Now that ZOS has removed Veteran Ranks and has introduced One Tamriel, I think it’s time to discuss the possibility of leveling past 50 and how ZOS could add more levels to ESO.
This concept was originally an extension of my
Tamriel United concept and since One Tamriel is coming, it can now just be an extension of the world in which we will all soon play!
Also, this concept sort of picks apart two of my previous concepts and reworks their ideas. Those threads are
Perpetual Independent End Game Level Progression Concept and
CP Active Passive Bar & CP Burn Concept .
ZOS should add individual levels to ESO regularly and make getting to those levels a competitive task. They should also add a CP Overcharge mechanic that allows player to choose between power and progression.
- Sub Attributes
- Converting Characters & Content
- Adding Levels to current Zones & DLC
- Regular Leveling
- Champion Overcharge
Sub Attributes
ZOS should institute a new sub-attribute system that unlocks once a player reaches level 50. This would break up the core Magica, Health, and Stamina attributes into smaller specific choices. This would provide the post 50 game with two benefits.
- More character customization
- Mitigation of Power Creep
The Sub-Attributes would be:
- Wisdom (+Max Magicka)
- Personality (+ Spell Resistance)
- Luck (+ Spell Critical)
- Intelligence (+ Spell Damage)
- Vitality (+Max Health)
- Endurance (+ Stamina Recovery)
- Willpower (+Magicka Recovery)
- Constitution (+Health Recovery)
- Fortitude (+Max Stamina)
- Speed (+ Weapon Critical)
- Agility (+ Armor)
- Strength (+ Weapon Damage)
With the Sub-Attribute system, players would now increase their Resource, Damage, Critical, Resistance, and Recovery attributes one at a time on a more granular level. This progression would allow players to create the exact character they desire. It’s important to note that each sub-attribute point would raise the Sub-Attribute whatever amount it would have been raised with a regular level increase.
This player would be level 67
If a player raises all the sub attributes of one resource, their stats should be raised about the same amount that they would have been if the main attribute was raised prior to level 50. In this way, every four levels of post 50 leveling would equal out to about 1 level of pre 50 leveling, as far as stats are concerned.
This would mean that a character who used to be VR 16 would have to reach level 114 to be equal to the attribute stats they currently have as a CP 160+ character. More on how players would get to that level later.
Converting Characters
Existing characters would have their attribute points refunded to them so they could redistribute them. Until the total points spent in the main three attributes (Magicka, Health, Stamina) equals 50, players would spend their points only in the main three attributes. After the total reaches 50, players unlock the sub-attribute system and then are able to spend their points in any of the 12 available sub attributes.
Characters who currently are level 50 and have 160 CP would be converted to level 66. Characters with less than 160 CP would be converted to the appropriate level of their CP.
After this, earning levels should be character centric and should not be spread across all characters in the same way Champion Points are.
All armor, materials and enemies would also be converted in much the same way with every 10 levels of CP equaling 1 level beyond 50.
Adding Levels to current Zones & DLC
With the development of One Tamriel it is assumed that players will be downleveled to the zone they are adventuring in so every faction zone would be leveled somewhere between 1 and 50. This would leave the extra-faction areas available for leveling. Below are my suggestions for the leveling of each of the additional zones.
- Lower Craglorn : 51-52
- Upper Craglorn: 53-54
- Imperial City: 55-57
- Orsinium: 58-60
- Thieves Guild: 61-63
- Dark Brotherhood: 63-66
Each additional zone or area that is released would cover the next three levels. Players visiting zones prior to reaching the level would essentially have their power leveled to that zone, which will be the norm in One Tamriel.
Regular Leveling
This would mean that every 3 months the DLC cap could be raised by a certain amount, but this doesn’t mean that the level cap needs to be tied to DLC. Rather, I’m suggesting that the level cap be increased by 1 every month. This level increase would be an additional game content mechanic that would provide players additional gameplay by giving them an additional level to gain on a regular basis.
Every month when the level cap increases, those who enjoy leaderboards and racing to level cap could participate in a leaderboard for the first 100 players to reach level cap. This leaderboard could be accompanied by 10 Cap-Ranking Buffs that would award players who reach level cap in the following order:
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th-10th
- 11th-20th
- 21st-30th
- 31st-40th
- 41st-50th
- 51st-75th
- 75th-100th
The 1st person to reach level cap would receive the best buffs for that month with each subsequent tier being slightly less powerful. These buffs could also diminish over the month so that:
- Week 1: 100% buff effectiveness
- Week 2: 75% buff effectiveness
- Week 3: 50% buff effectiveness
- Week 4: 25% buff effectiveness
This ranking buff could be anything and could change month to month. Perhaps the player’s max stats are increased by a percentage or their RNG is increased. This could affect any aspect of the game which would possibly attract different players each month.
In addition to this ranking buff, every player that reaches level cap in the first however-many days (5?) could be given an enlightenment buff for the remainder of the month, making it beneficial for all players who wish to get to level cap for that month.
For those that will say that “Raising the level cap is not content” I simply point out that while it is not additional content, it is additional gameplay and some players genuinely enjoy the grind each month. This grind should
NOT be the same grind that the Vet Ranks were. It should take a player about the same amount of time to reach each post-50 levels as it took them to reach each pre-50 levels. In this way the leveling experience is preserved and no one feels the frustration of a long grind.
Additionally, since the level cap is being raised each month, and ZOS has established that 1 level is equal to about 10 champion points, the Champion System cap should be raised by 10 each month as well. Since the CP cap is currently 501 and the system cap is 3600 raising the cap each month by 10 would mean that it would take about 25 years to reach system cap.
In that amount of time players would be at about level 360. While I don’t particularly care for leveling being so high, I think that it would be understandable for a 25 year old MMO to have characters at that level. Remember, because of the Sub Attributes, the effective power of those players would only be about level 127.
Adding yet another mechanic to this could complicate the monthly race to level cap in the best of ways.
Champion Overcharge
Taking the design from my
CP Active Passive Bar Concept I think ZOS could add a CP Overcharge mechanic to gameplay.
Once a Champion Star is unlocked and leveled in a constellation, a player should be able to place that star in the Champion Overcharge bar. Only one Champion Star from each constellation should be allowed to be overcharged at a time. Placing a Champion Star in the Overcharge Bar will do two things:
- Increase the effectiveness of that specific Champion Star by 25%
- Decrease the overall XP gain of the character by 10%
This Overcharge bar would have one slot per Constellation in the Champion System.

Activating the star would be as simple as dragging and dropping the star into the astrolabe slot when viewing each constellation.

A player who places a Champion Star from each constellation in the Overcharge bar will have their XP gain decreased to 10% of their possible XP.
All XP buffs should then be placed on top of this lowered percentage.
This would mean that a player who wishes to be competitive during the monthly race to level cap will have to choose between power and XP gain. This also means that players who wish to slow their XP gain to stretch out the leveling experience can do so by overcharging their Champion Stars.
Lastly, this system should also be designed in such a way that Overcharging one Champion Star will cause all the other Stars in that Constellation to become less effective. I think a fair percentage would be 15%. In this way, it prevents players from being overpowered and encourages specialized builds. Two players could spend the exact same number of CPs in the exact same stars but they would have extremely different power profiles if they chose different stars to overcharge.
This being something that players could change on the fly would be something that would allow a player to swap from being a healer to DPS to tank quickly. ZOS could even create a way to store an "Overcharge Profile" to let us pretty much hotswap out of combat between different setups.
Increasing player’s levels regularly is a good way to keep players playing. By adding levels ZOS would keep players coming back between DLC and by adding Sub Attributes, ZOS would battle the ever present concern of power creep. Adding a Champion overcharge would allow for a greater variety of player choice and character builds while also giving players more control over HOW their character levels.
So what do you think? Would adding levels be a boon to ESO or a hindrance to play? Is a level cap increase by 1 every month too frequent? Do you have other ideas of better ways for level increases to be introduced? Do you like the idea of the Champion Overcharge or would you like to see a similar system instituted in a different way?