComa
    It would be nice if, at least once a year, members with ESO+ could purchase a limited time item that they missed while still paying for their subscription.

    In my case, I’d been hoping to get the Ashen Fang Lair Courser, but had stuff going on, including moving and thus, no Internet, so sadly I missed out and it’s not the type of item that returns regularly.

    I like this idea, I had three years off from gaming in general due to an accident and I've missed several things I wanted including some houses .

    One other change I would like to see is trophies and furniture you carry placed in the craft bag
  • Elsonso
    Double Scrying and Excavating XP please. :smile:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Nebs
    Hair dyes plz :smile:
  • Warwolf
    Two suggestions .
    1. Bag for housing items , free for those who buy items for crowns , give them an option to bind to account so goes for free to their housing bag , those who opt out will not get that privilige as they most likely will sell it for gold .
    Its kinda consumer unfriendly items i buy with real money also take up bags space it have to pay for so i think its consumer friendly to let those items stored for free ! (the bind to account is a way to stop abuse )

    Those who have ESO+ can store ALL housing items in a House item Storing bag ..

    2. Helpers the first and get a discount on every skin you purchase ..i bet you gonna make more profit than let people buy the helper again and again ..maybe even give an extra discount if you buy more in one go ..i bet you will be surprised how much more you will make ..this aint the Mobile market ,here every fi$h counts ..stop whaling , gotta catch them all !

    Edited by Warwolf on August 15, 2023 7:44PM
  • derkaiserliche
    Cyber10 wrote: »
    Please consider rotating the free items to something other than paintings and statues. Not every one who is an ESO + subscriber takes part in decorating their home, so more useful items for all players would be a nice change. As I previously mentioned offering a choice of three different items and allowing members to pick which option they want is a better approach. This way members feel as if they are getting useful items instead of monthly forced housing items.

    I love decorating, but noone needs 500 statues in their home. So i agree with you too.
    Let ESO+ folks do complete character customization and race change on companions. None of the stories would be ruined if the companions were, say, all khajiit.

    Yea i would spend crowns, if i could only change the appearance of bastian or change the race of the argonian one haha

    To the topic:

    Imperial war horse or more imperial stuff please + more nice personalities
    Edited by derkaiserliche on August 16, 2023 3:17PM
  • Sarannah
    Expanded costume dyeing: Accountwide dyed costume saving. Add a way to save a dyed costume in collections, so we can quickly select that colored costume from collections to equip it. Maybe the way to do this is to have three saveslots on the lower end of the collections costume interface, in the same square that holds that base costume. And when we use that colored slot, it equips that costume with those saved colors. (Right now we have a square per base costume, the saves would simply be three smaller squares inside the big square's lower part)

    This way we can easier use/equip dyed costumes on other characters/companions, by saving them accountwide. While still keeping the original colored costume available.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Stronger connection for plus members during events.
    Double housing space.
    Use of all collectibles on your companion.
    Able to use three companions to have your own group.
    Lower crown prices on most items by a good bit.
    Same for endeavors.
    Have double endeavor point events.
    Lower crown prices for plus members.
    I can keep going.
    This is also kind of a list of things y’all could do to keep players.

    I’d pay for all of this.
    I don’t get why people whine so much about “pay to play” and whatever.
    Get a job, buy crowns or don’t.
  • louisianalady43
    Well 6 years with Eso and becoming very disappointed in the game. Costs of items have gone up too much, no more gifting, and I am sitting with 32,000 endeavors with nothing worthwhile to buy. You don't have nice mounts anymore and you can't even buy very old costumes with endeavors. They are only in crown store. I can go on and on but they probably will fall on deaf ears. Are you trying to take so much away from us that we all decide to leave? So many left several months ago are we going to have another exodus? Please stop trying to make all the money and strip your customers of all the rewards that are due to them for their years of support for the game. Start giving back with decent prices and a game that works. Thanks
  • Nebs
    Double the amount of favorites~ I hit that 100 count limit so quickly across all my collection items
  • Lugaldu
    I love decorating, but noone needs 500 statues in their home. So i agree with you too.

    I'm still so grateful that since Blackwood we've been getting paintings for ESO plus, which I think are really great.

    But perhaps when it comes to housing objects, they could also bring in other variations, such as tapestries. In addition to statues and paintings, these always had a representative character in the past.

  • Mystic_wolf479
    Ability to turn your screenshots into in game paintings with new recipes for frames

    New classes for in game activities-
    -Designer- Abilities could include…
    -you can hold furnishing items past your inventory limit.
    - can turn any item into a furnishing.

    -The Bard- Abilities could include…
    -Send a calm over the enemy stunning and then fearing them.
    -Provoke enemies to fight one another.
    -Increase stats of yourself and group members like xp gained or increase your luck.

    -The Sailor- Abilities could include…
    -creating and modifying ships that can be used to place in the water and act as a player house or pvp vessel ( your ship cannot be seen by other players unless in a group, so you can place your ship anywhere you want.

    -Luck- Abilities could include…
    -the obvious
    - increased chance to encounter a unique enemy while delving.
    - Increased chance to find a fellow npc guild member while delving who would join turning your group of 4 into 5.
    -chests and other treasures glow.
    -treasure hirling- can send you map locations with a plethora of treasures.

    -Vampirism and Warewolves…
    Should take less if any fall damage, should jump higher, farther and faster.

    Color wheel for abilities.
    Color wheel for mount armor.
    Color wheel for mount.
    Edited by Mystic_wolf479 on September 14, 2023 5:29PM
  • Amottica
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Expanded costume dyeing: Accountwide dyed costume saving. Add a way to save a dyed costume in collections, so we can quickly select that colored costume from collections to equip it. Maybe the way to do this is to have three saveslots on the lower end of the collections costume interface, in the same square that holds that base costume. And when we use that colored slot, it equips that costume with those saved colors. (Right now we have a square per base costume, the saves would simply be three smaller squares inside the big square's lower part)

    This way we can easier use/equip dyed costumes on other characters/companions, by saving them accountwide. While still keeping the original colored costume available.

    Account-wide costume dying means limited customization. The second point, that being able to save a dye scheme on a costume to use on other characters we select it on is a better solution.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Ability to set your own background in character selection screen.
  • Mystic_wolf479
    Plus members could have the ability to view in game stats from the character selection screen. Like inventory and general character stats.

    Audio marker furnishings.
    Like blowing wind or waves.
    Edited by Mystic_wolf479 on October 8, 2023 3:06AM
  • AngelSunstar
    Soul Shriven
    Furniture bag , Random Motif once a month, daily quest for X amount of gold only eso + can do, Hair' outfits, maybe a skin once a year, Remove timer from training horse's
  • reazea
    Why has there never been any reward for loyalty? Those who have been ESO+ members for 5 plus years and more continuously have seen nothing for their loyalty and investment.
  • Araneae6537
    Gargath wrote: »
    I wonder when I'll see a payment option by money transfer directly from my bank account.
    ZOS my money lies on a street, and you just pass along.

    Anytime I tried to buy ESO+ or High Isle or whatever with real money, I see this: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, PaySafeCard. First four need credit card (I don't have), the last means a visit in 3-rd party store and give them money for purchasing fixed-value tickets which cannot cover the exact amount for game or subscription (i.e. loosing money).

    Constant lack of direct bank account transfer, a popular way of transactions in my country, very quick and convenient via mobile applications.

    I have money but cannot pay. I buy plenty of games and other products via direct bank transfer on websites worldwide. My company makes bank transfers to US, Australia or Africa, all continents in this world. Only ZOS/ESO sticks to credit card transations and outdated PSC.

    I believe PayPal lets you pay directly from your bank account.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Zells wrote: »
    • Change the Crafting materials inventory bag from an ESO+ benefit to be a base-game, non-subscriber benefit free to all accounts.
    • Add a Housing Furnishings Inventory Bag as a benefit for ESO+ subscribers

    Removing the Crafting Bag from ESO Plus and making it part of the base game would remove 90% of the reason why I decided to subscribe to ESO Plus in the first place. I don't need access to the DLCs because I always buy them from the Crown Store anyway, so the only other things that make ESO Plus attractive to me are the doubled bank space and doubled housing space, but the Crafting Bag was by far the main reason I ever entertained and finally embraced the idea of subscribing to ESO Plus.

    On the other hand, I think that adding a Housing Bag would be pretty awesome.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
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