Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Blackhand's of Sithis Recruiting

  • Steel_Linx43
    Good job, still recruiting guys
  • Death_Angel27
    Do your guild members run dungeons a lot?
    V16 Sorcerer-DPS
    V16 NightBlade-DPS
    V16 Templar-DPS
    501+ CP
  • Steel_Linx43
    We have begun running dungeons daily almost my 3rd in command and his cohort Doneminotaur run them often. Also hitting the pvp undaunted and trials scene too. We ran the sewers in Cyrodil this past weekend
  • Steel_Linx43
    Let's get your gamer tag we will get you an invite @Death_Angel27
  • Death_Angel27
    GT: King Thanatus
    Let's get your gamer tag we will get you an invite @Death_Angel27
    V16 Sorcerer-DPS
    V16 NightBlade-DPS
    V16 Templar-DPS
    501+ CP
  • Steel_Linx43
    Invite sent
  • SteamedSatsuma7
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join gt: SteamedSatsuma7
  • Steel_Linx43
    Invite sent
  • JelliedBigfoot
    GT: JelliedBigfoot
  • Steel_Linx43
    We will get you an invite shortly welcome to the guild
  • Steel_Linx43
    Still recruiting
  • Steel_Linx43
    We are here to help all members whether it be leveling, pvp builds, questing dungeon running, need advice ask one of our helpful blackhands
  • SgtLarry
    Played back when the game came out on xbox one but just recently getting back into it. My olde guilds are gone because the players stopped playing. Just looking for a guild that has active players and who are willing to help out others.

    Gamertag: Noble Sgt Larry
  • Steel_Linx43
    Invite will be sent shortly
  • Steel_Linx43
    Invite sent
  • Steel_Linx43
    We have over 800 spots open come join us
  • Steel_Linx43
    Still looking for members
  • Balibe
    Still looking for members
    Still looking for members ????? Need an active guild chat to keep active members .....

    I received a random invite in the game ..... accepted two days ago .....

    How come no one is in guild chat talking for two evening's in a row? There were two in channel 1 and one in channel 3 tonight but no one talking, one of them had a mic constantly active feeding nothing but static. If there was anyone available to chat with there would of been no way to chat with the static feedback .....

    I was in chat tonight from 11.00p-12.00midnight EST and yes I did speak out in both channels showing members to see if anyone was active, no one online responded. Was the same thing last night at a slightly earlier time in the evening. I even got a new message of the day change while in chat tonight, so an officer was online but not in chat .....

    If you are going to constantly promote your guild in the forums you should have an active chat. If it is not you supporting the guild in chat, one of your officers should be. Since chat is quiet it might explain the history I reviewed with a lot people including myself joining and leaving a day or two later. The time frame is not a slow time like the middle of the night. 11.00p EST is prime evening for 10.00 CST / 9.00 MST / 8.00n PST .....

    I wish you well with your guild ..... Sorry I had to leave but I need an active guild chat to assist people and request assistant when I need. I also like to group up and that is hard to do with no one in guild chat .....

  • Steel_Linx43
    Sorry that you didn't find our guild to be a fit for you. I've always been upfront that guild chat is hit and miss. I understand the frustration it's just one of those things that is a work in progress. Alot of my guys are grouped so it can be difficult to stay in chat. I hope you find a guild that better suits you thanks for the feedback.
  • android331
    GT: Ka07iiC
  • Steel_Linx43
    We will get you an invite shortly
  • Steel_Linx43
    We will get you an invite shortly
  • Steel_Linx43
    Invite sent
  • scottishwop
    Soul Shriven
    Would like to join. GT: ScottishWOP
  • Steel_Linx43
    Invite sent
  • Steel_Linx43
    Won our trader 2nd week in a row come trade with us.
  • Steel_Linx43
    Still recruiting guys
  • pdeizel
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Pdeizel
  • Steel_Linx43
    Invite sent
  • drake51289
    Soul Shriven
    Would like to Join

    GT: Shipopi722
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