Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Infallible Infinite Wizard (Magsorc Off-Balance Heavy Attack vMA & Trial Build) Summerset

Class Representative
Changelog: Revamped the Build for Summerset.


A lot of people asked questions about a strategy that is safe and fun to play because they are struggling with the arena.

With this toon, I completed nearly everything in the game: flawless vMA, top 10 score runs in vDSA, every vet trial including vMoL and vHoF. it is also a very effective DPS-enabler for the whole group and has probably one of the strongest AoE components in the game.

Here is a full flawless vMA run video with the BiS-Version of the Build:


Altmer is best due to additional elemental (especially shock) damage and max magicka, dunmer (since SotH) and breton would be your second and third choice.

Stats and Gear Setup:



Why charged/infused?

Because this gives us the highest uptime on minor vulnerability and off-balance and the whole group 25% off-balance and therefore more overall damage (8% damage taken by the target), 70% more damage on all heavy attacks (includes team members). Dont forget that adds do not have a cooldown on off-balance and the heavy atatck splash damage scales with the damage on the original target. So when there are adds to a boss, aim at them (Hulks in vMoL, Centurions in vHoF etc.)

Why Channeled Acceleration?
Minor force is a very potent buff, and lightweight trap gives us a full uptime on it, and is completely ranged. Rearming trap might give you a higher uptime, but forces you in melee range, which you cant reliably do all the time so in the long run, the uptime is very often similar.

--> lightning staff benefits from all four of those trees. Liquid lightning and blockade benefit from Elemental expert, Elfborn and Thaumaturge and do get empowered a lot as well. The trade off is overload. With more points in elfborn/elemental expert, overload will hit harder, while the heavies and dots suffer a little.

Bar Setup:

Front Bar:
Empowered Ward/Endless Fury(in raids), Daedric Prey/Endless fury(solo), Channeled Acceleration, Volatile Familiar, Inner Light
Ultimate: Thunderous Rage

Back Bar:
Power Surge(solo)/Endless Fury, Liquid Lightning, Elemental Blockade, Volatile Familiar, Inner Light
Ultimate: Greater Storm Atronach

Usual strategy:

Keep Surge, Liquid lightning, acceleration, the volatile familiar pulse and blockade up and Heavy Attack your way through. Shield every now and then. It's as simple as that, stuff dies really fast, especially in AoE situations. Stuff just melts! Save your Ulti for Bosses and Difficult Rounds. This applies to stages 3 and 5 in particular because of all the adds.

What's with the pet?

Pets got buffed a lot with Homestead and Horns of the Reach. They are basically free DPS as they act as companions that choose targets and take them down by themselves. Plus, they take aggro from you. I'm not using daedric prey because enemies in vMA simply die too fast to make it really worth running. Bosses melt fast enough without it. If you plan to use overload, put daedric prey where power surge is and keep it up to buff you buddies. The storm atronach puts out less burst, but stronger sustained single target dps and gives melee allies a really strong synergy.

Also, Pets are immune to a lot of Mechanics in vMA, such as the lightnign Water, Spinning Blades etc. You can actually get through without having to resummon them more than 3 or 4 times (argonian behemoth kinda kills the familiar in enrage phase). So basically, it's like doing vMA with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill.

For low health mobs, don't bother putting down liquid lightning, as they die too fast with blockade and heavy attacks.

CP Allocation:

Red and Green depend on the trial. Blue is as follows

56 Thaumaturge

56 Elemental Expert

56 Elfborn

56 Master-at-arms

Rest into spell erosion,

The new CP system changes how they work, as most of the trees now have jump points. The returns from them get floored to the full percentage value, e.g. Investing 15.4% in a tree will effectively give you a 15% return.

So you want to use the points in a way of where you don't waste too many. The above distribution is always just above the full percentage for trees that have jump points.

DPS Parse with no spell power potion setup (just me):


Rotation video :

Easy mode!

it is Surge (every third rotation) > Channeled Acceleration (also every third rotation) > Light Attack (LA) > LL > LA > Blockade > Bar Swap > Full Heavy > Familiar Pulse > Heavy Attack > Prey > LA > Trap > Bar Swap > Repeat

The heavy attack bugs hit me more than on line on the PTS due to the latency, so there is more potential to it. I start off really goo but lose dps over time because my atronach doesnt go off etc.

Few additional things:

1. The difference between the staffs is that heavy attacks with lightning and resto staffs are channeled. For this build, this means that EACH tick of the attacks gets the crushing wall buff and puts on the minor vulnerability from aether, thhis adds around 5-6k dps alone.
2. Necropotence Gives you huge Shields and Buffs your Pet damage a LOT. You can push past 30k dps easily with the 5 Skills in this build.

3. Forget the usual sorc ressource management issue: With this build, you can run arund with nearly no mag recovery as you get a ton of ressources back from your heavy attacks.

4. Sorcs get an original buff of 5 % to shock damage.


The only issue is Mobility: As long as you channel attacks, you have reduced movement speed. I didnt have any issues with this, but you need to adapt your gameplay to it! Especially in the last round on top, you need to stay cautious for the fireballs dropping down.

So go in there and melt! B)

Edited by Masel on April 26, 2018 12:58PM

All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Kravz
    alot of people asked questions about a strategy that is safe and fun to play because they are struggling with the arena, sure!

    but i dont see people with any kind of endgame gear really

    elegance(sharpened) and IA(jewlery) are just too hard to get in time for the orsinium event

    pretty much i see people looking for easy setups with crafted gear, something like 3x willpower 5x julianos 2x ilambris and any staff sharpened

    i like your idea of just letting stuff melt but most people wont have all that gear
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Kravz wrote: »
    alot of people asked questions about a strategy that is safe and fun to play because they are struggling with the arena, sure!

    but i dont see people with any kind of endgame gear really

    elegance(sharpened) and IA(jewlery) are just too hard to get in time for the orsinium event

    pretty much i see people looking for easy setups with crafted gear, something like 3x willpower 5x julianos 2x ilambris and any staff sharpened

    i like your idea of just letting stuff melt but most people wont have all that gear

    Well, elegance is easy to get in auridon, and aether can be obtained through normal trials. You just need any 9 gear pieces and two elegant weapons. You can buy an elegant lightning staff pretty cheap, farm yourself any 5 aether pieces and buy the rest in elegance around it. That's what I did first. I did the first clear with a precise lightning of elegance and and a sharpened ice staff because I couldn't afford an inferno staff. So this gear isn't hard to get at all.

    You can use elegant jewelry and aether body pieces as well.i only use aether jewelry because I switch out the head and shoulders from elegance for ilambris in trials.
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Updated with new video!
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Vaoh
    One issue with this build, is that struggling players don't have access to Elegance and especially don't have access to Infallible Mage.

    Not that it's a bad build by any means.... but your intended audience can't use it :/
  • Vaoh
    People struggling with Vet Maelstrom Arena and need help to make a build for it won't have access to Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning/Inferno Staves -_-
    Edited by Vaoh on November 17, 2016 4:02PM
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Vaoh wrote: »
    People struggling with Vet Maelstrom Arena and need help to make a build for it won't have access to Sharpened Maelstrom Lightning/Inferno Staves -_-

    Which is why the build I posted on top is not using any vma staves. It just adds a little damage to it, nothing more.
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Yeah I guess it is not as helpful as I intended it to be. But all you need to do is run a few normal trials for five aether pieces and buy the rest of elegance around it.
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    I am going to push back on a few things with this build. If it works for you, then awesome.

    If you goal is going for easy clear for a first timer or a no death for a more experienced player, then get that shield on your front bar. Is it needed? No, but it will save your ass. No reason for a really long buff like Power surge to be on your front bar. Despite how you have it labeled, whatever bar has force pulse is your main bar. That is also where you will want to slot meteor for the extra magic.

    Another thing I will suggest is making room for boundless storm. It's a really nice DOT and helps with survival and movement. I also think that building for an overload bar (DW) is still the best way to go in here. It really simplifes the bosses. What I do for super easy runs

    Destro: Force Pulse, Blockade, Ward, Inner light, Bound Aegis, Meteor
    DW: Liquid Lightening, Boundless Storm, Power Surge, Bound Aegis, Dark Conversion/Rune Cage (no need for inner light here), Overload.
    Overload: Power surge, liquid Lightening, Ward, Aegis, Inner light, Overload.

    Dark Conversion is such a useful skill in here. With this setup, you are only using DOTS and buffs on your DW bar, so inner light is not needed. It gives a nice flex spot. I usually run Dark Conversion on 1-8 and Rune Cage on 9. I have run lightening staff builds in here. Dont get me wrong, they are great for place like stage 5, but they arent as good for single target, which is needed for bosses.
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    I am going to push back on a few things with this build. If it works for you, then awesome.

    If you goal is going for easy clear for a first timer or a no death for a more experienced player, then get that shield on your front bar. Is it needed? No, but it will save your ass. No reason for a really long buff like Power surge to be on your front bar. Despite how you have it labeled, whatever bar has force pulse is your main bar. That is also where you will want to slot meteor for the extra magic.

    Another thing I will suggest is making room for boundless storm. It's a really nice DOT and helps with survival and movement. I also think that building for an overload bar (DW) is still the best way to go in here. It really simplifes the bosses. What I do for super easy runs

    Destro: Force Pulse, Blockade, Ward, Inner light, Bound Aegis, Meteor
    DW: Liquid Lightening, Boundless Storm, Power Surge, Bound Aegis, Dark Conversion/Rune Cage (no need for inner light here), Overload.
    Overload: Power surge, liquid Lightening, Ward, Aegis, Inner light, Overload.

    Dark Conversion is such a useful skill in here. With this setup, you are only using DOTS and buffs on your DW bar, so inner light is not needed. It gives a nice flex spot. I usually run Dark Conversion on 1-8 and Rune Cage on 9. I have run lightening staff builds in here. Dont get me wrong, they are great for place like stage 5, but they arent as good for single target, which is needed for bosses.
    First of all, thanks for the feedback :)
    What you have to understand is that the bar with the shield IS the front bar. The lightning staff is there, meteor is there for the exact same reason that you mentioned. When you watch the Video, you see that i don't use force pulse that much and it's not needed for the build. You can use Crushing Shock, you can have a range interrupt slotted on the back bar. You can use boundless storm or anything else on the bar where force pulse is. Important is only that you have a sharpened weapon to let overload hit harder.

    And overload is part of the build :) for some bosses, I prefer using the lightning staff as the adds just melt with the boss!

    The lightning staff hits for 10k plus per tick, because every tick gets buffed by the vma enchantment and infallible aether.

    The thing why I think that this build is so easy is that it uses three ways of damage only and gets the job done pretty well.

    I slot destructive touch on my ice staff bar because it enables me to keep melees away(makes them immovable for 6 seconds) especially annoying and dangerous ones like the spheres on stage 4 and shield and boards daedra on stage 9.

    I will adjust the guide today so many things become clearer and I will add a stage to stage guide to explain the strategy.
    Edited by Masel on November 19, 2016 10:52AM
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Espica
    One question. Does Lightning staff still proc AoE Aether debuff?

    I play on PS4, I've noticed that there's no purple smoke/aura on the mobs close to the main target.
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Espica wrote: »
    One question. Does Lightning staff still proc AoE Aether debuff?

    I play on PS4, I've noticed that there's no purple smoke/aura on the mobs close to the main target.

    Didn't know that it did that it doesn't but that doesn't matter in solo play. If the main target has the debuff, all other targets will get more damage as well as that scales off the main target damage with trifocus passive :)
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Espica
    Masel92 wrote: »
    Espica wrote: »
    One question. Does Lightning staff still proc AoE Aether debuff?

    I play on PS4, I've noticed that there's no purple smoke/aura on the mobs close to the main target.

    Didn't know that it did that it doesn't but that doesn't matter in solo play. If the main target has the debuff, all other targets will get more damage as well as that scales off the main target damage with trifocus passive :)

    NVM, I just checked an old video where I was doing some tests, no AoE debuff :grimace:
  • bebynnag
    what about CP?

  • Masel
    Class Representative
    what about CP?

    Oh shizzle, totally forgot about cp distribution. I'll add that asap :D
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • bebynnag
    Masel92 wrote: »
    what about CP?

    Oh shizzle, totally forgot about cp distribution. I'll add that asap :D

    i think im just a lightning staff away from e1uiping these 2, so i might after a year of driving myself insane actually beable to clear it

    rage quit a week ago on my 100th attempt at last stage of last round and am currently on a break from the game, so it would be nice to have a reason to log bk in other than dying a bunch
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Masel92 wrote: »
    what about CP?

    Oh shizzle, totally forgot about cp distribution. I'll add that asap :D

    i think im just a lightning staff away from e1uiping these 2, so i might after a year of driving myself insane actually beable to clear it

    rage quit a week ago on my 100th attempt at last stage of last round and am currently on a break from the game, so it would be nice to have a reason to log bk in other than dying a bunch

    You can do it mate, tell me if it worked out for you! You can watch the Video as guidance on how to do it properly :)
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • bebynnag
    Masel92 wrote: »
    Masel92 wrote: »
    what about CP?

    Oh shizzle, totally forgot about cp distribution. I'll add that asap :D

    i think im just a lightning staff away from e1uiping these 2, so i might after a year of driving myself insane actually beable to clear it

    rage quit a week ago on my 100th attempt at last stage of last round and am currently on a break from the game, so it would be nice to have a reason to log bk in other than dying a bunch

    You can do it mate, tell me if it worked out for you! You can watch the Video as guidance on how to do it properly :)

    i spent hours in there every day when it 1st launched (bk when it didnt save progress & u only had 150 lives) couldnt get past ice round
    took me 9 months of 'recovering' before i went bk... spent 3 months slowly working through 1 round at a time, went in did a round, left took a break kind of deal

    so dont hold ur breath on an update of me attempting it again! LOL

    PS. Thank You ;)
    Edited by bebynnag on November 19, 2016 7:55PM
  • ryanborror
    Why destructive reach ovee crystal frag?
    templars, nightblades
    PC/XB1 NA
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Well for me it's just to fix melee enemies and I use an ice master staff on my off bar, as no inferno master or inferno vma staff ever dropped for me.... The ice morph makes enemies immovable for six seconds and you can nuke them without a worry. The two skills other than surge, inner light and bound aegis are flex spots, put anything you want on there. Boundless storm, velocious curse whatever fits your playstyle
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • bebynnag
    Vaoh wrote: »
    One issue with this build, is that struggling players don't have access to Elegance and especially don't have access to Infallible Mage.

    Not that it's a bad build by any means.... but your intended audience can't use it :/

    just noticed this post, and i have to reply

    elegant is easy to aquire, was before 1T, even easier now

    and i am a good tank, im also good at healing so trials are no problem for me so accessing aether not a problem

    my problem is playing as a DPS, i dont enjoy the role, never have, doubt i ever will, and its difficult to do a good job when you arent enjoying it
    which is a huge part of the reason i struggle so much in vMA

    and i know im not the only person who plays this game who prefers to play support roles who for whatever reason wants the vMA complete, or a vMA weapon

    the intended audience ar not just new players, the intended audience can be any1 who doesnt have a complete yet
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Works perfectly on a Magicka DK too:
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Konstant_Tel_Necris
    One question about Infallible Aether set, I know thats 5 set bonus work from fully charged heavy attack, will it work from Overload heavy attack? Will it affect several enemies in one time? I ask becasue Elegance set bonus works with Overload, but how about Infallible Aether?

    Another question since heavy attack from twohanded weapons works on several enemies also, will Infallible Aether maul debuff several enemies as well?
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    One question about Infallible Aether set, I know thats 5 set bonus work from fully charged heavy attack, will it work from Overload heavy attack? Will it affect several enemies in one time? I ask becasue Elegance set bonus works with Overload, but how about Infallible Aether?

    Another question since heavy attack from twohanded weapons works on several enemies also, will Infallible Aether maul debuff several enemies as well?

    I don't think it works from Overload heavies, but I can't say for sure, as I only ever use the light attacks.

    As far as the heavy attack with 2h, i don't think it works that way. Lightning staffs only affect the original target, not the targets affected by splash damage, so I guess it will work similarly with 2h. On a 2h, the problem would be that its a throughout magicka set, and you lose a lot of bonuses by using it.

    Edited by Masel on December 3, 2016 8:44PM
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • raj72616a
    i am trying to make this build and found that sharpened lightning staff of elegance is either the 200k gold that i dont have, or a lot more farming in Auridon. so i spend one more armor slot for elegance set and just use any sharpened lightning staff.

    i have some question on OP's build:
    does lightning staff heavy attack benefit from Thaumaturge?
    why isnt more CP spent on Staff Expert? if heavy attack is the main damage source, shouldnt this passive need some more points?
    and would Bound Arnaments be a good morph for this build, for the 11% buff to heavy attack?
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    raj72616a wrote: »
    i am trying to make this build and found that sharpened lightning staff of elegance is either the 200k gold that i dont have, or a lot more farming in Auridon. so i spend one more armor slot for elegance set and just use any sharpened lightning staff.

    i have some question on OP's build:
    does lightning staff heavy attack benefit from Thaumaturge?
    why isnt more CP spent on Staff Expert? if heavy attack is the main damage source, shouldnt this passive need some more points?
    and would Bound Arnaments be a good morph for this build, for the 11% buff to heavy attack?

    Sadly, sharpened is too good to use something else, so your way would be the best if you can't afford the lightning staff. I used a precise one for my first clear, so it's definetely doable with imperfect gear.

    The lightning staff is the only weapon that benefits from four cp trees: elfborn, elemental expert, thaumaturge and staff expert. On the sorc, a big portion of your damage is non staff damage with liquid lightning and blockade, so putting too much into staff expert would take out damage there and would decrease overload hits as well. Thaumaturge does empower the skills (not overload though). This is basically just what worked best for me. If you use it in trials and four man content, switching more into staff expert and thaumaturge would be a good thing to do.

    Concerning bound armaments: I haven't tried it out actually. The additional max stamina could help on some stages, 5 in particular because of the ccs. 11% more heavy attack damage is interesting and worth to try it out, but losing 8% max magicka (probably around 12% with percentage stacking) would decrease your shield strength, overload strength, dot strength, so it would be pigeonholing it more. On top, you lose mag resistance, which isn't the biggest of loss, as you'll be keeping up ward most of the time anyway. If DKs had bound armaments I would definetely use it with this build to add even more percentages to heavy attacks.

    But I'll definitely try it out and get back to you on the results.
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Lukums1
    What bear said, if it works for you that's great and if it gives the community further ideas to better themselves and the playstyle within VMA that's also good.

    I think you tried to help and I think the community can thank you for that but a lot of your information should be disregarded for people trying to get first time clears only.

    The build is good for an experienced play no doubt. You'd also get more if you were to incorporate velicious curse especially with lightning build.

    But 16k HP? You're smoking a little there bud. One mistake, one drop of your shield that will be "All she wrote" (saying)

    Max Magicka Food? No. Not for first clears.

    Lightning? Your movement is completely shot to hell.

    I can tell you right now that 35k Max Magicka 19.5k HP and 1500 Regen can clear in 50 minutes with no struggle what so ever with resources, flame staff goes along way for movement. All of this I would assume you know. Again that build isn't going to get you score runs but it will sure help others struggling to understand why they are always tapped I suppose.

    I think you'd get more feedback and thanks for writing up a guide with no end game gear and a solid clear time.

    Non the less, positive read either way.

    PS4 Yellow Scum Dominion
    1600+ vMA runs and counting
    Magicka Sorc - Flawless - 544k Score
    Stam Sorc - Flawless - 559k Score
    Stam DK - FLAWLESS 512k Score
    Stam NB - 492k Score - Work in progress
    Magicka Temp - 482k Score

    The Ozmeric Dominion (Oceanic) Australian Based Guild

    vMA "guru" - VHRC - vSO - vSOHM - vDSA - vAA - vMOL
    The Maelstrom BIBLE for beginners/Flawless Achieve Below

    You have vMA questions? Want a guide? Helping hand? PM me!

    Returns after 6 months back to back flawless

  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Lukums1 wrote: »
    What bear said, if it works for you that's great and if it gives the community further ideas to better themselves and the playstyle within VMA that's also good.

    I think you tried to help and I think the community can thank you for that but a lot of your information should be disregarded for people trying to get first time clears only.

    The build is good for an experienced play no doubt. You'd also get more if you were to incorporate velicious curse especially with lightning build.

    But 16k HP? You're smoking a little there bud. One mistake, one drop of your shield that will be "All she wrote" (saying)

    Max Magicka Food? No. Not for first clears.

    Lightning? Your movement is completely shot to hell.

    I can tell you right now that 35k Max Magicka 19.5k HP and 1500 Regen can clear in 50 minutes with no struggle what so ever with resources, flame staff goes along way for movement. All of this I would assume you know. Again that build isn't going to get you score runs but it will sure help others struggling to understand why they are always tapped I suppose.

    I think you'd get more feedback and thanks for writing up a guide with no end game gear and a solid clear time.

    Non the less, positive read either way.


    Thanks for the feedback, I know you're an expert in vMA, and I appreciate the detailed post.

    The setup has some downsides, such as the movement, but I think that the advantages definetely outweigh them. I got a lot of positive feedback ingame, on tamrielfoundry and here because it helped people clear the arena, and that's what counts for me :)

    The biggest advantage is that you don't need a complicated rotation to do decent damage, so it is very easy to play, and you can focus on mechanics that cause problems for you, and overcome them faster. And due to the heavy attack return, you can basically just cast infinite wards.

    As far as endgame gear is concerned: aether is not really endgame gear, normal trials are easy and you can find groups for them all the time. Elegance drops in auridon, and the jewelry is very cheap as well. The only issue are the staffs, because sharpened ones are pretty expensive by now...I guess not a lot of people are farming elegance since 1T.

    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • cellobuddy
    raj72616a wrote: »
    i am trying to make this build and found that sharpened lightning staff of elegance is either the 200k gold that i dont have, or a lot more farming in Auridon. so i spend one more armor slot for elegance set and just use any sharpened lightning staff.

    i have some question on OP's build:
    does lightning staff heavy attack benefit from Thaumaturge?
    why isnt more CP spent on Staff Expert? if heavy attack is the main damage source, shouldnt this passive need some more points?
    and would Bound Arnaments be a good morph for this build, for the 11% buff to heavy attack?

    I tested the heavy attack build w/ bound armaments. The extra damage in the heavy attack was only about 1-2k per tick, but the damage from your other skills(blockade, liquid lightning) decreased by so much that it wasn't worth it. Also, if you're planning on occassionally switching on overload for bosses, bound armaments does nothing for you and actually reduces your overload damage.
    PC NA
    Capped CP
    Breton Magsorc - Cellobuddy
    Argonian Magplar - Cellobuddyheals
    Altmer Magblade - Cellobuddysteals
    Dunmer MagDK - Cellobuddyburns
    Orsimer Stamsorc - Cellobuddyruns
    Redguard Stamplar - Cellobuddyjabs
    Khajiit StamDK - Cellobuddyslices
    Bosmer Stamblade - Cellobuddysnipes
    Altmer Magplar - Cellobuddybeams
    Nord DK - Cellobuddytanks
    Breton Magden - Cellobuddylistens
    Orsimer Stamden - Cellobuddyprotects
    Argonian Tankden - Cellobuddypaintswithwind

    Not the best by any means, but I get the job done.
  • darthsithis
    I'm going for the flawless title- what would you recommend?

    I can get high scores with 5 elegance, 2 kena. 3 Infal jewelry, dw torugs, nirn maelstrom staff.

    Do you think 5 burning spellweave 4aether one kena would be safer? I have resource issues, but then if I use regen on the jewelry I can't dps fast enough sometimes (as in I get killed once which means restart...)

    My bars for now:

    Maelstrom fire:
    Frag, pulse, ward, inner light, wall of elements, meteor

    Trying out dark conversion here, liquid lightning, curse, surge, boundless storm, overload

    Execute, inner light, ward, surge, rearming trap

    I have trouble with crowd control (usually dps is my cc, but when resources are low at the start of new rounds, I can't sustain...), and wonder about ditching kena for ilambris basically.

    Any tips on a no-death run? Tristat food and tripots? Get every sigil? I know the mechanics and where the ads spawn, but rng or lag can get me in a bad place...

    Lmk how you've done it!
    Message me if you want to do trials/dungeons, or need a trading guild! Flawless conqueror magsorc with a bad sense of armor fashion.
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    I'm going for the flawless title- what would you recommend?

    I can get high scores with 5 elegance, 2 kena. 3 Infal jewelry, dw torugs, nirn maelstrom staff.

    Do you think 5 burning spellweave 4aether one kena would be safer? I have resource issues, but then if I use regen on the jewelry I can't dps fast enough sometimes (as in I get killed once which means restart...)

    My bars for now:

    Maelstrom fire:
    Frag, pulse, ward, inner light, wall of elements, meteor

    Trying out dark conversion here, liquid lightning, curse, surge, boundless storm, overload

    Execute, inner light, ward, surge, rearming trap

    I have trouble with crowd control (usually dps is my cc, but when resources are low at the start of new rounds, I can't sustain...), and wonder about ditching kena for ilambris basically.

    Any tips on a no-death run? Tristat food and tripots? Get every sigil? I know the mechanics and where the ads spawn, but rng or lag can get me in a bad place...

    Lmk how you've done it!

    It took me 35 runs to get flawless on my magsorc, but ONLY due to a bad wireless connection, as I basically had no run without a dc or significant lags. Flawless runs require a flawless Internet connection, sadly :(

    To counter the CC, especially on stage 5 and 6, use generic stamina potions instead if mag potions. So after you were CC'ed, immediately take a stampotion, or a tristat potion if you have the money.

    I don't use any sigils but two: two defensive ones on the last stage, one at the ash titan and one when the last boss comes down so both take their own damage.

    I can only recommend using my build for it, it is really easy to play, and has awesome sustain due to the heavy attack return and overload, so you can basically cast infinite wards.

    I never played a different build in vMA on my sorc and on my dk, I got the flawless run with 5 sergeants mail, 5 aether and a vMA lightning and resto staff, so basically with the same concept. Only on my magblade I used another setup, but that's hardly comparable to sorcs. So it's hard for me to give advice on something else than that.

    Are there any special situations where you die the most? On stage 5, using aoe is the way to go. I don't use overload there, too much adds to take care of, the lightning staff melts the adds usually a lot faster.
    Same holds for the most critical points on stage 9, when the boss, heal and daedroth are there. No need for sigils. I tried to develop a strategy to get the boss up without taking a sigil because afterwards, the sigils can help a lot to survive.

    You can try to use the video as a guidance for your critical stages and situations, I hope I helped somehow!

    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

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