Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Really at a loss here

  • Molag_Crow
    Exactly my thoughts too. I haven't played in a few months and I miss the old Cyrodiil. Everything feels out of hand and over-tuned which requires no skill, just hit this ability and it'll do a ton of damage. So many cheesy one-shot builds also, which are mainly Stamina.. and just no balance really.
    --ϟ-- Crows_Descend - Templar - Ebonheart Pact [PS4]&[PC] [EU] --ϟ--
    YoutTube ESO Playlist
    The greatest prison that people live in, is the fear of what other people think. - David Icke
    Be your true, authentic self.

  • Kartalin
    You wouldn't eat pizza every night for dinner or pizza would not taste as good .
    Let's not get too hasty with our analogies here...

    But yeah, doing a combination of different things helps keep my interest. Having a good guild to run with or just hang out in TS with helps.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lyranais, EP Magsorc, AR 33
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Kartalin wrote: »
    You wouldn't eat pizza every night for dinner or pizza would not taste as good .
    Let's not get too hasty with our analogies here...

    But yeah, doing a combination of different things helps keep my interest. Having a good guild to run with or just hang out in TS with helps.

    Forgot to post the warning sign . Safety first .

  • N2woR
    I still enjoy PvP, as strange as that sounds but I've just come to the conclusion it is what it is. I'm like many on this thread, all my farm and grinding isn't to do the harder PvE content faster, it's to take to PvP in different ways. I think if ZOS continues to blank PvP then I'll have to start searching for another mmo. No hard feels towards ZOS, no raging on my part, no big strop on the forums. I've fully enjoyed my time on ESO and it'll always go down as one of my favourite mmo's (maybe even games) It's just the way I've been thinking of late....

    I was saying to a guildie the other day how I loved the Diablo series for its grind and drop gameplay but I'd always get bored or feel like there's no point in the grind because there was no real purpose in the long run (I'm not a leaderboard man). Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the PvE and ZOS has nailed it but PvP isn't about remembering boss mechanics. It's different and new everytime you enter it
    Edited by N2woR on November 2, 2016 8:26PM
    Snowborn Wolf Pack Elite
    Snowborn Wolf Pack
    Grim Myth - Nord DK Tank
    Just Grim - Redguard Stam Sorc

  • Unsent.Soul
    Welcome to MMOs?

    I mean if you don't expect this then why play? This is the point behind alts, or finding other play styles. Eventually if you have the time to play as much as you want you will see everything, do essentially everything and collect anything that you wanted.

    Don't complain about it, it's not going to change, they will never be able to push content fast enough (that wouldn't be broken beyond belief) to keep people satisified.

    Welcome to... reading comprehension? Or were you just itchin' to get a "stop complaining" comment in?
  • Silver_Strider
    There are just too many issues with ESO atm that are really draining the enjoyment out of it.

    PvP doesn't stand for Player v Player anymore but Proc v Proc, which is beyond stupid, and now that Heavy Armor has become the best armor for high sustain, damage and survivability, there is no real counter play. Light Armor gives no advantage in PvP and Medium Armor is almost as bad but at least some use, even if it is just being a dodge monkey/gankblade.

    The RNG grind in PvE content is really no better with Divines and Sharpened being the only desirable traits on Armor and Weapons in PvE land so with 7-8 traits diluting that, RNG just murders people that just want to get their gear and move on from farming to actually playing and enjoying the game.

    Honestly there needs to be a LARGE overhaul for this game to be "fixed"

    Give procs a longer cooldown in PvP. Not a huge one, maybe 20-25 seconds, 30 seconds at most. That way, they're more a surprise benefit than just a 1 touch kill button every 4 seconds.

    Make certain monster sets proc only in PvE, such as Tremorscale as it is both impossible to avoid (so no counter play available) and because you can't really "taunt" a player.

    Buff/Change the traits on Weapons/Armors (again) to make them all desirable, or at least useful, and remove Training/Prosperous from anything CP160. That way, even if you don't get Sharpened or Divines, it won't be the end of the world as you'll still do comparable damage thru alternative means.

    Change the Constitution passive to apply every 10 seconds in PvP. No more infinite resource shennanigans with Black Rose, without killing it for the PvE side of the game.

    Put a hard cap on penetration or make it % based so that it doesn't completely eliminate armor values in PvP.

    Numbers might need tweaking here and there but those are my suggestions overall.
    Argonian forever
  • Pirhana7_ESO
    And yet they force everyone who wants access to the skill trees to slog through it even though 95% of players have no interest in pvp.

    95%? really. I would say it is about 50/50. everyone i know came to this game just for the Cyrodiil endgame. This game was actually promoted as a PVP seige warfare game because of the whole alliances at war main game theme and it being the primary engame. The only reason trials were added is because PVE players came to a PVP game and complained about it. The sad thing is the DEV have kept taking the game in that direction.
  • Pirhana7_ESO
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I've taken a break from ESO a few times, usually in periods of about a month because things got stale. A new update comes out, I play for a bit longer and I quickly get bored again. I think the only thing that kept me playing was the PVP in this game - it's undoubtedly the best I've ever played.
    As many of you know, PVP has gone downhill, and it just gets worse and worse. Performance is terrible, balance is out of control with all the new sets and a few overperforming skills, and people barely want to go there any more.
    I was on Haderus today, DC had emperor. EP took all the keeps while the emp was farming in IC. I messaged him, but he never replied. Nobody cares anymore. He just used his emp buff to kill off all the bosses in IC for tel var. Probably to make money, because making money in PVP is basically worthless. I have 15k to my name. I can't afford crap.
    So because PVP is a bust, I decided to take my main character, who has been sitting on Undaunted 2 or 3 forever and managed to grind enough dungeons he is now 9. But, like, what do I do now? I feel like I have no purpose in ESO anymore. I don't like PVE, and the PVP I once loved is garbage.
    Because of this, I find myself playing less and less each day. The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day.
    I don't have hope PVP will ever be fixed. I really don't - I used to, but not anymore. Once battlegrounds are released next year Cyrodiil will be dead as a doornail. But hey, at least performance will be sweet, and all the PVErs will finally have their free Cyrodiil to run and frollick in, while the PVPers beat each other up with heavy armor/S+B/proc builds. Should be a blast.
    Lastly, I resent ZOS for taking such a great game and then dumping all over it.


    Just wait for Camelot Unchained to be ready next year like the rest of us. Cyrodiil is just something to do until then
  • Calboy
    Zos could release the perfect update with loads of content and balanced skills, gear and classes and people would still say it's the worst update they have ever done and how they are killing the game.
  • CapuchinSeven
    MoTeets wrote: »
    Disgusted, playing less and less, hate ZOS ?

    I will be glad to ease your burden from sleepless nights because of the nasty people at ZOS.

    Just send me your gold and mats then you wont be reminded of this awful game
    Isn't the next update a big balance one?

    O that's right....its not right here right now... its because the game is about to die for the...... O I lost count...
    Welcome to MMOs?

    I mean if you don't expect this then why play? This is the point behind alts, or finding other play styles. Eventually if you have the time to play as much as you want you will see everything, do essentially everything and collect anything that you wanted.

    Don't complain about it, it's not going to change, they will never be able to push content fast enough (that wouldn't be broken beyond belief) to keep people satisified.

    Will never EVER understand people like you.

    Playing games in the 80s and even 90s, many of us would have given their arms and joysticks to have a decent easy area to give honest feedback to developers (and thank you ZOS for having an open and official forum).

    ZOS's idea of PVP balance has been to pile insane idea on top of insane idea.

    Reality is, balance is an utter joke and rather than address that slowly, carefully and gradually we have to sit here and await the "balance patch". I would happily be wrong here but frankly I have little doubt the balance patch will be a huge mess that will create more balance problems than it solves because dropping the A-Bomb approach to balance doesn't work.

    But no no, it's cool we have battlegrounds coming and we have posters like you to remind people that any breath of distain for ZOS or this game must be met with ridicule.
  • nordsavage
    There are many better PvP games than ESO, ESO wouldn't even crack a good top ten list. As for the game itself once you get bored maybe it is just time to move on and come back for the story as its releases if at all.
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
  • Titansteele
    Can I have your stuff?
    Guild Leader of The Twelve Knights, AD PVE, PVP and Trading Guild on the EU Mega Server

    "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"
  • AMadAussie
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I've taken a break from ESO a few times, usually in periods of about a month because things got stale. A new update comes out, I play for a bit longer and I quickly get bored again. I think the only thing that kept me playing was the PVP in this game - it's undoubtedly the best I've ever played.
    As many of you know, PVP has gone downhill, and it just gets worse and worse. Performance is terrible, balance is out of control with all the new sets and a few overperforming skills, and people barely want to go there any more.
    I was on Haderus today, DC had emperor. EP took all the keeps while the emp was farming in IC. I messaged him, but he never replied. Nobody cares anymore. He just used his emp buff to kill off all the bosses in IC for tel var. Probably to make money, because making money in PVP is basically worthless. I have 15k to my name. I can't afford crap.
    So because PVP is a bust, I decided to take my main character, who has been sitting on Undaunted 2 or 3 forever and managed to grind enough dungeons he is now 9. But, like, what do I do now? I feel like I have no purpose in ESO anymore. I don't like PVE, and the PVP I once loved is garbage.
    Because of this, I find myself playing less and less each day. The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day.
    I don't have hope PVP will ever be fixed. I really don't - I used to, but not anymore. Once battlegrounds are released next year Cyrodiil will be dead as a doornail. But hey, at least performance will be sweet, and all the PVErs will finally have their free Cyrodiil to run and frollick in, while the PVPers beat each other up with heavy armor/S+B/proc builds. Should be a blast.
    Lastly, I resent ZOS for taking such a great game and then dumping all over it.


    Very true. Too bad it takes somebody with over 9000 internet points to actually get people to agree with their point of view and not just evoke ridicule and resentment. I felt the same way you do roughly this time last year, quit, and haven't played since. All I ever do is lurk the forums every once in a while in the hope that something has changed for the better. Unfortunately, it appears that nothing has.
    ESO; Where the issues far outnumber the fixes.
    I tell it how it is.
  • Curragraigue
    With every big change you adapt or you wallow in the past. I preferred PvP back in 1.5. I adapted and learned to play with the skills and the breaking and 'fixing' of classes. Proc sets are here so time to adapt again.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • CapuchinSeven
    AMadAussie wrote: »
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I've taken a break from ESO a few times, usually in periods of about a month because things got stale. A new update comes out, I play for a bit longer and I quickly get bored again. I think the only thing that kept me playing was the PVP in this game - it's undoubtedly the best I've ever played.
    As many of you know, PVP has gone downhill, and it just gets worse and worse. Performance is terrible, balance is out of control with all the new sets and a few overperforming skills, and people barely want to go there any more.
    I was on Haderus today, DC had emperor. EP took all the keeps while the emp was farming in IC. I messaged him, but he never replied. Nobody cares anymore. He just used his emp buff to kill off all the bosses in IC for tel var. Probably to make money, because making money in PVP is basically worthless. I have 15k to my name. I can't afford crap.
    So because PVP is a bust, I decided to take my main character, who has been sitting on Undaunted 2 or 3 forever and managed to grind enough dungeons he is now 9. But, like, what do I do now? I feel like I have no purpose in ESO anymore. I don't like PVE, and the PVP I once loved is garbage.
    Because of this, I find myself playing less and less each day. The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day.
    I don't have hope PVP will ever be fixed. I really don't - I used to, but not anymore. Once battlegrounds are released next year Cyrodiil will be dead as a doornail. But hey, at least performance will be sweet, and all the PVErs will finally have their free Cyrodiil to run and frollick in, while the PVPers beat each other up with heavy armor/S+B/proc builds. Should be a blast.
    Lastly, I resent ZOS for taking such a great game and then dumping all over it.


    Very true. Too bad it takes somebody with over 9000 internet points to actually get people to agree with their point of view and not just evoke ridicule and resentment. I felt the same way you do roughly this time last year, quit, and haven't played since. All I ever do is lurk the forums every once in a while in the hope that something has changed for the better. Unfortunately, it appears that nothing has.

    That's the kicker though isn't it, you WANT the game to be good, it should be.

    But their PVP choices have been very very very badly thought out, it's not like people are moaning about small silly things, PVP balance is actively broken right now.
  • kylewwefan
    Everyone gets there. It's a never ending game I play for fun and relaxation. If you're not finding that anymore, take a break and do other things. All other sports and activities come in seasons, this keeps going. Maybe a month off isn't enough? Take 3 maybe?
  • Glurin
    Buff/Change the traits on Weapons/Armors (again) to make them all desirable, or at least useful, and remove Training/Prosperous from anything CP160. That way, even if you don't get Sharpened or Divines, it won't be the end of the world as you'll still do comparable damage thru alternative means.

    If recent MMO history has taught us anything, it's that it doesn't matter if the difference in stats is less than half a percent. You'll still be considered a scrub if you use the "inferior" stat.

    Still, I'd rather have them in that half percent margin than having the difference being so pronounced that there really isn't much of a choice.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Kelces
    Seems like a running theme today with players . Breaks are good . You wouldn't eat pizza every night for dinner or pizza would not taste as good . Same with games . Your complaints are the same as many PvP players . We do need Wrobel to work as hard as Wheeler to make PvP great . Explore other games and check back after a update my friend and be happy .

    The big difference here is, that you are the one, who is baking a pizza every day. It's not the fault of the developers, that people lack creativity.
    Just wait for Camelot Unchained to be ready next year like the rest of us. Cyrodiil is just something to do until then

    Some years ago, as I was playing SWTOR, someone told me: "Hey, soon there is Elder Scrolls online coming out!"

    Same difference...
    Edited by Kelces on November 3, 2016 11:28AM
    You reveal yourself best in how you play.

    Kelces - Argonian Templar
    Farel Donvu - Dark Elf Sorcerer
    Navam Llervu - Dark Elf Dragonknight
    Aniseth - Wood Elf Warden
    Therediel - Wood Elf Templar
    Nilonwy - Wood Elf Nightblade
    Jurupari - Argonian Warden
    Kú-Chulainn - Argonian Sorcerer
    PC - EU
    For the Pact!
  • Knootewoot
    Try battlefield 1. It's great.

    I have taken 3 breaks now of this game. Yes, I don't like PvP that much either these days. But when in my guild group and over TS it's still fun.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Suter1972
    for me, the game isn't broken at all. Its still new to me and I expect there are other new players following in behind me.

    I do PVE and vary what I do each day. I don't PVP (tried duelling but got ganked by high CP/low level players so don't bother anymore)

    I guess if you only do PVP then its a race to the bottom. Who can grind out the best gear first, wins.

    Im not sure what 'content' pvp could get? I look at all the well known pvp games and they generally only release new map packages and a few new weapons, yet still seem to keep the interest going.
    Was - Breton DC ( GIRL - Guy In Real Life toon) Magika Templar Healer/ 5-8 trait Crafter - currently CP290 and learning now starting again on xbox…...

    xbox suter1972 - Character name - Hota Woskeef

    Xbox EU ESO+ Mature (40+) UK casual gamer
  • covenant_merchant
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I was on Haderus today, DC had emperor. EP took all the keeps while the emp was farming in IC. I messaged him, but he never replied. Nobody cares anymore. He just used his emp buff to kill off all the bosses in IC for tel var. Probably to make money, because making money in PVP is basically worthless.

    Ahaha you weren't the only one. Was grinding in sewers, didn't want to ride all the way back after the exp buff ended, so I messaged him too.

    But yeah, PvP is in a really sorry state right now. I'm one of those "destro ulti" zergball people, and it's a pretty dull gameplay, and completely broken skill. Basically, it has made my magicka sorc a one-button spamming wonder, like the 100% radiant beamplars we all know and love.
    Before, when you impacted groups, you had to use streak, encase, impulse, that sort of thing.
    Now, destro ulti does all the job. And bonus cancer points if you just mist form through (which, by the way should not be possible. Alas it is, and the era of invisible destro ultis is just beginning).

    Same goes for "smallscale", or what little is left of it. While in groups, destro ulti is the mvp, when you're just by yourself open world, you just die inside it due to all the proctards jumping you and thinking they're gods just because they wear sets.

    Guess what? This fotm scrublade died..

    So yeah, either you're zergballing with a whole other bunch of angry storm clouds, or you get classically outplayed by procs. Either way, it is disheartening to see that OT changes, which had so much potential, turned out to be such a mess.
  • Eirella
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I've taken a break from ESO a few times, usually in periods of about a month because things got stale. A new update comes out, I play for a bit longer and I quickly get bored again. I think the only thing that kept me playing was the PVP in this game - it's undoubtedly the best I've ever played.
    As many of you know, PVP has gone downhill, and it just gets worse and worse. Performance is terrible, balance is out of control with all the new sets and a few overperforming skills, and people barely want to go there any more.
    I was on Haderus today, DC had emperor. EP took all the keeps while the emp was farming in IC. I messaged him, but he never replied. Nobody cares anymore. He just used his emp buff to kill off all the bosses in IC for tel var. Probably to make money, because making money in PVP is basically worthless. I have 15k to my name. I can't afford crap.
    So because PVP is a bust, I decided to take my main character, who has been sitting on Undaunted 2 or 3 forever and managed to grind enough dungeons he is now 9. But, like, what do I do now? I feel like I have no purpose in ESO anymore. I don't like PVE, and the PVP I once loved is garbage.
    Because of this, I find myself playing less and less each day. The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day.
    I don't have hope PVP will ever be fixed. I really don't - I used to, but not anymore. Once battlegrounds are released next year Cyrodiil will be dead as a doornail. But hey, at least performance will be sweet, and all the PVErs will finally have their free Cyrodiil to run and frollick in, while the PVPers beat each other up with heavy armor/S+B/proc builds. Should be a blast.
    Lastly, I resent ZOS for taking such a great game and then dumping all over it.


    Yep, these are pretty much my feelings right now as well. I'd say your best bet is to take a break from the game and come back in Update 13 and see how things are. I don't have much hope though :/

    (PC/NA) - | @Eirella - formerly @jinxgames | CP 1000+ | Mainly PvPer (EP) | Haxus
  • bellanca6561n
    The game isn't sticky, to use the silly phrase.

    In an interview following E3 Matt Firor acknowledged this but said it was due to the financial model...
    "It’s interesting to see what happens when you take away the subscription model away," Firor explained. "You don’t see a hardcore playstyle - like playing for six months and then quitting - we don’t see that. We have a lot of players who will play for two or three weeks because they want to get through a zone and then stop. Then they come back two months later for another month, because there’s no pressure to play all of it at once.

    "Our DLC packs cater to that, because they’re smaller, bite-size chunks of story and associated quests."
    One cannot question the data but one certainly can question the cause.

    Sadly, many of the fundamental multiplayer design decisions that challenge the game's ability to create and nurture persistent player groups and long term game play are not ones that can be taken back. Five, 500 player guilds, for instance.

    Best to simply view it as either a short player lifecycle game or a player lifecycle resembling that of a vacation destination, restaurant, or amusement park: something you visit periodically.
    Edited by bellanca6561n on November 3, 2016 12:00PM
  • HegemonIQ
    Welcome to MMOs?

    I mean if you don't expect this then why play? This is the point behind alts, or finding other play styles. Eventually if you have the time to play as much as you want you will see everything, do essentially everything and collect anything that you wanted.

    Don't complain about it, it's not going to change, they will never be able to push content fast enough (that wouldn't be broken beyond belief) to keep people satisified.

    I've been playing since console launch...just reached CP cap, still haven't finished the quest lines for Craglorn, IC and Darkbrotherhood, have lots of new motifs to collect, still need to complete Maelstrom (n and v), and the vet trials. I play a couple hours every night (and my weekends) and still have tons of achievements left. I don't know how you guys speed through the content. I can't seem to catch up.

    But then again I'm not into PVP (though I did drop enough meatbags to level my support and assault lines).
  • KaleidoscopeEyz
    With One Tamriel, the Witches Festival and the Orsinium Anniversary and New Life or whatever event in the pipeline, this game is more alive for me today than any point since I bought it at console release.

    I don't PvP though. Love me some PvE. Something that is broke in PvP gets nerfed when it isn't broke in PvE yet we get impacted. This is where I start having issues with PvP'ers.
  • Junipus
    HegemonIQ wrote: »
    Welcome to MMOs?

    I mean if you don't expect this then why play? This is the point behind alts, or finding other play styles. Eventually if you have the time to play as much as you want you will see everything, do essentially everything and collect anything that you wanted.

    Don't complain about it, it's not going to change, they will never be able to push content fast enough (that wouldn't be broken beyond belief) to keep people satisified.

    I've been playing since console launch...just reached CP cap, still haven't finished the quest lines for Craglorn, IC and Darkbrotherhood, have lots of new motifs to collect, still need to complete Maelstrom (n and v), and the vet trials. I play a couple hours every night (and my weekends) and still have tons of achievements left. I don't know how you guys speed through the content. I can't seem to catch up.

    But then again I'm not into PVP (though I did drop enough meatbags to level my support and assault lines).

    Some of us, like the OP, have been playing since Beta on PC which is over 30 months now so we've seen it all and experienced it all.

    Like a lot of people I haven't PvPed in a long while, not since TG dropped and they broke gap closers and didn't fix it. Instead I turned to trials and dungeons as well as leveling other characters and playing other roles to experience more of the game from different perspectives. I also started achievement hunting to gain new titles and achievements that some players with far less game time had that I didn't, which has helped immensely with prolonging my interest with playing the game.

    As it stands, I doubt I'll ever competitively PvP again in this game since the balance has been getting progressively worse and a lot of old friends and foes have left, but there's still plenty to do if you're willing to explore all that the game has to offer.
    The Legendary Nothing
  • Wifeaggro13
    Alucardo wrote: »
    I've taken a break from ESO a few times, usually in periods of about a month because things got stale. A new update comes out, I play for a bit longer and I quickly get bored again. I think the only thing that kept me playing was the PVP in this game - it's undoubtedly the best I've ever played.
    As many of you know, PVP has gone downhill, and it just gets worse and worse. Performance is terrible, balance is out of control with all the new sets and a few overperforming skills, and people barely want to go there any more.
    I was on Haderus today, DC had emperor. EP took all the keeps while the emp was farming in IC. I messaged him, but he never replied. Nobody cares anymore. He just used his emp buff to kill off all the bosses in IC for tel var. Probably to make money, because making money in PVP is basically worthless. I have 15k to my name. I can't afford crap.
    So because PVP is a bust, I decided to take my main character, who has been sitting on Undaunted 2 or 3 forever and managed to grind enough dungeons he is now 9. But, like, what do I do now? I feel like I have no purpose in ESO anymore. I don't like PVE, and the PVP I once loved is garbage.
    Because of this, I find myself playing less and less each day. The other day I logged on for 10 minutes, picked up pledges, sighed and logged off for the rest of the day.
    I don't have hope PVP will ever be fixed. I really don't - I used to, but not anymore. Once battlegrounds are released next year Cyrodiil will be dead as a doornail. But hey, at least performance will be sweet, and all the PVErs will finally have their free Cyrodiil to run and frollick in, while the PVPers beat each other up with heavy armor/S+B/proc builds. Should be a blast.
    Lastly, I resent ZOS for taking such a great game and then dumping all over it.


    The PVE is just as broken man.
  • CapuchinSeven
    Another point I'd like to add is that I don't moan about games I don't care about, I leave them or don't touch them in the first place. There are two games I very much love, Elite Dangerous and ESO.

    Many of the people raising issues with PVP are not people simply forum raging at a new MMO for the sake of it, it's a game that I very much enjoy playing and think is still one of the best MMOs I've ever played but PVP needs addressing and big huge balance patches are a bad idea.
  • Rune_Relic
    HegemonIQ wrote: »
    Welcome to MMOs?

    I mean if you don't expect this then why play? This is the point behind alts, or finding other play styles. Eventually if you have the time to play as much as you want you will see everything, do essentially everything and collect anything that you wanted.

    Don't complain about it, it's not going to change, they will never be able to push content fast enough (that wouldn't be broken beyond belief) to keep people satisified.

    I've been playing since console launch...just reached CP cap, still haven't finished the quest lines for Craglorn, IC and Darkbrotherhood, have lots of new motifs to collect, still need to complete Maelstrom (n and v), and the vet trials. I play a couple hours every night (and my weekends) and still have tons of achievements left. I don't know how you guys speed through the content. I can't seem to catch up.

    But then again I'm not into PVP (though I did drop enough meatbags to level my support and assault lines).

    Damn it!
    I knew I was doing something wrong. :(
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • Knootewoot
    With One Tamriel, the Witches Festival and the Orsinium Anniversary and New Life or whatever event in the pipeline, this game is more alive for me today than any point since I bought it at console release.

    I don't PvP though. Love me some PvE. Something that is broke in PvP gets nerfed when it isn't broke in PvE yet we get impacted. This is where I start having issues with PvP'ers.

    Don't blame PvP'ers for that. Blame the developers who think of something to make it work different in a PvP environment. I even gave them code to do it for free:

    If player.cyrodill=true then 5th_item_set=false

    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
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