I have succesfully replicated this bug three times now, its not gamebreaking at all but it might happen in other situations I'm not aware off.
Steps to trigger bug:
- Travel to another zone, I only tried wayshrine to wayshrine
- immediately mount
- immediately cast Rapid manouver after mounting
Theese three steps causes Shroud of the Lich to proc even at full mana.
FTC shows me the buff gain and my Magicka reg goes from 1,8k to 3,5k.
A bug nonetheless.
Just a thought, might not be the skill that is the issue, it's just that the skill that drains my stamina to about 20-30% on cast.
TL;DR Lich should not proc at all based on current stamina, somehow sometimes it does^^
Edited by Fettkeewl on December 18, 2016 6:09AM