Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • TequilaFire
    Yes! Sheogorath wants more cheese! lol
  • generalmyrick
    geonsocal wrote: »
    time to put my shield breaker and knight slayer on and go do some trolling!

    + 1,000 :)

    ah, it was fun...

    barnabas and his zombies got me a couple times, but it was funny watching him slap his hands together in futility.
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • Abysswarrior45
    Snipe is an exploit

    Right up there with Dizzying Swing.

    Dizzy swing can be avoided without dodging or running. Its by far the weakest spammable in the game.

    Snipe also can be avoided, point?

    Like snipe you see multiple DS on death recap as well in a few seconds due to animation canceling and the fact that death recaps are usually wrong in the first place.

    No, dizzy swing can be avoided WITHOUT DODGING OR RUNNING, snipe can't be avoided because often times you can't hear it and it desyncs your hp. You're dead before the snipes animation even hit you. Dizzy swing is the worst spammable in the game.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on March 11, 2018 4:07AM
  • TequilaFire
    Snipe is an exploit

    Right up there with Dizzying Swing.

    Dizzy swing can be avoided without dodging or running. Its by far the weakest spammable in the game.

    Snipe also can be avoided, point?

    Like snipe you see multiple DS on death recap as well in a few seconds due to animation canceling and the fact that death recaps are usually wrong in the first place.

    No, dizzy swing can be avoided WITHOUT DODGING OR RUNNING, snipe can't be avoided because often times you can't hear it and it desyncs your hp. You're dead before the snipes animation even hit you. Dizzy swing is the worst spammable in the game.

    Not true many times I have been hit by multiple DS without even seeing the player using a 27 foot sword, definitely exploitable.
    Never encountered this health dysync you speak of unless you mean the graphical one and that is all it is graphical you still have your health. And multiple hits of snipe all at once are caused by the lag between the enemy client, the server and your client not snipe itself. The death recap on your client wrongly reports them all at once.

  • Jake1576
    Just was looking over my videos I recorded back when I first started playing and found one of me in a group outside riften farming the saber cats oh those was simpler times on eso when the game didn't lag as much and you didn't blue screen every time you would get near a keep where a battle was happening lol
  • Jake1576
    But wait I guess things was still broken back then also :( lol
  • Jake1576
    Edited by Jake1576 on March 12, 2018 2:08PM
  • geonsocal
    Jake1576 wrote: »
    But wait I guess things was still broken back then also :( lol

    holy crap that was creepy :p

    a). I like it that you record without the music and the environmental sound up high.

    b). I like it even more that you enjoy recording weird stuff - very cool.
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    But, Mousie, thou art no thy-lane,
    In proving foresight may be vain;
    The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
    Gang aft agley,
    An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
    For promis'd joy!

    yes, so it would seem 'ol burns and steinbeck did have the right of it - sometimes our plans most certainly do turn to poop...

    took my two level 40 wardens in to clockwork city all last week to do quests and dailies in the hope of upgrading my level 34 gear to level 44 - currently my stam warden uses unfathomable darkness and shacklebreaker and my mag warden uses mad tinkerer and shacklebreaker...

    collected about 20 something daily reward bags between the two and waited until they reached level 44 to open them...

    lo and behold - not a single piece of epic tinkerer or unfathomable jewelry in any of the bags (did do well though on apostle motifs ;)) a perfect world i would need at least one or two epic jewelry pieces on each...each have a bar with a double slot (SnB for mag warden, DW for stam warden)...

    without the jewelry - not possible to get the 5pc bonus on both shacklebreaker and those two dropped sets...

    i have been checking guild traders for the last couple of months for level 40 to 44 epic jewelry and do have a set of willpower and endurance - but, not really what i wanted...

    i've been going back and forth between leveling them quickly to 50 (i already have their sets picked out), and, leveling them slowly (so, i can get the combat bump in Vivec)...

    probably do something in the middle and just keep them in CWC to finish that storyline and hopefully pickup the jewelry that i want...i used to love guild store shopping - at this point though - it just takes away time from either questing or pvping...

    so goes my current eso conundrum...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 12, 2018 5:27PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    alliance war wise - about 20 days to go and EP still holding on strong to the top position...DC is within about 150 points and AD is a little further behind by a few hundred...

    up until now i've only been on my DC characters (still have one more to go to reach 100k AP on the four of them)...

    it was funny, saturday and sunday played my orc stamplar for a total of about 4 hours and hit 100k AP pretty easy...when i was on we were really closing the gap on EP fast...

    played sunday night on my magblade for about 2 and a half hours and managed an amazing 20k AP...pretty much spent the night getting kicked from keep to keep...finally was able to hold up at killed an amazing amount of times rezzing other players - well played :)

    yes ladies and gentlemen - these are not your parents Ebonheart Pact - these red folks want to actually win...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 12, 2018 5:29PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Ballcap
    I ventured back in Cyrodiil after taking some time off for a sanity break. I only had a short time to play while the baby napped and I spent most of that time checking out the new outfit system. Since I was bound to be rusty I was wearing some Rattlecage + VD combo. Rattlecage so I don't have to think too much, but I don't like the daedric look and I was able to really dial in my appearance with the outfit thing. Cyrodiil steel, ayelid gold trim on some pieces, and a nice maelstrom purple accent - I can't recall the exact color name. Anyway, after I finished playing dress up I went out into the field, rusty as ***.

    First things first, let's port over to Nikel and raise the old Ballcap flag there. I like claiming outposts because the siege merchants in outposts don't have a guild store so I don't feel like I'm losing my team a battlefront guild store.

    Here was the current situation, DC had Emp and only one Emp keep left at Aleswell. AD had nearly all of the other blue keeps and EP was pushing blue from the right. I'm guessing DC was turtled up in Aleswell trying to hold Emp. In AD chat someone blasted zone chat with "Time for a rethrone!" which made me laugh because I knew what he meant but it wasn't what he said. So I headed over to Aleswell in my stylish new outfit expecting to meet up with some "rethrone" zergs. I arrived at the lumber mill and I didn't see anyone else. Hey, they must be on their way, I'll take this mill to make it easier for us. I hit retreating maneuver and charge in, like you do when you retreat... I ran up into the tower drawing the healer and tower guard in behind me. I popped off my elk, threw down ritual of retribution and blockade of storms to slow them down and damage them while I went upstairs to deal with the mage. Killed the mage, guard, and healer then went back downstairs. I paused a moment to let my resources regen a bit. Still no sign of the zerg and here I am solo capping a resource outside the Emp turtle keep and likely blue zerg. Well, nothing to it but to do it.

    I rushed towards the tower door at the flag and timed my dodge roll just right to avoid all the spells shot towards me (knocking that rust off!). I put down the ritual, throw down the blockage, and fire off meteor because I like using ultimates. I'm wrecking shop on these NPC's and slowly, oh so slowly, turning the flag. Still no zerg... I'm alone out here. Alone and rusty and here comes a blue... Hey it's a level 21 guy.

    I can just picture the Emp hiding inside the keep and telling that lowbie to go deal with the resource. This guy hits me with a poison arrow, I can tell by the squishy sound. I popped him back with a destructive reach and DOWN GOES FRASIER! I toppling charge in, lay down a blockage and ritual and poke poke poke with my spears. He's about dead and I notice another blue shield coming in from the right.... crap. I beamed 21's face off and turned to meet what I thought was the cavalry. Hey, it's a level 35 coming in first and... just him apparently. I figured I had this one in the bag but it was tougher than I thought. This guy was much better at fighting. Luckily I had some new poison I was trying out: drain health + restore health and drain health over time + restore health over time. It was as cheesy a poison as I could make with the ingredients I had on hand earlier. So that saved my bacon and I killed this guy with my now recharged meteor. I'm not above using an ultimate on a low level guy in a fight I'm winning. Only now after reading this thread did I know that levels 30-40 can tougher than expected so I feel better about killing two guys under 50. I was also lucky in that they came at me movie-style - one at a time.

    I finished claiming the flag and still no AD zerg. I saw 5 EP siege on Aleswell and I thought it best to get out of there. Despite my heroic killing of two low level players, the combined armies of DC and EP may be more than Talion the Rusty can handle. I flipped the flag, mounted up and used retreating maneuver as the gods intended.
  • geonsocal
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    I had some level 19 character bum rush me on my stamplar...

    it kind of freaked me out a the back of my head was a momentary bit of doubt...coupled with the thought - god, i don't want to die to some sub level 20 character on my freaking tank...

    I don't think my ego could've sustained that kind of blow...

    thankfully they couldn't do any damage (usually i wouldn't even think of engaging anyone under level 30 - unless it's a fight for flags - all bets off then)...but, it kind of caught me off guard a bit when they came dizzying swinging like crazy at me...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 12, 2018 9:45PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    oh yeah, ran into a couple of "glitches" over the weekend...

    one was getting "stuck" in werewolf...

    didn't have the visual - but, couldn't weapon swap or use some abilities...kept getting message that "you can't do that in werewolf form"...

    finally just stopped slotting it (had to restart the game just to do that)...

    also had the one where about 20 plus enemy suddenly appear in front of you out of thin air...thankfully was able to dodge roll backward fast enough not to get killed while some friendlies also materialized in front of me...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • reiverx
    geonsocal wrote: »
    But, Mousie, thou art no thy-lane,
    In proving foresight may be vain;
    The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
    Gang aft agley,
    An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
    For promis'd joy!

    yes, so it would seem 'ol burns and steinbeck did have the right of it - sometimes our plans most certainly do turn to poop...

    took my two level 40 wardens in to clockwork city all last week to do quests and dailies in the hope of upgrading my level 34 gear to level 44 - currently my stam warden uses unfathomable darkness and shacklebreaker and my mag warden uses mad tinkerer and shacklebreaker...

    collected about 20 something daily reward bags between the two and waited until they reached level 44 to open them...

    lo and behold - not a single piece of epic tinkerer or unfathomable jewelry in any of the bags (did do well though on apostle motifs ;)) a perfect world i would need at least one or two epic jewelry pieces on each...each have a bar with a double slot (SnB for mag warden, DW for stam warden)...

    without the jewelry - not possible to get the 5pc bonus on both shacklebreaker and those two dropped sets...

    i have been checking guild traders for the last couple of months for level 40 to 44 epic jewelry and do have a set of willpower and endurance - but, not really what i wanted...

    i've been going back and forth between leveling them quickly to 50 (i already have their sets picked out), and, leveling them slowly (so, i can get the combat bump in Vivec)...

    probably do something in the middle and just keep them in CWC to finish that storyline and hopefully pickup the jewelry that i want...i used to love guild store shopping - at this point though - it just takes away time from either questing or pvping...

    so goes my current eso conundrum...

    Well, now I want a big plate o' haggis :)
  • geonsocal
    reiverx wrote: »
    geonsocal wrote: »
    But, Mousie, thou art no thy-lane,
    In proving foresight may be vain;
    The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men
    Gang aft agley,
    An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
    For promis'd joy!

    yes, so it would seem 'ol burns and steinbeck did have the right of it - sometimes our plans most certainly do turn to poop...

    took my two level 40 wardens in to clockwork city all last week to do quests and dailies in the hope of upgrading my level 34 gear to level 44 - currently my stam warden uses unfathomable darkness and shacklebreaker and my mag warden uses mad tinkerer and shacklebreaker...

    collected about 20 something daily reward bags between the two and waited until they reached level 44 to open them...

    lo and behold - not a single piece of epic tinkerer or unfathomable jewelry in any of the bags (did do well though on apostle motifs ;)) a perfect world i would need at least one or two epic jewelry pieces on each...each have a bar with a double slot (SnB for mag warden, DW for stam warden)...

    without the jewelry - not possible to get the 5pc bonus on both shacklebreaker and those two dropped sets...

    i have been checking guild traders for the last couple of months for level 40 to 44 epic jewelry and do have a set of willpower and endurance - but, not really what i wanted...

    i've been going back and forth between leveling them quickly to 50 (i already have their sets picked out), and, leveling them slowly (so, i can get the combat bump in Vivec)...

    probably do something in the middle and just keep them in CWC to finish that storyline and hopefully pickup the jewelry that i want...i used to love guild store shopping - at this point though - it just takes away time from either questing or pvping...

    so goes my current eso conundrum...

    Well, now I want a big plate o' haggis :)


    perhaps somewhat of an oxymoron in that advertisement...

    yeah, i'm gonna go with haggis probably being a bit of an acquired taste :)

    Edit: right up there with chitlins and kimchi...

    i probably don't have the most sophisticated palate...

    Edited by geonsocal on March 13, 2018 5:56PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Abysswarrior45
    Snipe is an exploit

    Right up there with Dizzying Swing.

    Dizzy swing can be avoided without dodging or running. Its by far the weakest spammable in the game.

    Snipe also can be avoided, point?

    Like snipe you see multiple DS on death recap as well in a few seconds due to animation canceling and the fact that death recaps are usually wrong in the first place.

    No, dizzy swing can be avoided WITHOUT DODGING OR RUNNING, snipe can't be avoided because often times you can't hear it and it desyncs your hp. You're dead before the snipes animation even hit you. Dizzy swing is the worst spammable in the game.

    Not true many times I have been hit by multiple DS without even seeing the player using a 27 foot sword, definitely exploitable.
    Never encountered this health dysync you speak of unless you mean the graphical one and that is all it is graphical you still have your health. And multiple hits of snipe all at once are caused by the lag between the enemy client, the server and your client not snipe itself. The death recap on your client wrongly reports them all at once.

    The lag currently makes dizzy swing near impossible to land. If you've had multiple hit at the same time thats a "macro slice" which is a glitch you can thank ZOS for but players can't control when it happens. Snipe desyncs your health with or without lag and any good player will tell you so. Any solo player will tell you the same too. A good player LOVES fighting dizzy swing builds because they NEVER get hit. Stay close to your enemy and keep walking in and out of them to stay at their back and dizzy swing will never land, ever. It is the worst spammable in the game and theres really no solid argument against it.

  • Abysswarrior45
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-
  • geonsocal
    you know, i never really noticed that haunting curse can stack on you...

    after the fifth one went off and my health was down to 20% or so - I noticed...

    thankfully I was up on the outer wall at the time and taking no other damage...i just kept exploding over and over again, wondering when it would finally stop...

    man oh man, i ain't exactly sure wtf is going on the last couple of nights, but, I've been on about an hour and I've earned a whopping 10k AP...

    however, did get to participate in some fun large scale AvAvA outside of was a little chaotic with the lag, but, pretty cool to see...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 13, 2018 5:52AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TequilaFire
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.
    Edited by TequilaFire on March 13, 2018 2:41PM
  • Jake1576
    I like pizza :p lol
    Edited by Jake1576 on March 13, 2018 2:43PM
  • geonsocal
    in regards to pizza, for myself - not sure "like" is the appropriate term...

    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Stoney_McGeee
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.

    All these issues can be avoided by playing with good players and having a good crew. Zaan hasn’t been a issue nor has any of these small scale issues you guys mention, rarely do I die from snipe. Stop having such a big ego to not have a healer and play the game how it was made.
    I hear a snipe come, imma dodge roll and look for the sniper, 9/10 he dead or running.

    Just adding to what tequila said.
    Edited by Stoney_McGeee on March 13, 2018 5:57PM
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • geonsocal
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.

    All these issues can be avoided by playing with good players and having a good crew. Zaan hasn’t been a issue nor has any of these small scale issues you guys mention, rarely do I die from snipe. Stoping having such a big ego to not have a healer and play the game how it was made.
    I hear a snipe come, imma dodge roll and look for the sniper, 9/10 he dead or running.

    good point...for some of us more socially challenged folks - it's a bit tough though...

    I get the whole mmo thing - I just really value time to myself (except for the forums :))...

    no doubt though - the experience between a small group, large group and solo gameplay is significant...

    I almost wish I was more a people person :'(

    pvp would be a whole lot easier and i'd be a whole lot more successful in fighting...

    Edit: any luck dragging the captain back in to the fray?
    Edited by geonsocal on March 13, 2018 6:22PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    it's funny, i actually have a very good friend (like a brother) who I got into eso years ago...

    he plays back east, but, will sometimes still be on when I get home and log on...

    I even hide from him...

    I don't get invited to groups very often anymore - but, back when I did - I used to move away from any ally character while hanging around groups, just to make sure no one would try to invite me to group...

    I always feel a little like a jerk when I decline group invites...

    I got issues :)

    Edit: I wish there was an auto decline option available for grouping...
    Edited by geonsocal on March 13, 2018 7:11PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Ballcap
    geonsocal wrote: »
    it's funny, i actually have a very good friend (like a brother) who I got into eso years ago...

    he plays back east, but, will sometimes still be on when I get home and log on...

    I even hide from him...

    I don't get invited to groups very often anymore - but, back when I did - I used to move away from any ally character while hanging around groups, just to make sure no one would try to invite me to group...

    I always feel a little like a jerk when I decline group invites...

    I got issues :)

    Edit: I wish there was an auto decline option available for grouping...

    I'm right there with you @geonsocal . I do group on very rare occasions but even then I hate talking.

    From the journal of Talion the Mighty
    2nd Turdas, First Seed (note to self: grow up, it's not that funny)

    I'm standing on the south west tower of the outer keep at Fort Ash and I catch a flicker of a blue shield moving toward the mine. Looks like a small group setting up a tower farm. Quickly I reached into my backpack and pulled out a full sized ballista which isn't weird at all. It was pretty quiet so I started to shoot down the mine tower from the keep tower. I had the time. In between firing bolts something seemed off. I can't put my finger on it, maybe the birds stopped chirping, maybe it was the slight scent of steel on the breeze, but I packed up the ballista, crammed it into my pack, and looked down into the courtyard to see the Covenant army pouring through from a north side breach. How did I miss that? Talion the Oblivious. Oh no....

    I chugged (no no no, let's go more in character) I QUAFFED an invis+speed potion and dashed towards the inner keep. I made it inside and rummaged through my pack for that pot of boiling oil I keep in there. There it is, next to that small amount of mint.

    Vicious Death and an oil bath are a good time but despite murdering several DC players in horrible fashion, the horde kept growing in numbers. I don't think the five of us AD are going to hold them off. I'm sorry to report, Grand Warlord, but I abandoned the fort. Another invisible potion, plus a jump off the back of the keep and I was outside. I called Chandelier, my great elk steed, and galloped off towards Nikel Outpost. "The Covenant are coming! The Covenant are coming!" I yelled, like some sort of character out of legend.
  • Abysswarrior45
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.

    The macro slice applies to every skill in the game though... its not just dizzy swing, lmao. Vigor, ults, buffs, executes, spammables, everything glitches out in a macro slice and snipe too for that matter should it happen while sniping. You can't exploit it either because its not in your control whether it happens or not. Try zerging less so you can see whats going on. Zerg less and you'll become a better player too and you might just see how trash that skill actually is. Needs a buff.
    Edited by Abysswarrior45 on March 14, 2018 3:18AM
  • Abysswarrior45
    You are a zergling too, zerglings never really know what they're doing. ***, we used to play together and just listening to you all (referring to WoC) sometimes made me cringe. You never understood basic mechanics of the game or simple combat tricks which is why you aren't successful unless 48 people are with you.
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.

    All these issues can be avoided by playing with good players and having a good crew. Zaan hasn’t been a issue nor has any of these small scale issues you guys mention, rarely do I die from snipe. Stop having such a big ego to not have a healer and play the game how it was made.
    I hear a snipe come, imma dodge roll and look for the sniper, 9/10 he dead or running.

    Just adding to what tequila said.

    Zaan is an issue. Its a proc set which is free damage at the cost of no resources and theres no penalty for running it. That shouldn't exist and its why viper selene and tremor were all nerfed. The facts a 2 piece set can put 65k on a recap is terrible design and is clear proof of the lack of balance in this game. People say "dodge roll out of it" or "run" but the reality is you can't break it when people know how to walk forward. It ignores LOS too. Thats stupid.

    The game was made for solo players and group players, silly, as I've said many times. In their live demos they always said forcing people into groups was never their intention and you could traverse Cyrodiil alone for a greater challenge. Snipe often times can't be heard because it glitches out and you're already dead. Gl dodge rolling that.
  • Stoney_McGeee
    You are a zergling too, zerglings never really know what they're doing. ***, we used to play together and just listening to you all (referring to WoC) sometimes made me cringe. You never understood basic mechanics of the game or simple combat tricks which is why you aren't successful unless 48 people are with you.
    Also you said you were hit by a 27 foot sword and you should never back away from a dizzy swing user. Thats the opposite of what you should do which proves you don't know what you're talking about smh. -_-

    OK Abyss your ego as always is your undoing.
    You walk through a DS user, but you have to put words in my mouth and pull the I don't know what I am talking about card.
    Not all of us pick a spot to our advantage to make a video for epeen we have to fight in the middle of zergs where you can't see what is going on.
    Macro slice is the exploit that has been demonstrated on demand in videos many a time.
    But of course a glitch in DS is OK but in snipe is not.

    All these issues can be avoided by playing with good players and having a good crew. Zaan hasn’t been a issue nor has any of these small scale issues you guys mention, rarely do I die from snipe. Stop having such a big ego to not have a healer and play the game how it was made.
    I hear a snipe come, imma dodge roll and look for the sniper, 9/10 he dead or running.

    Just adding to what tequila said.

    Zaan is an issue. Its a proc set which is free damage at the cost of no resources and theres no penalty for running it. That shouldn't exist and its why viper selene and tremor were all nerfed. The facts a 2 piece set can put 65k on a recap is terrible design and is clear proof of the lack of balance in this game. People say "dodge roll out of it" or "run" but the reality is you can't break it when people know how to walk forward. It ignores LOS too. Thats stupid.

    The game was made for solo players and group players, silly, as I've said many times. In their live demos they always said forcing people into groups was never their intention and you could traverse Cyrodiil alone for a greater challenge. Snipe often times can't be heard because it glitches out and you're already dead. Gl dodge rolling that.

    I never play 48 man deep , it’s ironic you call me a zergling but only guild that can even compete or organized as my guild is, is nesquick guild. No other guild is coordinating morphs and skills and synchronizing sets and buffs and everything in between. It’s a compliment you think I’m 48 deep hahahahah

    You’re self reflecting a lot of yourself into the game. I can tell you have a lot of built up anger, maybe you should do some more things irl so you’re not so uptight in game?

    Again I don’t have these issues that you’re so deeply ranting about in the forums or posting about in the forums. You’ve been told by PC players in your post stop crying and learn how to play.
    Again I repeat, I don’t find snipe a issue or zaan, so as far as I’m concerned you’re just crying lol

    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
  • Stoney_McGeee
    I’ll make sure to post some of my guild clips I’m putting together of my “48 man” and how “I don’t know how to play” Hahahaha
    (Soulless Knights)
    AD Stoneey DK (Vr16) homeless
    AD StoneyHeals Templar (Vr16) homeless
    AD Stoknee NB (v1) Training
    AD Psychosis Sorc (37) Training
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