thats me tried normal on the pts then decided to stick to learning veteran insteadwhy does that make me a troll though?
Totalitarian wrote: »I can finish normal mode flawlessly but can't beat the 1st boss on vet mode (probably from a lack of effort)
If I can get a title that says 'Mediocre Conqueror'.
RedRoomGaming wrote: »Normal is easy but vet level whoaaahh! I got to round 3 no deaths then BAM that lamia boss destroyed me like a piece of chicken at a bbq
So you tried it on the PTS, then voted didnt try it? Would it have been to ego crushing to say no lol.
pts was different from live so cant be counted you know different difficulty and template characters with maelstrom weapons etc but yeah did normal there not on live . I completed veteran on live so no egos intact but as it stands ive not set foot in normal mode on the live server.
heres when both achieves procced after vet as proof
I don't doubt you can do maelstrom on vet. Playing it on pts or live, there's no difference, it's much easier than vet either way. I'm not saying your a bad player, but if you tried it on pts and you should have voted "no". Your ego can't accept that though
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »I never tried normal probably because all my characters were VR before it came out. I never saw any option to try it on normal as far as i know.
Erm... I don't think you understand what "normal" means.
Here, "normal" and "vet" simply mean two tiers of difficulty. It has absolutely nothing to do with your character's level or whether they are VR.
Both nMA and vMA are scaled to your character's level. If you enter nMA with a level 10 character, you'll fight level 10 enemies, and if you enter with a VR16 character, you'll fight VR16 enemies with VR16 health doing VR16 damage to you.
The only caveat is that, like vet dungeons, you cannot enter vMA until you've reached VR1.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
Which is why I said I never had the option to do it on normal since all my characters are vet rank and were long before it came out.
No, you still do not understand.
You can do nMA at any level. Whether it's level 10 or VR16. vMA is not about doing Maelstrom at VR level. To do vMA, you must change the difficulty mode to Veteran, and this option exists only for VR characters. The option to do this at the Normal difficulty is always there regardless of whether your character is VR.
ZOS gets part of the blame for having "Veteran" mean two separate, unrelated things. It would be better if they had simply renamed it to "Easy" and "Hard" modes instead of "Normal" and "Veteran" modes. You can do Easy MA at any level. You have the option to do Hard MA once your reach VR1 by setting your difficulty toggle to the appropriate setting.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Thats also why I said "as far as I know I was never offered the option". all you really had to say instead of being condescending is just say you switch the difficulty when you enter or whatever.
You've been playing since launch and never noticed the difficulty setting that's been there since forever? It's the same one you use for dungeons.