
  • Lokey0024
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    If you have a problem getting a nb that goes into cloak, then that is a l2p issue. Try and switch up your build a bit to have an ability or potion on hand to counter a nb. Having problem taking down a nb who cloaks is the same as having a problem taking down a temp who heals back to full health. The counters to cloak is countless.

    On a side note, I find it funny how many people think other classes are op in this oatch. Some people say nb are op. Some say temp is op. Some say dk is op. Sorc is the only one that people don't talk about being op. Is it rrally the classes are all op?Based on the arguments made in the threads concerning certain classes being op, it seems more that each class thrives at something in which players turn around and yell it is op. Perhaps, idk, certain classes are better at some things than others. For temp it is installed heal to full health and rd. For nb it is burst. For dk it is the dots. Sounds to me people are saying what a class is supposed to and does thrive at is op. Perhaps if you don't like what your class thrives at you should change it. Perhaps if you have trouble against a certain vlass/playstyle you should practice more against them. Stop coming to the forums yelling it is all op.

    There Its no Other way for people to voice their displeasure unless they quit outright, which is step 2 in most cases, or in more recent cases exploit 3rd person software. Did you see the templar healing thru 35 meteors? How the hell can you kill this guy of you run into him while doing Dailes?
  • Bone_Demon
    NotPhobia wrote: »
    Not mention , READ the NBs passives , they are so superior to any other classes , its ridiculous , just take the class out of this game , why is there a class where u can go INVISIBLE!!!!

    Every alchemist can go invisible. Also there is a non-cp campaign in which the said "buff" from your original post is non-existent because it solely relies on champion points. And while we're on topic let's ban zerg players because they are ruining my PvP experience mkay?
  • n3b1
    Soul Shriven
    just entered game, cloack is useless, died 10000000000000 times because every skill, including swallow soul and dizzy w/e it's name is, the 2h morph of uppercut pulls me out of stealth, not to mention eu azura is full of zerg, small scale is non existent on that campain, yeah, i'm so happy i'd uninstall
  • kadar
    Can't have a reasonable discussion with people that think NBs have better DoTs than DKs (stam NBs literally don't even have a DoT), that NBs have "better tankiness", or who barely acknowledge that Templars have better healing. Best argument for these ridiculous opinions is "read passives."
    NotPhobia wrote: »
    Not mention , READ the NBs passives , they are so superior to any other classes , its ridiculous , just take the class out of this game , why is there a class where u can go INVISIBLE!!!!
    Anyway, I feel like I'm derailing here. @NotPhobia , you've been quiet on your thread. If you would honestly like assistance in dealing with NBs, I can help. It will require learning and some practice on your part, but it is very doable. Knowing how NBs operate, I haven't had a problem with all but the most skilled NBs in a long time. Anyway you're welcome to PM me or comment here if you're interested.

    PS: you guys think NBs are strong now? Wait til DB hits consoles: the first time to meet a half decent Stamina DK reroll, you'll be in for a treat. :)

  • Lokey0024

    I just said read cripple. Its better then the dots mag dk gets because root, snare and better dmg. If basic health recovery heals almost more then your dot hits for its a bad ability.

    The maths for you. 15k tooltip÷2Then÷10(duration) that's your tick. 750
    Cripple is 6 seconds same dmg done. 1250
    Almost double. Apply a crit mod of 10% passively with the higher base dmg.

    Now how do you think a dk is more tanky? Im asking because i cant think of any logical reason anyone would think this. They heal maybe? Id like to see them out heal a vigor dodgeroll dodgeroll rally. The only response I've got is "cuz reasons" I've pointed out how nightblades have passive damage midigation on ability use, with an ability that adds another 8% (5200 resists) on use and havent heard anything back from anyone refuting any of this.

    And Did i hear you want to heal as good as a templar?


    Edited by Lokey0024 on June 2, 2016 5:42PM
  • SupremeTravie
    @Lokey0024 I agree. I have been saying this for a while now that the NB class before most of this was in a good spot. Obviously, I am biased with it being my main class among other maxed classes and as an avid pvper since beta I thought cloak should keep its negate features. Whatever I can see their points where its annoying and broken but I did think NB's were fine and that the solution was to balance the other classes maybe with some extra powers. I guess I still think their fine with their at. From the style I play with them they are still viable out there and have the goods and bads any class should have.
  • Lokey0024
    @Lokey0024 I agree. I have been saying this for a while now that the NB class before most of this was in a good spot. Obviously, I am biased with it being my main class among other maxed classes and as an avid pvper since beta I thought cloak should keep its negate features. Whatever I can see their points where its annoying and broken but I did think NB's were fine and that the solution was to balance the other classes maybe with some extra powers. I guess I still think their fine with their at. From the style I play with them they are still viable out there and have the goods and bads any class should have.

    Been watching streams of DB gameplay and it looks like they screwed cloak up. Instead of just being able to land meteors its most abilities with a charge. This is gunna be bad.
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    I don't think any class is over powered at the moment. If you look at some of the best players in the game they are all different classes. If NB was overpowered they would all be NB's. You just need to find a strategy man. I get you, we all hate being ganked. NB's do happen to be really good at ganking, but really any class can do it. I know people will disagree but the classes are more balanced now than they were a year ago. Sure there needs to be some tweaks still but I think ZoS is doing a decent job. The big problem is they honestly can't please everyone. Some people will complain about NB's. Some will complain about DK's. So on and so forth.

    Best way to combat NB's is focus on making their strengths their weakness by knowing their combos. Caltrops is great for making sure NB's cannot cloak plus it's good against all classes. Use the terrain, don't let them control the battlefield. If you're getting ganked go the less traveled path next time. Remember your CC's. Every class can be CC'd, NB's aren't immune to this anymore so than another class. Time your burst with the CC. NB's do tend to run high damage but that's not only for NB's either. Think about your everyday NB PvPer. Ambush, soul harvest, surprise attack, fear, surprise attack. Just break free, immediately use a heal and dodge roll right after. Then CC them and start you combo. It's also very beneficial to have enough CP invested to have unchained. Break free and roll a few times with a HoT on. The roll dodges cost next to nothing for 3 seconds and lets you get your HP back to reset the fight. If they cloak use an AoE skill. I HIGHLY suggest using speed/immovable pots. NB's have horrid self heals without investing a lot of CP and with speed pots and snares you can easily keep pressure on them. Another great way to stop them from cloaking is spamming a gap closer. Takes them out of cloak EVERY TIME. With the exception of extra crit damage NB's don't have anything else that any other class can't have as far as damage output goes. I see you don't like the 50 ult charge for soul harvest/incapacitating strikes. Not much I can say, it's an amazing skill that costs very little. Like I said best thing you can do is roll dodge it or block since it's a single target ability. MAKE SURE that once your CC immunity is down you are 100% ready to break free because you will be feared again and be sure if their ULT is up is going to be used. At that point, just do as I mentioned above, break free, HoT or regular heal coupled with a couple of roll dodges.

    I hope that helps. just remember, no class in this game is unbeatable. It's the player that is unbeatable.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • visionality
    NotPhobia wrote: »
    Ok so first off i have to ask , why tf are nbs getting buffs ??? The have the best survivability , dmg and sustain , they have an ultimate that cost 50 and does insane dmg plus heal debuffs you ...but in dark brotherhood that ultimate is also going to STUN and CC you... I dont understand why they keep getting buffs when they need major nerfs , i mean its hard to make a NB build because all their abilities are GOOD , might as well give NBs 7 ability slots on each bar while your at it ZOS , NBs are a serious issue rignt now and they just continue to get better and better , like why is there a class where you can go invisible... not to mention most NBs use shuffle that already immidigates %99.9 of dmg. Soory for the rant , NBs are just ruining my PvP experience and im about to quit with all the buffs that class keeps getting .

    So what do you guys think are some nerfs a nb should get ?

    ZOS needs to read this , NBs are broke!!!!!!!!

    Oh dear! Did a NB kill you? :'(

    Playing all char classes there are, I can assure you that NBs are the squishiest class of all (as every other player can tell you too), and regen is neither higher nor lower then for everybody else - you just have to know how to set up your character and CPs. And EVERYBODY can go invisible, Phobia. Use a potion of invisibility, and - bang! - you're gone.

    Also I don't hear you complaining about mages and streak (why can't anybody else, only MAGES? Unfair!!!), dragonknights and reflect (why can't anybody else, only DK? Unfair!!!) or templars and breath of life/purify/jesusbeam (why can't anybody ... --- you get it, I hope.)

    Best Zenimax nerfes ALL CLASSES so that nobody can ever die again! Or heal. Or ... anything. ;)
  • Junkogen
    Here we go again. Another Sorc all pissy pants about nerfs trying to get NBs nerfed, too. This is getting old. NBs aren't that strong. They just aren't. NB hating is like the liberal media argument, it's a cheap scapegoat with no real substance to the claims.
  • kadar
    Lokey0024 wrote: »

    I just said read cripple. Its better then the dots mag dk gets because root, snare and better dmg. If basic health recovery heals almost more then your dot hits for its a bad ability.

    The maths for you. 15k tooltip÷2Then÷10(duration) that's your tick. 750
    Cripple is 6 seconds same dmg done. 1250
    Almost double. Apply a crit mod of 10% passively with the higher base dmg.

    Now how do you think a dk is more tanky? Im asking because i cant think of any logical reason anyone would think this. They heal maybe? Id like to see them out heal a vigor dodgeroll dodgeroll rally. The only response I've got is "cuz reasons" I've pointed out how nightblades have passive damage midigation on ability use, with an ability that adds another 8% (5200 resists) on use and havent heard anything back from anyone refuting any of this.

    And Did i hear you want to heal as good as a templar?


    NBs have better DoTs than DKs?
    Try to look at it objectively. mDks have Burning Embers + Engulfing Flames + Flames of Oblivion + Talons + Eruption, and mNBs have Cripple (and Lotus?). Stamina NBs have zero DoTs. DoTs with longer durations are generally considered better because you don't have to reapply them as often. DKs DoTs do more damage and don't need to be reapplied as often. Also, they also have secondary effects just as good if not better: Burning Embers beats Cripple any day, imo. 75% of damage done = healing.

    How do I think a dk is more tanky?
    1) From passives alone: 10% more damage reduction from blocking, 12% healing received, 5% health recov per Draconic ability, 3300 spell resist, Battle Roar (one of the best passives in the game; basically an instant reset when dropping an ult like standard).
    2) Since you brought skills into the picture: STANDARD, Ferocious Leap, Hardened Armor, Dragon Blood (needs a buff, still contributes to DK tankiness), WINGS, Inhale, Magma Armor, Igneous Shield.
    3) And last but not least, the reason that a Stam or Magicka DK will outheal either a Stam or Magicka NB: Major Mending. Every time a DK casts Igneous Shield, healing from all sources is 25% stronger. Vigor + Rally on a DK will out heal the same from a NB. As you can see DKs have passive mitigation as well.
    ^All of the above contributes to DKs being naturally tankier than NBs.

    I can't believe you made me type all that out. I thought you played a DK? What gives, man? :s
  • Lokey0024
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.

  • bowmanz607
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.

    O dear did you just look to health regeneration as an argument to why something is good....OK

    Nb tankiest build in game....ok...they are solid but not the tankiest

    200-400 damage...on a 2k to 3k hit sure. People hit much harder than that. Additionally, adding in animation canceling and high burst combos the amount of damage blocked over a 1-2 second duration adds up real quick. Next thing you know your blocking major damage in a short time over people without 10% mitigation. Especially when getting hit by multiple targets.
  • Lokey0024
    What I'm saying is of you do your homework,theorycraft builds, and see the numbers you can pull. I have and this is the results. Bring other class strengths inline to NB level and see how much diversity happens. How do you think stam sorcs became a thing?
  • bowmanz607
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    What I'm saying is of you do your homework,theorycraft builds, and see the numbers you can pull. I have and this is the results. Bring other class strengths inline to NB level and see how much diversity happens. How do you think stam sorcs became a thing?

    Each class has tweaks that can be made. Imo all classes are pretty strong in in their own ways at this point. Sorc is the only one still lacking. Tweaks to class and weapon skills and an in depth look at sorcs.
  • Mauz
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    ...theorycraft builds, and see the numbers you can pull. I have and this is the results...

    Stats are only one side of the coin. There are too many synergies that balancing can just be done by looking at passives and some dots.

    Whats in my opinion off balance right now is the high dmg and generally scaling defensive abilites off the same resource like the offensive ones does make it difficult to balance. There are no soft caps so you can stack any stat "through the roof" + cp system making it possible to have a glass canon which becomes in the right hands pretty tanky. This results in a burst meta.

    Therefore it wont help to look at passives and abilities of single classes. The problem are builds with 4k+ weapon dmg, 35k+ stamina which can maintain 50% dodge rate with 15k+ vigors up 24/7 and 10k+ rally heals if it gets close. Similar can be done for magicka chars. This has to be solved first. The whole game is just about instagib someone who is making a mistake or being instagibed by someone if you make a mistake on your own.

    All mmorpgs are going down that road with scaling offensive and defensive abilities from the same resource which makes it in my opinion difficult to balance. Giving an RL example: if you increase the weapon load of a fighter aircraft it becomes slower, if you want to make it stealthy its less manoverable, if you have a transport aircraft and you like to increase the capacity you need longer runways of better quality. Everything has a price. In ESO it doesn't. It's like with every ton of payload your plane gets faster, more manoeverable and stealthy and has higher range. Thats not good.

  • Lokey0024
    There is a basic template every class needs. Buffs, damage, survival abilities, and finishers.

    As soon as these needs are sated then go to the balancing.
  • Lord-Otto
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.

    O dear did you just look to health regeneration as an argument to why something is good....OK

    Nb tankiest build in game....ok...they are solid but not the tankiest

    200-400 damage...on a 2k to 3k hit sure. People hit much harder than that. Additionally, adding in animation canceling and high burst combos the amount of damage blocked over a 1-2 second duration adds up real quick. Next thing you know your blocking major damage in a short time over people without 10% mitigation. Especially when getting hit by multiple targets.

    WTT 10% more blocking for 5200 spell/physical resist passive. Will also give 3000 spell resist passive, if demanded.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    susmitds wrote: »
    Then why don't you try playing one and learn to play?

    Best advice. Roll a Nightblade, pay attention to what kills you. Then do that to Nightblades.

    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • CovertDistress4
    For those who dislike the buffs to and then play one. Then tell us how much you dislike the nb class.
    I've played a stam blade and magblade, a mag templar a mag sorc and after dlc a stamplar... all to vet level... of all these toons... the stamblade is by far the most challenging to play with any success... templars, ridiculously easy to learn, sorc... wtf? So easy it's boring.
    Not trying to take away from anyone's "skill" , just play a nb... then when you complain, it will have more weight... ruining your experiene? Lol... sorry in gaming as in life, not everyone gets a trophy for just showing up.
  • kadar
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.
    Wait, what? Everything I said in my last comment is fact. I literally read it off my DK in game post DB update. I'm "throwing out misinformation?" Also, it's not "my" class. I play em all. Check Sig.

    *I* deliberately ignore stuff? Let's count how many things you ignored from my comment: 1, 2, 3....~11. You litterally asked why people think DKs are tanky in another comment. That's Why. And then you replay with insults...
    --Health recovery: If that's all it takes to make you tanky, I need to play my nord more.
    --10% block dmg: Is a percent...You can't assign flat values to it because it's based on dmg done...
    --NB tank? If it's so good, you should make one, make a vid, and create the new meta. All jokes aside, no one plays NB tanks. They can't compete with DKs in PVE content (because there's more to being tanky than passives, LOL.), and NB tanks in Cyrodiil are just DKs with worse group Ultimates.
    --"If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view."
    -- Is this your explanation of why Major Mending isn't an issue? Just disappear? We've been over this. 1) Major Mending, like I said earlier, means that a DK will out heal a NB overall. 2) Idk how the level of play is on consoles, but on PC, Cloak is effective against inexperienced players. It can buy you some time with some misdirection, but that's it. It's an amazing skill, but it does not make NBs more "tanky" than any other class. Try "slippery" yes. Maybe your faith in Cloak is platform based, idk.
  • kadar
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.

    O dear did you just look to health regeneration as an argument to why something is good....OK

    Nb tankiest build in game....ok...they are solid but not the tankiest

    200-400 damage...on a 2k to 3k hit sure. People hit much harder than that. Additionally, adding in animation canceling and high burst combos the amount of damage blocked over a 1-2 second duration adds up real quick. Next thing you know your blocking major damage in a short time over people without 10% mitigation. Especially when getting hit by multiple targets.

    WTT 10% more blocking for 5200 spell/physical resist passive. Will also give 3000 spell resist passive, if demanded. already have that... Every time you cast Hardened Armor.
  • vamp_emily
    n3b1 wrote: »
    just entered game, cloack is useless, died 10000000000000 times because every skill, including swallow soul and dizzy w/e it's name is, the 2h morph of uppercut pulls me out of stealth, not to mention eu azura is full of zerg, small scale is non existent on that campain, yeah, i'm so happy i'd uninstall

    Wow, you must play a lot. If you died 10,000,000,000,000 times, it might be a L2P issue. :)

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Lokey0024
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.
    Wait, what? Everything I said in my last comment is fact. I literally read it off my DK in game post DB update. I'm "throwing out misinformation?" Also, it's not "my" class. I play em all. Check Sig.

    *I* deliberately ignore stuff? Let's count how many things you ignored from my comment: 1, 2, 3....~11. You litterally asked why people think DKs are tanky in another comment. That's Why. And then you replay with insults...
    --Health recovery: If that's all it takes to make you tanky, I need to play my nord more.
    --10% block dmg: Is a percent...You can't assign flat values to it because it's based on dmg done...
    --NB tank? If it's so good, you should make one, make a vid, and create the new meta. All jokes aside, no one plays NB tanks. They can't compete with DKs in PVE content (because there's more to being tanky than passives, LOL.), and NB tanks in Cyrodiil are just DKs with worse group Ultimates.
    --"If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view."
    -- Is this your explanation of why Major Mending isn't an issue? Just disappear? We've been over this. 1) Major Mending, like I said earlier, means that a DK will out heal a NB overall. 2) Idk how the level of play is on consoles, but on PC, Cloak is effective against inexperienced players. It can buy you some time with some misdirection, but that's it. It's an amazing skill, but it does not make NBs more "tanky" than any other class. Try "slippery" yes. Maybe your faith in Cloak is platform based, idk.
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.
    Wait, what? Everything I said in my last comment is fact. I literally read it off my DK in game post DB update. I'm "throwing out misinformation?" Also, it's not "my" class. I play em all. Check Sig.

    *I* deliberately ignore stuff? Let's count how many things you ignored from my comment: 1, 2, 3....~11. You litterally asked why people think DKs are tanky in another comment. That's Why. And then you replay with insults...
    --Health recovery: If that's all it takes to make you tanky, I need to play my nord more.
    --10% block dmg: Is a percent...You can't assign flat values to it because it's based on dmg done...
    --NB tank? If it's so good, you should make one, make a vid, and create the new meta. All jokes aside, no one plays NB tanks. They can't compete with DKs in PVE content (because there's more to being tanky than passives, LOL.), and NB tanks in Cyrodiil are just DKs with worse group Ultimates.
    --"If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view."
    -- Is this your explanation of why Major Mending isn't an issue? Just disappear? We've been over this. 1) Major Mending, like I said earlier, means that a DK will out heal a NB overall. 2) Idk how the level of play is on consoles, but on PC, Cloak is effective against inexperienced players. It can buy you some time with some misdirection, but that's it. It's an amazing skill, but it does not make NBs more "tanky" than any other class. Try "slippery" yes. Maybe your faith in Cloak is platform based, idk.

    Im not going to respond to your high school level debate class arguments. The reason i brought up half of these is because you specifically mentioned them as reasons why dk is tankier then NB. You have shown me, and hopefully anyone who matters that reads this, how ridiculous the arguments are to leave every thing as is and go forward like nothing is imbalanced. If this was your intent, good show, sir.
  • Jaronking
    @The_Outsider Why are you still arguing with @Lokey0024 he won't just admit that he is wrong no matter how much evidence you bring to counter his ridiculous claim.Your wasting your time explaining things to him because he will keep ignoring your points he won't admit he can possible be wrong no matter how many people tell him otherwise.
  • Lokey0024

    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.

    O dear did you just look to health regeneration as an argument to why something is good....OK

    Nb tankiest build in game....ok...they are solid but not the tankiest

    200-400 damage...on a 2k to 3k hit sure. People hit much harder than that. Additionally, adding in animation canceling and high burst combos the amount of damage blocked over a 1-2 second duration adds up real quick. Next thing you know your blocking major damage in a short time over people without 10% mitigation. Especially when getting hit by multiple targets.

    WTT 10% more blocking for 5200 spell/physical resist passive. Will also give 3000 spell resist passive, if demanded. already have that... Every time you cast Hardened Armor.

    But you have This already dk, on your bar, taking up space, that could be used for other things..../sarcasm off
    Edited by Lokey0024 on June 3, 2016 7:13PM
  • bowmanz607
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.

    O dear did you just look to health regeneration as an argument to why something is good....OK

    Nb tankiest build in game....ok...they are solid but not the tankiest

    200-400 damage...on a 2k to 3k hit sure. People hit much harder than that. Additionally, adding in animation canceling and high burst combos the amount of damage blocked over a 1-2 second duration adds up real quick. Next thing you know your blocking major damage in a short time over people without 10% mitigation. Especially when getting hit by multiple targets.

    WTT 10% more blocking for 5200 spell/physical resist passive. Will also give 3000 spell resist passive, if demanded. already have that... Every time you cast Hardened Armor.

    But you have This already dk, on your bar, taking up space, that could be used for other things..../sarcasm off

    Ahhhhh zos found a way how to create diversity in builds rather than just give everyone the same skill.
  • Jaronking
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    Lord-Otto wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Lokey0024 wrote: »
    @The_Outsider you just don't get it. You deliberately ignore stuff, just dont have the brains to figure out what is right in front of you, or are arguing to throw out misinformation because you don't want your class nerfed.

    Nightblades get 15% health recovery without having to slot any thing.

    10% block dmg equates to 200-400 dmg.

    If you had to stand in plain view of someone attacking you while healing is see not having mending being an issue. But you can dissa4kingpear from view.

    Not sure if you knew this but the tankiest build in the game is a heavy armor Nightblade. The passive health regen, bonus health % for shadow abilities( which you more then likely have suprise attack and mass hysteria on your front bar 6% max health anyone?) and siphoning attacks ( which makes heavy armor build on a nightblade sustain better then any other class) make it not only viable But down right dangerous.

    O dear did you just look to health regeneration as an argument to why something is good....OK

    Nb tankiest build in game....ok...they are solid but not the tankiest

    200-400 damage...on a 2k to 3k hit sure. People hit much harder than that. Additionally, adding in animation canceling and high burst combos the amount of damage blocked over a 1-2 second duration adds up real quick. Next thing you know your blocking major damage in a short time over people without 10% mitigation. Especially when getting hit by multiple targets.

    WTT 10% more blocking for 5200 spell/physical resist passive. Will also give 3000 spell resist passive, if demanded. already have that... Every time you cast Hardened Armor.

    But you have This already dk, on your bar, taking up space, that could be used for other things..../sarcasm off
    Really that's your agruement one passive make NB more tanky then DK because they have to use a ability which last longer then 8 seconds.Alright that makes a lot of sense in your head I guess.
  • Lokey0024

    What else can you attribute it to?

    A quick synopsis

    Post:"i feel DKs are tankier then NBs"
    Me: "well according to all tooltips and abilities ive read they should have less damage midigation then NB, in fact when you cast the more popular NB abilities they get more damage midigation then if a DK slots and uses their best damage midigation tool."
    Post:"well your wrong because i feel this way"
    Me:"wtf are you talking about?"

    I guess we should balance around feelings guys.
    Edited by Lokey0024 on June 3, 2016 7:37PM
  • Jaronking
    Lokey0024 wrote: »

    What else can you attribute it to?

    A quick synopsis

    Post:"i feel DKs are tankier then NBs"
    Me: "well according to all tooltips and abilities ive read they should have less damage midigation then NB, in fact when you cast the more popular NB abilities they get more damage midigation then if a DK slots and uses their best damage midigation tool."
    Post:"well your wrong because i feel this way"
    Me:"wtf are you talking about?"

    I guess we should balance around feelings guys.
    No one said your wrong because of feeling but countless people in multiple threads have explained to you how the abilities work and how what you think is write is wrong.For example the 10 damage mitigation which you stated only blocks about 200 damage which is completely wrong since it scales with how much damage the person you are fighting deals.Not to mentioned you get the same amount of mitigation both give major resolve and major ward the DK just last longer then the NB.Not to mentioned Major mending just put all of their defensive abilitws over the top something NB can't deal with.Its the reasom people claim the counter class to Stamblade are StamDK they can survive our burst.Any dueler will tell you a StamDk build with the same stamine health weapon damage as a stamblade with equal skill will defeat that NB just about every time.
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