akelley48081ub17_ESO wrote: »If it takes a little extra time to get rid of nails on a chalk board sound take as much time as you need.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »Maitanance usually take a few hours big deal. So what in a few years of being live they have a couple of extended maitnances. I'd rather them keep it down half a day than have issues rushing it back on.
Princess_Asgari wrote: »Maitanance usually take a few hours big deal. So what in a few years of being live they have a couple of extended maitnances. I'd rather them keep it down half a day than have issues rushing it back on.
FearlessOne_2014 wrote: »
I think any reasonable person to include myself would agree with your statement.
10/10 Much rather a 2 week long maintenance then any of the bugs that are currently present in this game now.
AzraelKrieg wrote: »Last time it happened was back in 2014.
Vindemiatrix wrote: »Sorry for the noob question... how are you posting pictures and vids? The image posting and URL posting drop-down menus in my dialogue box aren't working at all.
I'm sorry to hear that. I feel your pain. There's another thread devoted specifically to the contemporaneous kiosk flip / maintenance downtime. Maybe encourage your bummed-out guildies to go raise a ruckus over there?TheTraveler wrote: »We've lost our guild trader now for the fourth time in 2 months due to the prolonged NA maintenance on a Monday morning. Our close to 500 membership all lose a lot of money because of ZOS's incredibly bad planning and insensitivity to player's needs.