Bfish22090 wrote: »im glad lotus fan is now dodgeable, and hopefully toppling charged is fixed for good
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »[*]Fasalla’s Guile: This item set no longer procs its healing debuff from single-target damage over time effects. Area damage over time effects from abilities such as Caltrops will still trigger the effect.
Does this affect any of the other quests' requirements? Or are they still each tied to successive Guild ranks? Does this mean that there is no quest unlocked at Guild Rank 2 any more?ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Quests
- Cleaning House:
- This quest is now available immediately after completing "Partners in Crime."
Empowering Chains (Fiery Grip morph): Fixed an issue where this morph would not pull you to your target if they blocked or absorbed the damage.
- The Shadow Slayer achievement will no longer award credit to all group members in the Trial; instead, it will just award credit to the player character that lands the killing blow on a Void Caller, as originally intended.
Empowering Chains (Fiery Grip morph): Fixed an issue where this morph would not pull you to your target if they blocked or absorbed the damage.
I hope this also includes dodging. A gap closer that does not close the gap when the target dodge rolls is useless.
bikerangelo wrote: »Puncturing strikes and its morphs need to apply the snare on the first hit.
TheM0rganism wrote: »"The Shadow Slayer achievement will no longer award credit to all group members in the Trial; instead, it will just award credit to the player character that lands the killing blow on a Void Caller, as originally intended."
As a could you possibly be this dumb?
nagarjunna wrote: »Not a single Templar change or improvement. One bug fix and given the past record on bug fixes it will not be fixed.
Sad, sad, sad!
sean.plackerb14_ESO wrote: »Is the PC 64 bit client still broken on Windows 8,8.1, and 10?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »KNOWN ISSUES
- Please continue to refrain from using the 64-bit client for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 while we continue to work on outstanding issues with those clients.
sean.plackerb14_ESO wrote: »Is the PC 64 bit client still broken on Windows 8,8.1, and 10?
yes, still brokenZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »KNOWN ISSUES
- Please continue to refrain from using the 64-bit client for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 while we continue to work on outstanding issues with those clients.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
- One Hand and Shield
- Power Bash: Fixed an issue where you could not reliably use Break Free against the stun from this ability and its morphs.