Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »ZOS doesnt need to do anything of the sort.
Why not @Korah_Eaglecry ? You prefer the current way players are segregated, the way zones are only viable for progression for a short period of time, and the way you go into "alternate timeliness" to play the other factions?
Fignutz821 wrote: »just play the same faction as your friends... problem solved
...They already did a huge favor by making cadwell's gold entire zone CP160.
We get no more than that. And that is already more than enough. I imagine we are weeks away of some new player making a thread here about "How they're supposed to jump from cp50 to cp160 in one zone"
rhapsodious wrote: »Few things:
1. The Main Quest is leveled to your character's level. You can pick up the quest at level 5 and ignore it all the way to 50.
2. Being able to play in any faction as a base game feature is a great way to make those who bought the Any Race/Any Alliance edition/upgrade upset.
3. Stonefalls and sometimes Deshaan are bad enough when it comes to both population and inanity of zone chat. I'd rather not have that multiplied by 3...
The only thing I really see myself agreeing with here is mobs always awarding XP. But that's because I hate myself and want to collect the trophies. And ZOS hates me for being EP so my options for nix-hounds are either waiting for Vvardenfell or vDSA. Feh.
I like the faction splitting as it is, honestly. If anything, it'd be cool if faction-agnostic zones could be multi-alliance but I can only imagine what a mess that would be population-wise.
dtm_samuraib16_ESO wrote: »If i would actually be my character in Tamriel, and I came to meet this Molag Bal, I would have told him how to end the whole a LOT faster.
The never ending idiocy of Tamriel is beyond belief.
I actually feel sorry for having MB's butt kicked.
They already did all they would as far as zone-scaling.What does that accomplish in relation to the suggestions in this thread @Lenikus ?
They already did all they would as far as zone-scaling.
And I didn't add much to the thread there becase they said time and time again that getting different alliances together "is complicated" - They did it on the group delves, but grouping still bugs out a little and even so you can only interact and/or even see each other inside closed instances.
And because i wasn't gonna say anything, but now i think i should;
They SELL explorer packs, why would they allow you to choose whatever alliance ?
nimander99 wrote: »@Gidorick Something like this is in the works... I'm not sure about faction cross over but it appears all of Tarmriel will be scaling to max CP so in essence it creates an open world effect. It was hinted at in the year ahead article a couple months ago and /lurk aka @ZOS_RichLambert basically confirmed this at a conference a couple weeks ago when he said "We don't like down scaling..." In response to a player's question about opening all of Tamriel back up like the DLC's.
heheh... to be honest. I forgot about that. I've been able to do that since PC release so I forget that people can't do this. Now that you mention that I kind of TOTALLY want my concept! So here's how it would work:
Players who have any race any alliance would be dropped randomly in any faction and can switch around factions at will... Players who DON'T are dropped in the faction of the race they choose and they can still go to the other factions but would be met with a snide and racist recruiter if they try to join another faction. ZOS could even have different slurs for the different races, like...
- "It'll be a warm day in Coldharbor before I'll accept a flea ridden Khajiit under my command."
- "The last thing I need is an Altmer trying to tell my commanders how to do their job."
- "Aren't you a Bosmer? Are you just looking to snack on our dead?"
- "I'm not going to reforge all my healms to make room for those teeth."
- "I'd rather not have to worry about my neck being slit in the middle of a night. Take your scaly hide back to Black Marsh."
ooh... man that sounds so good.
Hmmm.... I am conflicted about this one!
If you take out Silver and Gold from 50+, you have significantly reduced your endgame solo PvE. I like the ideas, but I think it would be bad for anyone who paid for Any Race, Any Alliance. Keep the concept as it is for those players, but only allow the open travel for the other players once they have completed Messages Across Tamriel, as that can provide the narrative for going to help the other faction leaders.
OMG, no! That is the last thing Zenimax can even consider... >.>
Do you understand that having the factions separated as they are now reduces stress on the PvE servers? I believe one of the huge reasons PvP has so much lag is that it is the only server where players of all factions are balled up together dashing out all their AoEs, if the same was done for everywhere in ESO the game would be stupidly unplayable. >.<
I explained this in the OP @Grao ...
For those who are worried about adding more players to the existing world, which seems to be the primary concern... Overpopulation won't be an issue because of the way ESO phases players.
While I don't know exactly how the system works, my assumption is that there are population caps on each zone. When a zone's population gets to a certain percentage of that cap, a new phase is created.
This would simply mean there would be more phases, not necessarily more people.
You probably weren't around when the game was new to remember how problematic the whole phasing thing was... I don't think currently the game phases as it used to. but before you had to constantly teleport to friends so you'd be in the same instance... It was horrible.
I agree it would be better if Silver and Gold worked differently and I was rather disappointed when I got to Silver and no one from other factions were there, but... It is a little too late now, changing this structure would be maybe even more complicated than getting rid of the veteran ranks and look how long Zenimax took to get that done... There are more pressing matters for them to work on before this becomes a priority...
Messages only comes second-to-last because of its prerequisites. It's unlocked when you complete the first faction story OR after completing Council of the Five Companions; despite being part of the "Main Story" it isn't actually related to any of the other Harborage main quests. If things were rearranged as you suggested, Messages would come after Chasing Shadows, but I don't think that would be a big issue.I think that would be a beautiful solution @Enodoc ! I love it! That would also mean the main narrative taking place across all three factions wouldn't work, since that quest is pretty much the second to last quest in the main story.
Sure, I didn't think of that because, while it is endgame PvE, it currently isn't solo content.In my thinking, the solo end-game PvE would then become Craglorn (which should be retooled), and the DLC.
I would agree with that. And since that was part of the reason I dropped my sub, I may consider picking it up again if they did thatI personally feel Imperial City should become part of the "Tamriel Unlimited" Package. Such a central part of the world's narrative (both figuratively and literally) and it's blocked off as DLC. It doesn't seem right.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »ZOS doesnt need to do anything of the sort.