Fasalla's Guile Set

  • EsoRecon
    All they have to do to this set is make it all heavy armor, no jewelry or weapons.
    Xbox One [ NA ]
    Gamertag - Zyzz II Legacy
    Stam Sorc & Stam NB PvP
    (I'm Just Here To 1vX)
  • Bashev
    Derra wrote: »

    Just as every class can walk in 5 to 7 medium or 5 to 7 light and have it procc on all opponents. Why is it more problematic on a sorc than on other classes?

    Imagine that we play 1vs1, both with this set. Your main defense is shields and they are not reduced but mine is healing, and it is reduced. The simple math shows that you will have big advantage.
    Because I can!
  • Sharee
    Derra wrote: »
    If you reduce the shield and the heal accessible to sorcs with one type of spell sorcs are just walking ap piniatas. That´s why i compared it to dodgeroll (reducing dodge dmg avoided dmg and the healing).
    If a templar (who completely relies on heals instead of shields and thus has 100% of his 'damage-repairing' mechanic reduced by one type of spell) can handle it, then so would a sorc.
    Derra wrote: »
    Heals and shields are just about as comparableas dodgeroll and heals. It´s two different mechanics in both cases.
    Battle spirit disagrees. It handles both shields and heals equally, unlike dodge rolls.
    Edited by Sharee on February 9, 2016 1:32PM
  • hrothbern
    Derra wrote: »

    Just as every class can walk in 5 to 7 medium or 5 to 7 light and have it procc on all opponents. Why is it more problematic on a sorc than on other classes?

    As general principle I agree with you, but the 50% debuff on Healing is massive.

    If you ignore the tiny amount of Health Regeneration, the 50% Healing debuff doubles your effective DPS after 2-3 rounds of shooting the starting Health pool away.

    If the Fasalla set user would be forced to equip 3 or more HA, he loses at least the Magicka resources and Penetration of 5 pc LA, as balance for his 100% DPS increase after a few seconds.

    Edited by hrothbern on February 9, 2016 1:34PM
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • Derra
    Bashev wrote: »

    Imagine that we play 1vs1, both with this set. Your main defense is shields and they are not reduced but mine is healing, and it is reduced. The simple math shows that you will have big advantage.

    Well you could not use this set because you hardly need it against a sorc and have the advantage of not having healing taken and two health setbonuses of arguable use and replace it with agility/willpower and an undaunted twopiece set.

    If you feel that fasala in every case outperforms 2p undaunted + 3p jewel then it´s too powerful as a set in general imho.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • Holy-Dope
    it's a 2 Sec debuff...nothing major here...move along people...it's not gonna be game breaking...it's not worth giving up all the wep damage agaisnt that or sustain....tested it...it works....but 2sec is too less time to make it stack with other debuffs and tht's about it.....
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • GreenSoup2HoT
    This set should only apply Major Defile with no cool-down. You can still get Minor defile from Disease enchants which you should be running when considering use of this new set.

    It's way to strong currently because you can run this set with jewelry and weapon's. This mean's you still still run light or medium burst type's of build's. Your opponent will have no chance at recovery because of heal debuff stacking.

    In my opinion, this set should be used for mass spread of "Major Defoul" as a tanking role or AoE specialist role.

    If this set is not changed, it will ruin the game period.
    PS4 NA DC
  • Bashev
    Holy-Dope wrote: »
    it's a 2 Sec debuff...nothing major here...move along people...it's not gonna be game breaking...it's not worth giving up all the wep damage agaisnt that or sustain....tested it...it works....but 2sec is too less time to make it stack with other debuffs and tht's about it.....

    It is 5 seconds, but u are right that sometimes is 2. I guess it is some kind of a bug.
    Because I can!
  • Sharee
    This set should only apply Major Defile with no cool-down.

    Would you sacrifice a 5-piece set bonus, along with accepting mediocre 2,3 and 4 part bonuses, just to be able to do something to your opponent that can be just as well done with normal abilities?

  • Holy-Dope
    This set should only apply Major Defile with no cool-down. You can still get Minor defile from Disease enchants which you should be running when considering use of this new set.

    It's way to strong currently because you can run this set with jewelry and weapon's. This mean's you still still run light or medium burst type's of build's. Your opponent will have no chance at recovery because of heal debuff stacking.

    In my opinion, this set should be used for mass spread of "Major Defoul" as a tanking role or AoE specialist role.

    If this set is not changed, it will ruin the game period.

    Every 1 was crying the same about SB that it's gonna be game breaking....
    this is another set with some fancy stuff, but it's very situation based and not something you'd be running in all the time....so stop CRYING about it....
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • Holy-Dope
    Sharee wrote: »

    Would you sacrifice a 5-piece set bonus, along with accepting mediocre 2,3 and 4 part bonuses, just to be able to do something to your opponent that can be just as well done with normal abilities?

    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Sharee wrote: »

    Would you sacrifice a 5-piece set bonus, along with accepting mediocre 2,3 and 4 part bonuses, just to be able to do something to your opponent that can be just as well done with normal abilities?

    Actually yes I would. As a vampire I could now use Devouring Swarm and proc Major Defile to everyone who attack's me while I deal AoE damage to them and heal.

    I won't have to use Reverb bash when I use S/B
    I won't have to use Lethal Arrow when I use a Bow
    I won't have to use Soul Harvest as a Nightblade

    However if this set maintained it's 50%, I would just keep Soul Harvest/Lethal Arrow gank/Reverb Bash and burst someone down. Everyone (expect sorc's) will die pretty much immediately since they wont be able to heal which will become the new cheese.

    Do you really want player's using Shield Breaker with a Bow and this set?.... If it's not changed I know I will and it will be complete cheese but that's what people will get for defending this set in it's current implementation.


    Calling out a new set that's still "in testing" is not crying. It's a warning. It way seem cool and fancy to you but I see this set's full potential and it's defiantly game breaking.
    it's a 2 Sec debuff
    It's a 5 second debuff that applies every time you attack your opponent. It's also very easy to stack Major Defile with Lethal Arrow, soul harvest or reverb bash.
    it's not worth giving up all the wep damage agaisnt that or sustain

    When you opponent can't heal anymore, damage or sustain doesn't even matter. You could hit like a noodle and still kill someone.

    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on February 9, 2016 1:59PM
    PS4 NA DC
  • Sharee

    Actually yes I would. As a vampire I could now use Devouring Swarm and proc Major Defile to everyone who attack's me while I deal AoE damage to them.
    And you would be hitting like a wet noodle because you are wearing a set with no bonuses that would increase your damage(or sustain) in any way. Meanwhile the guy attacking you will reverb bash you and equalize the health debuff field while keeping his damage set and wipe the floor with you.
  • actosh
    Just get rid of the jewelry and weapons for this set so u have to wear 5 heavy, and there u have your tradoff.
  • Ashamray
    This set is a real pain for magplar whos only def is healing T_T
    One hope: users will lose huge amount of damage, magicka\stamina and regen.
    Boadrig, EU PC

    Very Balanced
    Battleground Beta Testers
    Cite's Legacy

    Imperial City frequenter
    Imperial City feedback and suggestions
  • Cinbri
    Without weapons this set will be useless. Stop asking to nerf it into oblivion like Black Rose. With all changes in pvp, era of zergers coming to an end, deal with it, and this set is nothing but just a one more cherry on a cake.
    Edited by Cinbri on February 9, 2016 2:27PM
  • Zinaroth
    Cinbri wrote: »
    As i stated already in major sets thread. I suggested this set to make small-scale for aggressive tanks more viable and thats what it will do, but zos must remove jewel parts from loot table so high burst builds won't have access to this, and set will stay as tanking set (and strong 5pc bonus will be reward coz we know that for now all new sets have weapon/armor/jewel parts and thats allowing much diversity with sets). Otherwise 5pc bonus should be toned down, but thats already won't be set that i asked for. And just forget about gcd for it.

    Funny how EVERYONE ignored the most reasonable suggestion from the author of the set.
    This is what should be done, thank you Cinbri.
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    I think many agree that this set probably should give major defile instead of allowing to stack healing debuffs. I am personally conflicted on the "no jewelry" idea, as I was going to run a different set of heavy armor with this (I'm a glutton for punishment). Not a fan of introducing a CD, as cooldowns are the destroyer of sets (when's the last time anyone used magicka furnace and its 30 second CD?).

    What do people think about making it not proc on AoE damage? This way, the set would apply major defile on people who willingly attack someone with the set on. I think many people are worried that 1 member out of 24 will wear this set and proc it on caltrops users etc., but this would alleviate this issue!
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Bashev
    I think many agree that this set probably should give major defile instead of allowing to stack healing debuffs. I am personally conflicted on the "no jewelry" idea, as I was going to run a different set of heavy armor with this (I'm a glutton for punishment). Not a fan of introducing a CD, as cooldowns are the destroyer of sets (when's the last time anyone used magicka furnace and its 30 second CD?).

    What do people think about making it not proc on AoE damage? This way, the set would apply major defile on people who willingly attack someone with the set on. I think many people are worried that 1 member out of 24 will wear this set and proc it on caltrops users etc., but this would alleviate this issue!

    If you ask me, the set should proc probably only on AoE because the idea is to help against big zergs and they use a lot of AoE skills.
    Because I can!
  • Bashev
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Without weapons this set will be useless. Stop asking to nerf it into oblivion like Black Rose. With all changes in pvp, era of zergers coming to an end, deal with it, and this set is nothing but just a one more cherry on a cake.

    I am not calling for nerf. I am just scared that this set will make Sorcs better than DKs in 1.2. Jump on a group kill what you can and retrieve and back jump on another group kill what you can and retrieve.
    Because I can!
  • CtrlAltDlt
    actosh wrote: »
    Just get rid of the jewelry and weapons for this set so u have to wear 5 heavy, and there u have your tradoff.

    This is a good suggestion, it was also mentioned in the eso podcast last saturday and I agree. This set is way too powerful, and the fact that you can have the 5th bonus without wearing a single heavy armor piece is way over the top OP.

    I also think it shouldn't stack with major defile. We are talking about an 80ish% healing debuff ffs... not to mention it could go higher with he heal debuff cp star. You could probably kill most stam builds with just heavy attacks with this debuff.
    PC NA - jeazzy

    stamblade outnumbered pvp vol 1. youtu.be/h1ONYfpAJJ8
    Stamblade outbumbered pvp vol 2. No cheese youtu.be/rN4_aRVMvWw
  • kkampaseb17_ESO
    Sharee wrote: »

    Would you sacrifice a 5-piece set bonus, along with accepting mediocre 2,3 and 4 part bonuses, just to be able to do something to your opponent that can be just as well done with normal abilities?

    Then make it a major defile stackable extra 15%. Not 50%....
  • TheValkyn
    Ashamray wrote: »
    This set is a real pain for magplar whos only def is healing T_T
    One hope: users will lose huge amount of damage, magicka\stamina and regen.

    5.6k weapon damage while wearing this set and alchemist. All purple items as well.
  • Derra
    Sharee wrote: »
    If a templar (who completely relies on heals instead of shields and thus has 100% of his 'damage-repairing' mechanic reduced by one type of spell) can handle it, then so would a sorc. Battle spirit disagrees. It handles both shields and heals equally, unlike dodge rolls.

    Having to spread between heals and shields is skill slot intensive. You can not play a sorc with only one of them you need atleast 3 skills - if you take into account shieldbreaker a minimum of 4. Whereas a templar can be played with only one healing spell (two if you count ritual as healing rather than purge). Sorcs main defense is the shield which got nerfed yet again in this patch and isn´t able to work on it´s own at all anymore.
    Does sorc defense synergise too well with harness and healing ward - probably. Your proposal would not solve this issue though but push sorcs even further down this path.

    Dodgeroll can´t be treated in the same way as heals or shields as it´s unlimited in the amount of dmg avoided (and as a result much more powerful and subject to even harsher restrictions in its use). If dodge was only capable of dodging 30k dmg in pve i´m pretty sure it would be affected by the battlespirit reduction.

    Imho your proposals are just general anti sorc bias without actually having balance in mind but rather the usual "payback time" mentality found in numerous topics in this forums that got DKs nerfed to crap, streak demolished and made NBs cloak subject to your enemies mercy of not using magelight.
    If on the other hand you don´t know the class you´re talking about well enough - why would you make proposals at all.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Sharee wrote: »
    And you would be hitting like a wet noodle because you are wearing a set with no bonuses that would increase your damage(or sustain) in any way. Meanwhile the guy attacking you will reverb bash you and equalize the health debuff field while keeping his damage set and wipe the floor with you.

    Where do i start....

    Wearing a set with no bonuses for sustain or damage mean's i hit like a wet noodle?

    This game isn't all about damage and sustain you know. Wearing a set with 2 health bonuses and a little extra healing isn't that big of a deal. If your a dueler this may be a problem for you but i know plenty of people who could make great build's with this set. The utility gained from this set is great.

    The only source's of Major defile come from 4 ability's. Death Stroke NB ult. Lethal Arrow, Reverb Bash and Templar's Solar Flare. So this mean's, magicka dk's now could have a great way to get a healing debuff. Magicka Sorc's could as well but the health bonuses are not to great for them.

    Not to mention, what if you don't want to use these ability's but also want access to a healing debuff? This is where this set come's in.

    There is also room with this set since it come's in jewelry and weapon's. You can still wear 7 medium or light. These 7 piece's can consist of pure weapon damage or sustain set's. Enough room for a 5 piece set and monster set if you wanted. Your defiantly under valuing the potential for this set.

    Meanwhile reverb will just equalize the debuff field?

    So i can assume you think im dueling with this setup? You realize this set's potential is for classes who do not have a mean's of applying a big heal debuff but also for applying a heal debuff to multiple target's at no cost...

    This set was intended for heavy Armour noodle's to begin with.

    Your comment is typical. You basically pointed out that the shield breaker set will be un-effective against stamina nightblade's. Yeah it's true anyone who also use's the Major Defile Debuff could equally debuff me but they did not do it for free (nb's could). The point being, so what it's counter-able that's not what make's this set great. It's where and how you use it.

    This set will be amazing for group's/1vX but should not be stack-able with other healing debuff's. That's why this set need's to apply major defile and have no cool-down.

    If you do not like this change because you already run Major Defile that's fine. I don't wanna hear you defending this set when it's obviously overpowered once you stack healing debuff's.

    **Please don't take this comment the wrong way. I'm just passionate about the game. I want to see balance and progress so bad that it kill's me to see new thing's implemented terribly. Take this with a grain of salt. :) **

    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on February 9, 2016 6:36PM
    PS4 NA DC
  • kkampaseb17_ESO
    And this set is unchanged with the new PTS version, at least according to patch notes. Seems we had to start this thread earlier....
  • Sharee
    Derra wrote: »

    Having to spread between heals and shields is skill slot intensive. You can not play a sorc with only one of them you need atleast 3 skills - if you take into account shieldbreaker a minimum of 4. Whereas a templar can be played with only one healing spell (two if you count ritual as healing rather than purge). Sorcs main defense is the shield which got nerfed yet again in this patch and isn´t able to work on it´s own at all anymore.
    Does sorc defense synergise too well with harness and healing ward - probably. Your proposal would not solve this issue though but push sorcs even further down this path.

    That would be a good point if making heal debuffs apply to shields forced sorcs to slot a heal in addition to a shield. But that's not true - they are doing so regardless, even now.
    Derra wrote: »
    Dodgeroll can´t be treated in the same way as heals or shields as it´s unlimited in the amount of dmg avoided (and as a result much more powerful and subject to even harsher restrictions in its use). If dodge was only capable of dodging 30k dmg in pve i´m pretty sure it would be affected by the battlespirit reduction.

    Of course it cannot, that's my point. It was you who originally brought dodgeroll into this discussion ("It´s like proposing healdebuffs should affect your ability to dodgeroll 100% of the dmg"). As i said earlier, "dodgeroll is about avoiding damage, not about repairing the damage done. Completely different concept, unlike heals/shields which work very similar" - and that's why they both are affected by battle spirit debuff. And if heals and shields function similar enough to be equally affected by battle spirit, they function similar enough to be equally affected by heal debuff. Because shields are basically preemptive heals.
    Edited by Sharee on February 10, 2016 7:17AM
  • Cinbri
    I can say only that people right now overrating Fasalla and underrating several other sets.
  • Holy-Dope
    Can someone confirm if it stacks with Soul harvest. I did a few testing but didn't seem to work. Also disease inchant on the wep was not stacking as well....
    DC- Holy DOPE, Altmer Nightblade
    (And many those who did not make it to the end R.I.P.)

  • Derra
    Sharee wrote: »

    That would be a good point if making heal debuffs apply to shields forced sorcs to slot a heal in addition to a shield. But that's not true - they are doing so regardless, even now.

    Of course it cannot, that's my point. It was you who originally brought dodgeroll into this discussion ("It´s like proposing healdebuffs should affect your ability to dodgeroll 100% of the dmg"). As i said earlier, "dodgeroll is about avoiding damage, not about repairing the damage done. Completely different concept, unlike heals/shields which work very similar" - and that's why they both are affected by battle spirit debuff. And if heals and shields function similar enough to be equally affected by battle spirit, they function similar enough to be equally affected by heal debuff. Because shields are basically preemptive heals.

    Please reread what i´ve wrote. Dodge =/= heals =/= shields. All of them are completely different mechanics. Heals repair dmg. Shields prevent a set amount of dmg. Dodge avoids dmg. You can´t use both shields and dodge without having actual heals.
    Having both defenses reduced by the same offensive maneuver makes no sense. It would be the same as having dodge affected.

    On your other point: Yeah sorcs have to slot heals now too because you can actually break shields and they have to heal up. On top of that you have a wonderful set called shieldbreaker which requires atleast two heals slotted to be able to fight against it.
    If you were to couple that with a healdebuff that would also reduce shields you would be dead every time. That´s not balance what you´re proposing - you want to break the class.

    None of what you propose makes any sense when you actually play the classes.
    Edited by Derra on February 10, 2016 8:37AM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

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