ShadowDisciple wrote: »Slow Rhythm
ooooooo i gotta blues
deep in my soul
ooouuuiii i got the bluuuues
oooh in my sou-oul
Do i just drown it
oooooo or do i make it hurt
no i dont knouuuww
Been here a long time
it just cant get any woorse
Since the servers let me down
i said since the servers let me doooown
im just keep feeling blue
Faster rhythm
Skeletons and wights,
Through the shadow night
Disstant clouds and looost souls
uuu i gotta get the mooost of
This blues thats slowing me doooown
reading forum, and just frown
Sry Gina sry Wheela
it just cant get any worse
(high pitched scream with vocal fry to show the sorrow at the end)
My only maint blues is there is never an ETA and they occur so darn often for hours and hours, I mean every week, multiple times per week for 4-10 hours at a bump... especially after new content, just crazy
ETAs would be nice ZOS people... you know updates, so we all know, to just give up until 2018 or however long it will take you to bring the servers back up this time.
Game that needs maintenance every week 1-2 times and you hope for updates or some common are funny
Well it was either that or start work on a research paper on the use of colour in retail. I guess I could have gone outside but I'm in danger of having to engage in real life conversation with people then
This game man...A lot of MMO games haven't maintenance every week. This is a great game but too much maintenance, i don't like it.
In all seriousness I've gotta admit that the maintenance thing is really becoming a drag. Only been playing a month or so now but finding a lot of the time I can't play due to the maintenance. It's making me sad! It's such a great game but the downtime is a little frustrating.
Me too Dallasali.
Maybe I'm wrong but I think the maintenance schedule affects more European players than American players. In my country are 12:21 am.
Don't worry, I've just started researching for you. Who knew you could tell a story with colour or calm and comfort customers with colours?! Best piece of advice so far "In retail, you want the merchandise to pop and not the surroundings". TOTES.
Me too Dallasali.
Maybe I'm wrong but I think the maintenance schedule affects more European players than American players. In my country are 12:21 am.
Wolfenbelle wrote: »
Trust affects American players too, and a lot. How many times did the game go down just this past week? Three? Four? All without any kind of compensation or acknowledgement of the serious inconvenience. They ought to at least give all players something of value in return for the multiple outages this last week...maybe something like 1k gold for everyone.
I got the blues, I got the blues, I got the EOS maintenance blues...
I'm Australian and the timing is the worst. Prime playing hours, 6pm to whenever it finishes. Guess I need to start organising my social life based on the maintenance schedule!
North American PC/Mac Megaserver Maintenance - 8/6 [COMPLETE]
EU server are down now.