I feel that a lot of the people commenting here have not yet tried to make a fat toon in this game. When you try, you find the "fat" scale stops at slightly overweight, but definitely not fat. It's annoying when you actually want to make a larger than life character and be forced to play a slightly chubbier than life one instead
Being fat is bad. Being fat is unhealthy. Deal with it. Being fat is not a way of life. It's just unhealthy and a videogame should not promote that.
And you've created a new tongue twister. Chubby lizard wizard, chubby lizard wizard, cthubb... thizard... damn.KochDerDamonen wrote: »"chubby lizard wizard"
Like do you feel the characters in game are too buff and too fit, its just unrealistic, and it doesn't have enough fat options? Perhaps even the most fat option still looks fit. Take a look at Everquest and their fat toons, and think about how MMORPGs have changed over the years and how they started fat shaming. AKA they only show fit and buff character models.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaZ0URPX1KA
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »It's a game. It's pixels. No, they should *not* take a stand in the gay-right case. They should *not* care about gender. They should *not* care about fat/anorexic. Their purpose should be to... Be a game.
Don't mix politics & political righteousness with a game. It's not like being overweight means being unhealthy. Just as looking fit doesn't always mean that the person is healthy.
Idk. People need to take a chillpill, relax & stop getting offended by everything. It's okay to be fat - It's okay to be slim. As long as you're healthy, who the heck cares??!
Just accept everyone for who they are & problem solved.
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »It's a game. It's pixels. No, they should *not* take a stand in the gay-right case. They should *not* care about gender. They should *not* care about fat/anorexic. Their purpose should be to... Be a game.
Don't mix politics & political righteousness with a game. It's not like being overweight means being unhealthy. Just as looking fit doesn't always mean that the person is healthy.
Idk. People need to take a chillpill, relax & stop getting offended by everything. It's okay to be fat - It's okay to be slim. As long as you're healthy, who the heck cares??!
Just accept everyone for who they are & problem solved.
LOL are you serious? Politics, including gay and gender issues, are an intrinsic part of this game. Like do you even quest or listen to dialogue? The game itself encourages political thought and discussion. If anything, you should stop trying to discourage people from discussing it!
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Being fat is bad. Being fat is unhealthy. Deal with it. Being fat is not a way of life. It's just unhealthy and a videogame should not promote that.
Valid point but... being sick or handicapped is also bad, or better said, unlucky, and, depending on the situation, also "unhealthy". Noone should be judged for being either of those and we are not all equal in front of food/weight problems.
I'm saying this because your point is interesting, and my comment is unrelated to this somewhat stupid thread.
If I look at the game itself, I'd rather point out that most NPCs, especially female NPCs, have a "Barbie-doll-shape", which has been scientifically proven to be far too skinny to be realistic or healthy. I'd rather accuse the game (and many other games) to condone anorexia than to "fat-shame".
Like do you feel the characters in game are too buff and too fit, its just unrealistic, and it doesn't have enough fat options? Perhaps even the most fat option still looks fit. Take a look at Everquest and their fat toons, and think about how MMORPGs have changed over the years and how they started fat shaming. AKA they only show fit and buff character models.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaZ0URPX1KA
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »It's a game. It's pixels. No, they should *not* take a stand in the gay-right case. They should *not* care about gender. They should *not* care about fat/anorexic. Their purpose should be to... Be a game.
Don't mix politics & political righteousness with a game. It's not like being overweight means being unhealthy. Just as looking fit doesn't always mean that the person is healthy.
Idk. People need to take a chillpill, relax & stop getting offended by everything. It's okay to be fat - It's okay to be slim. As long as you're healthy, who the heck cares??!
Just accept everyone for who they are & problem solved.
nimander99 wrote: »Smh, who cares? You can create a pretty fat character if you want via the character creator. Please, please don't bring this kind of 1st world issue into my fantasy gaming forums... Thanks, and happy PC Holidays! (I don't want to offend anyone).
nimander99 wrote: »Smh, who cares? You can create a pretty fat character if you want via the character creator. Please, please don't bring this kind of 1st world issue into my fantasy gaming forums... Thanks, and happy PC Holidays! (I don't want to offend anyone).
How DARE you mock the "first world" and its' problems? I'm from a "first- world" country and am deeply offended by your incredibly insensitive post and demand that you apologize!
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »So you feel that a 300 lb guy is going to run around in 50-75lb armor and kill things in dungeons and not be out of breath or maybe dead of a heart attack?