The maintenance is complete, and the PTS is now available.
Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Crown Crate drop rate research - final results

Update: Since the crown crates have been removed from the PTS it looks like this thread is done, but I think we've got a pretty good data set. Thanks to everyone who participated!

I was going to do this myself, until I found out that on the PTS I only have 5,500 crowns and the crown crates cost their full 400 crowns, not 1 crown each like other items on the PTS. This means I was only able to buy 13 of them, which is an very small sample size and so I need your help to get more data. I think this is important to know so players can make an informed decision on how to spend their money when these things come out, and I'd really appreciate your help to get some accurate data. It doesn't matter if you only record 1 crate or 10, anything you can contribute will make the overall dataset more accurate and informative.

Rules to follow if you want to participate

1) Please decide whether you are going to participate before opening crates. If you post because you got a really good or really bad drop that will bias the data.
2) Please record ALL drops from the crate.
3) Please be specific. e.g. "Spellcaster's Elixir" and "Warrior's Elixir" not "potions". (It doesn't have to be the exact name, but don't group different items together.)
4) If you get an item you already had please record the item, not the crown gems.
5) Some items are awarded in packs (e.g. you always get 5 elixir's at a time). Please record these as 1 item. The point is to record frequency, not the total number of items.

Chance shown is per crate, not per card.

Total crates: 731

Tl;dr version
Superior: Approx. 5%
Epic: Approx. 0.7%
Legendary: Approx. 0.4%
Apex: Approx. 0.3%

  • Crown Crate Experience Scroll: 80 - 10.90%
  • Crown Crate Fortifying Meal: 64 - 8.72%
  • Crown Crate Refreshing Drink: 65 - 8.86%
  • Crown Invisibility Potion: 216 - 29.43%
  • Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity: 37 - 5.04%
  • Crown Lesson: Riding Speed: 44 - 5.99%
  • Crown Lesson: Riding Stamina: 31 - 4.22%
  • Crown Lethal Poison: 209 - 28.47%
  • Crown Mimic Stone: 244 - 33.24%
  • Crown Repair Kit: 92 - 12.71%
  • Crown Soul Gem: 66 - 8.99%
  • Crown Spellcaster's Elixir: 221 - 30.11%
  • Crown Survivor's Elixir: 243 - 33.11%
  • Crown Tri-Restoration Potion: 238 - 32.43%
  • Crown Warrior's Elixir: 256 - 34.88%
  • Grand Crown Crate Experience Scroll: 2 - 0.27%
  • Major Crown Crate Experience Scroll: 4 - 0.54%

  • “Clever Man” Wizard Hat: 34 - 4.63%
  • Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet: 35 - 4.77%
  • Battlemage Palatine Armor: 28 - 3.81%
  • Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform: 40 - 5.45%
  • Battlemage Tribune Armor: 40 - 5.45%
  • Daedric Scamp: 42 - 5.72%
  • Evening Dress: 33 - 4.50%
  • Feathered Bycoket Cap: 40 - 5.45%
  • Fibonaccus Spiral Hat: 33 - 4.50%
  • Helstrom Ancestor Lizard: 32 - 4.36%
  • Jawbone Blades: 37 - 5.04%
  • Roostertail Frills: 45 - 6.13%
  • Shadow Striping: 32 - 4.36%
  • Shornhelm Shepherd: 38 - 5.18%
  • Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit: 43 - 5.86%
  • Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit: 45 - 6.13%
  • Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing: 31 - 4.22%
  • Storm Atronach Aura: 37 - 5.04%
  • Wrestler's Burr Cut: 32 - 4.36%

  • “Brilliance” Brocade Robes: 6 - 0.82%
  • Aurbical Symbols: 3 - 0.41%
  • Belly Dancer Veil: 6 - 0.82%
  • Chub Loon: 6 - 0.82%
  • Enveloping Scales: 3 - 0.41%
  • Feathered Headdress: 3 - 0.41%
  • Golden Eye Guar: 4 - 0.54%
  • Hedge Wizard's Claw Cap: 4 - 0.54%
  • High-Collared Ball Gown: 5 - 0.68%
  • Palomino Horse: 5 - 0.68%
  • Purple Daggerback: 2 - 0.27%
  • Shadow Stripe Headwrap: 4 - 0.54%
  • Storm Orb Juggle: 7 - 0.95%
  • The Aurbic Eye: 7 - 0.95%
  • Upright Antler Skullcap: 8 - 1.09%

  • Black Mane Lion Mount: 3 - 0.41%
  • Black Mask Bear-Dog: 3 - 0.41%
  • Clouded Senche-Leopard: 3 - 0.41%
  • Clouded Senche-Leopard Cub: 3 - 0.41%
  • Dwarf-Style Mage's Hat: 5 - 0.68%
  • Frost Mare: 3 - 0.41%
  • Imperial Mananaut Cap & Googles: 3 - 0.41%
  • Mind-Shriven (skin): 2 - 0.27%
  • Mind-Shriven Horse: 6 - 0.82%
  • Orchid Nixad: 1 - 0.14%
  • Red Pit Wolf Mount: 3 - 0.41%
  • Red Pit Wolf Pup: 2 - 0.27%
  • Rosy Netch Calf: 2 - 0.27%
  • Storm Atronach Transform: 3 - 0.41%
  • Tangerine Dragon Frog: 1 - 0.14%

  • Storm Atronach Bear Mount: 3 - 0.41%
  • Storm Atronach Camel: 0 - 0.00%
  • Storm Atronach Guar Mount: 2 - 0.27%
  • Storm Atronach Horse: 1 - 0.14%
  • Storm Atronach Senche Mount: 2 - 0.27%
  • Storm Atronach Wolf Mount : 3 - 0.41%
Edited by Danikat on September 29, 2016 4:16PM
PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

"Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Nestor
    Based on the Selection of items you did get, there is nothing in the list I find worth gambling for.

    However, I will fire up the PTS tonight and get some of these to help fill in the data. They are not my Crowns...
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Danikat
    As an example here's my drop data:

    Crate 1
    1 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
    1 Fibonaccus Spiral Hat
    1 Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    1 Crown Warrior's Elixir

    Crate 2
    2 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
    1 Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet
    1 Crown Warrior's Elixir

    Crate 3
    1 “Clever Man” Wizard Hat
    1 Crown Survivor's Elixir
    1 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    1 Shadow Stripe Headwrap

    Crate 4
    1 Crown Lesson: Riding Speed
    1 Battlemage Tribune Armor
    1 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
    1 Crown Crate Experience Scroll

    Crate 5
    1 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
    1 Evening Dress
    1 Crown Invisibility Potion
    1 Crown Mimic Stone

    Crate 6
    1 Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    1 Crown Soul Gem
    1 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    1 Crown Invisibility Potion

    Crate 7
    1 Crown Lethal Poison
    1 Upright Antler Skullcap
    1 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    1 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion

    Crate 8
    1 Crown Crate Fortifying Meal
    1 Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity
    1 Crown Survivor's Elixir
    1 Battlemage Tribune Armor

    Crate 9
    1 Crown Lethal Poison
    1 Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet
    1 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    1 Crown Survivor's Elixir

    Crate 10
    1 Crown Crate Fortifying Meal
    1 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    1 Crown Soul Gem
    1 Shadow Striping

    Crate 11
    1 Crown Soul Gem
    1 Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    1 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
    1 Crown Invisibility Potion

    Crate 12
    2 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    1 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
    1 Battlemage Tribune Armor

    Crate 13
    1 Storm Atronach Bear Mount
    1 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    1 Dwarf-Style Mage's Hat
    1 Jawbone Blades
    1 Crown Mimic Stone

    (I'm not sure why Crate 13 had an extra card. There was a special animation where he threw it in, but I don't know if it was because it was my last one or just random.)

    Further attempts have shown this is a rare, random chance. I'm not tracking this so I don't know how rare exactly, but sometimes you'll get a 5th card.
    Edited by Danikat on September 21, 2016 3:55PM
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • SleepyTroll
    I don't think that "Some items are awarded in packs (e.g. you always get 5 elixir's at a time)." is true.
    I got 1 survivors elixir from a card not 1 pack of 5 I got 1.
  • guul
    Crown Survivor's Elixir(5)
    Storm Atronach Aura
    Chub Loon
    Crown Warrior's Elixir(5)
    Crown Lethal Poison(25)

    Crown Spellcaster's Elixir(5)
    Roostertail Frills
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Warrior's Elixir(5)

    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion(5)
    Crown Lesson: Riding Stamina
    Storm Atronach Aura

    Crown Survivor's Elixir(5)
    Crown Invisibility Potion(5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion(5)
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard

    Crown Warrior's (5)
    "Clever Man" Wizard Hat
    Crown Crate Refreshing Drink
    Crown Invisi(5)

    Crown Tri-(5)
    Crown Lethal (25)
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crown Invisibil(5)
    Crown Lethal (25)
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Jawbone Blades

    Crown Survior's (5)
    Roostertail Frills
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Lethal (25)

    Crown Invisibi(5)
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    Crown Lethal (25)

    Crown Tri- (5)
    Crown Crate Refresh
    Wrestler's Burr Cut
    Crown Tri- (5)

    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Tri- (5)
    Crown Warrior's Elixir(5)
    Major Crown Crate Experience Scroll

    Crown Lethal (25)
    Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crown Survior's (5)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Lethal (25)
    Wrestler's Burr Cut

    these are what I got today.
    Edited by guul on September 21, 2016 9:56AM
  • Recremen
    I'm not 100% certain if this is useful, though. They can change the drop chance of anything, at any time, without notification. Thus, this exercise seems not especially informative.
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • Danikat
    @guul - Thank you!
    I don't think that "Some items are awarded in packs (e.g. you always get 5 elixir's at a time)." is true.
    I got 1 survivors elixir from a card not 1 pack of 5 I got 1.

    It may well not be true. Every time I got elixir's it was in a pack of 5, and every time I got poison it was a pack of 25 so I assumed you always got those numbers. But as I said I had a very small dataset and so there's quite a few anomalies. (For example it currently says it's impossible to get any of the Atronach mounts except the bear, which is obviously untrue.)
    Recremen wrote: »
    I'm not 100% certain if this is useful, though. They can change the drop chance of anything, at any time, without notification. Thus, this exercise seems not especially informative.

    I did think of that, and it is entirely possible the drop rates will be changed, either when its released on Live or after that. But my thinking is old data is better than no data, at least it's a starting point and it seems unlikely they'd change radically. At least until the next set of items comes along.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Taleof2Cities
    @Danikat, the 5,000 crowns are refreshed on PTS each day per @ZOS_GinaBruno ... so you can test as much as you want.

    Also, there's an existing official PTS thread that players have been reporting their crown crate feedback, located here:

  • Danikat
    @Dominoid - Thanks! I'd seen your posts earlier and meant to track down the data so I appreciate the post. :)
    @Danikat, the 5,000 crowns are refreshed on PTS each day per @ZOS_GinaBruno ... so you can test as much as you want.

    Also, there's an existing official PTS thread that players have been reporting their crown crate feedback, located here:

    I never realised the crowns refreshed, I don't think I've used the crown store much on the PTS, but that's good to know. Still, this way we can get more data much more quickly. Instead of 13 crates per day we've got 38 already. Ideally I'd like to have at least a few hundred to make up a decent data set.

    And I know about the feedback thread, but I thought this was better suited to a separate topic, it makes it easier for me to find the data and stops that thread getting clogged with lists of drops.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • rhapsodious
    13 crates, 1 had 5 cards:
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5) x6
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5) x5
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5) x4
    Crown Lethal Poison (25) x4
    Crown Mimic Stone x4
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5) x3
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5) x3
    Crown Repair Kit x3
    Crown Lesson: Riding Speed x2
    Crown Crate Refreshing Drink x1

    Grand Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll

    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit x3
    Battlemage Tribune Armor x2
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing

    The Aurbic Eye
    Hedge Wizard’s Claw Cap
    Roostertail Frills

    Daedric Scamp
    Shornhelm Shepherd
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard

    Storm Atronach Senche Mount
    Edited by rhapsodious on September 20, 2016 11:21PM
  • arkansas_ESO
    Crate 1:
    Crown Crate XP scroll
    5 Survivor's Elixir
    5 Tristat Potion
    1 Fibonaccus Spiral Hat

    Crate 2:
    5 Survivor's Elixir
    5 Warrior's Elixir
    Feathered Bycoket Cap

    Crate 3:
    Invisibility Potion
    Warrior's Elixir

    Crate 4:
    Evening Dress
    Riding Lessons
    Mimic Stone
    Lethal Poison

    Crate 5:
    Invisibility Potion

    Crate 6:
    Soul Shriven Leather Outfit
    Survivor Elixir
    Mimic Stones

    Crate 7:
    Enveloping Scales
    Rooster Tail Frills
    Dragon frog
    Survivor's Elixir

    Crate 8:
    Jawbone Blades
    Red Pit Wolf Mount
    Mimic Stones
    Invisibility Potions

    Crate 9:
    Storm Atro Aura
    Riding Capacity
    Survivor's Elixir
    Tri-Stat Potion

    Crate 10:
    Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit
    Mimic Stones
    Invisibility Potions

    Crate 11:
    Battlemage Palatine Armor
    Riding Speed
    Spellcaster's Elixir

    Crate 12:
    Upright Antler Skullcap
    Soul Shriven Light Armor

    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • Danikat
    Thank you to both @rhapsodious and @arkansas_ESO !
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Sigtric
    13 Boxes

    5 Crown Tri Restoration Potions
    5 Crown Invisibility Pots
    1 Crown Repair
    1 Golden Eye Guard

    5 Crown Warrior Elixir
    25 Crown Lethal Poison
    5 Crown Survivor Elixir
    1 Azure Brow to Temple Circlet

    1 Crown Refreshing Drink
    1 Battlemage Tribune Armor
    5 Crown Survivor Elixir
    1 Shadow Stride Headwrap

    1 Crown Repair
    1 Deadric Scamp
    1 Crown Mimec Stone
    5 Crown Survivor Elixir

    5 Crown Survivor Elixir
    5 Crown Spellcaster Elixir
    1 Daedric Scamp
    1 Crown Repair Kit

    5 Spellcaster Elixir
    1 Refreshing Drink
    1 Cleverman Wizard Hat
    1 Mimec Stone

    5 Crown Tri Restoration Pots
    5 Crown Tri Restoration Pots
    1 Shornhelm Shepherd Pet
    5 Warrior Elixir

    5 Survivor Elixir
    25 Lethal Poison
    1 Cleverman Wizard Hat
    1 Refreshing Drink

    5 Invisibility Pots
    5 Warrior Elixir
    1 Soul Shriven Leather Armor
    1 Crown Repair

    1 Mimec Stone
    1 Fortifying Meal
    5 Invisibility Pots
    1 Maelstrom Ancestor Lizard pet

    1 Crown Soul Gem
    5 Warrior Elixir
    1 Fibinaccus Spiral hat
    1 Fortifying Meal

    1 Repair Kit
    5 Spellcaster Elixir
    1 Purple Diggerback pet
    5 Invis Pot

    5 Tri Pot
    1 Daedric Scamp
    1 Crown Repair
    5 Warrior Elixir

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • VaxtinTheWolf
    I'm not a part of this trial but I just suggest using spoiler tags to lessen the length of the pages in here if more data comes in.
    || AD - Rah'Jiin Lv50 Khajiit Nightblade (Damage) || EP - Generic Argonian Lv50 Argonian Nightblade (Tank) || DC - Zinkotsu Lv50 Breton Nightblade (Healer) ||
    || DC - Ja'Kiro Feral-Heart Lv50 Khajiit Dragonknight (Damage) || EP - VaxtinTheWolf Lv50 Redguard Templar (Tank) || AD - Velik Iranis Lv50 Dark Elf Sorcerer (Tank ) ||
    || EP - Einvarg The Frozen Lv50 Nord Warden (Tank/Healer) || EP - Keem-Ja Lv4 Argonian Necromancer (Healer/Tank) ||
    PC - North American Server (Champion 1300+)
  • Pandorii
    People were exaggerating sometimes when they'd say "and there will be a 1 percent drop chance for these exclusive mounts." Little did they know that not only was it not an exaggeration, but the drop rates are worse than that. >.>

    Can you keep a count of the sample size in the main comment @Danikat? This is really insightful!
  • Rosveen
    Here's what I got:
    crate 1:
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    Crown Repair Kit
    Azure Brow-toTemple Circlet

    crate 2:
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing
    Crown Repair Kit

    crate 3:
    25 Crown Lethal Poison
    Battlemage Palatine Armor
    High-Collared Ball Gown
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir

    crate 4:
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    Upright Antler Skullcap
    Crown Crate Refreshing Drink
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion

    crate 5:
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Roostertail Frills
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    crate 6:
    Crown Repair Kit
    5 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    "Clever Man" Wizard Hat

    crate 7:
    Crown Mimic Stone
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir

    crate 8:
    Jawbone Blades
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    crate 9:
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal
    Roostertail Frills

    crate 10:
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potions
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potions
    Roostertail Frills
    5 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir

    crate 11:
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir

    crate 12:
    25 Crown Lethal Poison
    Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit
    5 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixit

    crate 13:
    Storm Atronach Aura
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir
    Crown Lesson: Riding Speed
    5 Crown Spellcaster's Elixir
  • driosketch
    Day 1
    Box 1:
    Refreshing Drink
    Warrior Elixir (5) x2
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothes

    Box 2: [5 cards]
    Lethal Poison (25) x2
    Aurbical Symbols
    Warrior Elixir (5)
    Mind Shriven Horse **

    Box 3:
    Riding lesson: Stamina
    Soul Gem
    Riding lesson: Capacity
    Jawbone Blades

    Box 4:
    Crown Tri-pot (5)
    Warrior Elixir (5)
    Soul-Shriven Armor
    Riding lesson: Speed

    Box 5:
    Crown Tri-pot (5)
    Soul Gem
    "Clever Man" Wizard Hat
    Spellcaster Elixir (5)

    Box 6:
    Riding lesson: Capacity
    Survivor Elixir (5)
    Mimic Stone
    "Clever Man" Wizard Hat (5 gem duplicate)

    Box 7:
    Lethal Poison (25)
    Survivor Elixir (5)
    Refreshing Drink
    Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet

    Box 8:
    Riding lesson: Stamina
    Crown Tri-pot (5)
    Lethal Poison (25)
    Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet (5 gem duplicate)

    Box 9: [5 cards]
    Invisibility Potion (5)
    Jawbone Blades (5 gem duplicate)
    Storm Atronach Guar Mount ***
    Riding lesson: Capacity
    Mimic Stone

    Box 10:
    Warrior Elixir (5)
    Crown Tri-pot (5)
    Feather Bycoket Cap
    Experience Scroll

    Box 11:
    Experience Scroll
    Battlemage Tribune Armor (would be 5 gems for me on live)
    Crown Tri-pot (5)
    Lethal Poison (25)

    Box 12:
    Warrior Elixir (5) x2
    Crown Tri-pot (5)
    Evening Dress (would be 5 gems for me on live)

    Box 13:
    Fortifying Meal
    Jawbone Blades (5 gem duplicate)
    Repair Kit
    Spellcaster Elixir (5)
    Edited by driosketch on September 21, 2016 5:15PM
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • guul
    another 13 crates.
    Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity
    Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit
    Crown Surivivor's (5)
    Crown Tri- (5)

    Crown Warrior's (5)
    Crown Tri- (5)
    Crown Survivor's (5)
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing

    Crown Spellcaster's (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Feathered Bycoket Cap
    Crown Lethal (25)

    Crown Spellcaster's (5)
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal
    Crown Survivor's (5)
    "Clever Man" Wizard Hat

    Crown Tri- (5)
    Crown Spellcaster's (5)
    Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit
    Crown Tri- (5)

    The Auribic Eye
    Crown Invisibility (5)
    Crown Invisibility (5)
    Crown Spellcaster's (5)

    Daedric Scamp
    Crown Spellcaster's (5)
    Crown Leathal (25)
    Crown Warrior's (5)

    Crown Spellcasters's (5)
    Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet
    Crown Survivior's (5)
    Crown Invisibility (5)

    Crown Tri- (5)
    Crown Soul Gem
    Crown Spellcaster's (5)
    Daedric Scamp

    Crown Tri- (5)
    Aurbical Symbols
    Crown Invisibility (5)
    Daedric Scamp

    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    Crown Survivior's (5)
    Crown Invisibility (5)
    Crown Warrior's (5)

    Crown Survivior's (5)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat

    Daedric Scamp
    Crown Survivor's (5)
    Crown Tri- (5)
    Crown Warrior's (5)
  • Danikat
    Thank you @Sigtric , @Rosveen , @driosketch and @guul !
    I'm not a part of this trial but I just suggest using spoiler tags to lessen the length of the pages in here if more data comes in.
    Good idea! Added a spoiler tag to my data.
    Pandorii wrote: »
    People were exaggerating sometimes when they'd say "and there will be a 1 percent drop chance for these exclusive mounts." Little did they know that not only was it not an exaggeration, but the drop rates are worse than that. >.>

    Can you keep a count of the sample size in the main comment @Danikat? This is really insightful!
    Good idea on sample size, I've added the number of crates to the first post.

    I also realised I was making a mistake with the percentages - I was showing the percentage per card, which isn't really relevant since each crate gives 4 or 5 cards. I've amended it to show the chance per crate (assuming a crate had 4 cards) which has improved the percentages somewhat.

    But I think the chance for some items will drop again as we get more data. It seems unlikely that you'd have the same chance to get a Belly Dancer Veil or Enveloping Scales as one of the Storm Atronach mounts. Given the number of items the crate can drop and the fact that some things which are likely to have an equal drop rate (like other Storm Atronach mounts) haven't appeared yet it wouldn't surprise me if the rarest items have a drop rate of 0.5% at best. In other games there are very similar boxes where the rarest items have a drop rate estimated at around 0.01% - 0.001% (meaning on average you'd have to open around 10,000 - 100,000 boxes to get one).
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • rhapsodious
    Day 2, another 13 crates. First listed by crate:
    Crate 1:

    Crown Mimic Stone
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 2:

    Evening Dress
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 3:

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5) (…)
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit (dupe)

    Crate 4:

    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Feathered Bycoket Cap

    Crate 5:

    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crate 6:

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing (dupe)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crate 7:

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Jawbone Blades
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)

    Crate 8:

    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Storm Atronach Aura
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crate 9:

    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Storm Atronach Aura (dupe)

    Crate 10:

    Roostertail Frills (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crate 11:

    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard (dupe)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crate 12 - Extra card:

    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat (dupe)
    Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    Palomino Horse
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 13:

    Shornhelm Shepherd (dupe)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir x7

    Crown Survivor’s Elixir x3

    Crown Warrior’s Elixir x2

    Crown Invisibility Potion x4

    Crown Lethal Poison x4

    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x7

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll

    Crown Repair Kit x2

    Crown Soul Gem x2

    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crown Mimic Stone x3

    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing x2
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat x2
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform
    Evening Dress
    Feathered Bycoket Cap
    Jawbone Blades
    Roostertail Frills
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    Shornhelm Shepherd
    Palomino Horse

    Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    Storm Atronach Aura x2
  • hrothbern
    Day 2, another 13 crates. First listed by crate:
    Crate 1:

    Crown Mimic Stone
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 2:

    Evening Dress
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 3:

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5) (…)
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit (dupe)

    Crate 4:

    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Feathered Bycoket Cap

    Crate 5:

    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crate 6:

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing (dupe)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crate 7:

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Jawbone Blades
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)

    Crate 8:

    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Storm Atronach Aura
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crate 9:

    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Storm Atronach Aura (dupe)

    Crate 10:

    Roostertail Frills (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crate 11:

    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard (dupe)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crate 12 - Extra card:

    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat (dupe)
    Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    Palomino Horse
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 13:

    Shornhelm Shepherd (dupe)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir x7

    Crown Survivor’s Elixir x3

    Crown Warrior’s Elixir x2

    Crown Invisibility Potion x4

    Crown Lethal Poison x4

    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x7

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll

    Crown Repair Kit x2

    Crown Soul Gem x2

    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crown Mimic Stone x3

    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing x2
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat x2
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform
    Evening Dress
    Feathered Bycoket Cap
    Jawbone Blades
    Roostertail Frills
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    Shornhelm Shepherd
    Palomino Horse

    Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    Storm Atronach Aura x2

    @rhapsodious ,
    Nice yield !
    You got a double Storm Atronach Aura
    How many Crown Gems did you get refunded for the second Aura ?
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • rhapsodious
    hrothbern wrote: »
    Day 2, another 13 crates. First listed by crate:
    Crate 1:

    Crown Mimic Stone
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 2:

    Evening Dress
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 3:

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5) (…)
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit (dupe)

    Crate 4:

    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Feathered Bycoket Cap

    Crate 5:

    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crate 6:

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing (dupe)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crate 7:

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Jawbone Blades
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)

    Crate 8:

    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Storm Atronach Aura
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crate 9:

    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Storm Atronach Aura (dupe)

    Crate 10:

    Roostertail Frills (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crate 11:

    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard (dupe)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crate 12 - Extra card:

    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat (dupe)
    Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    Palomino Horse
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 13:

    Shornhelm Shepherd (dupe)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir x7

    Crown Survivor’s Elixir x3

    Crown Warrior’s Elixir x2

    Crown Invisibility Potion x4

    Crown Lethal Poison x4

    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x7

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll

    Crown Repair Kit x2

    Crown Soul Gem x2

    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crown Mimic Stone x3

    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing x2
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat x2
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform
    Evening Dress
    Feathered Bycoket Cap
    Jawbone Blades
    Roostertail Frills
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    Shornhelm Shepherd
    Palomino Horse

    Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    Storm Atronach Aura x2

    @rhapsodious ,
    Nice yield !
    You got a double Storm Atronach Aura
    How many Crown Gems did you get refunded for the second Aura ?

    Only five. \:
  • Rosveen
    day 2
    crate 1
    Crown Repair Kit
    Roostertail Frills
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Repait Kit

    crate 2
    Shornhelm Shepard
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    Crown Repair Kit
    5 Crown Invisibility Potion

    crate 3
    Crown Repair Kit
    5 Crown Invisibility Potion
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal
    Storm Atronach Aura

    crate 4
    Wretler's Burr Cut
    Crown Mimic Stone
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    Battlemage Palatine Armor

    crate 5
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal
    Shornhelm Shepard
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir

    crate 6
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    Shornhelm Shepard
    Evening Dress

    crate 7
    Feathered Bycoket Cap
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    The Aurbic Eye
    25 Crown Lethal Poison
    Crown Soul Gem

    crate 8
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat
    Crown Soul Gem
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir
    5 Crown Invisibility Potion

    crate 9
    Crown Crate Refreshing Drink
    25 Crown Lethal Poison
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing
    5 Crown Invisibility Potion

    crate 10
    Crown Crate Refreshing Drink
    5 Crown Survivor's Elixir
    Daedric Scamp
    Crown Mimic Stone

    crate 11
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    5 Crown Warrior's Elixir
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform

    crate 12
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    5 Crown Invisibility Potion
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Roostertail Frills

    crate 13
    5 Crown Tri-Restoration Potion
    5 Crown Invisibility Potion
    "Clever Man" Wizard Hat
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
  • hrothbern
    hrothbern wrote: »
    Day 2, another 13 crates. First listed by crate:
    Crate 1:

    Crown Mimic Stone
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 2:

    Evening Dress
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Crown Warrior’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 3:

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5) (…)
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit (dupe)

    Crate 4:

    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Feathered Bycoket Cap

    Crate 5:

    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crate 6:

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing (dupe)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crate 7:

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Jawbone Blades
    Crown Lethal Poison (25)

    Crate 8:

    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Storm Atronach Aura
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crate 9:

    Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Storm Atronach Aura (dupe)

    Crate 10:

    Roostertail Frills (dupe)
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crate 11:

    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard (dupe)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Repair Kit
    Crown Soul Gem

    Crate 12 - Extra card:

    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat (dupe)
    Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    Palomino Horse
    Crown Survivor’s Elixir (5)

    Crate 13:

    Shornhelm Shepherd (dupe)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir (5)
    Crown Mimic Stone

    Crown Spellcaster’s Elixir x7

    Crown Survivor’s Elixir x3

    Crown Warrior’s Elixir x2

    Crown Invisibility Potion x4

    Crown Lethal Poison x4

    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x7

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll

    Crown Repair Kit x2

    Crown Soul Gem x2

    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal

    Crown Mimic Stone x3

    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing x2
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat x2
    Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform
    Evening Dress
    Feathered Bycoket Cap
    Jawbone Blades
    Roostertail Frills
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    Shornhelm Shepherd
    Palomino Horse

    Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    Storm Atronach Aura x2

    @rhapsodious ,
    Nice yield !
    You got a double Storm Atronach Aura
    How many Crown Gems did you get refunded for the second Aura ?

    Only five. \:

    yeah \:
    thanks !
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • feyii
    I didn't record what I got yesterday, but today it was this from 13 boxes...
    1x Crown Survivors Elixir (5)
    1x Crown Mimic Stone
    1x Battle Mage Tribune Armor
    1x Crown Lesson: Riding Speed

    1x Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    1x Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet
    1x Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    1x Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)

    1x Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)
    2x Crown Mimic Stone
    1x Feathered Bycoket Cap

    1x Crown Mimic Stone
    1x Crown Lesson: Riding Speed
    1x Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    1x Storm Atronach Aura

    1x Daedric Scamp
    1x Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)
    1x Crown Crate Refreshing Drink
    1x Crown Invisibility Potion (5)

    1x Crown Survivors Elixir (5)
    1x Crown Mimic Stone
    1x Battle Mage Scout Captain Uniform
    1x Clouded Senche-Leopard Cub

    2x Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)
    1x Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    1x Crown Survivors Elixir (5)

    1x Crown Lesson: Riding Speed
    1x Crown Mimic Stone
    1x Black Mask Bear-Dog
    1x Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)

    1x Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    1x Crown Mimic Stone
    1x Storm Atronach Wolf Mount
    1x Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    1x Crown Invisibility Potion (5)

    1x Crown Lethal Poison (25)
    1x Wrestler's Burr Cut
    1x Crown Spellcaster's Elixir (5)
    1x Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)

    1x Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    1x Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    1x Feathered Bycoket Cap
    1x Crown Survivors Elixir (5)

    1x Crown Lesson: Riding Speed
    1x Crown Mimic Stone
    1x Soul-Shriven Leather Outfit
    1x Crown Invisibility Potion (5)

    1x Wrestler's Burr Cut
    1x Crown Mimic Stone
    1x Crown Spellcaster's Elixir (5)
    1x Crown Lethal Poison (25)
  • Danikat
    Thanks to @rhapsodious , @Rosveen and @feyii!

    If anyone's interested here's the list of items which haven't appeared yet. (According to the in-game preview these all drop from the crates.)
    • Storm Atronach Camel
    • Storm Atronach Horse
    • Black Mane Lion Mount
    • Clouded Senche-Leopard
    • Frost Mare
    • Mind-Shriven (skin)
    • Orchid Nixad
    • Red Pit Wolf Pup
    • Rosy Netch Calf
    • “Brilliance” Brocade Robes
    • Feathered Headdress
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Dojohoda
    Nine Crates:
    Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Jawbone Blades
    Crown Mimic Stone

    ---Crate with 5 Cards---
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Battlemage Tribune Armor
    Storm Orb Juggle
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Lesson: Riding Speed

    Crown Lethal poison (25)
    Daedric Scamp
    Crown Lethal poison (25)
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)

    Shadow Striping
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)

    Soul-Shriven Ragged Clothing
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Crown Invisibility Potion (5)
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard
    Crown Crate Fortifying Meal
    Crown Survivor's Elixir (5)

    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Crown Mimic Stone
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform
    Crown Spellcaster's Elixir (5)

    "Clever Man" Wizard Hat
    Crown Warrior's Elixir (5)
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll
    Crown Spellcaster's Elixir (5)

    Crown Lethal poison (25)
    Azure Brow-to-Temple Circlet
    Crown Tri-Restoration Potion (5)
    Crown Crate Experience Scroll

    You can see the Storm Orb Juggle here:

    Edited by Dojohoda on September 21, 2016 11:07PM
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Dubhliam
    69 items out of 716 is definitely not 38,49%

    Take a second look at your statistics.

    It would be best to upload an excel sheet like this one but with preset calculations and more extensive input cells.
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Rosveen
    Dubhliam wrote: »
    69 items out of 716 is definitely not 38,49%

    Take a second look at your statistics.

    It would be best to upload an excel sheet like this one but with preset calculations and more extensive input cells.
    She calculates the chance per crate, not per card.
  • MissBizz
    Sorry I was super busy yesterday but here is what I got from each crate day. 13 crates per day. Potions etc. I count by the CARD. It shows in the "preview" list that they should always come in their allocated "packs" (5 potions etc.) as you mentioned.

    @Danikat I received the feathered headress today.

    Day 1
    Golden Eye Guar x 1
    Azure Brow-to-temple Circlet x 2
    Battlemage Tribune Armor x 1
    Battlemage Scout Captain Uniform x 1
    Daedric Scamp x 2
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat x 1
    Roostertail Frills x 2
    Shadow Striping x 1
    Shornhelm Shephard x 1
    Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit x 1
    Storm Atronach Aura x 1
    Crown Crate XP Scroll x 3
    Meal x 2
    Capacity Lesson x 1
    Crown Repair Kit x 5
    Invisibility Pot x 2
    Poison x 3
    Mimic Stone x 6
    Spellcaster's Elixir x 1
    Survivor's Elixir x 5
    Tri-Restoration Potion x 4
    Warrior's Elixir x 6

    Day 2
    Feathered Headdress x 1
    High Collared Coin Ball Gown x 1
    Battlemage Tribune Armor x 2
    Battlemage Palatine Armor x 1
    Daedric Scamp x 2
    Feathered Bycoket Cap x 1
    Fibonaccus Spiral Hat x 1
    Helstrom Ancestor Lizard x 1
    Jawbone Blades x 1
    Shadow Striping x 2
    Soul-Shriven Armor Outfit x 1
    Crown Crate XP Scroll x 1
    Meal x 1
    Drink x 2
    Crown Repair Kit x 1
    Crown Soul Gem x 1
    Invisibility Pot x 2
    Poison x 4
    Mimic Stone x 7
    Spellcaster's Elixer x 2
    Survivor's Elixir x 11
    Tri-Restoration Potion x 1
    Warrior's Elixir x 5

    Sorry if you wanted by crate. I've got videos you can watch of my openings if it intrigues you. lol
    Edited by MissBizz on September 22, 2016 12:50AM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
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