DB Extreme Crashing Issues

  • Hammy01
    For those of your experiencing frequent crashes and/or severe game performance issues on Xbox One after the Dark Brotherhood update, please try the following:

    First, power-cycle your Xbox One
    1. Press and hold the Xbox button on the front of your console for 10 seconds.
    2. Once the machine has turned off, disconnect the power cord from the back of the Xbox One and wait two minutes.
    3. Plug the power back in and wait for the power bricks light to go from White to Orange.
    4. Once the power brick has the Orange light, turn the console on and try the game again.
    Next, turn off all apps on your Xbox One, and log into the game.

    If you are crashing continuously on certain characters after trying the troubleshooting steps above, please contact our Support team so they can move the affected characters.

    Please note that these troubleshooting steps are a temporary work-around. We are working on long-term solutions for these crashes and performance issues on Xbox One, some of which will be in the next incremental patch.

    Tried all this and nothing has changed.

    I have had constant crashing to dashboard all day long, even on a new toon just created today. I can also no longer log into my main toon who is now stuck in Anvil.

    Plus I still have all of the other issues people have mentioned (although some are just minor annoyances).

    XBOX One EU
  • SolarCat02

    This was last night in Marbruk. Loaded in at the stables, did my horse training, rode towards the Wayshrine to port to a different location, got a load screen halfway to the Wayshrine and another right before I got to it.

    Got kicked twice, once in the Gold Coast wilderness, and once in Orsinium trying to turn in my writs (sadly, this is a normal occurance that hasn't been fixed since Orsinium came out, so I will admit I have very low hope that any of the new issues will be fixed)...

    I had random loading screens in Marbruk, Rawlka, Vulkyl Guard, Gold Coast wilderness areas, and all over Orsinium.

    Also, in the Gold Coast at the Arena world boss, the framerate drops significantly and the audio is practically nonexistent. (It sounds like someone trying to talk on speakerphone speeding in a convertible while going over a bridge with lots beams really close to the sides of the car. wOpwOpwOpwOpwOp.)
    Why be normal when you can be better?

    Elissandra Ravenwing, Magicka Dragonknight Healer
    Lady Kalila, Stamina Templar DPS
    Stands-in-Danger, Nightblade Saptank
    Zalarah, Stamina Dragonknight DPS
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    SolarCat02 wrote: »

    This was last night in Marbruk. Loaded in at the stables, did my horse training, rode towards the Wayshrine to port to a different location, got a load screen halfway to the Wayshrine and another right before I got to it.

    Got kicked twice, once in the Gold Coast wilderness, and once in Orsinium trying to turn in my writs (sadly, this is a normal occurance that hasn't been fixed since Orsinium came out, so I will admit I have very low hope that any of the new issues will be fixed)...

    I had random loading screens in Marbruk, Rawlka, Vulkyl Guard, Gold Coast wilderness areas, and all over Orsinium.

    Also, in the Gold Coast at the Arena world boss, the framerate drops significantly and the audio is practically nonexistent. (It sounds like someone trying to talk on speakerphone speeding in a convertible while going over a bridge with lots beams really close to the sides of the car. wOpwOpwOpwOpwOp.)

    This is so very true, Orsinium had me reinstalling the game just to get it to work and still I would crash predictably every time I zoned into Orsinium. Eventually I started using the Shatul wayshrine just so I wouldn't crash, I will still get a loading screen when I try to turn in my crafting writs but at least by running in from Shatul I don't crash.

    I have gotten to the point where I simply don't go to Rawl'ka, and I wont use the wayshrine in Elden Root I walk in from another wayshrine to get the daily dungeons. I still crash this way sometimes but its less common. And even though I have always been ESO+ I still won't do the DLC when it launches, too many people too many load screens and crashes. I always wait about a month before starting DLC content.

    On the positive side I have noticed at least personally on my system that Cyrodiil is more responsive and a bit less laggy than it was pre DB DLC. It is still awful around zergs and I will crash if I stick near one too long but overall the performance seems a lot better.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • Archmage1
    I have tried to login with my main Vet 16 character and unable to do so on Xbox One NA. I am in Wrothgar and every time I try to load the game it crashes. I am unable to play. I would like to get a refund for days missed if this does not get fixed soon.
  • Jayne_Doe
    Before this latest update, my predictable crashes were in Elden Root. Orsinium seemed to have gotten better, and I would only occasionally crash there. Though I had started porting to the Shatul wayshrine to turn in my writs. I was still turning in some writs in Craglorn, so I usually picked them all up there and got everything ready before turning in at Orsinium. But, I could still pick them up at Orsinium and wander around without much trouble - it was usually just porting in/out of the Wayshrine that caused crashes. And, I usually had no problems loading my main if they were in the bank in Orsinium.

    However, last night, again I had problems. I loaded my main - took a couple of times - into Orsinium. She had been stuck at the writ turn-in since last night, when I crashed and couldn't get back in to complete her writs. Got the previous day's writs turned in and then completed yesterday's writs and turned them in. Wandering around Orsinium was fine at the time, and I had no crashes. However, I made the mistake of leaving her at the clothing station so I could log in another character who was holding on to a Nirn piece of research.

    That character was in Elden Root! Took several tries of logging in, standing there for 2 secs, then crashing. So, I decided to try to get that character out of Elden Root entirely. Took another few tries to get her down to the wayshrine, but after a couple more tries of loading, activating the wayshrine and immediately crashing, I decided to just try to get to the temple wayshrine just outside Elden Root. No dice!

    So, I quit, after about 15 minutes of gameplay and 30-40 minutes of loading/crashing. I tried again after 11pm CST on my husband's XB in the office and did manage to get my character in Elden Root to load and off to the temple wayshrine and safely to Haven. However, I could NOT get my main in Orsinium to load, after half a dozen attempts.

    Then, this morning before work I decided to try again, hoping that with fewer people playing, I might be able to get in. I loaded my character in Haven just fine. But, my main in Orsinium just refuses to load - halfway through the loading screen, it just crashes - repeatedly.

    For the record, I reset both XBs as instructed in this thread. THIS DID NOT HELP!!!!

    Also, my husband plays ESO on PC and has no problems playing, so it's NOT an issue with our internet, bandwidth, router, etc.

    This must be fixed and soon!!! Right now, I'm moving on to other games. Certainly won't be trying to play when I spend 80% of my time in load screens/crashing to desktop!!

    What I'd really like is a one-time transfer back to PC. I've spent a year on console and don't want to lose all that progress, plus all the stuff I've purchased in the Crown Store. Why oh why did I switch to console? It's been a disaster!! Please, I'll even pay another $20 transfer fee - heck, I'd even pay $50. This is how awful it's become to play (or rather not play) this game on XB.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on June 17, 2016 4:17PM
  • RogueShade
    I currently have 2 characters I can't play since they need to go to Elden Root to continue the storyline. Tried on one at 6am eastern time and got kicked twice, the second immediately after reloading. The place was mostly empty too.
    We did Sanctum last night and after turning in the quest I got the experience but no loot container and the quest reset to before we killed the serpent without leaving my journal.
  • DaveMoeDee
    ButtersEP wrote: »
    Another very poorly executed DLC.

    Making the game actually unplayable does seem like poor execution.

    Not loading is finally a situation where the vocabulary challenge 'literally' abusers can say it is "literally unplayable".
  • Hammy01
    Does anyone notice that when logging into a character (just before getting booted to dashboard) the sound in the game goes quite, the spinning dragon ring stops spinning and the Xbox HD starts making a strange noise and then you get booted to the Xbox dashboard?

    I have never had this problem prior to the DB DLC.

  • Mcgelie1
    I'm having a lot of disconnects. The usual situation is that I log in and play for 10-15 minutes, then the game becomes unresponsive and i disconnect. Happening on all characters in all zones. If there's any specific information I can give, let me know. Also, I still love this game regardless, other than stability this game just gets better and better for me.
  • SneaK
    Well I made the mistake of logging out of my Templar in Grahtwood. Now every time I try to log into him the game shuts down and restarts. Broken AF.

    What's the deal ZOS?

    You guys posted something on the Xbox newsfeed and you can clearly tell this is an issue by the comments to that post. It's not just a select few on the forums. Your game is broken AF and you need to fix it fast. Most annoying part is this has been an issue since 2015. You just don't listen cause you're all ______s.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Bosmer Nightblade AR 32 - Altmer Templar AR 26 - Dunmer Dragonknight AR 18 - Altmer Sorcerer AR 20 - Khajiit Dragonknight AR 18
    (+3 not worth mentioning, yet)
    Soul Shriven
    I can play anywhere from 10 seconds to 3 hours before my game crashes and goes back to the dashboard,

    Ive noticed as well that the xbox heats up more than usual.

    Also anyone wanting to join a guild, send me a msg on xbox. GT: xBHxTHEKILLz

    My guild is just a place for people who occasionally want someone to play with, quests,dungeons,etc.
  • fuzzypotatoe
    Same here I was actually in Gold Coast it booted me out to grahtwood then took away my ESO plus then after I reset to get my plus back I can't even log in now
    Soul Shriven
    Update to what I said before: I see that while Im in Wrothgar the game crashes more and Ive asked support about the issue at hand.
  • TheEverword
    Soul Shriven
    I too am unable to log in with my main character. The last time I logged out he was at the bank in Orsinium. Every time I try to log in with him my game crashes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled. All of my other characters are able to log into the game. This sucks!
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I got responses to both my tickets and now it's been sent to someone higher....I really need you all to pump the breaks on these updates. Two crashes shut down my console
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Enigmatic
    For those of your experiencing frequent crashes and/or severe game performance issues on Xbox One after the Dark Brotherhood update, please try the following:

    First, power-cycle your Xbox One
    1. Press and hold the Xbox button on the front of your console for 10 seconds.
    2. Once the machine has turned off, disconnect the power cord from the back of the Xbox One and wait two minutes.
    3. Plug the power back in and wait for the power bricks light to go from White to Orange.
    4. Once the power brick has the Orange light, turn the console on and try the game again.
    Next, turn off all apps on your Xbox One, and log into the game.

    If you are crashing continuously on certain characters after trying the troubleshooting steps above, please contact our Support team so they can move the affected characters.

    Please note that these troubleshooting steps are a temporary work-around. We are working on long-term solutions for these crashes and performance issues on Xbox One, some of which will be in the next incremental patch.

    To be fair, these issues have been present since before DB they just become worse after maintenance and each DLC release.

    I have never once found that power-cycling the XBOX resolves any issues with ESO although I will always try it before logging a support ticket or writing a post here.

    My XBOX has been:
    • Factory reset several times purely to try and get ESO to work;
    • ESO has been reinstalled several times because that is the stock response to a help ticket;
    • Power-cycled regularly;
    • Powered off and turned off at the wall every night

    None of these actions have ever resolved (to name a few):
    • My char being stuck in Orsinium trying to do a quest I have been able to do before on other chars. Stuck in a crash loop that doesn't even get into the area of the game;
    • The load screens that randomly appear in many regions;
    • The invisible things that attack in open world areas and dungeons;
    • The almost guaranteed DC when you or someone in your party goes to Grahtwood for a pledge;
    • The texture issues in Wrothgar that have gotten worse;
    • The guaranteed DC if I use a crafting station in Orsinium;
    • The crashing within Elden Root;
    • The new crashing in R'wlaka;
    • The lag that is now evident within the UI when crafting food

    The power-cycling method also does nothing for the newest issue right now where the game is unplayable and we can't log in.

    The game needs some very serious maintenance and fixes as these issues are not local XBOX hardware problems. They are experienced worldwide and by too large a number of players.
    Edited by Enigmatic on June 18, 2016 8:41AM
  • neville_bart0s
    bumping this to the top.

    FIX YOUR *** ZOS
  • Moonscythe
    Elden Root seems to be a dense node of evil. I have 7 active characters in 3 alliances (see my signature)and I have been able to play all of them with only minor glitches since the DB patch; but, my main gear crafter (Scura di Notte) was on the crafting floor in Elden Root when the dlc dropped. She was stuck in the freeze to black then dashboard cycle. I eventually managed to get her down to the first level but she is now totally stuck on the steps of the wayshrine. I need her! Her sisters need gear and she's the only one with enough traits researched. The last time I tried was around 11 or so CDT this morning. I gave up and won't log in again until this is fixed.
    Edited by Moonscythe on June 18, 2016 9:36PM
    Scura di Notte - Altmer Nightblade (gear)
    Lalin del Sombra - Bosmer Sorcerer (alchemy/enchanting)
    Angevin Sarkany - Bosmer Dragonknight
    Alkemene Velothi - Dunmer Warden (Morrowind)
    Sanna yos'Phalen - Altmer Sorcerer (provisioning)
    Cosima di Mattina -Altmer Sorcerer
    Naria Andrano - Dunmer Templar
    Luca della Serata - Redguard Templar
  • Roechacca
    The dungeon in the Gold Coast with the minotaur boss on DC PC keeps crashing from all the farming going on in th

    Sorry too many beers not Xbox

    Edited by Roechacca on June 18, 2016 10:03PM
  • RogueShade
    Can't play my low level toon as she's stuck in Elden Root. I have 3 quests that all require me to go there but it DCs to the point I can't get her out. Can't there be a separate instance for under level 45 toons so we don't need to deal with the undaunted spam zone? Better yet let the undaunted missions be picked up/turned in at any enclave so I can do them again without my higher characters getting trapped too.
    GT: RogueShadow3
    Stuck character is Nineve Starshadow
    Please move her somewhere that loads.
  • Clockwork_Munky
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom The above is a good suggestion. but go one further. Enable writs and Undaunted missions to be collected and turned in at the gold and silver areas too. (Maybe moving the writ hand in locations for orsinium outside the city?)

    The crashes are frustrating for a game that I am really enjoying playing and DLC that I'm liking too.

    Maybe by way of a goodwill gesture the crowns could go on sale for a few days if nothing is going to be offered free?

    Are you able to give us any update on the likelihood of a fix coming this week?

  • KayteeKate33
    Soul Shriven
    Was stuck in Wrothgar since Friday about an hour after I stupidly bought ESO Plus.. Crashed everytime I tried to load. Finally teleported out this morning, but I won't be going back until its fixed. And not even going to attempt DB area until patched. Super aggravating to have a whole dlc that is unplayable. Definitely won't be renewing ESO Plus to pay for dlc I cannot use.
  • Moonscythe
    I escaped the Elden Root prison this morning!! Yay!! It not assisted by any higher force though. I figured if it was ever going to be empty enough to move it would be on a Sunday morning, especially one on a family holiday. It still took two tries but I am free of the miasma of doom that fills Elden Root. After that I crafted and ran around in a nearly deserted game world. it was nice.
    Scura di Notte - Altmer Nightblade (gear)
    Lalin del Sombra - Bosmer Sorcerer (alchemy/enchanting)
    Angevin Sarkany - Bosmer Dragonknight
    Alkemene Velothi - Dunmer Warden (Morrowind)
    Sanna yos'Phalen - Altmer Sorcerer (provisioning)
    Cosima di Mattina -Altmer Sorcerer
    Naria Andrano - Dunmer Templar
    Luca della Serata - Redguard Templar
  • greathero117
    I load up my character, and once I'm in Wrothgar it takes about 3 to 5 seconds for the game to crash. Before it crashes I see black outlines of NPCs and other players, and also outlines of trees and other items. Game is unplayable, and I just bought ESO plus the day of DB update. Sometimes I'm lucky to play for a hour until I crash, followed by consent crashing every character load in.
  • Aeaeren
    Hi everyone,

    We're currently investigating reports of crashing on Xbox One since the Dark Brotherhood patch. We're looking up console IDs for some of you in this thread and others to pull crash logs.

    You can add me to the list, My Sorc is stuck in Orsimium at the bathhouse and every time I try logging on with her it crashes to dashboard.
  • Rokkaru
    Soul Shriven
    I love this game, I really do.

    But this is simply unacceptable.

    I understand the occasional crash.. but ever since Orsinium was realeased the crashes to dashboard have gotten worse and worse with every update. I was excited to play Orsinium so of couse I headed straight there only to crash immediately upon entering the city. I logged back in and was kicked to dashboard after about 5 seconds, this happened everytime. This problem, which seems to be rather widespread according to these forums, persists to this day. I cannot go to Orsinium, I cannot complete the story there, effectively making that DLC worthless.

    After the Imperial City or possibly Thieves Guild was realeased the whole area around the wayshrine/undaunted enclave in Elden Root now has the same issue, making it impossible to go to the captial of that faction, or progress the main story for the aldmeri dominion, preventing a large amount of content from being accessed.

    And now we come to the latest Dark Brotherhood DLC. Again like a fool I was excited to play it! But guess what.. the same issue has appeared again in Kvatch (for me, and other areas around the gold coast for others it seems). The new DLC cannot be completed. Another DLC of content that is worthless. On top of that, i now have the same issue in Abah's Landing, which was FINE when i played through the Thieves Guild storyline.. i dont understand.

    I have several characters that I cannot log in, they just crash to dashboard immediately or after 5 seconds.

    I watched Matt Firor get up on stage at e3 and say that this game is made for us, the fans.. and yet this issue has persisted since Orsinium for a LOT of people. I mean just go through the posts on this forum, there are a TON of people who have issues with Orsinium and Elden Root, not to mention other areas.

    I must be a glutton for punishment, because i keep hoping maybe something will be done. Maybe someone will acknowledge how serious an issue this is and make all this content that is currently unplayable and worthless to me and many others functional again.

    This whole thing where you give them your gamertag and they move you out of the affected areas is ridiculous. You still cant go to that area ever again.. its just ignoring the problem. This problem needs a FIX, not a "WORKAROUND". People pay money for this game, come on!

    Ugh. I am exasperated beyond belief with this. Please do something!
  • PrinceBoru
    The xb1 ESO experience is unbearable at the moment.
    Restart my console?
    Oh, I've been restarting my console, because now I play for a while, suffer through the lag, quit, try again a few hours later, suffer through the lag, quit, try again a few hours later, suffer through the lag, quit and so on and so forth.
    Too bad.
    I'm sure the new content is nice.
    I wouldn't know, as I can't play it without interruption.
    I'm done buying ESO DLC so quickly.
    It ain't easy being green.
  • Vox-Draconis
    In edition to the crashes, when i do actually manage to play for more then 5 minutes, sometimes my audio just cuts out completely, not just for the game but for my Xbox party as well, it happened like 3-4 times today, this headset is brand new btw, and this only happens when I'm playing eso.
  • jaymati
    bought eso plus haven't done any dlc because I went to orsinium and crashed several times could not even log into that character for about an hour, then when i finally logged in teleported back to the regular areas and now im not even going to attempt dlc as I see how many people have problems with it , wasted month of eso plus , thanks guys, to be fair I have only crashed on dlc areas not on the regular areas so Idk what the problem is but you guys better fix it very soon because people are getting tired of this.
  • SolarCat02
    Constant crashes, load screens everywhere... I have actually stopped doing most of PvE because it is so buggy and crashes EVERYWHERE.

    PvP seems to be somewhat stable, so I have been doing more of that. (I do like the changes to Imperial City). I can't do Orsinium at all, I crash just loading in, so I haven't done my writs all week. All main towns in the regular (non-vet) zones crash, and Grahtwoot is a death sentence for any character who visits, so I have not been doing my undaunted dailies even though the dungeons are my favorite part of ESO.

    Then there are the other "minor" issues... In addition to the huge issues there are problems that would be big, if the rest of the game wasn't worse.
    One example, the audio and framerates are very unstable if you have more than three people using abilities in a PvE area. Here is a game clip showing an extreme example (the Arena world boss in the Gold Coast) but this issue is prevalent in most PvE group fights, to varying degrees:
    Why be normal when you can be better?

    Elissandra Ravenwing, Magicka Dragonknight Healer
    Lady Kalila, Stamina Templar DPS
    Stands-in-Danger, Nightblade Saptank
    Zalarah, Stamina Dragonknight DPS
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