Someone please correct my math if wrong but with 10 possible drops and getting 7 of the same the chances of that happening are:
(1/10)^7 = 0.00001%
AlexTech0x wrote: »
IronCrystal wrote: »
IronCrystal wrote: »
There are not 10 different weapon drops?
If 15% chance as you say that's still:
0.15^7 = 0.00017%
For 7 resto drops in a row
kasa-obake wrote: »
... I have kept on running vMSA and taking into account posts from others on forums and in-game, still ignoring double-posts (PC EU). This brings the total of the loot to roughly 1.5k (1,471 to be exact, but 1.5k sounds neater).
Below are the new and updated table and pie charts, because who doesn't love pie charts.
As with my previous graphs here, seems like the trait distribution is pretty balanced. However the item distribution is not, and that reflects with the sheer amount of Bows and Restoration staves that drop.
Again, this seems to confirm what @Alanar was saying a month ago.
Alanar wrote: »
So your chances of getting a specific weapon are:
Bow - 1/6
Restoration Staff - 1/6
Dagger - 1/12
Sword - 1/12
Mace - 1/12
Axe - 1/12
Greatsword - 1/18
Battle Axe - 1/18
Maul - 1/18
Lightning Staff - 1/18
Frost Staff - 1/18
Fire Staff - 1/18
So if you're hunting a sharpened fire staff, you have a 1/18 chance of getting a fire staff at all, and a 1/8 chance of getting sharpened, for a total chance of 1/144 on each drop.
"RNG is fine".