Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v2.5.1

  • Essiaga
    Wollust wrote: »
    Impen is the most vital trait for one part of the game. It has its place in all loot tables, same as how PvP gear should come in all (good) traits. Especially considering how a lot of the new/upscaled sets are more or less only useful in PvP.
    On the other hand, prosperous and training shouldn't drop on end game gear.

    Just make an option (toggle or what ever) to make all your gear Impen while in Cyro and remove it from the loot tables. Then if you get a well fitted you're like "Woot! Never got to do that crap again" cause you'll just make it Impen when in PVP.
  • Xsorus
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Wollust wrote: »
    Impen is the most vital trait for one part of the game. It has its place in all loot tables, same as how PvP gear should come in all (good) traits. Especially considering how a lot of the new/upscaled sets are more or less only useful in PvP.
    On the other hand, prosperous and training shouldn't drop on end game gear.

    Just make an option (toggle or what ever) to make all your gear Impen while in Cyro and remove it from the loot tables. Then if you get a well fitted you're like "Woot! Never got to do that crap again" cause you'll just make it Impen when in PVP.

    They could just remove the impen bonus and move it to Battlespirit like i said. This would open up more trait options in PvP...however if they don't do that they need to just flat out put it in the pve loot tables.
  • Mettaricana
    Vythri wrote: »
    What would be the cons?

    Every added Trait adds to the RNG aspect of trying to get the specific item set piece(s) and Trait combination you want. We're sensitive to the fact that this can already be a frustrating experience due to the randomness of it. So, we'd like to hear from the community if adding another Trait to the pool, as it were, is considered worthwhile.

    Simple fix lower the chance of or remove training or prosperous from endgame loot tables re add impenetrable. Up the drop chances of end game loot by like 25% we get more consistent drops less frustration and you hear less rage from us?

    Option 2 change those to traits to be endgame viable like make training give exp and on weapons it buff the dmg from skills in the skill line related to the weapon its on and if on armor make it reduce magicka or stamina skill costs by like white 0.5%-2.5% at gold.

    prosperous make it up chance of gear dropping at a higher rarity like chance at gold quality on top of the gold buff suddenly prosperous looks a lot more prosperous *badum tsst*

    Suddenly I think people may want that trait for undaunted runs and trials a lil bit more like hah hah this is mah lucky belt it makes me rich lol.
    Edited by Mettaricana on July 6, 2016 4:54AM
  • Destruent
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Wollust wrote: »
    Impen is the most vital trait for one part of the game. It has its place in all loot tables, same as how PvP gear should come in all (good) traits. Especially considering how a lot of the new/upscaled sets are more or less only useful in PvP.
    On the other hand, prosperous and training shouldn't drop on end game gear.

    Just make an option (toggle or what ever) to make all your gear Impen while in Cyro and remove it from the loot tables. Then if you get a well fitted you're like "Woot! Never got to do that crap again" cause you'll just make it Impen when in PVP.

    If they do so, i want an option to turn all gear into divines/precise/sharpened while pve-ing.

    But yeah...just add impen and delete prosperous and training. Everyone would be happy :)
  • Grao
    CP5 wrote: »
    I really hope that during eso live we get some reasons for some of the racial changes. That's the heaviest balance pass this patch and many of the changes are off at best. I won't want to hear "we did this because reasons, deal with it". As someone who plays khajiit primarily I do not look forward to the rest of this pts run up til live. Either the racials will be reverted so AD doesn't end up with 2 almost identical races, or the things that make khajiit unique will be nerfed to compensate for these 'buffs'.

    Please, just revert the khajiit's racial changes.

    Well, they can't really give you the real reason...

    "We made khajits so obviously stronger because we want everyone buying expensive race changes." I doubt that statement would be well received XD
  • cosmic_niklas_93b16_ESO
    So still nothing on sorc fixes. Guess it's just to wait another patch and not pay ZoS anything for now. :)
    R.I.P. Daranth Spellborn
    VR16 Dunmer Sorcerer
    March 2014 - May 2016
    He was a skilled Crafter and a reliable Sorcerer;
    Then came the Dark Brotherhood

    Wrobel wrote: Surge is now more effective for tank characters.
    Because crit tanks are so good, LOL. xD
  • craigr02
    Good morning! One suggestion, one question. Suggestion, I agree remove prosperous and training from loot on everything besides crafted. Now the question, what time is the live broadcast cst?

    One last thing, you guys do a good job!
    code65536 wrote: »
    Not all items that are bind-on-pickup can be traded. Monster Set pieces, for example, are not tradeable by design.
    It seems rather strange that you state that monster set pieces cannot be traded, yet right below that, the screenshot that you use to illustrate this feature shows a tradeable monster set piece. This is rather confusing, as you might imagine.

    Also, if monster set pieces cannot traded, this begs the question, why? This exclusion makes absolutely no sense and substantially devalues this feature. If everyone was there for the boss kill, why should they be barred from sharing in the loot?
    code65536 wrote: »
    Not all items that are bind-on-pickup can be traded. Monster Set pieces, for example, are not tradeable by design.
    It seems rather strange that you state that monster set pieces cannot be traded, yet right below that, the screenshot that you use to illustrate this feature shows a tradeable monster set piece. This is rather confusing, as you might imagine.

    Also, if monster set pieces cannot traded, this begs the question, why? This exclusion makes absolutely no sense and substantially devalues this feature. If everyone was there for the boss kill, why should they be barred from sharing in the loot?
    code65536 wrote: »
    Not all items that are bind-on-pickup can be traded. Monster Set pieces, for example, are not tradeable by design.
    It seems rather strange that you state that monster set pieces cannot be traded, yet right below that, the screenshot that you use to illustrate this feature shows a tradeable monster set piece. This is rather confusing, as you might imagine.

    Also, if monster set pieces cannot traded, this begs the question, why? This exclusion makes absolutely no sense and substantially devalues this feature. If everyone was there for the boss kill, why should they be barred from sharing in the loot?

    They clearly said shoulders are not trade able
    Akimbro wrote: »
    • Items that can be traded will have modified tooltips indicating how long they can be traded for, as well as to whom.
    • Not all items that are bind-on-pickup can be traded. Monster Set pieces, for example, are not tradeable by design.
    • This system is not exclusive to Dungeons and Trials—the system is universal, but most of our bind-on-pickup items that are tradeable do drop in Dungeons and Trials.

    Shows picture of monster set piece as tradeable.

    You cut out the quote that mentioned the monster shoulders from undaunted chest not being trade able. It was clearly stated in the notes.
  • rhapsodious
    Akimbro wrote: »
    • Items that can be traded will have modified tooltips indicating how long they can be traded for, as well as to whom.
    • Not all items that are bind-on-pickup can be traded. Monster Set pieces, for example, are not tradeable by design.
    • This system is not exclusive to Dungeons and Trials—the system is universal, but most of our bind-on-pickup items that are tradeable do drop in Dungeons and Trials.

    Shows picture of monster set piece as tradeable.

    You cut out the quote that mentioned the monster shoulders from undaunted chest not being trade able. It was clearly stated in the notes.

    It wasn't "cut out", it was added later. The post originally implied that helms weren't tradeable, either. Then Jessica clarified. Most if not all of the posts on the first page referring to that were pre-edit.
  • bardx86
    No love for sorcs? Lets talk about that on this weeks live?
  • Dreyloch
    Look, both sides of the game really don't want useless traits on gear that they spent time to get. Time is the one commodity that can never be repaid, recycled, or returned.We don't want the useless booby door prize when we just spent large amounts of time getting the AP to buy a set piece, we don't want that same prize when it took weeks for your guild to finally get the end game raid boss down. Now you can still RNG wether you get a piece or not, I think that's ok. But once you do have it drop for you, it should always have some usefulness.

    Maybe someday you folks at ZoS will realize that PvP gear and PvE gear needs to be separate. Period. You do PvE to get PvE related gear, you do PvP to get PvP related gear. Set bonuses for these gears should be related to their specific task. I know some will cry about having to carry more gear if you partake in both. But it seems the best way to relive the tension between the 2 types of play.

    Anyway, imo prosperous, training and well fit should be something you can ONLY craft.The training items to craft them should be on the pointless random vanilla trash mob drops.(I.E. a green rubedite chest piece) It should NOT be on any pvp gear, it should NOT be on any end game raid gear...ever Impen is the one trait that's only useful on one side of the coin. If a PvP'er gets infused it's not the end of the world. Unlike the aforementioned 3 totally useless traits that no one wants at all. But if you want PvP'ers to try raiding, then if impen drops for someone on the team, this new trading scheme seems like a good answer.
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • rhapsodious
    Dreyloch wrote: »
    snip for brevity

    Well-fitted isn't quite as useless as it used to be. Now it's even situationally useful. It's not really BIS by any means, but it's not garbage like prosperous either. I think it can stay. Especially if you're running something like monster set -> 5pc dropped set -> 3pc jewelry - if you wanted a piece of well-fitted, with your only-crafting idea it'd be impossible.

    I think it'd make the most sense for training to drop on level 1-49 gear, since you do still have progression left and it's not endgame with CP. CP160 pieces of sets you're hunting (*cough* spc *cough*) in training just hurts. Even moreso when you're at CP cap. D:

    Prosperous, I think everyone agrees is a pretty trash trait. It'd need a sharp boost in effectiveness or some secondary worthwhile effect to be... well, worthwhile.

    I wonder if an option to convert a piece of gear to impen would work if they insist on keeping drop tables as they are. Like, you know how you can convert (most) gear to Imperial, but it's one-way? Something like that, but to convert a dropped piece from X trait to Impen at some special "because reasons" forge in Cyrodiil. Maybe even pay a reasonable AP fee. PVPers would be happy, and exclusive-PVErs wouldn't have to deal with a set drop in a useless trait for them.
  • Essiaga
    Destruent wrote: »
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Wollust wrote: »
    Impen is the most vital trait for one part of the game. It has its place in all loot tables, same as how PvP gear should come in all (good) traits. Especially considering how a lot of the new/upscaled sets are more or less only useful in PvP.
    On the other hand, prosperous and training shouldn't drop on end game gear.

    Just make an option (toggle or what ever) to make all your gear Impen while in Cyro and remove it from the loot tables. Then if you get a well fitted you're like "Woot! Never got to do that crap again" cause you'll just make it Impen when in PVP.

    If they do so, i want an option to turn all gear into divines/precise/sharpened while pve-ing.

    But yeah...just add impen and delete prosperous and training. Everyone would be happy :)

    You're thinking of this as an "US" vs "THEM." PVP is a mini-game that everyone can play. If you don't like PVP, well it extremely unlikely you'll ever even attempt it knowing you'll need to craft max level gold Impen gear with gold glyphs before you'll even have much of a chance to survive long enough to get a feel for it ... Which means you'll never catch the PVP bug. It requires to much investment. The population of PVP has been steady shrinking. There are fewer campaigns with lower populations. Player gaps are fine when you're Raiding because in PVE players are all on the same team.

    PVE can be completed with out divines/precise/sharpend ... You could have no trait on purple gear and complete all questing, vet dungeons, probably get through normal trials as well. You won't be min/max but isn't that why you PVE? For the progression and to build towards min/maxed? If you're dps is weak you're party can carry you while you work out your rotation and improve your gear. In PVP if you're not wearing Impen you're not going to have much of chance to do anything. You're going to melt and feel weak or inept, etc ... and then you get tea bagged.

    We ALL should want PVP to be competitive so that it might survive. There are many PVP games that fail or never get off the ground because there's no participation. PVP in ESO has been shrinking. They only thing saving it is the reduction of servers.

    Seriously, why would this be such an insult to PVEers? It benefits them should they ever choose to PVP (like they do when they want caltrops, vigor, magicka det, War Horn, etc.) and removing it from all loot tables would mean more likely to get Divines. It makes PVP more welcoming for PVEers, casuals, and noobs.

    Oh and it would create a market for all those worthless traits all the PvEers keep getting and they'd be able to sell them for more profit.
  • svartorn
    Gigasax wrote: »
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Can you ask someone about adding impen back to the PVE loot table?Many PVPers will like to use these new sets but if they don't come in impenetrable we really can't use them.

    This has been long asked about (and long discussed internally), and we'd like to get the community's thoughts on it. There are some pros and cons, and ultimately it boils down to doing what's best for you, the players. We'll try to get a thread up about this later in the week, and get the discussion going.
    Vythri wrote: »
    What would be the cons?

    Every added Trait adds to the RNG aspect of trying to get the specific item set piece(s) and Trait combination you want. We're sensitive to the fact that this can already be a frustrating experience due to the randomness of it. So, we'd like to hear from the community if adding another Trait to the pool, as it were, is considered worthwhile.

    You want our Feedback?

    -Remove Training and Prosperous from the End-Game Loottable
    -Bring back Inpen

  • Destruent
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Wollust wrote: »
    Impen is the most vital trait for one part of the game. It has its place in all loot tables, same as how PvP gear should come in all (good) traits. Especially considering how a lot of the new/upscaled sets are more or less only useful in PvP.
    On the other hand, prosperous and training shouldn't drop on end game gear.

    Just make an option (toggle or what ever) to make all your gear Impen while in Cyro and remove it from the loot tables. Then if you get a well fitted you're like "Woot! Never got to do that crap again" cause you'll just make it Impen when in PVP.

    If they do so, i want an option to turn all gear into divines/precise/sharpened while pve-ing.

    But yeah...just add impen and delete prosperous and training. Everyone would be happy :)

    You're thinking of this as an "US" vs "THEM." PVP is a mini-game that everyone can play. If you don't like PVP, well it extremely unlikely you'll ever even attempt it knowing you'll need to craft max level gold Impen gear with gold glyphs before you'll even have much of a chance to survive long enough to get a feel for it ... Which means you'll never catch the PVP bug. It requires to much investment. The population of PVP has been steady shrinking. There are fewer campaigns with lower populations. Player gaps are fine when you're Raiding because in PVE players are all on the same team.

    PVE can be completed with out divines/precise/sharpend ... You could have no trait on purple gear and complete all questing, vet dungeons, probably get through normal trials as well. You won't be min/max but isn't that why you PVE? For the progression and to build towards min/maxed? If you're dps is weak you're party can carry you while you work out your rotation and improve your gear. In PVP if you're not wearing Impen you're not going to have much of chance to do anything. You're going to melt and feel weak or inept, etc ... and then you get tea bagged.

    We ALL should want PVP to be competitive so that it might survive. There are many PVP games that fail or never get off the ground because there's no participation. PVP in ESO has been shrinking. They only thing saving it is the reduction of servers.

    Seriously, why would this be such an insult to PVEers? It benefits them should they ever choose to PVP (like they do when they want caltrops, vigor, magicka det, War Horn, etc.) and removing it from all loot tables would mean more likely to get Divines. It makes PVP more welcoming for PVEers, casuals, and noobs.

    Oh and it would create a market for all those worthless traits all the PvEers keep getting and they'd be able to sell them for more profit.

    Where's the main difference between competitive PvE and PvP? You want to be the best and therefore you will need the best gear. Subpar traits are definitely not an option and getting the best gear is just the way, but the main goal. My goal in PvE is to clear all challenges and be Nr. 1 on leaderboards. I can't be carried by my group, bc we need every possible dps and just have to avoid any faults and if possible. Where is this any different from pvp? I'm farming dungeons and stuff from their release and don't have all the gear i need. So why should anyone be able to convert gear to traits only bc he wants to pvp? It's only fair, if everyone would be able to and not only pvpers.
    You can also play pvp without full gold gear in perefct traits. I don't even have perfect pvp gear, but it works for me.
    You can also buy/craft more endgame pvp-equip than you can buy/craft pve-equip. All those pvp-sets are bound on equip, in pve it's mostly bound on pickup. It's mostly easy to get perfect (or near perfect) PvP-gear, but for some classes extremely hard to get the perfect PvE-gear.
  • Essiaga
    Destruent wrote: »
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Destruent wrote: »
    Essiaga wrote: »
    Wollust wrote: »
    Impen is the most vital trait for one part of the game. It has its place in all loot tables, same as how PvP gear should come in all (good) traits. Especially considering how a lot of the new/upscaled sets are more or less only useful in PvP.
    On the other hand, prosperous and training shouldn't drop on end game gear.

    Just make an option (toggle or what ever) to make all your gear Impen while in Cyro and remove it from the loot tables. Then if you get a well fitted you're like "Woot! Never got to do that crap again" cause you'll just make it Impen when in PVP.

    If they do so, i want an option to turn all gear into divines/precise/sharpened while pve-ing.

    But yeah...just add impen and delete prosperous and training. Everyone would be happy :)

    You're thinking of this as an "US" vs "THEM." PVP is a mini-game that everyone can play. If you don't like PVP, well it extremely unlikely you'll ever even attempt it knowing you'll need to craft max level gold Impen gear with gold glyphs before you'll even have much of a chance to survive long enough to get a feel for it ... Which means you'll never catch the PVP bug. It requires to much investment. The population of PVP has been steady shrinking. There are fewer campaigns with lower populations. Player gaps are fine when you're Raiding because in PVE players are all on the same team.

    PVE can be completed with out divines/precise/sharpend ... You could have no trait on purple gear and complete all questing, vet dungeons, probably get through normal trials as well. You won't be min/max but isn't that why you PVE? For the progression and to build towards min/maxed? If you're dps is weak you're party can carry you while you work out your rotation and improve your gear. In PVP if you're not wearing Impen you're not going to have much of chance to do anything. You're going to melt and feel weak or inept, etc ... and then you get tea bagged.

    We ALL should want PVP to be competitive so that it might survive. There are many PVP games that fail or never get off the ground because there's no participation. PVP in ESO has been shrinking. They only thing saving it is the reduction of servers.

    Seriously, why would this be such an insult to PVEers? It benefits them should they ever choose to PVP (like they do when they want caltrops, vigor, magicka det, War Horn, etc.) and removing it from all loot tables would mean more likely to get Divines. It makes PVP more welcoming for PVEers, casuals, and noobs.

    Oh and it would create a market for all those worthless traits all the PvEers keep getting and they'd be able to sell them for more profit.

    Where's the main difference between competitive PvE and PvP? You want to be the best and therefore you will need the best gear. Subpar traits are definitely not an option and getting the best gear is just the way, but the main goal. My goal in PvE is to clear all challenges and be Nr. 1 on leaderboards. I can't be carried by my group, bc we need every possible dps and just have to avoid any faults and if possible. Where is this any different from pvp? I'm farming dungeons and stuff from their release and don't have all the gear i need. So why should anyone be able to convert gear to traits only bc he wants to pvp? It's only fair, if everyone would be able to and not only pvpers.
    You can also play pvp without full gold gear in perefct traits. I don't even have perfect pvp gear, but it works for me.
    You can also buy/craft more endgame pvp-equip than you can buy/craft pve-equip. All those pvp-sets are bound on equip, in pve it's mostly bound on pickup. It's mostly easy to get perfect (or near perfect) PvP-gear, but for some classes extremely hard to get the perfect PvE-gear.

    Again its Us vs Them ... this is a tired argument. Here's the main difference ...They are different. The argument is kind of like saying why should other games be different? I mean is it unfair that soccer/football only let the goaltender touch the ball with their hands but in American Football and Rugby anyone can use their hands? They are different sports. As long as the rules are the same for everyone competing in that sport then it's fair.

    PVP and PVE are segregated. The gear and skill you use in one isn't successful in the other. You're not killing the same things. Your not competing against the same content. The scoring is not the same. They rewards are not mixed (PVP overall leader doesn't get your Trial rewards, etc). The damage incoming and out going are different. Critical Strikes operate very differently. NPC don't animation cancel. Health based shields suck in PVP ... they are very different and they are NOT competing against each other in any way.

    Then there is the popularity. PVE is doing pretty well and if it shrinks the MoBs will still be there for the lesser number of players. The content can be adjusted, rewards can be changed, etc. PVP is shrinking. We're down to 3 campaigns from ... 10? ... 12? ... and the population has been reduced in those campaigns. If PVP were driving this game it would have been canceled. You can let it die or try to do things to promote it. You need to have players to compete against. An Impen toggle would be a very simple way to make PVP more accessible and it wouldn't harm PVE AT ALL. It would allow the PVEer to toggle their gear rather then creating a whole new set.

    Now if someone doesn't care for PVP and doesn't give a crap if it dies then they shouldn't give a crap if it lives either.

    This would in no way affect you're ability to be #1 on leader boards in PVE content. In PVP ... the best it could do is make more people more competitive, which is to say grow PVP. They worst it does is make PVERs jump in PVP and run the world with they're amazing Trial rewards, etc.
  • Destruent
    You are just writing about the differences between PvE and PvP. But guess what? If you want to play competitive it's in no way different. you need the best build, gear and playstyle and you have to know your character like noone else to be succesfull.
    Some things behave different in PvE and PvP but to be competitive you have to follow the same rules.

    But in the end, such a toggle will never happen. I guess it's more likely, that ZOS applies the possibility to change traits on your armor/weapons through crafting.
    But the worst ZOS can make, is a system which allows one part of the playerbase to get their BiS trait immediately whereas another part has to grind for ages.
  • Nighn_9
    The Werewolf Lord costume/polymorph is not on the PTS right now so why is it in the patch notes? Also how do you obtain the Harlequin chapters?
    NA / PC
    November Beta 2013
  • Jaronking
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Can you ask someone about adding impen back to the PVE loot table?Many PVPers will like to use these new sets but if they don't come in impenetrable we really can't use them.

    This has been long asked about (and long discussed internally), and we'd like to get the community's thoughts on it. There are some pros and cons, and ultimately it boils down to doing what's best for you, the players. We'll try to get a thread up about this later in the week, and get the discussion going.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno and @ZOS_JessicaFolsom will the thread on adding Impen back to the PVE loot table being put up today?
  • Ishammael
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Can you ask someone about adding impen back to the PVE loot table?Many PVPers will like to use these new sets but if they don't come in impenetrable we really can't use them.

    This has been long asked about (and long discussed internally), and we'd like to get the community's thoughts on it. There are some pros and cons, and ultimately it boils down to doing what's best for you, the players. We'll try to get a thread up about this later in the week, and get the discussion going.

    Pretty simple fix which is best for players:

    1. Remove propserous and training from end-game PvE loot tables.
    2. Add Impen

    Case closed.
  • Grao
    So still nothing on sorc fixes. Guess it's just to wait another patch and not pay ZoS anything for now. :)

    I am now convinced they will only rework Sorcerers when class changes are sold in the Crown Store.

    If you think about it, it is genius, nerf the class so extremely playing it is a complete bore and then wait 'till everyone stops playing it. Than buff the class and make it the best while at the same time selling class changing tokens. It is a improved, longer term development that improves on what they are doing with Khajits.
  • Punn
    Vythri wrote: »
    What would be the cons?

    Every added Trait adds to the RNG aspect of trying to get the specific item set piece(s) and Trait combination you want. We're sensitive to the fact that this can already be a frustrating experience due to the randomness of it. So, we'd like to hear from the community if adding another Trait to the pool, as it were, is considered worthwhile.

    If a token system was added to the game, where people could use a type of currency to buy the gear and trait they want. they would still have to farm the dungeon, trail, arena...etc. for the tokens. this makes farming more enjoyable, knowing you are working to get something you want/need.
  • Neowit
    It would be ideal if it were a bit less impossible to get the piece you need in impen. Helmets could be exclusively sold in the Golden, while shoulders are attained through some daily RNG mechanic in exchange for AP. Just tossing an idea.
  • Jaronking
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Can you ask someone about adding impen back to the PVE loot table?Many PVPers will like to use these new sets but if they don't come in impenetrable we really can't use them.

    This has been long asked about (and long discussed internally), and we'd like to get the community's thoughts on it. There are some pros and cons, and ultimately it boils down to doing what's best for you, the players. We'll try to get a thread up about this later in the week, and get the discussion going.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno and @ZOS_JessicaFolsom will the thread on adding Impen back to the PVE loot table being put up today?
    SL any chance of the thread being put HP today?
  • potirondb16_ESO
    code65536 wrote: »
    Vythri wrote: »
    What would be the cons?

    Every added Trait adds to the RNG aspect of trying to get the specific item set piece(s) and Trait combination you want. We're sensitive to the fact that this can already be a frustrating experience due to the randomness of it. So, we'd like to hear from the community if adding another Trait to the pool, as it were, is considered worthwhile.

    Prosperous is the worst trait in the loot table. (The link goes to a thread explaining why.) Nobody will complain if it was removed and replaced with Impenetrable. That will maintain the exact same number of traits, and remove a much-hated trait in favor of a much-desired trait.

    As a bonus, you can also remove Training too while you're at it. But I'm okay with you leaving that in if all you do is swap Prosperous out for Impenetrable.

    I reinstate my suggestion about giving training and prosperous traits there real fonction by reinstating them as open-world only gear. I understand that's there's been a lot of people who believed that those traits were not so bad in specific condition. As an exemple, I had a friend who argued teeth and claw that those traits were good cause when she was leveling or when she was going at that gold farming spot she had, those traits would come handy, and well... after 10 minutes of discussion she finally told me, OH ! they drop as end-game gear... well that's ***...

    So overall all the people who had been in favor of those set are likely to have follow the same thinking, those traits are good, I would want them for some of my gear, but when I think about it, a piece I actually use in the 4-man, trial, or pvp... well I could use better...

    Also, I understand that impen would work the same way, because to be honnest the risk for a complete set of impen gear of any form dropping from trial of dungeon is unlikely... (knowing that it could take up to 6 month to gather a full scathing-mage or spell-power-cure). But then again, the issue is not getting all the gear impen, rather then getting it at all...

    Personnally, Impen is not the trait I would be looking for daily but on some specific gear I would be glad to have it... so I'm down for those coming up. But also please !!! for the sake of this world, adjust how traits are dropping, I don't want to see as many impen dropping as I'm seeing prosperous ou training right now cause those traits are out of their mind atm !

  • Nichts
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Can you ask someone about adding impen back to the PVE loot table?Many PVPers will like to use these new sets but if they don't come in impenetrable we really can't use them.

    This has been long asked about (and long discussed internally), and we'd like to get the community's thoughts on it. There are some pros and cons, and ultimately it boils down to doing what's best for you, the players. We'll try to get a thread up about this later in the week, and get the discussion going.

    It is true, that getting the right item with the right trait is frustrating.
    But you could introduce a token-system.

    Lets use WGT as an example.

    Earning of Tokens:
    - nWGT: Each Boss 1 Token, Molag Kena 5 Token.
    - vWGT: Each Boss 3 Token, Molage Kena 10 Token or with hardmode 15 Token

    Spending Tokens:
    Instead of getting random loot from the treasure chest, you can specify the following 4 properties of an item.

    1) Normal Set (spell power cure) [100T] or Head (Molag Kena) [250T]
    2) Light / Medium / Heavy [100T]
    3) Trait [100T]
    4) Style; standard = xivkyn does not apply to Molag Kena [50T]
    [100T] = 100 Tokens.


    1 Run vWGT hardmode = 24 Tokens
    1 Run vWGT = 19 Tokens
    1 Run nWGT = 8 Tokens

    You want to play Spell Power Cure on a heavy armor item with trait impenetrable and style Argonian for PvP:
    350 Tokens
    - 15 runs in vWGT hardmode for this item, 75 runs for a complete set.
    - 19 runs in vWGT non-hardmode or 93 runs for a complete set.
    - 44 runs in nWGT or 219 runs for a complete set.

    Additionally you have the chance to get the sets (in xivkyn style) from a drop.

    The same can now be applied to any Dungen (eg ICP) or Trial and especially Maelstrom Arena / Dragon Star Arena

    Do you guys remember all the discussions about nerfs of dungeons ?
    So why don't we go further and introduce a scaling system with CPs ?
    Lets say if you scale up the difficulty from 160 CP to 200CP (increased Damage, HP of Mobs) and recieve 10% more Tokens.

    Edited by Nichts on July 9, 2016 2:27PM
    EU-Server @Nichts
    Sanyarin'Donnerblatt - PvE Magicka Nightblade ⇒ Guide
    Sanyarin'Donneraether - PvP Magicka Nightblade
    Sanyarin'Donnerstahl - PvE Tank Nightblade
    Sanyarina'Donnerwasser - PvP Heal/Tank Templar / PvE Healer

  • Minalan
    No fix to Malubeth set yet?

    Seriously ZOS? Is anyone at home in your office?

    Alright, like a naughty puppy, I'm going to rub your developer's nose in the mess they made on the carpet...

    BAD developer! That's a BAD BAD programmer! You go FIX that right now!
    Edited by Minalan on July 9, 2016 6:24PM
  • newtinmpls
    So when is Dragonstar arena going to actually drop CP 160 (or current max) stuff?
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • kadar
    Gigasax wrote: »
    Jaronking wrote: »
    Can you ask someone about adding impen back to the PVE loot table?Many PVPers will like to use these new sets but if they don't come in impenetrable we really can't use them.

    This has been long asked about (and long discussed internally), and we'd like to get the community's thoughts on it. There are some pros and cons, and ultimately it boils down to doing what's best for you, the players. We'll try to get a thread up about this later in the week, and get the discussion going.
    Vythri wrote: »
    What would be the cons?

    Every added Trait adds to the RNG aspect of trying to get the specific item set piece(s) and Trait combination you want. We're sensitive to the fact that this can already be a frustrating experience due to the randomness of it. So, we'd like to hear from the community if adding another Trait to the pool, as it were, is considered worthwhile.

    You want our Feedback?

    -Remove Training and Prosperous from the End-Game Loottable
    -Bring back Inpen
    Problem solved.

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