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• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

5000 Crowns for the upcoming assistants. Worth it ? ^^

  • petraeus1
    lookstwice wrote: »
    Wow, unbelievable timing. I actually quit playing this when it became free because I have never been a fan of that model. I quit LOTRO for the reason.

    But about week or two ago, I decided to sign up for month to check things out and I was starting to drink the kool aid. I only found this thread because I was actually looking for the feedback forum and was going to give ZOS some credit. And to maybe say I was partially wrong about this whole free to play business.

    The store didn't seem that intrusive and I figured I would just remain an ESO+ because I was thinking okay maybe these guys aren't so bad. Add a few little things here and there and that would be fine.

    LOL!!! I guess I should have stuck to my instincts. I guess glad it happened now and not later.

    Except LOTRO is a pain in the arse to go around without microtransaction, whereas these assistants are hardly useful.

    Of course there's marketing behind this, of course they want to make money when the inevitable sale comes.

    I'm however happy with the price. I'd hate to see identical bankers running all over the place to the detriment of bristling hubs.

    I'm also happy they're not very good. It's an indication that the general banking and vendoring experience isn't very bad, and that ZOS isn't interested in selling OP stuff for insane prices. They sell crappy stuff for insane prices, so I don't feel inclined to buy them.

    This is great actually. Imagine if these were actually really good and actual banks and vendors were few and far between. My poor wallet. Now I can shrug and smile and notice how reasonably priced the DLC is by comparison.
  • kojou
    I will probably buy the banker, but I thought the merchant was useless.

    Think of 5000 crowns as a starting bid. If they don't sell enough then it will come down.
    Playing since beta...
  • Alorier
    I will probably buy the banker, but I thought the merchant was useless.

    Think of 5000 crowns as a starting bid. If they don't sell enough then it will come down.

    And what alienate all those that brought at this price that would be a great move by Zos
  • GeneralLee
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    I fail to see in what situation you'd loose anything.

    That will be probably more obvious once the next DLC comes out, coincidentally lacking in NPC department, but rich with clutter.

    More obvious ???
    Just give me ONE, only ONE example where ZOS has turned a crown store item into a really useful item by changing the RNG or the game's design ?
    Some people predicted glas motif fragments to drop less once the motif was on crown store. Didn't happen. Not with glas motif; nor with any other motif.
    Some predicted ambrosia drink and perfect roe would drop less once XP scrolls were on the crown store. Didn't happen.
    Some predicted style items would drop less once mimic stones were on the crown store. Didn't happen.

    I understand that you like to bash, criticize and hate. I guess it makes you feel more powerful somehow. But the truth is, ZOS is and always has been EXTREMELY FAIR with the crown store.
    Crown store items are NEVER more useful than ingame items. Most of the time they're entirely useless, sometimes they are just as useful. But never MORE USEFUL. Never ever.

    Useless items are optional and expensive. Mandatory items (Base game and DLCs) are dirt cheap. ESO is most probably one of the cheapest form of entertainment in life at the moment. And it is INCREDIBLY FAIR. You can accuse ZOS of MANY things, but certainly not of being dishonest, greedy or unfair with the crown store stuff.

    I can't even imagine what you're going to say when the crafting bags are out ! It's going to be a HUGE help with inventory management for ESO+ subscribers. And I won't be one of them and I will carry on struggling with inventory space and bank alts.
    But EVEN THAT is fair IMHO. ESO+ subscribers deserve more advantages, and crafting bags are a very good idea in that regard (huge advantage in convenience, but nothing mandatory or compulsory to play).
    Well done ZOS.


  • Ra'Shtar
    The merchant should be renamed to ''Buys-Trash'', it has no other function than being forced to pay for your unwanted items #RedguardMerchantLivesMatter

    Edited by Ra'Shtar on March 30, 2016 2:25PM
    Some of my favorite screenshots
    My opinions and posts are mostly on a PvE setting.
  • Thornen
    [snip] I'm beginning to think they're right we are all still here for some reason.

    [Edit to remove bashing]
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on March 31, 2016 1:36AM
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Thornen wrote: »
    [snip] I'm beginning to think they're right we are all still here for some reason.

    [Edit to remove bashing]

    People who'd enjoy these assistants and think they're useful enough to buy them aren't idiots. They are ready to buy a good for a price, it's their free choice. You don't get to decide about your own purchases, not anyone else's.

    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on March 31, 2016 1:37AM
  • Thornen
    Thornen wrote: »
    [snip] I'm beginning to think they're right we are all still here for some reason.

    [Edit to remove bashing]

    People who'd enjoy these assistants and think they're useful enough to buy them aren't idiots. They are ready to buy a good for a price, it's their free choice. You don't get to decide about your own purchases, not anyone else's.


    Lol 5k a good price yeh mate whatever....can buy 2 versions of the game and have money left over or 1 merchant...bargain, money well spent.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on March 31, 2016 1:38AM
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Thornen wrote: »
    Lol 5k a good price yeh mate whatever....can buy 2 versions of the game and have money left over or 1 merchant...bargain, money well spent.

    Not necessarily. There are people for instance who are on ESO+ and intend to remain subscribed, they're not interested in cosmetics, costumes or motifs, or pets, they've tons of crowns left over and could spend them for assistants. For them, it would have cost "nothing".
    Besides, what the hell would you do with extra copies of the game ????


  • Thornen
    Thornen wrote: »
    Lol 5k a good price yeh mate whatever....can buy 2 versions of the game and have money left over or 1 merchant...bargain, money well spent.

    Not necessarily. There are people for instance who are on ESO+ and intend to remain subscribed, they're not interested in cosmetics, costumes or motifs, or pets, they've tons of crowns left over and could spend them for assistants. For them, it would have cost "nothing".
    Besides, what the hell would you do with extra copies of the game ????


    Regardless if you have 1million crowns or not, they are priced at $40. Just because you have nothing to spend on with your subbed crowns doesn't make these a bargain. Zos needs to rethink their pricing and not base it on discount or bloody ESO+ metrics.

    Edit: Oh and ESO+ still paid for those crowns it doesnt make them free at all not even close...
    Edited by Thornen on March 30, 2016 3:41PM
  • Ritzey01

    Lol 5k a good price yeh mate whatever....can buy 2 versions of the game and have money left over or 1 merchant...bargain, money well spent.

    This is what i did, bought a second game for my wife, who doesnt play anymore :-( . So i just mail all my loot to this account and log on and return it about once a week. Never need to worry about full packs.
    Edited by Ritzey01 on March 30, 2016 3:48PM
  • Hope499
    That price, is actual insanity.

    That is crazy...that is more than a full priced game...

    Tripped over my friends bra.....
    ..she is always setting booby traps!
  • Thornen
    Hope499 wrote: »
    That price, is actual insanity.

    That is crazy...that is more than a full priced game...

    More than 2 full priced games if you follow the reddit link its an insult is what it is.
  • Flak
    Been a subscriber since the crown store came up, only bought two things in there yet. The Black Panther Mount and - I feel honestly ashamed - the glass motif. I have more than enough crowns and since I do writs with 7 chars I was looking forward to the Banking Assistant to save me some time.
    But 5k? What the heck? Guess I 'll have to take the crowns with me to the grave.

    GM of the progressive raiding Guild Ghosts and Goblins | Recruitment: Open


    Flák - 50 Magicka DK DD
    Toxic Flák - 50 Stamina DK DD
    Flakká - 50 Magicka NB DD
    Sonic Flák - 50 Stam-Sorc DD
    Flákjack - 50 Stamplar DD
    Flák the Ripper - 50 StamNB DD
    Flakster - 50 Magicka Sorc DD
    Overwhelming Flak - 50 Magicka Templar Healer/DD
    Full Metal Flák - 50 Stamina DK Tank
    All Pact

  • KanedaSyndrome
    With teleporting around as our main travel form and the limited functionality of the assistants I just can't justify the price.

    For me to spend 5000 Crowns on an assistant the following criteria would have to be met:
    • Teleporting to other players removed from game.
    • Instant teleport removed from wayshrines and replaced with a timer based on distance to target wayshrine, as well as removal of all wayshrines in the game except those in main cities of each zone. (Think WoW gryphon system)
    • A 1 hour timer on all mail deliveries.
    • Repair functionality on vendor assistant (perhaps consider making players repair gear with materials as it should've been from day 1. Why can I craft legendary armor, but I can't repair the very stuff I made my self)
    • Guildbank + Guildstore functionality on bank assistant (or detach guildstore from guildbank all together and implement a different system)

    And with the introduction of these assistants we'd probably see a depopulation of major cities, which would have to be fixed by introducing other elements in the cities that can make people congregate.
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • Thornen
    With teleporting around as our main travel form and the limited functionality of the assistants I just can't justify the price.

    For me to spend 5000 Crowns on an assistant the following criteria would have to be met:
    • Teleporting to other players removed from game.
    • Instant teleport removed from wayshrines and replaced with a timer based on distance to target wayshrine, as well as removal of all wayshrines in the game except those in main cities of each zone. (Think WoW gryphon system)
    • A 1 hour timer on all mail deliveries.
    • Repair functionality on vendor assistant (perhaps consider making players repair gear with materials as it should've been from day 1. Why can I craft legendary armor, but I can't repair the very stuff I made my self)
    • Guildbank + Guildstore functionality on bank assistant (or detach guildstore from guildbank all together and implement a different system)

    And with the introduction of these assistants we'd probably see a depopulation of major cities, which would have to be fixed by introducing other elements in the cities that can make people congregate.

    So basically redesign the entire game functionality and ruin it for anyone that doesn't buy one...right lol

    Edit: Wait you don't work for Zos by any chance do you?
    Edited by Thornen on March 30, 2016 4:11PM
  • Count_Dracula
    I'm not sure what you guys are complaining about.
    • If you think the assistants are not worth having because they lack features => fine, don't buy them, this is none of your business, it doesn't affect you.
    • If you think the assistants are worth having but too expensive and people won't buy them => if you're right, just wait, the price will be adjusted downwards. If you're wrong, then many people will buy them, it will make money for the game and we'll get extra features and functionalities in the base game without having to pay extra cash for it because they'll be financed buy these crown shop items.

    I fail to see in what situation you'd loose anything.
    And finally, every penny earned by ZOS is a penny more for game stability and development (well that's an assumption on my side because nothing tells us they invest all profit back into development, but it's a security for the long term future of the game).

    Stop bashing, start thinking. Noone forces you to buy.


    /endthread well said my friend, I couldn't agree more
  • Cernow
    And finally, every penny earned by ZOS is a penny more for game stability and development (well that's an assumption on my side because nothing tells us they invest all profit back into development, but it's a security for the long term future of the game).

    That's a huge assumption on your part. Without published figures we have no way of knowing how much profit is re-invested into the game, and into what areas.

    As for the price of the assistants, ZOS can of course charge what they like and they will either sell well or they won't.

    But we the customers are at liberty to express an opinion on what we feel about their pricing policy. Personally I feel that pricing in-game perk items like this at around the price of a full price game is taking the proverbial and is essentially whale hunting. It seems to demonstrate contempt for the general player base and doesn't create a good impression.
  • L2Pissue
    Thornen wrote: »
    [snip] I'm beginning to think they're right we are all still here for some reason.

    [Edit to remove bashing]

    People who'd enjoy these assistants and think they're useful enough to buy them aren't idiots. They are ready to buy a good for a price, it's their free choice. You don't get to decide about your own purchases, not anyone else's.


    oh yes, when they buy these assistants, even if they think they are useful for them for 5000 crowns each then yes. they are idiots.
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on March 31, 2016 1:44AM
  • JamilaRaj
    JamilaRaj wrote: »
    I fail to see in what situation you'd loose anything.

    That will be probably more obvious once the next DLC comes out, coincidentally lacking in NPC department, but rich with clutter.

    More obvious ???
    Just give me ONE, only ONE example where ZOS has turned a crown store item into a really useful item by changing the RNG or the game's design ?

    I do not like your "really useful" and "changing" (especially, since future zones may be designed with the crown store in mind from the start) terms, these are yours, not mine.
    Nevertheless, I am fairly confident e.g. riding overhaul was necessitated by the fact that if training was on per mount basis instead of per character basis, crown store mounts would be much harder to sell due to incurred stats penalty, and changes to battle levelling and gear scaling were necessitated by the fact that if (characters in) DLC zones did not scale or gear did not scale, DLC would be also hard to sell, to underleveled players (=many), as they could not do them or would not have reason to do them. So, in both cases, they tweaked design to bolster sales.
    Some people predicted glas motif fragments to drop less once the motif was on crown store. Didn't happen. Not with glas motif; nor with any other motif.

    I would, on the other hand, say that ZOS is, and I hate to call it that, because I indeed like to bash it, competent enough to set drop rate to, say, a profitable value, before a motif appears in the game, let alone in the cash shop.
    Some predicted ambrosia drink and perfect roe would drop less once XP scrolls were on the crown store. Didn't happen.

    Because these conspiracy theorists were timid fools. Ambrosia itself was introduced just to make XP boosters in the cash shop look legit, i.e. ZOS knew very well and again could set drop rate to a profitable value beforehand.
    Some predicted style items would drop less once mimic stones were on the crown store. Didn't happen.

    I understand that you like to bash, criticize and hate. I guess it makes you feel more powerful somehow. But the truth is, ZOS is and always has been EXTREMELY FAIR with the crown store.

    ZOS put some effort into not looking greedy and dishonest, I will give it that. It would be surprising if it did not, because P2W has been going on for way too long and some really do not react well to it anymore.
    But they should not be trying to look EXTREMELY FAIR, because fair is fair and more than that just looks suspicious, rightfully so.
    Crown store items are NEVER more useful than ingame items. Most of the time they're entirely useless, sometimes they are just as useful. But never MORE USEFUL. Never ever.

    In game alternatives to no effort cash shop items are either inferior, because they either have worse stats for same (no) effort or same stats but are more difficult to obtain (though that too is a stat of sorts; think of it as a property of an item that reads: can only be used after X amount of grinding), or on par (or better) but who would pay for what he can have with same stats and effort required without paying? In other words, cash shop items are always superior or they do not sell, perhaps accidentally to stupid players.
    Useless items are optional and expensive. Mandatory items (Base game and DLCs) are dirt cheap. ESO is most probably one of the cheapest form of entertainment in life at the moment. And it is INCREDIBLY FAIR. You can accuse ZOS of MANY things, but certainly not of being dishonest, greedy or unfair with the crown store stuff.

    I will try to keep that in mind next time I accuse it of being greedy and dishonest.
    I can't even imagine what you're going to say when the crafting bags are out ! It's going to be a HUGE help with inventory management for ESO+ subscribers. And I won't be one of them and I will carry on struggling with inventory space and bank alts.
    But EVEN THAT is fair IMHO. ESO+ subscribers deserve more advantages, and crafting bags are a very good idea in that regard (huge advantage in convenience, but nothing mandatory or compulsory to play).
    Well done ZOS.

    Advantages for cash are a very bad idea. In other activites such as sport it would go by the term corruption.

    Edited by JamilaRaj on March 31, 2016 8:54AM
  • Krist

    So everyone should be ok with companies overpricing items because other companies do it too...get a clue.

    Edit: Seriously people need to wake the *** up and stop defending corporations for obvious profiteering.

    Rather a nasty response. However, I will take the high road since you must be young with little experience in the real world. Companies are in the business of profits, and owe you nothing personally as the consumer except the knowledge of what you will be paying for. In a free market prices usually do start off high, for brand new items. Always has been that way. I will defend a free market when it comes to non-necessities because no one is forcing you to spend your hard earned money on it...or momma's, or my taxes. Companies owe their employees and investors more than they owe you.
    I do not care that people wont buy it, I may not buy them right now...or ever. I am concerned at how many have never realized this is a game, and you are not forced to pay for these items. That being the case, no, ZOS is not hurting you in any way, shape or form, and is not doing anything unethical. Simply do not buy the product. I am very impressed with this company and how much it gives out compared to many others in this same market.

    (This is not directed at everyone that disagrees with the pricing. Many have hit the nail on the head and simply said they will not be buying the items, instead of coughing out some profiteering conspiracy)

    "Krist the Lionheart? No. Lionheart was my dog" -Krist
    "Darling, if looks were everything, I would be king of the world" -Luke
    "That place, between day and night, that purple color just before dark, that is where you will find me"- Hughe
  • Thornen
    Krist wrote: »

    So everyone should be ok with companies overpricing items because other companies do it too...get a clue.

    Edit: Seriously people need to wake the *** up and stop defending corporations for obvious profiteering.

    Rather a nasty response. However, I will take the high road since you must be young with little experience in the real world. Companies are in the business of profits, and owe you nothing personally as the consumer except the knowledge of what you will be paying for. In a free market prices usually do start off high, for brand new items. Always has been that way. I will defend a free market when it comes to non-necessities because no one is forcing you to spend your hard earned money on it...or momma's, or my taxes. Companies owe their employees and investors more than they owe you.
    I do not care that people wont buy it, I may not buy them right now...or ever. I am concerned at how many have never realized this is a game, and you are not forced to pay for these items. That being the case, no, ZOS is not hurting you in any way, shape or form, and is not doing anything unethical. Simply do not buy the product. I am very impressed with this company and how much it gives out compared to many others in this same market.

    (This is not directed at everyone that disagrees with the pricing. Many have hit the nail on the head and simply said they will not be buying the items, instead of coughing out some profiteering conspiracy)

    Actually I felt the response was warranted. There's no conspiracy Zos has decided to price these assistants for 2x more than what you can actually buy the base game for, if you find that an obvious cash grab like this should go without criticism because it's a free market then I would re-evaluate your own real world experience because either your clearly lacking or just being naive. If history is anything to go by not saying anything changes nothing.
  • Drazorious
    I won't be buying them at that price
    Stuff and things
  • Titansteele
    Thats loads of money but screw it, I am filthy rich!


    Guild Leader of The Twelve Knights, AD PVE, PVP and Trading Guild on the EU Mega Server

    "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"
  • 7788b14_ESO
    Thornen wrote: »
    Lol 5k a good price yeh mate whatever....can buy 2 versions of the game and have money left over or 1 merchant...bargain, money well spent.

    Not necessarily. There are people for instance who are on ESO+ and intend to remain subscribed, they're not interested in cosmetics, costumes or motifs, or pets, they've tons of crowns left over and could spend them for assistants. For them, it would have cost "nothing".
    Besides, what the hell would you do with extra copies of the game ????


    Off hand with a second account you could mail your stuff to a character in the second account and you'd have that extra storage space.
  • PhantomSpaceCop
    I'm not sure what you guys are complaining about.
    • If you think the assistants are not worth having because they lack features => fine, don't buy them, this is none of your business, it doesn't affect you.
    • If you think the assistants are worth having but too expensive and people won't buy them => if you're right, just wait, the price will be adjusted downwards. If you're wrong, then many people will buy them, it will make money for the game and we'll get extra features and functionalities in the base game without having to pay extra cash for it because they'll be financed buy these crown shop items.

    I fail to see in what situation you'd loose anything.
    And finally, every penny earned by ZOS is a penny more for game stability and development (well that's an assumption on my side because nothing tells us they invest all profit back into development, but it's a security for the long term future of the game).

    Stop bashing, start thinking. Noone forces you to buy.


    /endthread well said my friend, I couldn't agree more


    I never a bought a thing with my own money via the Crown store that I didn't actually want/need. Seems like a simple concept...
    Redguard Templar "Suhail" « VR1 « Archer « Sword & Board « Restro Staff

    Xbox One « EST
  • NativeJoe
    Mark my words guys... if we don't express our points of views on this sorta pricing... player housing is going to go like this:

    2500 crowns for a small land plot
    5000 crowns for a medium size land plot
    10000 crowns for a large land plot

    500 crowns for a bare hut
    1000 crowns for a bare cabin
    2000 crowns for a bare tower
    3000 crowns for a bare house
    4000 crowns for a bare medium sized house
    5000 crowns for a bare large house
    7500 crowns for a bare estate
    10000 crowns for a bare castle

    50 crowns for a picture on the wall
    50 crowns for a chair
    50 crowns for a table
    100 crowns for a Vase
    100 crowns for rug
    100 crowns for bed
    250 crowns for a stove
    250 crowns for a alchemy stand
    250 crowns for a enchanting stand
    500 crowns for a blacksmithing station
    500 crowns for a woodworking station
    500 crowns for a clothing station
    750 crowns for a decorative hearth
    750 crowns for a pile of dwemer artifacts
    750 crowns for a pile of jewels and treasures
    1000 crowns for a ritual site
    1000 crowns for servant npcs
    1000 crowns for Guest quarters
    2500 crowns for 1 of the 8 racial packs
    5000 crowns for one of the exotic packs
    10000 for molag bals realm pack

    5000 crowns per equip-able mannequin.
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Garldeen
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Mark my words guys... if we don't express our points of views on this sorta pricing... player housing is going to go like this:
    10000 crowns for a bare castle

    I'll wait til they bring open world PVP and seige someone else's castle :)
  • Thornen
    wonkydog wrote: »
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Mark my words guys... if we don't express our points of views on this sorta pricing... player housing is going to go like this:
    10000 crowns for a bare castle

    I'll wait til they bring open world PVP and seige someone else's castle :)

  • Streega
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Flaminir wrote: »
    Ok... so it seems to be that the vast vast majority are all of the same voice... that the assistants in their current state are not even worth considering at that crazy price (Basically the cost of two entire DLC's... just for a couple of NPC's to put it into perspective).

    SO I'll pose you this question...

    What could ZoS do to the NPC's which would make you consider them better value???

    (Note... BETTER value... 5000 crowns is still WAY too high whatever they do!)

    I'll start with the obvious one...
    1. Make the merchant able to repair armor
    Having the assistants do more isn't a good idea. There have to be disadvantages to using them so that people who have the assistants still have reasons to go to towns, because it would be bad for the game if the towns became ghost towns.

    I'd much rather see them keep their current limited abilities and be reduced in price. I can't imagine many people will buy them at 5000 Crowns each, even if they did everything a regular banker or merchant did. Unlike purely cosmetic items, ZOS would have had to do more than just create the models/skins for the assistants. They would have had to add mechanics around how they're summoned, where they can and can't be summoned, etc. Because of that, I don't think they can rely just on the whales to make the assistants sufficiently profitable for them. IMO they need a larger target market, and that means lowering the price.

    I agree with UrQuan, they should stay a bit "limited", but the price is ridunculous :/
    I would pay 2500 crowns for each, if they had a little bonus: the Bank space upgrade with the Banker and the Bag space upgrade with the Merchant. Without bonuses... maybe 2000 crowns.

    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
    PC EU "House Tertia" - Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
    PC EU "Priests of Hircine" - Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
    Master Angler
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