Drazorious wrote: »I have seen on the forums multiple times people say sell them for Tel Var and I think that would be a great idea.
MrTarkanian48 wrote: ».
For all the above reasons, when exploits like the crafting surveys occur, its no wonder why players try to take advantage of them.
KingWhyteboi wrote: »Drazorious wrote: »I have seen on the forums multiple times people say sell them for Tel Var and I think that would be a great idea.
i agree with this i wish tel var had meaning
Between writs, hirelings, and a small amount of farming and refining gold upgrade mats are not very hard to get. It just takes skill points and time. I don't get to play much and I get quite a few a week from farming. If I spent all my time in PVP instead of farming then I wouldn't get as many if any at all. If you want to have the best stuff, you have to work. If you want okay gear just do the fun stuff only. You don't have to have legendary armor to survive and do well.
nordsavage wrote: »Some of you have not been here long enough or do not remember that before DLC started rolling out this frequently that there were several nerfs to gold mat drop rates.
nordsavage wrote: »nordsavage wrote: »Legendary does not mean rarity it means powerful.
Umm wasn't the OP about low drop rate with these gold mats? And how long it takes to acquire them? And whys that? Because of "Rarity" Yes it's a number booster but it still takes decent time gathering them. Hence why I say it defeats the purpose of it being labeled as Legendary if anyone can get them at any giving time.
Legendary = Lowest drop rare = Rarity = Valuable = Powerful
English please.
nordsavage wrote: »nordsavage wrote: »Legendary does not mean rarity it means powerful.
Umm wasn't the OP about low drop rate with these gold mats? And how long it takes to acquire them? And whys that? Because of "Rarity" Yes it's a number booster but it still takes decent time gathering them. Hence why I say it defeats the purpose of it being labeled as Legendary if anyone can get them at any giving time.
Legendary = Lowest drop rare = Rarity = Valuable = Powerful
English please.
I don't see what was so hard understand my last post....but don't get me wrong I do agree with you taking too long and a sh*t load of quantity gathering the amount needed for golds mats especially with constant changes in gearing/traits/sets but they don't need to increase the drop rate only because it's not so bad as you make it out to be. IMO reduce quantity required for improvement to 100% to 5-6 needed instead of 8...
YES it's rare but it is possible for everyone even for casual players to acquire those materials. We can't be expecting to gather enough mats in a day or so just to completely gold out a complete build regardless of what game it is. It should always take time and effort acquiring them.
Like you qouted "Legendary means Powerful"
Do you really want everyone to spend little effort and little time to achieve the most powerful gear in the game?
Why not just implement a system whereby a master crafter has the ability to rework gear?
The cost to do so could be:
- Some amount of base material from which the item is made (say 20% to 25% of the amount needed to create a new item of that level). Additional material invested could allow the item to be raised in level, say from v9 to v14.
- The trait material that you are moving to (optional, only if desired)
- 1 piece of the item 'quality' component based on the current quality of the item in question (e.g., elegant lining for epic cloth, dreugh wax for legendary cloth, etc.)
This would still require a cost, but not so much as creating a completely new piece. It would also help with 'ooops' situations where something didn't go as intended.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »Prices are ridiculous, cant even imagine making 7 pieces of heavy and 2 maces legendary. ZOS need to do something about it.
nordsavage wrote: »This thread is a petition and a request to the developers that legendary crafting improvers (gold mats) receive an increase in drop rate or a reduction in the number needed to have a 100% chance to improve to five or six. My number one concern is that for some time now Tempering Alloy and Dreugh Wax prices have gotten out of hand. Even those with gold reserves are feeling the pinch. My most recent concern is with the introduction of so many new traits and alterations to passives so much gear is going to need to be forcibly replaced or recrafted. The best example of this the removal of bracing and the retuning of sturdy. If a set of seven heavy armor pieces and two weapons are replaced and reset to legendary the cost at current average prices is about 450,000 gold. If you wanted to replace a full set of light/medium armor you are looking at about 200,000g price tag before altering weapons to match. Those numbers are on PC and do not include base material or purchased set item, style, trait and lesser improvers before legendary quality. "Grind the mats yourself" you say? Any player who has spent any amount of time farming raw materials only to be lucky to see one gold mat for every 200-300 refinements can tell you the work does not match the reward. Seeing as how the rate of DLC releases has become quarterly and gameplay is in constant flux this merits much consideration.
nordsavage wrote: »This thread is a petition and a request to the developers that legendary crafting improvers (gold mats) receive an increase in drop rate or a reduction in the number needed to have a 100% chance to improve to five or six. My number one concern is that for some time now Tempering Alloy and Dreugh Wax prices have gotten out of hand. Even those with gold reserves are feeling the pinch. My most recent concern is with the introduction of so many new traits and alterations to passives so much gear is going to need to be forcibly replaced or recrafted. The best example of this the removal of bracing and the retuning of sturdy. If a set of seven heavy armor pieces and two weapons are replaced and reset to legendary the cost at current average prices is about 450,000 gold. If you wanted to replace a full set of light/medium armor you are looking at about 200,000g price tag before altering weapons to match. Those numbers are on PC and do not include base material or purchased set item, style, trait and lesser improvers before legendary quality. "Grind the mats yourself" you say? Any player who has spent any amount of time farming raw materials only to be lucky to see one gold mat for every 200-300 refinements can tell you the work does not match the reward. Seeing as how the rate of DLC releases has become quarterly and gameplay is in constant flux this merits much consideration.
Have you ever played an mmo before. Probably not because you don't know what your talking about. the end game high level gear shouldn't be easy to get. Epic gear does fine for 90% of the content. Legendary gear your suppose to work for it not just given to you. The only thing that should be changed is the critical trait for staffs sI destro staffs and healing staffs actually get used instead of duel swords
Do your writs, if you want to earn the gold mats.
Go farming and sell stuff, if you want to purchase gold mats.
Go farming and refine stuff with a chance of receiving gold mats.
I did some farming in the last couple of days, within 2-3 hours, I came up with about 1000 ore, 600 wood, 100 cloth and 50 leather. Plus 150 items for destruction, plus runes, plus glyphs and further stuff from chests, plus CPs.
So acquiring the mats is doable (light/medium material obviously takes some time, maybe purchasing is faster...), if you really have the desire to do so. I'm pretty sure that two weeks of farming will result in enough of gold mats, mats, money and everything else.
Only downside: It's boring and there is not enough storage room.
1.5k tel var for a gold mat would be lovely