In reply to two conversations in-game this weekend, and another thread that shouldn't be derailed further, I'm posting this in a new thread.
I believe that this is an important concept that too few people understand.
It's not some sort of joke. Someone found the previous thread title "uncomfortable" (their words) and I passed their concerns on to ZOS. PTSD and DID are very serious mental health issues, and making light of that is demeaning. I won't derail the thread further, but I'd be happy to discuss it over PM.
@Enodoc My understanding of DID is that it's close to multiple personality disorder and have little to no knowledge on the topic. PTSD on the other hand is something I'm very familiar with, and all the people who claim "triggered" at the drop of a hat for anything they don't like have no idea what that word really means.
A few years ago I ran into a burning house to save my family. Everyone got out (pets included) with minimal harm. To me, PTSD means that when friends invite us over, and have the fireplace running, if I sit in sight of it for too long then I'm going to wake up screaming in the middle of the night with memories of things that I hope nobody ever has to experience. Sometimes I wake up like that regardless.
Getting killed in-game by a series of viper/velidreth procs is not something that "triggers" people.
All that people who claim "triggered" do
in my case is make me think that they're uneducated cretins or kids who hop on the terminology band wagon without being able to think for themselves. I'm not offended or upset at all, just disappointed at the lack of critical thinking and individualisation that exists in today's 20-something and under player base (and the generation in general). In some cases I personally find them to be rather funny, though I do have a rather different sense of humour.
The important note there is that this is in my case - other people react differently and I understand that. These other people who are "triggered" or "made uncomfortable" by reasonable jokes or such terminology should probably avoid MMOs and the internet in general - it shouldn't be up to everyone else to not-trigger them.
@Enodoc I don't know what the previous thread title was (and would appreciate a PM with it if you don't mind), but unless it was directly threatening someone or contained terminology that implied direct physical harm, there are very few situations that I can agree with forcibly changing text written by someone else.
On that topic, one of the reasons my wife stopped playing this game was due to these.. less than intelligent kids. The guild leader of a long standing PvP guild didn't like me, and stated that he would track us down in real life, then violate her with a baseball bat - again because he was upset with me. He has been perma-banned, though many of his friends seem to think that whispering HER with things like that when she logs in is funny. They don't directly threaten to do the same, just bring up the topic, so ZOS' position on it is that they can't do anything other than suggest she block them. Her blocked list reached the maximum allowable number of people, and many of her friends are playing other games (BDO), so she's perfectly happy not playing ESO anymore.
Rather than try to make everyone else conform to what she wanted, she did the adult thing and removed herself from a situation that she wasn't happy with. She still plays with us (when the old crew gets together) occasionally, and enough time has passed that people have apparently forgotten about this, but the fact remains that she and her friends won't likely ever come back to this game as regular players.
The internet is not a "safe space". This is a game meant for mature audiences. People will always be people.