Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Really at a loss here

  • Elijah_Crow
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I've taken a break from ESO a few times, usually in periods of about a month because things got stale. A new update comes out, I play for a bit longer and I quickly get bored again. I think the only thing that kept me playing was the PVP in this game - it's undoubtedly the best I've ever played.
    As many of you know, PVP has gone downhill, and it just gets worse and worse. Performance is terrible, balance is out of control with all the new sets and a few overperforming skills, and people barely want to go there any more.
    I was on Haderus today, DC had emperor. EP took all the keeps while the emp was farming in IC. I messaged him, but he never replied. Nobody cares anymore. He just used his emp buff to kill off all the bosses in IC for tel var. Probably to make money, because making money in PVP is basically worthless. I have 15k to my name. I can't afford crap.
    So because PVP is a bust, I decided to take my main character, who has been sitting on Undaunted 2 or 3 forever and managed to grind enough dungeons he is now 9. But, like, what do I do now? I feel like I have no purpose in ESO anymore. I don't like PVE, and the PVP I once loved is garbage.
    Because of this, I find myself playing less and less each day. The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day.
    I don't have hope PVP will ever be fixed. I really don't - I used to, but not anymore. Once battlegrounds are released next year Cyrodiil will be dead as a doornail. But hey, at least performance will be sweet, and all the PVErs will finally have their free Cyrodiil to run and frollick in, while the PVPers beat each other up with heavy armor/S+B/proc builds. Should be a blast.
    Lastly, I resent ZOS for taking such a great game and then dumping all over it.


    This doesn't really seem like an ESO issue as much as it is a "you" issue. Time to take a break. Go play something else for 6 months or a more. Let some more content come out before you return, and when you do return (because you will miss it), bring a friend or two with you who haven't played the game and start a new character with them from scratch. Time to see the game through new eyes.
  • DHale
    I have played daily for 2 years 6 month.... still having a blast. Wished they would fix the lag. They just don't know how. They can and should fix the bugs.... all 1000 of them.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • psychotic13
    Duel, and dueling tournaments are rather fun. 3k entry and like 500k split between the top 3, though you'll have to find a guild.

    I don't really like PvE either, but trials are a lot more fun than dungeons and vMSA ect.

  • Cherryblossom

    I've been in the same situation many times, just like you I love the PVP in this game, I'm not very good at it but still love it.

    I've left like you for month breaks, which have been caused by Performance and Bugs mainly. I've kept coming back to a very much unchanged game, same bugs and performance issue, but despite this enjoyed playing again for a few months. I certainly have a love hate relationship with the game.

    Admitedly the new Meta has reduced the skill required in PVP, but being someone who was sporting Viper and Veli on my ganking NB before the recent update, I've not really changed my Meta! My stam Sorc (No Meta sets) I mainly play I have to admit has only once been killed by the one shot kill from procs once, so may be I've been lucky.

    I honestly like the new sets, I think many of them were great ideas, the trouble being they were not designed with PVP in mind. IMO Zos needs to look at different combat system in PVP to PVE and do away with the sticky plaster combat spirit, but I don't expect this to happen...

    Personally I'm currently enjoying stuff outside of PVP, collecting new sets and playing with new builds in PVE.

    So I would advise taking a break again, play some other games, then come back in a couple of months to see whats changed and if anything interests you.
  • Egonieser
    Kelces wrote: »
    Seems like a running theme today with players . Breaks are good . You wouldn't eat pizza every night for dinner or pizza would not taste as good . Same with games . Your complaints are the same as many PvP players . We do need Wrobel to work as hard as Wheeler to make PvP great . Explore other games and check back after a update my friend and be happy .

    The big difference here is, that you are the one, who is baking a pizza every day. It's not the fault of the developers, that people lack creativity.
    Just wait for Camelot Unchained to be ready next year like the rest of us. Cyrodiil is just something to do until then

    Some years ago, as I was playing SWTOR, someone told me: "Hey, soon there is Elder Scrolls online coming out!"

    Same difference...

    Haha, I remember playing LoTRO and people were hyping insanely about SWTOR and went on how it's the next MMO killer etc etc. In about 2 months time all those people were back playing LoTRO and talking *** about SWTOR how it's just another WoW and even LoTRO clone but with SW skin. Same happened with ESO and BDO, and many other MMO's. Grass is always greener on the other side until it's not...

    On the topic though.
    I dislike proc sets as a concept entirely. Be it PvE or PvP because you are relying on RnG that is beyond your control. Skill is totally not relevant as the sets have a mind of their own and they decide when you get that extra boost or not.

    So in my book, either all proc sets should have 100% proc rates but significantly increased cooldowns or do away with proc sets as a concept entirely and make them as flat specific stat bonuses, higher than normal or crafted sets obviously because they're special monster sets, but not high enough to be too Overpowering.
    When a set has 100% chance, you know that it will work when it's needed, but due to high CD times - also use it wisely as it will not proc again for X amount of seconds/minutes and also you know with certainty how it performs and also what you can expect from your enemy and effectively counter it.
    Either make a even ground for everybody, or do away with RnG in combat. It just feels like a cheap mechanic F2P games would employ.
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • Solus
    Belicourt wrote: »
    maybe having fun .

    This is me when i PVP most of the time now:


    VS before all the proc sets:

    The-Pumpkin-King // Stamblade


    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    My PC: http://pcpartpicker.com/b/GGWXsY
  • Callous2208
    Rp is the only thing that has kept me in mmos for extended periods of time. Though I'm one of those rare birds who also pvp's, pve's, raids, dungeons, ect. Without rp I hit the wall you've hit in every single mmo I play and that's not likely to change in my lifetime. I'm not even sure it's possible. Rp isn't for everyone though.
  • runagate
    @Alucardo I ran into you near a dolmen today and did a really great dance to cheer you up.

    After said person killed me I remembered you were on EU and I'm NA.

    I bet that similarly @-named person was really, really baffled.
  • Osteos
    Take a break. If you haven't yet pick up Battlefield 1. Its fantastic! I'm taking advantage of the witches fest extra xp to level an alt up right now but for my pvp I have turned elsewhere. I love eso pvp, even with all its flaws, but it can get disheartening and frustrating at times. No shame in taking time off, the war will still be there when you come back.
    NA PC
    Former Vehemence Member
    Onistka Valerius <> Artemis Renault <> Gonk gra-Ugrash <> Karietta <> Zercon at-Rusa <> Genevieve Renault <> Ktaka <> Brenlyn Renault
  • DMuehlhausen
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Welcome to MMOs?

    I mean if you don't expect this then why play? This is the point behind alts, or finding other play styles. Eventually if you have the time to play as much as you want you will see everything, do essentially everything and collect anything that you wanted.

    Don't complain about it, it's not going to change, they will never be able to push content fast enough (that wouldn't be broken beyond belief) to keep people satisified.

    But this isnt about them not pushing content faster, its PVP, we dont need content. We need them to stop effing it up. We need them to recognize this last batch of sets they put in is ruining the only content we get. We need them to put some actual effort into fixing what they broke.

    Sure, but the is a PvE game first. That's what it's billed as. PvP will never be a balanced system in a PvE based world. It's impossible. The only way would be to award skill points that can only be used in PvP only trees and gear that can only be worn in Cyrodil. However this will never happen, so I guess it's decision time. Can you play on a "broken" system that sometimes is better than others or maybe go find a game that revolves around PvP with PvE tacked on.

    The lag issues will never really go away when you're talking about a zone that size with the number of people that can be in.
  • sadownik
    Vyle_Byte wrote: »
    Welcome to MMOs?

    I mean if you don't expect this then why play? This is the point behind alts, or finding other play styles. Eventually if you have the time to play as much as you want you will see everything, do essentially everything and collect anything that you wanted.

    Don't complain about it, it's not going to change, they will never be able to push content fast enough (that wouldn't be broken beyond belief) to keep people satisified.

    But this isnt about them not pushing content faster, its PVP, we dont need content. We need them to stop effing it up. We need them to recognize this last batch of sets they put in is ruining the only content we get. We need them to put some actual effort into fixing what they broke.

    Sure, but the is a PvE game first. That's what it's billed as. PvP will never be a balanced system in a PvE based world. It's impossible. The only way would be to award skill points that can only be used in PvP only trees and gear that can only be worn in Cyrodil. However this will never happen, so I guess it's decision time. Can you play on a "broken" system that sometimes is better than others or maybe go find a game that revolves around PvP with PvE tacked on.

    The lag issues will never really go away when you're talking about a zone that size with the number of people that can be in.

    I see this argument and i have to wonder, do you understand that compared to PvP balancing PvE is incredibly simple? Add some hp to mobs, add some dmg, reduce hp reduce dmg whats a big deal? Well ill tell you whats a big deal - to balance( be it old school balance or so called perfect imbalance) PvP you have to have competent people on team seems ZOS is lacking in that departament.

    Anyway as others said, @Alucardo if you played any of the battlefield games and you liked it, or didnt play them at all please, please try battlefield 1. Not only its extremely fun, not only both graphics and gfx are top notch (way ahead of ESO) but on my mediocre PC i get silky smooth performance on 128 players map and to my great surprise after spending quite some time in ESO pvp my ping in B1 is steady 35 while in eso i never had less than 70.
  • Sallington
    "The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day."

    Holy crap OP, this really hit home. I've done that so many times.
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • Callous2208
    Sallington wrote: »
    "The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day."

    Holy crap OP, this really hit home. I've done that so many times.

    Haven't you been doing this for over a year now Sallington? I tease, I tease. Seriously though, I think this is more of an mmo problem in general, than an eso problem. That's why a lot of times I take a break, or dabble in another game.
  • sadownik
    Sallington wrote: »
    "The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day."

    Holy crap OP, this really hit home. I've done that so many times.

    Haven't you been doing this for over a year now Sallington? I tease, I tease. Seriously though, I think this is more of an mmo problem in general, than an eso problem. That's why a lot of times I take a break, or dabble in another game.

    I usually play only online games mostly MMOs and frankly when i find the right one its years for me, Not happening in ESO perhaps because "its not like other MMOs" - and its true. Something like 95% of the PvE is designed like (mediocre) single player game with very low replayability. Im on another break from ESO (which one is it? 4? 5?) and returned to fashion wars 2.
  • Seido_Tensei_
    Welcome to MMOs?

    I mean if you don't expect this then why play? This is the point behind alts, or finding other play styles. Eventually if you have the time to play as much as you want you will see everything, do essentially everything and collect anything that you wanted.

    Don't complain about it, it's not going to change, they will never be able to push content fast enough (that wouldn't be broken beyond belief) to keep people satisified.

    @DMuehlhausen I think the issue is that PvP previously was interesting and provided a dynamic environment that even veterans could enjoy due to the sheer unpredictability of cyrodil. Now PvP has become so predictable that environment has been eroded.

    It has nothing to do with content, ZoS / Wrobel have ripped out the heart out of what made PvP so enjoyable to a lot of long time players. It's not even about new / exciting activities. Most actives are done to obtain gear / loot and to a much lesser extent the achievements (for a lot of players, not all).

    Simply put, there is not even enough attractive loot to keep people on the MMO grind wheel as there are only a handful of viable sets to use in PvP and PvE. Theory crafting is a lot of fun, but whats the point when your diligently crafted build is torn apart by tremor/viper/widowmaker in less than 2 seconds.

    Even balanced small man groups with niche builds have little chance against groups running some of the more prominent proc configurations with a Malbeth / Reactive healer in the back. *** is just getting old.
  • Cencewolf
    With pvp trashy the way it is,
    And gear, skills, reputation trivialized,

    This plays like more of a FPS,.. Yeah i said it. A FPS.
    As in (spawn 90 seconds from the front lines, run as fast as you can to get there, shoot up the area scoring as many "hits/kills" as you can, rinse and repeat with no real death penalty, incentive to success OR way to get set back.)

    And now do it Over, and over, and over, and over, and over....

    And over...

    And over...

    And over...

    and over and over and over....and over...and over...and over

    And over again.

    who is the target audience? kudos to OP, /Agree
  • Callous2208
    sadownik wrote: »
    Sallington wrote: »
    "The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day."

    Holy crap OP, this really hit home. I've done that so many times.

    Haven't you been doing this for over a year now Sallington? I tease, I tease. Seriously though, I think this is more of an mmo problem in general, than an eso problem. That's why a lot of times I take a break, or dabble in another game.

    I usually play only online games mostly MMOs and frankly when i find the right one its years for me, Not happening in ESO perhaps because "its not like other MMOs" - and its true. Something like 95% of the PvE is designed like (mediocre) single player game with very low replayability. Im on another break from ESO (which one is it? 4? 5?) and returned to fashion wars 2.

    Ugh. Not fashion Wars 2. Fashion Wars 2 is one of the few mmos that burned me so bad by failing to live up to any of my expectations, I left cold turkey and never went back. Don't even have it installed anymore. What you said isn't wrong but honestly, I feel like every mmo is built like that. I've never played one with much pve replayability. I think the watering down of mmos to solo friendly face roll grinds has been complete for a good 5 or so years now. Across the board.
  • Cazzy
    I feel you *touches*. I actually feel annoyed when I think of playing now. I think the company has tarnished the TES games for me based on their atrocious handling of their consumers.

    I pretty much check in here to see how everyone is. Made some good friends here.

    Anyway...me without ESO:

  • sadownik
    @Callous2208 oh i completely understand fashion wars is a specific MMO with its own pace, but i love lack of "deep story" quests and the chain event system. Some months before i would also add that fashion wars is more casual than ESO but after ONE tamriel i would say that ESO took the lead in casual gaming.
  • Saint_Bud
    Once i saw big battels all over the map
    Today when the campain is lockt i am happy when i found one fight. It looks like the popcap for 3 factions were at 300 or so. And in pve 1 trial and 2 dungeons in more than 1year. Old normal dungeons on vet mode are a joke.
    PVP Saint-Bud magicka Templar: AR 49
    PVE Lord Victarion mDK : dro'm-Athra-Destroyer pre Morrowind retired for crafting
    PVE Ramsay-Bolton magicka NB: Voice of Reason Clockwork City Patch retired
    VAA hm/ VHRC hm/ VSO hm/ VMOL hm/ VHOF hm/ VAS hm clear

    Stop playing PVE because its boring, content not disigned for melee players and class balance and sustain is ***
  • Sneaky-Snurr
    If this indicates you quitting the game then... fr33 5tuff pl0x?
    The Order of the Shadows: Nightmare
      EP CP810 Nightblade
      AD CP810 Templar
      AD CP810 Dragon Knight
      AD Lvl 25 Sorceror
      DC Lvl 23 Nightblade
    {PC•NA•no-CP Ravenwatch}

    Shadow hide you. -Unknown
    There is no clean fight in a war. -Shun Izaki
  • azoriangaming
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I've taken a break from ESO a few times, usually in periods of about a month because things got stale. A new update comes out, I play for a bit longer and I quickly get bored again. I think the only thing that kept me playing was the PVP in this game - it's undoubtedly the best I've ever played.
    As many of you know, PVP has gone downhill, and it just gets worse and worse. Performance is terrible, balance is out of control with all the new sets and a few overperforming skills, and people barely want to go there any more.
    I was on Haderus today, DC had emperor. EP took all the keeps while the emp was farming in IC. I messaged him, but he never replied. Nobody cares anymore. He just used his emp buff to kill off all the bosses in IC for tel var. Probably to make money, because making money in PVP is basically worthless. I have 15k to my name. I can't afford crap.
    So because PVP is a bust, I decided to take my main character, who has been sitting on Undaunted 2 or 3 forever and managed to grind enough dungeons he is now 9. But, like, what do I do now? I feel like I have no purpose in ESO anymore. I don't like PVE, and the PVP I once loved is garbage.
    Because of this, I find myself playing less and less each day. The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day.
    I don't have hope PVP will ever be fixed. I really don't - I used to, but not anymore. Once battlegrounds are released next year Cyrodiil will be dead as a doornail. But hey, at least performance will be sweet, and all the PVErs will finally have their free Cyrodiil to run and frollick in, while the PVPers beat each other up with heavy armor/S+B/proc builds. Should be a blast.
    Lastly, I resent ZOS for taking such a great game and then dumping all over it.


    you sound exactly as I feel, I'm trying to get back into the game after playing black desert for a while and I just can't get into the new pvp as it's horrendous with to much rng factors involved in it and hardly any skill,
    I've proven this on my nightblade killing people in 0.01seconds that are in heavy armor just by wearing viper/selenes and cleaver alchemist it'd be even worse if i was using widowmaker or red mountain also,
    the reason i don't use s&b and black rose is i want to play the assassin type and if i get seen/can't trick them and get away i deserve to die and it makes the game a little more playable for me.
  • BlackguardBob
    Agreed with the sentiment of the OP even if I don't PvP.

    I find myself playing Rock Band 4, Skyrim SE and Football Manager 2017 more and more these days. Two of these last three I mentioned have no killing, no grinding and no boredom whatsoever.

    I'll keep playing ESO daily but only to get 4 horses 60/60/60, daily chores on 2 of my toons and enough other stuff to use up my enlightenment and then I quit for the day.

    I think I may have reached a point where I have exhausted all enthusiasm for ESO. I want to play ESO but, it's like I don't care anymore.
  • FireCowCommando
    highly recommend looking at other MMO's whos combat system is as good or better than the one ESO used to have.

    The way the game is played now is the new norm, dont expect it to suddenly change and get better, what we've been getting is the new vision of the development team now in charge.
  • KingYogi415
    This is a l2 trader issue.

    Game is plenty fun when you have millions of gold and a stack of every material.
  • Cazzy
    This is a l2 trader issue.

    Game is plenty fun when you have millions of gold and a stack of every material.

  • RebornV3x
    I feel the same way PVP is just straight dumb and PvE is getting boring I haven't even beat Vet cradle or Ruins cause I can't find anyone that can beat it
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Nyghthowler
    I truly, honestly wish ZoS would give the PvP'ers their own server; with all the nerfs and balancing they claim to desire and open world PvP.
    But it wont happen because it would be a ghost town.

    Other games have done this for the PvP community, and guess what..... they were ghost towns. The reason being; you're all a legend in your own minds. As soon as you get beaten you call for nerfs because the other player was 'cheating' some how. And then you all flock back to the standard rule set servers and try to take over.

    Am I tired and bitter about listening to PvP'ers cry and eventually ruin the games I play....YES.
    Edited by Nyghthowler on November 4, 2016 12:02AM
    I'm not prejudiced; I hate everyone equally !
  • Valencer
    I truly, honestly wish ZoS would give the PvP'ers their own server; with all the nerfs and balancing they claim to desire and open world PvP.
    But it wont happen because it would be a ghost town.

    Other games have done this for the PvP community, and guess what..... they were ghost towns. The reason being; you're all a legend in your own minds. As soon as you get beaten you call for nerfs because the other player was 'cheating' some how. And then you all flock back to the standard rule set servers and try to take over.

    Am I tired and bitter about listening to PvP'ers cry and eventually ruin the games I play....YES.

    The gear options ruining Cyrodiil at the moment arent even a relevant thing in PvE. Wish people would stop throwing nonsense around... it's really not helping the conversation. :/

    I dont think Ive ever seen a game where the PvEers are so hostile towards anything PvP related
  • Slylok
    We need the LOL button back.
    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay - http://tinyurl.com/o6evusk

    Twitter - SlylokYoutube

    Google+ - Slylok
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