Ok, I know these are not really that important, but what graphical details would you like to see in the game one day?
I can think of these things:
Grass moving while running through it.Actual waves in the water - The current water looks somewhat nice, but it's the same kind of lame water we've been seeing in 10 years old games.
Feet leveling with the terrain - It's silly seeing your character with one feet in the air and the second buried in the texture.
Cloth simulation - Doesn't have to be ultra realistic (HW demanding) but the current cloth sticking to characters is something worth a 15 year old game.
Increase/descrease in wind intensity according to weather - The trees are barely moving while there's a storm, which is a shame, because otherwise I really love storms in ESO.
Windy weather, stuff carried by the wind - sometimes I miss just seeing the grass and trees swaying in the wind with leafs floating around.
What would you like to see?
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