Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [IN PROGRESS] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [IN PROGRESS] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [IN PROGRESS] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

5000 Crowns for the upcoming assistants. Worth it ? ^^

  • JKorr
    UrQuan wrote: »
    The real question is will the merchant offer repair services such as all other merchants offer....
    We already know that the merchant doesn't.

    Thanks for the answer. Does the banker give you access to your guild banks, or only your personal bank?

    Well, the part I cut and pasted says "personal bank". I'd guess that rules out guild bank. Of course I could be wrong. RL has limited my playing time, so I haven't played the pts version.
  • Conquistador
    Zenimax wrote: »
    [...]and will be priced at 5,000 crowns to reflect their unique convenience, group-wide utility, and practical services.

  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    Edited by flguy147ub17_ESO on March 28, 2016 5:31PM
  • Flaminir
    Ok... so it seems to be that the vast vast majority are all of the same voice... that the assistants in their current state are not even worth considering at that crazy price (Basically the cost of two entire DLC's... just for a couple of NPC's to put it into perspective).

    SO I'll pose you this question...

    What could ZoS do to the NPC's which would make you consider them better value???

    (Note... BETTER value... 5000 crowns is still WAY too high whatever they do!)

    I'll start with the obvious one...
    1. Make the merchant able to repair armor
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • Thornen
    Flaminir wrote: »
    Ok... so it seems to be that the vast vast majority are all of the same voice... that the assistants in their current state are not even worth considering at that crazy price (Basically the cost of two entire DLC's... just for a couple of NPC's to put it into perspective).

    SO I'll pose you this question...

    What could ZoS do to the NPC's which would make you consider them better value???

    (Note... BETTER value... 5000 crowns is still WAY too high whatever they do!)

    I'll start with the obvious one...
    1. Make the merchant able to repair armor

    Make them cheaper than an actual game for one ffs. I'm over it Zos has proven to me that they only value me as a dollar sign so yeh my wallets closed from here on out. If they want me to support this game like I've stupidly done so far then they need to start earning it.
  • AlienSlof
    5k crowns per assistant. ZoS, that's just greedy. Shame on you. I was going to buy both, but now I probably won't buy either of them. Lost some revenue right there. Well done.
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • wayfarerx
    I was really looking forward to getting these, but 5k each is just silly. They need to be at most half that price for me to even consider it.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • UrQuan
    Flaminir wrote: »
    Ok... so it seems to be that the vast vast majority are all of the same voice... that the assistants in their current state are not even worth considering at that crazy price (Basically the cost of two entire DLC's... just for a couple of NPC's to put it into perspective).

    SO I'll pose you this question...

    What could ZoS do to the NPC's which would make you consider them better value???

    (Note... BETTER value... 5000 crowns is still WAY too high whatever they do!)

    I'll start with the obvious one...
    1. Make the merchant able to repair armor
    Having the assistants do more isn't a good idea. There have to be disadvantages to using them so that people who have the assistants still have reasons to go to towns, because it would be bad for the game if the towns became ghost towns.

    I'd much rather see them keep their current limited abilities and be reduced in price. I can't imagine many people will buy them at 5000 Crowns each, even if they did everything a regular banker or merchant did. Unlike purely cosmetic items, ZOS would have had to do more than just create the models/skins for the assistants. They would have had to add mechanics around how they're summoned, where they can and can't be summoned, etc. Because of that, I don't think they can rely just on the whales to make the assistants sufficiently profitable for them. IMO they need a larger target market, and that means lowering the price.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Gidorick
    5K crowns?!?! WOAH... lol. How can this be seen as anything OTHER than a cash grab from whales.

    I know I'm just a simple forum poster, but man... I wish they would have implemented assistants how I suggested them over a year ago...
    Gidorick wrote: »
    The idea of beast merchants isn't anything new to the Elder Scrolls. Morrowind has both the Mudcrab Merchant and the Creeper. The Crown Store could sell items that would allow players to summon these beast merchants while out and about.

    Each item should be a one time use consumable item that should be sold through the Crown Store and obtainable once through in-game questing. The player could even be required to complete the quests before they can buy the Summoning Items from the Crown Store.

    Mudbrab Merchant Bait: One time use. Players pull out some crumbs, scatter them on the ground and the Mudcrab crawls out of the ground, ready to buy, sell, or repair!

    Creeper Effigy: One time use. Players pull out a little scamp effigy and burn it. The Creeper merchant appears out of thin air through a puff of smoke, ready to buy or launder your stolen items.

    Goblin Banker Coin: One time use. Players pull out a coin purse, retrieves one gold coin and toss it into the air in front of them. A well dressed Goblin (well, for a goblin anyway) riding a Bristleback trots up. Behind the Goblin, on the back of the boar, is a lockbox while various bags and satchels hang down its side. The Goblin is there for you to access your personal bank only.

    NOTE: I find it funny that when I was looking for "Goblin Banker" images I discovered there are goblin bankers in WoW. I don't think this means ESO can't have a goblin banker also.

    These would be very useful items that many players would be grateful to be able to have with them.
    Gidorick wrote: »
    ...I think there are few benefits that ESO Plus could include to make the program more enticing for new and old players alike
    Edited by Gidorick on March 28, 2016 5:41PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • sparafucilsarwb17_ESO
    Someone at ZOS has lot their minds...there is no way in hell I would pay for an npc the same as I would for 2 dlc's.

  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    giphy.gifThis is exactly how i am starting to feel about ZOS, how can you just finish releasing a really buggy and laggy DLC and then throw on a 40 dollar assistant a week later in our face?  Hahaha, this is almost turning into comedy movie.
    Edited by flguy147ub17_ESO on March 28, 2016 6:15PM
  • NewBlacksmurf
    heck NO
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Gidorick
    Thornen wrote: »
    Flaminir wrote: »
    Ok... so it seems to be that the vast vast majority are all of the same voice... that the assistants in their current state are not even worth considering at that crazy price (Basically the cost of two entire DLC's... just for a couple of NPC's to put it into perspective).

    SO I'll pose you this question...

    What could ZoS do to the NPC's which would make you consider them better value???

    (Note... BETTER value... 5000 crowns is still WAY too high whatever they do!)

    I'll start with the obvious one...
    1. Make the merchant able to repair armor

    Make them cheaper than an actual game for one ffs. I'm over it Zos has proven to me that they only value me as a dollar sign so yeh my wallets closed from here on out. If they want me to support this game like I've stupidly done so far then they need to start earning it.

    What, the FREE 1500 crowns per month isn't enough @Thornen ? It'll only take 7 months of saving if you want to buy both!


    It's quite clear why they priced it like this. ZOS cares nothing for the longevity of this game. They only care about how much they can squeeze out of the player base to post on the next quarter profit and earnings statement.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Sheezabeast
    I would consider this at 3K Crowns....but 5k?

    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Thornen

    Clearly the case for the people in charge of this game.
  • Seraseth
    I'd pay 2k crowns for the banker, but not 5k. The vendor I wouldn't bother, there are plenty of traveling merchants, and vendors in outposts all over. Who can also repair.
  • AlienSlof
    Even though I have plenty of crowns sitting in my account, I can't afford to get any more, and so I'd rather use them on stuff with a more sensible price tag to make them go a bit further. I am a retired lady on a limited budget.
    Bionic Crazy Cat Lady
  • Miszou
    It does say "group utility" though.... so if you were a real generous sort of fellow, you could buy one just to help out your squad...
  • NateAssassin
    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
  • Acrolas
    I can't even take Nuzhimeh to that quiet place by the docks and have the sexytime with her.
    I'll just save myself the coin and go to that place that Abnur Tharn recommended.
    At least a rash is more concealable than buyers remorse.
    signing off
  • jcasini222ub17_ESO
    While many of us may be flabbergasted by the price their internal metrics measuring spending per account, on hand crowns, freq of sales cross platforms, freq of crown use for eso+ and possibly other data makes me believe this price point is on point. That being said its priced to certain players: those who collect everything, those who find the convience worth it, and players usually termed 'whales'.

    To me it seems there metrics say this will be a solid revenue generator even though many here may disagree with that assessment.

    Like @Ourorboros has been saying speak with your wallets.

    I'll add Ive admired they're number crunchers for awhile, since the release of the xp scrolls. Notice how they pumped out alot of fluff to drain accumulated crowns before those scrolls were put in store. They clearly have a solid milk strategy even if people disagree with that approach.

  • BoloBoffin
    Miszou wrote: »
    It does say "group utility" though.... so if you were a real generous sort of fellow, you could buy one just to help out your squad...

    Although the banker, if I'm reading correctly, will only deposit into the bank account of the person who owns it. The merchant is a better group purchase in that case, unless you really trust the guy willing to shell out 5K crowns for a pet banker.
    I ride in a zerg ball of one.
  • Czeri
    I've tried the assistants on PTS, but never found a use for them. They seemed like a good idea, but it turned out that what I need from a merchant is the repairing, and from the banker access to the guild store. So the assistants didn't save me the trips to proper merchants and proper banks. Also, they take the spot of your pet, so not only was I losing the adorable bear cub, I also had this weird animation of an assistant running like a terminator behind my horse...

    If they're this expensive, I won't actually bother buying them on live.
  • Usara
    BoloBoffin wrote: »
    Miszou wrote: »
    It does say "group utility" though.... so if you were a real generous sort of fellow, you could buy one just to help out your squad...

    Although the banker, if I'm reading correctly, will only deposit into the bank account of the person who owns it. The merchant is a better group purchase in that case, unless you really trust the guy willing to shell out 5K crowns for a pet banker.

    Nope, you only have access to your bank, even when using the pet banker of someone else.
    I confirm it since I tried it in a group on the PTS (if it really needs confirmation :p)

    It was even a running gag in my guild, since my friends wanted to access my bank :D
    What? Lead? Me? No, no, no. No leading. Bad things happen when I lead. We get lost, people die, and the next thing you know I’m stranded somewhere without any pants.

    Usara v531 - Usara2 v322 - Escouade Sauvage - PC - EU - EP

    Usara Den Thasnet - Retainer of House Hlaalu (Dunmer Templar, heal)
    Livia Augustus - Deserter of the Imperial 7th Legion (Imperial DK, tank)
    Aspen Vael - Battlemage of King Casimir III (Breton Sorcerer, tank/dd magicka)
    Caris Vael - Missing Student of the Mage Guild of Shornhelm (Breton NB, dd magicka, vampire)
    Eugene Fitzherbert - Wanted con artist hiding in Wayrest (Imperial Templar, tank/dd magicka)

    Chante-avec-les-escargots - House Hlaalu snail breeder (Argonian NB, tank)
    Ryl Serandas - Mournhold Ordinator (Dunmer DK, dd magicka)
    Dar'Aiean - House Hlaalu Smuggler (Khajiit NB, dd stamina)
    Ferinwe - Alteration Instructor of the Mage Guild of Ebonheart (Altmer Sorcerer, dd magicka, retired)
    Torafhilde Frostdottir - Winterhold Cryomancer (Nord Sorcerer, dd magicka)
    Senecar - Daedra hunter, former Thalmor corps (Altmer Templar, dd magicka)
    Ondres Hlaalu - House Hlaalu Skooma Trader (Dunmer NB, dd magicka)
  • Artjuh90
    so what would you like more 2 DLC or 1 banker or a shopkeeper? LOLZ!
  • BoloBoffin
    Usara wrote: »
    BoloBoffin wrote: »
    Miszou wrote: »
    It does say "group utility" though.... so if you were a real generous sort of fellow, you could buy one just to help out your squad...

    Although the banker, if I'm reading correctly, will only deposit into the bank account of the person who owns it. The merchant is a better group purchase in that case, unless you really trust the guy willing to shell out 5K crowns for a pet banker.

    Nope, you only have access to your bank, even when using the pet banker of someone else.
    I confirm it since I tried it in a group on the PTS (if it really needs confirmation :p)

    It was even a running gag in my guild, since my friends wanted to access my bank :D

    Oh, good deal. Well, then, I'd prefer the banker to the merchant in a group, though both would be handy. I'd see people using them in trials or what not. You could store all kinds of pots and repair kits there and grab what you need between fights. If I was part of a regular trial group, I could see everyone throwing $8-10 at the group leader to get both pets.
    I ride in a zerg ball of one.
  • Kalebron
    I think it is worth it for sure. I hate traveling to go back to town. I will not need to step foot in town if I don't want to other than for repairs.
  • Thornen
    Kalebron wrote: »
    I think it is worth it for sure. I hate traveling to go back to town. I will not need to step foot in town if I don't want to other than for repairs.

    Lol if you think its worth the $40 you would need to spend to get 5k crowns then your out of your friggin mind. But I guess your the market they're aiming for good for you...
  • Sheezabeast
    Kalebron wrote: »
    I think it is worth it for sure. I hate traveling to go back to town. I will not need to step foot in town if I don't want to other than for repairs.

    It's super easy to just travel to someone in your guild :) I do this when I'm full, out of my 5 guilds, someone is in Belkarth, or near another easy access bank/decon for me :)
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
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