Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Infallible Infinite Wizard (Magsorc Off-Balance Heavy Attack vMA & Trial Build) Summerset

  • Masel
    Class Representative
    sutasafaia wrote: »
    So how do you recommend leveling this class? Is there a way to level it that's as easy as it is to play at end-game? I'm planning to start one from scratch since I currently have no Altmer (or high level mag sorcs). I've always found mag sorc complicated to play with tracking all the procs and the like, so an easy mag sorc sounds very nice.

    How badly does DPS suffer using Clannfear instead of it's other morph? You mentioned it not holding agro while leveling so this might be better while leveling?

    Also, if I just enjoy Breton badly am I screwing myself not using an Altmer >.>

    The clannfear does not neraly reach the damage that the volatile scamp does. So you should consider switching the morphs! I'd recommend getting someone to craft julianos in 5 light 1 heavy 1 medium for you, make it purple and put a lightning staff on. Very easy play for starters, and you level everything you need in endgame. Preferrably skim through the five sttarter zones with main quests, lorebooks for mages guild and fighters guild :)
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • sutasafaia
    Is it worth keeping Clannfear while going 1-49 as a tank or should you stick with volatile the whole way?
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    sutasafaia wrote: »
    Is it worth keeping Clannfear while going 1-49 as a tank or should you stick with volatile the whole way?

    That depends :) if you want to adapt earlier to the little mroe kiting playstyle of the familiar, then do it. If not, use the clannfear :)
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    sutasafaia wrote: »
    So how do you recommend leveling this class? Is there a way to level it that's as easy as it is to play at end-game? I'm planning to start one from scratch since I currently have no Altmer (or high level mag sorcs). I've always found mag sorc complicated to play with tracking all the procs and the like, so an easy mag sorc sounds very nice.

    How badly does DPS suffer using Clannfear instead of it's other morph? You mentioned it not holding agro while leveling so this might be better while leveling?

    Also, if I just enjoy Breton badly am I screwing myself not using an Altmer >.>

    Leveling Sorc is not bad at all, but not as easy as magplar or mageblade. My advice for leveling any class is to not stick to a specific build but rather try to level all your class and weapon skills to morph along the way. Sorc can be a little slow out of the gates until you get power surge. You are probably going to be in the 30s before you can slot every skill you need for this build.

    As for Breton vs High Elf, it's actually a pretty big difference. People will try to act like it doesn't matter, but it does. The boost to shock damage is definitely noticeable on any Sorc build. This build probably even moreso.

    Clanfear DPS is garbage and Familar DPS is borderline OP. For leveling, Clanfear might be better early on because it's like having a tank.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on March 15, 2017 7:22PM
  • NinthPrince64
    Highly recommended!

    Just did a 554k flawless with this build on my second try. There is definitely still room for improvement on my part. Only changes I made was to use a moondancer inferno on back bar, and I just double barred a shield instead of IL on back as it's not really needed. I think this makes a really good flex spot. I want to experiment with boundless, ele drain, and daedric prey. I also didn't even bother with over load. Destro ult is OP in there.

    I also just ran trial CP (98 ele, 26 elf, 1 staff, 75 thaum). I really couldnt tell much of a difference, but I think your way is a touch better if you don't mind swapping.

    Wow, this is really remarkable. My vMSA experience is pretty limited. I've beaten it a little over 30 times, but only ever on a stam sorc. I tried this build and after several hours (and I do mean several), I was able to get to the final boss of Stage 9, but I just couldn't beat it. I struggled to even get up to the crystals. CG would just beat the heck out of me. (No face tanking with massive health regen like on stam sorc.)

    I know I have to spend a lot more time learning how to play the build, but any advise you, or anyone else, could give on beating the final boss would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to "unlearn" playing like a stam sorc. LOL. BTW, I am on console.

  • sutasafaia
    Thanks for the info :3 Having all sorts of fun so far
    Edited by sutasafaia on March 18, 2017 11:55PM
  • pizzaow
    Wow, this is really remarkable. My vMSA experience is pretty limited. I've beaten it a little over 30 times, but only ever on a stam sorc. I tried this build and after several hours (and I do mean several), I was able to get to the final boss of Stage 9, but I just couldn't beat it. I struggled to even get up to the crystals. CG would just beat the heck out of me. (No face tanking with massive health regen like on stam sorc.)

    I know I have to spend a lot more time learning how to play the build, but any advise you, or anyone else, could give on beating the final boss would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to "unlearn" playing like a stam sorc. LOL. BTW, I am on console.

    I'm on console, and just had my first (2) vMA clears using this build! (went 5-necro/5-spinner [charged]+1 kena).

    I'd recommend reading @Lukums1 VMA text guide and/or watching his Twitch instructional play through .

    For the CG guard (without an ultimate or sigil), my strategy was to:
    1. Shield up & Power surge
    2. Block and circle the CG
    3. Lay down my aoes (liquid lightning, wall of elements & pet), while continuing to circle
    4. At this point, I'd check my health... if it was good, I'd reapply shield and heavy attack. If health was low, I'd heal and reapply aoes if necessary.

    It took me many deaths to learn that my shield (ward) basically has to be up 100% of the time; give priority to this... I don't try to out DPS the boss anymore, instead I outshield him :) My rotation now includes shielding.

    Much props to both Lukums and Masel92 for their awesome posts.
    XBox/NA GT: Pizzaow
  • Lukums1
    pizzaow wrote: »
    Wow, this is really remarkable. My vMSA experience is pretty limited. I've beaten it a little over 30 times, but only ever on a stam sorc. I tried this build and after several hours (and I do mean several), I was able to get to the final boss of Stage 9, but I just couldn't beat it. I struggled to even get up to the crystals. CG would just beat the heck out of me. (No face tanking with massive health regen like on stam sorc.)

    I know I have to spend a lot more time learning how to play the build, but any advise you, or anyone else, could give on beating the final boss would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to "unlearn" playing like a stam sorc. LOL. BTW, I am on console.

    I'm on console, and just had my first (2) vMA clears using this build! (went 5-necro/5-spinner [charged]+1 kena).

    I'd recommend reading @Lukums1 VMA text guide and/or watching his Twitch instructional play through .

    For the CG guard (without an ultimate or sigil), my strategy was to:
    1. Shield up & Power surge
    2. Block and circle the CG
    3. Lay down my aoes (liquid lightning, wall of elements & pet), while continuing to circle
    4. At this point, I'd check my health... if it was good, I'd reapply shield and heavy attack. If health was low, I'd heal and reapply aoes if necessary.

    It took me many deaths to learn that my shield (ward) basically has to be up 100% of the time; give priority to this... I don't try to out DPS the boss anymore, instead I outshield him :) My rotation now includes shielding.

    Much props to both Lukums and Masel92 for their awesome posts.

    AWWWWW more sweeties

    Thanks so much for the mentions and shout outs much appreciated!
    PS4 Yellow Scum Dominion
    1600+ vMA runs and counting
    Magicka Sorc - Flawless - 544k Score
    Stam Sorc - Flawless - 559k Score
    Stam DK - FLAWLESS 512k Score
    Stam NB - 492k Score - Work in progress
    Magicka Temp - 482k Score

    The Ozmeric Dominion (Oceanic) Australian Based Guild

    vMA "guru" - VHRC - vSO - vSOHM - vDSA - vAA - vMOL
    The Maelstrom BIBLE for beginners/Flawless Achieve Below

    You have vMA questions? Want a guide? Helping hand? PM me!

    Returns after 6 months back to back flawless

  • WarpigFunk
    Highly recommended!

    Just did a 554k flawless with this build on my second try. There is definitely still room for improvement on my part. Only changes I made was to use a moondancer inferno on back bar, and I just double barred a shield instead of IL on back as it's not really needed. I think this makes a really good flex spot. I want to experiment with boundless, ele drain, and daedric prey. I also didn't even bother with over load. Destro ult is OP in there.

    I also just ran trial CP (98 ele, 26 elf, 1 staff, 75 thaum). I really couldnt tell much of a difference, but I think your way is a touch better if you don't mind swapping.

    Wow, this is really remarkable. My vMSA experience is pretty limited. I've beaten it a little over 30 times, but only ever on a stam sorc. I tried this build and after several hours (and I do mean several), I was able to get to the final boss of Stage 9, but I just couldn't beat it. I struggled to even get up to the crystals. CG would just beat the heck out of me. (No face tanking with massive health regen like on stam sorc.)

    I know I have to spend a lot more time learning how to play the build, but any advise you, or anyone else, could give on beating the final boss would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to "unlearn" playing like a stam sorc. LOL. BTW, I am on console.


    You can facetank the CGs with hardened ward up. For CGs you have power surge up, hardened ward up (it will get eaten so reapply), and circle while attacking - no need to block, just attack FP/LA/Frag , or heavy attack depending on build. Attack and strafe around - occasionally you can roll through the fire breath to end up behind the CG - but with ward and surge up you can attack him while eating some breath. You might want to throw some points into Bastion to strengthen the shield.

    Keep power surge and hardened ward up as much as possible and you can face tank almost anything in there except necro swarms, infernostuff, enraged screams, and taking aim.
    PS4 [NA]
    Hingle McKringleberry - Altmer MagSorc DD The Flawless Conquerer
    Sek Sual Chocolate - Redguard StamSorc DD Stormproof
    Doktor Feelgood - Breton Templar Healz Boethia's Scythe
    Tiberius Asskickatron - Imperial DK StamTank Mageslayer
    vAAHM 100k+, vSOHM 100k+, vHRCHM 100k+, vMoL 78k, vDSA 36k, vMA 535k
  • Lukums1
    WarpigFunk wrote: »
    Highly recommended!

    Just did a 554k flawless with this build on my second try. There is definitely still room for improvement on my part. Only changes I made was to use a moondancer inferno on back bar, and I just double barred a shield instead of IL on back as it's not really needed. I think this makes a really good flex spot. I want to experiment with boundless, ele drain, and daedric prey. I also didn't even bother with over load. Destro ult is OP in there.

    I also just ran trial CP (98 ele, 26 elf, 1 staff, 75 thaum). I really couldnt tell much of a difference, but I think your way is a touch better if you don't mind swapping.

    Wow, this is really remarkable. My vMSA experience is pretty limited. I've beaten it a little over 30 times, but only ever on a stam sorc. I tried this build and after several hours (and I do mean several), I was able to get to the final boss of Stage 9, but I just couldn't beat it. I struggled to even get up to the crystals. CG would just beat the heck out of me. (No face tanking with massive health regen like on stam sorc.)

    I know I have to spend a lot more time learning how to play the build, but any advise you, or anyone else, could give on beating the final boss would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to "unlearn" playing like a stam sorc. LOL. BTW, I am on console.


    You can facetank the CGs with hardened ward up. For CGs you have power surge up, hardened ward up (it will get eaten so reapply), and circle while attacking - no need to block, just attack FP/LA/Frag , or heavy attack depending on build. Attack and strafe around - occasionally you can roll through the fire breath to end up behind the CG - but with ward and surge up you can attack him while eating some breath. You might want to throw some points into Bastion to strengthen the shield.

    Keep power surge and hardened ward up as much as possible and you can face tank almost anything in there except necro swarms, infernostuff, enraged screams, and taking aim.

    Or you just put on Suppression field and CG will never breath fire again :smile: Like I keep suggesting

    The smart ones tend to listen to that logic :expressionless:
    PS4 Yellow Scum Dominion
    1600+ vMA runs and counting
    Magicka Sorc - Flawless - 544k Score
    Stam Sorc - Flawless - 559k Score
    Stam DK - FLAWLESS 512k Score
    Stam NB - 492k Score - Work in progress
    Magicka Temp - 482k Score

    The Ozmeric Dominion (Oceanic) Australian Based Guild

    vMA "guru" - VHRC - vSO - vSOHM - vDSA - vAA - vMOL
    The Maelstrom BIBLE for beginners/Flawless Achieve Below

    You have vMA questions? Want a guide? Helping hand? PM me!

    Returns after 6 months back to back flawless

  • WarpigFunk
    Appreciate the advice - but I use a destro ulti right at the start and push the boss to phase 2 - then use it again to finish him in phase 3 ... I've no need of suppression field really. But I've used it on my stamsorc, it works if you struggle with CGs.

    Also, the advice really doesn't apply if you don't have your ulti up. In which case, hardened ward spam is your huckleberry.
    PS4 [NA]
    Hingle McKringleberry - Altmer MagSorc DD The Flawless Conquerer
    Sek Sual Chocolate - Redguard StamSorc DD Stormproof
    Doktor Feelgood - Breton Templar Healz Boethia's Scythe
    Tiberius Asskickatron - Imperial DK StamTank Mageslayer
    vAAHM 100k+, vSOHM 100k+, vHRCHM 100k+, vMoL 78k, vDSA 36k, vMA 535k
  • NinthPrince64
    WarpigFunk wrote: »
    Highly recommended!

    Just did a 554k flawless with this build on my second try. There is definitely still room for improvement on my part. Only changes I made was to use a moondancer inferno on back bar, and I just double barred a shield instead of IL on back as it's not really needed. I think this makes a really good flex spot. I want to experiment with boundless, ele drain, and daedric prey. I also didn't even bother with over load. Destro ult is OP in there.

    I also just ran trial CP (98 ele, 26 elf, 1 staff, 75 thaum). I really couldnt tell much of a difference, but I think your way is a touch better if you don't mind swapping.

    Wow, this is really remarkable. My vMSA experience is pretty limited. I've beaten it a little over 30 times, but only ever on a stam sorc. I tried this build and after several hours (and I do mean several), I was able to get to the final boss of Stage 9, but I just couldn't beat it. I struggled to even get up to the crystals. CG would just beat the heck out of me. (No face tanking with massive health regen like on stam sorc.)

    I know I have to spend a lot more time learning how to play the build, but any advise you, or anyone else, could give on beating the final boss would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to "unlearn" playing like a stam sorc. LOL. BTW, I am on console.


    You can facetank the CGs with hardened ward up. For CGs you have power surge up, hardened ward up (it will get eaten so reapply), and circle while attacking - no need to block, just attack FP/LA/Frag , or heavy attack depending on build. Attack and strafe around - occasionally you can roll through the fire breath to end up behind the CG - but with ward and surge up you can attack him while eating some breath. You might want to throw some points into Bastion to strengthen the shield.

    Keep power surge and hardened ward up as much as possible and you can face tank almost anything in there except necro swarms, infernostuff, enraged screams, and taking aim.

    Yes, this is what I was trying to do. I guess I just wasn't doing it well enough. L2P. LOL. It is good to know, though, that I wasn't going down the wrong path - just need to get better.

    On an unrelated note, did you know the Mothership is on display in the National Museum of African American History and Culture? Pretty cool.

    @Lukums1 will give your method a shot as well.

  • GrigorijMalahevich
    Highly recommended!

    Just did a 554k flawless with this build on my second try. There is definitely still room for improvement on my part. Only changes I made was to use a moondancer inferno on back bar, and I just double barred a shield instead of IL on back as it's not really needed. I think this makes a really good flex spot. I want to experiment with boundless, ele drain, and daedric prey. I also didn't even bother with over load. Destro ult is OP in there.

    I also just ran trial CP (98 ele, 26 elf, 1 staff, 75 thaum). I really couldnt tell much of a difference, but I think your way is a touch better if you don't mind swapping.

    Wow, this is really remarkable. My vMSA experience is pretty limited. I've beaten it a little over 30 times, but only ever on a stam sorc. I tried this build and after several hours (and I do mean several), I was able to get to the final boss of Stage 9, but I just couldn't beat it. I struggled to even get up to the crystals. CG would just beat the heck out of me. (No face tanking with massive health regen like on stam sorc.)

    I know I have to spend a lot more time learning how to play the build, but any advise you, or anyone else, could give on beating the final boss would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to "unlearn" playing like a stam sorc. LOL. BTW, I am on console.


    When CG spams just use supression field on it and the boss, job done. Repeat after crystal stage.

    Nice build. Did couple of flawless runs on it, but DPS is not enough for top 100 score. Easy 500k score on this build

    Too bad my mag DK doesn't have any pets :smiley:
    PC/EU 800 CP.
    PvP MagSorc.
    Pedro Gonzales - Mag Sorc EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Progib - Stam Sorc DC vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Pozhar - Mag DK EP vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
    Valera Podlechi - Mag Templar AD vMA Flawless Conqueror clear
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Highly recommended!

    Just did a 554k flawless with this build on my second try. There is definitely still room for improvement on my part. Only changes I made was to use a moondancer inferno on back bar, and I just double barred a shield instead of IL on back as it's not really needed. I think this makes a really good flex spot. I want to experiment with boundless, ele drain, and daedric prey. I also didn't even bother with over load. Destro ult is OP in there.

    I also just ran trial CP (98 ele, 26 elf, 1 staff, 75 thaum). I really couldnt tell much of a difference, but I think your way is a touch better if you don't mind swapping.

    Wow, this is really remarkable. My vMSA experience is pretty limited. I've beaten it a little over 30 times, but only ever on a stam sorc. I tried this build and after several hours (and I do mean several), I was able to get to the final boss of Stage 9, but I just couldn't beat it. I struggled to even get up to the crystals. CG would just beat the heck out of me. (No face tanking with massive health regen like on stam sorc.)

    I know I have to spend a lot more time learning how to play the build, but any advise you, or anyone else, could give on beating the final boss would be greatly appreciated. I suspect I need to "unlearn" playing like a stam sorc. LOL. BTW, I am on console.


    When CG spams just use supression field on it and the boss, job done. Repeat after crystal stage.

    Nice build. Did couple of flawless runs on it, but DPS is not enough for top 100 score. Easy 500k score on this build

    Too bad my mag DK doesn't have any pets :smiley:

    I'm on the leaderboard with it on PC EU (564k score), so it's enough for boards. Destro ultimate is way easier than suppression field, you won't even have a guard to begin with. And after dropping down again just use the defensive sigil and drop another Destro ultimate immediately and finish it.
    Edited by Masel on March 16, 2017 12:47PM
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • NinthPrince64
    Sorry to repeat the question, but I don't recall seeing a response from anyone.

    What is the point of the sharpened Maelstrom Inferno staff on back bar? Maybe I am missing it, but it doesn't seem like any of the active skills are being used? BTW, I have the staff - I just don't get why it needs to be there.


    EDIT: Sorry, I just realized it is a Masters staff on back bar. My bad.
    Edited by NinthPrince64 on March 16, 2017 1:19PM
  • FizzOnly
    good build was able to beat vMA,can farm it now very easy.if you ever struggled with vMA try this build.
  • Toomdad
    Thanks to everyone who kept posting on this topic. I finally got my first clear after about 5 hours on the boss. Though I had to use what I had on hand so I ended up doing 5 necro, 5 julianos and a random monster with magicka.
  • sutasafaia
    How would you rate this build for a soloer? It sounds like it should be able to take on quite a few (possibly all?) of the WB's and vet stuff all on it's own, outside of the DLC ones I suppose. Of course it might mean having to get some other skills added to the mix maybe?

    Also, how well does this build do without specialized gear? >.> I have shinies
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    sutasafaia wrote: »
    How would you rate this build for a soloer? It sounds like it should be able to take on quite a few (possibly all?) of the WB's and vet stuff all on it's own, outside of the DLC ones I suppose. Of course it might mean having to get some other skills added to the mix maybe?

    Also, how well does this build do without specialized gear? >.> I have shinies

    You can do a lot of vet dungeons by yourself with it, of there aren't mechanics that prevent you from doing so :) I use it just as I use it in vma for that.

    That depends on what you mean by shinies :smiley:
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • sutasafaia
    By shinies, I mean more or less anything. My sorc is currently level 10 and I have no hand me down magicka gear for this character at all, so basically gearing from scratch.
  • NinthPrince64
    Okay, so I am officially on board that this is an effective build for low stress VMA clears. Got a couple clears today after spending a little time practicing with the build.

    One question, though. I get into trouble on the final boss of Stage 7. How do you keep your pets from killing the second minder while the big boss is screaming? Or just more generally, how to handle that final round of Stage 7? Thanks.
  • notimetocare
    Okay, so I am officially on board that this is an effective build for low stress VMA clears. Got a couple clears today after spending a little time practicing with the build.

    One question, though. I get into trouble on the final boss of Stage 7. How do you keep your pets from killing the second minder while the big boss is screaming? Or just more generally, how to handle that final round of Stage 7? Thanks.

    Make sure you dont hit the minder, I have never had my pets hit the minder except if I do. Most times they shouldnt, biggest issue is dead scamp from boss scream
  • pizzaow
    Okay, so I am officially on board that this is an effective build for low stress VMA clears. Got a couple clears today after spending a little time practicing with the build.

    One question, though. I get into trouble on the final boss of Stage 7. How do you keep your pets from killing the second minder while the big boss is screaming? Or just more generally, how to handle that final round of Stage 7? Thanks.

    Make sure you dont hit the minder, I have never had my pets hit the minder except if I do. Most times they shouldn't, biggest issue is dead scamp from boss scream
    ^^This is good advice... If you happen to be on PC, there is a 'command pet' key. If you are on console your best bet is to avoid attacking the other minder.

    I usually attack the minder closest to the boss and sprint over to the other one. I was killing the shielding minder a lot more when he was in range of the splash damage from my heavy attacks/liquid lightning. It turned out that it wasn't my pet as much as the other AOEs; literally everything on the bar is AOE, so make sure the boss is as far away as possible.

    If your familiar happens to be attacking the shielding minder, don't reapply pulse... the minder should be able to survive the basic attacks, but 3 or 4 pulses will take him out.

    My biggest annoyance is after the first phase of the final boss, I'll be waiting on the portal to kill the clanfear just watching my familiar stun and take out the clanfear before he gets in range of the portal. When he does, its often a bonus CG for me!
    XBox/NA GT: Pizzaow
  • NinthPrince64
    pizzaow wrote: »
    Okay, so I am officially on board that this is an effective build for low stress VMA clears. Got a couple clears today after spending a little time practicing with the build.

    One question, though. I get into trouble on the final boss of Stage 7. How do you keep your pets from killing the second minder while the big boss is screaming? Or just more generally, how to handle that final round of Stage 7? Thanks.

    Make sure you dont hit the minder, I have never had my pets hit the minder except if I do. Most times they shouldn't, biggest issue is dead scamp from boss scream
    ^^This is good advice... If you happen to be on PC, there is a 'command pet' key. If you are on console your best bet is to avoid attacking the other minder.

    I usually attack the minder closest to the boss and sprint over to the other one. I was killing the shielding minder a lot more when he was in range of the splash damage from my heavy attacks/liquid lightning. It turned out that it wasn't my pet as much as the other AOEs; literally everything on the bar is AOE, so make sure the boss is as far away as possible.

    If your familiar happens to be attacking the shielding minder, don't reapply pulse... the minder should be able to survive the basic attacks, but 3 or 4 pulses will take him out.

    My biggest annoyance is after the first phase of the final boss, I'll be waiting on the portal to kill the clanfear just watching my familiar stun and take out the clanfear before he gets in range of the portal. When he does, its often a bonus CG for me!

    Okay, this is great. Couple of things "clicked" for me reading your post. Can't believe how dumb I've been. I typically run a stam sorc so my habit it to kill the further minder first so that it is more likely that I will be able to melee under the closer one. Probably killing minder with my own lightning heavy attacks.

    One other big thing I noticed different on this build relative to my stam sorc is I really have to watch my stam. No sprinting around everywhere on this build. Still learning that part. Have died too many time when I wasn't able to roll dodge.
  • Sky_WK
    Here's a question, with a very low drop rate of a sharpened IA staff, a very expensive sharpened necro staff, and a very low drop rate for Illambris shoulders in divines, is it worth it to even try to run 5x IA 5x Necro and random staves?
    i do not read replies. still playing stamdk for some reason.
  • pizzaow
    Sky_WK wrote: »
    Here's a question, with a very low drop rate of a sharpened IA staff, a very expensive sharpened necro staff, and a very low drop rate for Illambris shoulders in divines, is it worth it to even try to run 5x IA 5x Necro and random staves?
    Check out page 3 of this thread, there are some alternate gear suggestions there... the budget version is 5 necro/5 spinner (with charged staffs) and 1 kena. The charged staffs are pretty cheap (usually < 10K). It's what I'm running until I get a maelstrom staff. With this, I was able to get my first few vMA clears and I do 29K on the target dummy (with mistakes in the rotation). Also my front (lightning staff) bar is gold and the back (flame staff) bar is purple.
    XBox/NA GT: Pizzaow
  • Sky_WK
    pizzaow wrote: »
    Sky_WK wrote: »
    Here's a question, with a very low drop rate of a sharpened IA staff, a very expensive sharpened necro staff, and a very low drop rate for Illambris shoulders in divines, is it worth it to even try to run 5x IA 5x Necro and random staves?
    Check out page 3 of this thread, there are some alternate gear suggestions there... the budget version is 5 necro/5 spinner (with charged staffs) and 1 kena. The charged staffs are pretty cheap (usually < 10K). It's what I'm running until I get a maelstrom staff. With this, I was able to get my first few vMA clears and I do 29K on the target dummy (with mistakes in the rotation). Also my front (lightning staff) bar is gold and the back (flame staff) bar is purple.

    Yes I actually have that setup, do you think it can outperform 5 Necro and 5 IA?

    Edit- On second thought, if youre getting 29k DPS then I need to re-evaluate.
    Edited by Sky_WK on March 21, 2017 7:56PM
    i do not read replies. still playing stamdk for some reason.
  • Insanepirate01
    This build is amazing. I'm a vma noob just did my 3rd run using this build and was so easy compared to my last two runs died like 9 times total compared to dozens of times in my last runs. This build is lucky too got my 2nd sharp inferno :) just need that lightning to drop.
    Edited by Insanepirate01 on March 23, 2017 7:25PM
  • sutasafaia
    Curiosity, would you consider Magplar or this build easier to play? Especially in regards to soloing WBs and group stuff.

    Also, finally got up to Ward for this build >.> it makes a lot of difference huh?
  • Draekony
    Been loving this build for VMA, although I gave up on trying to get molag heavy divines and went with molag heavy infused, ha. Using the non VMA weapon setup. Funny thing I just noticed was that I forgot to switch from stam to magicka attributes this whole time, so now I'm excited to see if I can get finally get flawless with that (and a lot more mana!).

    Frozen rink has been a pain in the butt but using destro ult instead of shooting star helped a ton. Same with vault of umbrage stage.

    Also swapped to hardened ward. Using 5necropotence/5IA/1pcmolag
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