AmberLaTerra wrote: »Daemons_Bane wrote: »The thing is, which I guess some people forget to consider, that PvE and PvP players are of different mindsets.. They usually don't enjoy the same things.. And since both of them have paid, they need to be equally respected.. That's why, imo, that we can't trap PvE players in a system if they do not like it.. That's why I'm against using bounties as an opt in, and keeping them there for 20 hours.. I'm not saying they should be able to leave just by clicking a box, as that would create trolls and griefers too.. The way I see it, there is 2 ways out.. Either clicking a box which starts a timer, or by clearing the bounty by dieing.. Simple as that
Timed opt- outs are also not grief proof.
The only way I see the opt - switch could work is in a confined space where Enforcers don't have access.
Hence Fences.
Heck, it might even work with low cooldowns on opt - switching.
But one day is a compromise.
I think opted in players should get better rewards to match the higher risk, and I can see many players agreeing with that.
The reason those higher rewards should be locked behind a "cooldown" is because with a full opt-out and no cooldowns, players would still be able to reap the rewards by being opted in for a short time, and then simply opt out and resume their careless NPC slaying sprees.
It is a genuine concern for many players.
Killing sprees will still occur, since there will be opted out players.
But at least let's try to constrict the killing sprees to the opted out population.
Giving opted in players better rewards is just an excuse to give enforcers more reward. If people who want PVP justice really just want it for the PVP aspect and not as a get rich quick or easy way then it should have the same rewards.
That is one of the points where all the arguments those who want PVP Justice fall apart. You want to either force it on all PVE players, or if there is an opt out get better rewards to you can make more money killing PVE players who chose to opt in.
Once again you are adding a condition to the PVE player, get less reward or face PVP which again equates back to your idea before you added an opt out of pay bounty and all loot over to guard or face PVP. You do not want justice PVP @Dubhliam, you just want a way to extort PVE players under the guise of Justice PVP.
I may not agree with @LaiTash and how he wants to go about Justice PVP, but at least I he/she wants it for PVP not just to extort PVE players.
So you would argue that normal dungeons should also drop Monster masks, just like veteran dungeons?
And how is it fair for veteran trials to drop legendary jewelry?
GIB normal modes everything veteran modes have! NAO!!!
AmberLaTerra wrote: »So why should the pure PVE player suffer lesser rewards then someone like myself who is PvX? Why just because they want no parts of PVP should the be penalized for it?
If you suddenly added PVP defenders to the bosses in normal trials and dungeons that would not mean they should have higher rewards, it would just mean no one would bother with them because PVE players are there to play PVE.
As for the risk vs reward? where is the risk for the enforcer when most of these ideas have it set up in such a way that the enforcer is in the position of a ganker getting to strike the moment the thief makes a mistake and is seen without giving the thief even time to turn around and fight back.
... (though I am not sure its as cut and dried as he describes here - since IIRC if you got heat sufficient to get kill on sight while opt-in i dont think you got dialogs but that particualr bit i am unclear of.)
...Heat Levels
- The highest heat level- Wanted can be only triggered by Outlaw Criminals, by choosing the "Flee dialogue" when accosted by a Guard or Enforcer. This does not apply in Outlaw Prison, which is the only Trespassing area accessible by Enforcers - where Outlaws are constantly marked as Wanted.
- Players with the Wanted heat are marked for PvP, making them attackable by Guards and Enforcers.
The kill-on-sight heat level cannot be accumulated by regular methods.
Only the Flee dialogue triggers kill-on-sight.
Also, I am currently revisiting the concept to revert all changes that impact opt-out gameplay.
Not that it will do any good, since you people will always point fingers about how unfair it is that PvP Justice grants better rewards.
Once again... you would not complain that normal trials should grant legendary drop, would you?
OFC not...
Daemons_Bane wrote: »There's no doubt that we need more content for the PvP crowdThe question just keeps being how to do it right
Daemons_Bane wrote: »There's no doubt that we need more content for the PvP crowdThe question just keeps being how to do it right
You say that, but every time they get more content they criticise it, they really are never happy (the same can be said of competitive PvEers too). However, I agree that they should get more content and this week it's dueling and next year (probably early on) it's battlegrounds/arenas. As for the dueling, I can't wait for all the QQ posts to appear from the vanquished. "Nerf this, buff that". I just hope the mods enforce dueling feedback posts being put on the PvP Combat and Skill forum.
There are plenty of reasons to improve the PvE Justice System, and plenty of PvE ways of doing just that. There's no automatic reason why those improvements must be PvP-based, or why any PvP enhancements should be other than entirely optional.
In PVE justice if i am killed by a NPC unkillable guard, i lose my stolen goods, my bounty gold AND my armor is hit eith the death tax repairs from any PVE kill.
In PVP justice, the same happens but no death tax since PVP fights dont cause armor loss. (unless the proposed systems explicitly change that.)
those claiming PVP justice has more risk... might want to look at that.
Players opting-in as crooks have a higher chance of fail etc... might be spotted or just grabbed depending on which system proposad... but this is wholly dependant on their actually being threats... and that can be exploited by collusive enforcers or zerging outlaws etc. So gain-time risk doesn;t hold up in that case.
In PVE justice if i am killed by a NPC unkillable guard, i lose my stolen goods, my bounty gold AND my armor is hit eith the death tax repairs from any PVE kill.
In PVP justice, the same happens but no death tax since PVP fights dont cause armor loss. (unless the proposed systems explicitly change that.)
those claiming PVP justice has more risk... might want to look at that.
Of course it should be changed, otherwise what's fun in it? There are reasons why you don't loose armor in cyro, but here it'll be alright.SECOND
Players opting-in as crooks have a higher chance of fail etc... might be spotted or just grabbed depending on which system proposad... but this is wholly dependant on their actually being threats... and that can be exploited by collusive enforcers or zerging outlaws etc. So gain-time risk doesn;t hold up in that case.
Even dealing with enforcers or grouping with other outlaws requires more then just sneaking past the guards. That's actually how a good mmo should work - people cooperate in a way not explicitly designed by th
Oh hey, another 20-page thread about adding PvP to the Justice system.
So to anyone that's read the whole thing: Same stuff as always? Anything new since the last several threads?
AmberLaTerra wrote: »No its a matter that some of us don't think its forced if you simply have to be aware of your bounty and manage it accordingly.
In my mind the bounty would be set at a level that is well above what the average player gets during normal game play. For example and these are just my random numbers, if Zos looked at the data on bounties and saw that most people got to about 2000 before they cleared it and very few went over 4 thousand, then the opt in threshold would be at least 3000. That would normal play would still be possible. And yes a warning that your bounty is getting to the threshold would be good.
The bounty opt in system that has been discussed in this thread by myself and other proponents was never intended to catch people who were just doing normal justice system play, it has always been about people who want to be part of pvp justice.
The reason I don't like a full opt in option is what @bellanca6561n indicated. It is a bother to some players that others can just go on murder sprees in town and that they or powerless to do anything about it. It affects their game world in a negative way. The bounty threshold could be a way to keep open murder sprees down, unless you wanted to be flagged. If you don't want to be flagged you can just do what you normally do but be a bit more mindful if your bounty starts to get high.
Most people against it aren't listening or reading what is being said they are making assumptions and wild accusations. They do not want a pvp portion of the justice system and are completely unwilling to compromise.
As I have said before ESO is for all types of players to enjoy and we need to share it and there needs to be content in place for all types of playstyles.
As for the issues about seeing other players mass murdering and such. What exactly makes your immersion more valuable then their immersion?
Perhaps they are RPing a member of the DB who snapped and has gone rouge killing off contract. That in no way violates the 5 tenants of the brotherhood as a soul to Sithis is a soul to Sithis.
Why should you not liking seeing it ruin their immersion in their RP? What makes you the ONLY ONE who matters in an MMO?
Don't like having to deal with other peoples immersion in the game bothering your immersion in the game, then the answer is simple, go play a single player game where your immersion is the only immersion that matters.
AmberLaTerra wrote: »No its a matter that some of us don't think its forced if you simply have to be aware of your bounty and manage it accordingly.
In my mind the bounty would be set at a level that is well above what the average player gets during normal game play. For example and these are just my random numbers, if Zos looked at the data on bounties and saw that most people got to about 2000 before they cleared it and very few went over 4 thousand, then the opt in threshold would be at least 3000. That would normal play would still be possible. And yes a warning that your bounty is getting to the threshold would be good.
The bounty opt in system that has been discussed in this thread by myself and other proponents was never intended to catch people who were just doing normal justice system play, it has always been about people who want to be part of pvp justice.
The reason I don't like a full opt in option is what @bellanca6561n indicated. It is a bother to some players that others can just go on murder sprees in town and that they or powerless to do anything about it. It affects their game world in a negative way. The bounty threshold could be a way to keep open murder sprees down, unless you wanted to be flagged. If you don't want to be flagged you can just do what you normally do but be a bit more mindful if your bounty starts to get high.
Most people against it aren't listening or reading what is being said they are making assumptions and wild accusations. They do not want a pvp portion of the justice system and are completely unwilling to compromise.
As I have said before ESO is for all types of players to enjoy and we need to share it and there needs to be content in place for all types of playstyles.
As for the issues about seeing other players mass murdering and such. What exactly makes your immersion more valuable then their immersion?
Perhaps they are RPing a member of the DB who snapped and has gone rouge killing off contract. That in no way violates the 5 tenants of the brotherhood as a soul to Sithis is a soul to Sithis.
Why should you not liking seeing it ruin their immersion in their RP? What makes you the ONLY ONE who matters in an MMO?
Don't like having to deal with other peoples immersion in the game bothering your immersion in the game, then the answer is simple, go play a single player game where your immersion is the only immersion that matters.
@AmberLaTerra way to completely misread everything I said.
Actually read what you quoted. My reasons for not liking a full opt in method is that I feel everyone's play experience is equally important. People wanted to know why some want a bounty opt in, this is my reason. I has nothing to do with wanting to kill noobs.
I can accept the full box check option because I can compromise, but I still think it leaves some issues.
group play isn't my thing for a variety of reasons, but i dont tell those who want to have it to go find another game...
and fortunately some MMOs too, like this one.
Gottsa love the play my way or go to another game buy-in tho.
group play isn't my thing for a variety of reasons, but i dont tell those who want to have it to go find another game... I am glad this game has stuff for them too.
bellanca6561n wrote: »Oh hey, another 20-page thread about adding PvP to the Justice system.
So to anyone that's read the whole thing: Same stuff as always? Anything new since the last several threads?
You could read it....or skim it and find out that way.
I have certainly enjoyed this discussion because it proves a vanishing truth I've long believed: you can't learn anything by talking with people who agree with you.
That fact hasn't vanished. Facts, as John Adams once said, are persistent things. How widely they're embraced, however....oh hell I'm getting off the point....again *sigh*
Meanwhile, of course, this system remains not just the game's sore thumb, but its severed limb....dropped on top of the the wedding reception.
Only action left to my characters is to make murders uncomfortable. They stomp them with their horses. Follow them everywhere. Give chase when they try to mount and run. Have gotten two kills this way, oddly enough, in Daggerfall when they'd flee off one of the high walls.
Is that PvP?
Mostly they just find a wayshrine and leave the area. Perhaps that's what they were doing when they suicided.
However I do have a constructive proposal. Let's give the Pocket Mammoth some special's one with my Imperial, Erana. His name is Rommel.
No, no, I'm not suggesting making pets tactical as they are in Ultima Online. No "All Kill" commands...noooo. Rather, I'd like to be able to target a player and have my wee mammoth smack, smack, smack it with his trunk, pausing only to issue long, angry elephant trumpet sounds.
AmberLaTerra wrote: »No its a matter that some of us don't think its forced if you simply have to be aware of your bounty and manage it accordingly.
In my mind the bounty would be set at a level that is well above what the average player gets during normal game play. For example and these are just my random numbers, if Zos looked at the data on bounties and saw that most people got to about 2000 before they cleared it and very few went over 4 thousand, then the opt in threshold would be at least 3000. That would normal play would still be possible. And yes a warning that your bounty is getting to the threshold would be good.
The bounty opt in system that has been discussed in this thread by myself and other proponents was never intended to catch people who were just doing normal justice system play, it has always been about people who want to be part of pvp justice.
The reason I don't like a full opt in option is what @bellanca6561n indicated. It is a bother to some players that others can just go on murder sprees in town and that they or powerless to do anything about it. It affects their game world in a negative way. The bounty threshold could be a way to keep open murder sprees down, unless you wanted to be flagged. If you don't want to be flagged you can just do what you normally do but be a bit more mindful if your bounty starts to get high.
Most people against it aren't listening or reading what is being said they are making assumptions and wild accusations. They do not want a pvp portion of the justice system and are completely unwilling to compromise.
As I have said before ESO is for all types of players to enjoy and we need to share it and there needs to be content in place for all types of playstyles.
As for the issues about seeing other players mass murdering and such. What exactly makes your immersion more valuable then their immersion?
Perhaps they are RPing a member of the DB who snapped and has gone rouge killing off contract. That in no way violates the 5 tenants of the brotherhood as a soul to Sithis is a soul to Sithis.
Why should you not liking seeing it ruin their immersion in their RP? What makes you the ONLY ONE who matters in an MMO?
Don't like having to deal with other peoples immersion in the game bothering your immersion in the game, then the answer is simple, go play a single player game where your immersion is the only immersion that matters.
@AmberLaTerra way to completely misread everything I said.
Actually read what you quoted. My reasons for not liking a full opt in method is that I feel everyone's play experience is equally important. People wanted to know why some want a bounty opt in, this is my reason. I has nothing to do with wanting to kill noobs.
I can accept the full box check option because I can compromise, but I still think it leaves some issues.
Hey hey, none of this compromise talk...remember if you want this you must be a psychopathic degenerate who just wants to kill noobs all day and drink their salty tears. Immersion, bah, play experience, bah. DETH 2 NOOBZ!!1!
In all seriousness though, there are any number of ways to make this an enjoyable experience that adds depth to the game world. A realistic reaction to witnessing a crime is a simple one that many of us do want. On the other hand, there are many who do not want any change that would jeopardize their get-rich-quick schemes because for them the game is all about numbers, not immersion.
Im surprised this hasn't made it way in the game. I want to know the stats of how many tamriel citizens were murdered and the stats of animal slaughtering.
and fortunately some MMOs too, like this one.
Gottsa love the play my way or go to another game buy-in tho.
group play isn't my thing for a variety of reasons, but i dont tell those who want to have it to go find another game... I am glad this game has stuff for them too.
You're not interested in group play...
So why are you advocating one way or another on the direction of activities in a Massively Multiplayer game?
You realize that is a bit selfish, don't you?
AmberLaTerra wrote: »No its a matter that some of us don't think its forced if you simply have to be aware of your bounty and manage it accordingly.
In my mind the bounty would be set at a level that is well above what the average player gets during normal game play. For example and these are just my random numbers, if Zos looked at the data on bounties and saw that most people got to about 2000 before they cleared it and very few went over 4 thousand, then the opt in threshold would be at least 3000. That would normal play would still be possible. And yes a warning that your bounty is getting to the threshold would be good.
The bounty opt in system that has been discussed in this thread by myself and other proponents was never intended to catch people who were just doing normal justice system play, it has always been about people who want to be part of pvp justice.
The reason I don't like a full opt in option is what @bellanca6561n indicated. It is a bother to some players that others can just go on murder sprees in town and that they or powerless to do anything about it. It affects their game world in a negative way. The bounty threshold could be a way to keep open murder sprees down, unless you wanted to be flagged. If you don't want to be flagged you can just do what you normally do but be a bit more mindful if your bounty starts to get high.
Most people against it aren't listening or reading what is being said they are making assumptions and wild accusations. They do not want a pvp portion of the justice system and are completely unwilling to compromise.
As I have said before ESO is for all types of players to enjoy and we need to share it and there needs to be content in place for all types of playstyles.
As for the issues about seeing other players mass murdering and such. What exactly makes your immersion more valuable then their immersion?
Perhaps they are RPing a member of the DB who snapped and has gone rouge killing off contract. That in no way violates the 5 tenants of the brotherhood as a soul to Sithis is a soul to Sithis.
Why should you not liking seeing it ruin their immersion in their RP? What makes you the ONLY ONE who matters in an MMO?
Don't like having to deal with other peoples immersion in the game bothering your immersion in the game, then the answer is simple, go play a single player game where your immersion is the only immersion that matters.
@AmberLaTerra way to completely misread everything I said.
Actually read what you quoted. My reasons for not liking a full opt in method is that I feel everyone's play experience is equally important. People wanted to know why some want a bounty opt in, this is my reason. I has nothing to do with wanting to kill noobs.
I can accept the full box check option because I can compromise, but I still think it leaves some issues.
and fortunately some MMOs too, like this one.
Gottsa love the play my way or go to another game buy-in tho.
group play isn't my thing for a variety of reasons, but i dont tell those who want to have it to go find another game... I am glad this game has stuff for them too.
You're not interested in group play...
So why are you advocating one way or another on the direction of activities in a Massively Multiplayer game?
You realize that is a bit selfish, don't you?
Oh dear, that old chestnut!
What on earth does the fact that a game has a lot of players in it at the same time do with grouping with just a few of them for combat? You do know that there are other ways of interacting with other players, right?
and fortunately some MMOs too, like this one.
Gottsa love the play my way or go to another game buy-in tho.
group play isn't my thing for a variety of reasons, but i dont tell those who want to have it to go find another game... I am glad this game has stuff for them too.
You're not interested in group play...
So why are you advocating one way or another on the direction of activities in a Massively Multiplayer game?
You realize that is a bit selfish, don't you?
Oh dear, that old chestnut!
What on earth does the fact that a game has a lot of players in it at the same time do with grouping with just a few of them for combat? You do know that there are other ways of interacting with other players, right?
Because the point of a multiplayer game is to provide multiplayer interaction.
Some people play it solo, sure, and that's fine, but the focus of the game should be on multiplayer interaction...otherwise it becomes a single-player game. ...which defeats the purpose of an MMO.
Everyone is entitled to play their own way, but not at the expense of the game providing multiplayer interaction.
There are game tailored to the solo fact, there are FAR more single-player games than MMO's.
And yes, I stand by that remark. If you wish to turn a massively-multiplayer game into a single-player game, you are being selfish.
Oh man total forgot about Vamps, and the total worth of all item stolen.
and fortunately some MMOs too, like this one.
Gottsa love the play my way or go to another game buy-in tho.
group play isn't my thing for a variety of reasons, but i dont tell those who want to have it to go find another game... I am glad this game has stuff for them too.
You're not interested in group play...
So why are you advocating one way or another on the direction of activities in a Massively Multiplayer game?
You realize that is a bit selfish, don't you?
Oh dear, that old chestnut!
What on earth does the fact that a game has a lot of players in it at the same time do with grouping with just a few of them for combat? You do know that there are other ways of interacting with other players, right?
Because the point of a multiplayer game is to provide multiplayer interaction.
bellanca6561n wrote: »Oh hey, another 20-page thread about adding PvP to the Justice system.
So to anyone that's read the whole thing: Same stuff as always? Anything new since the last several threads?
You could read it....or skim it and find out that way.
I have certainly enjoyed this discussion because it proves a vanishing truth I've long believed: you can't learn anything by talking with people who agree with you.
That fact hasn't vanished. Facts, as John Adams once said, are persistent things. How widely they're embraced, however....oh hell I'm getting off the point....again *sigh*
Meanwhile, of course, this system remains not just the game's sore thumb, but its severed limb....dropped on top of the the wedding reception.
Only action left to my characters is to make murders uncomfortable. They stomp them with their horses. Follow them everywhere. Give chase when they try to mount and run. Have gotten two kills this way, oddly enough, in Daggerfall when they'd flee off one of the high walls.
Is that PvP?
Mostly they just find a wayshrine and leave the area. Perhaps that's what they were doing when they suicided.
However I do have a constructive proposal. Let's give the Pocket Mammoth some special's one with my Imperial, Erana. His name is Rommel.
No, no, I'm not suggesting making pets tactical as they are in Ultima Online. No "All Kill" commands...noooo. Rather, I'd like to be able to target a player and have my wee mammoth smack, smack, smack it with his trunk, pausing only to issue long, angry elephant trumpet sounds.
First bold - or to other folks its a fine system, fun to play offering different challenges than the bulk of the content, that has a lot of potential for expansion.
Secnnd bold - no i dont think thats called PVP. I think intentionally doing things to annoy other players and drive them out of an area in PVE content is called something else... and it does indeed seems popular and even acceptable behavior in some circles. not so much in others. That was very informative, so thanks.