- Shrouded Daggers (dual wield line, 5th skill) procs Viper from a distance. Viper, while itself broken, is a melee set, but it's currently abused from a range by 1/2 of fotm scrublades with dual wield / 2H and stam builds in Cyrodiil
- Lethal Arrow (Bow skill line, 5th skill) procs Viper from a distance.
- Poison Arrow (Bow skill line, 1st skill) procs Viper from a distance.
EDIT: No ranged abilities proc viper. It's the enchants and the poisons that are coded as melee that proc viper from range.
- Mist Form and/or Cloak make Eye of Storm/Flame/Frost (Destro Ulti) invisible. This is a major game-breaker. The ulti is powerful enough that you don't need to spam skills to finish enemies off. And while you mist / cloak, the ulti becomes invisible on your enemies' screens, on top of making you impossible to target and impossible to avoid BECAUSE YOU DO NOT SEE THE ANGRY STORM CLOUD THAT IS HITTING YOU.
- Selene double procs when you bar swap. Hell, I've seen it triple proc even.
- Infernal Guardian ignores line of sight completely. I'm surprised that Wrobel let this one pass, considering all the emphasis he put on bringing all other skills/heal being affected by line of sight.
- Infernal Guardian breaks cloak / invisibility of enemies that you haven't even seen/targeted/hit.
- Widowmaker ignores the cooldown when you apply Poison Injection/Acid Spray on top of regular slotted poisons.
EDIT: Widow maker can proc multiple times from the flying dagger morph that bounces a few times ater the initial hit.
- Pack Leader WW morph : The conjured wolves both can proc viper.
- Ilambris : Procs from elemental (fire, lightning) damage received from monsters instead of damage done by the player.
- Bone Pirate Set : the one that gives max stamina + stamina regen with a drink buff active) : works with Psijic Ambrosia, since it's considered as a drink. Meaning you can stack Psijic + tri-stat food and benefit from this set's 5th bonus, assuming you're rich enough to afford Ambrosias, that is.
Many have reported that stuff, but there is absolutely no reply or constructive discussion from ZOS, beyond your regular automated "we will look into it" message.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Are you even aware of what's happening in Cyrodiil at the moment? And I'm not even talking about the broken sets/skills that you've implemented. I'm talking about these already overpowered and ridiculous skills/sets being abused even further by more and more people every day.
Please, gives us an acknowledgement or an ETA for a fix, or something. Please.

If there's any other bugs, I've missed, just add them.