The set has every piece. All weapons, all jeweleries and all heavy parts.This set have jewelry ? if yes, it's indeed a problem.
It MUST have at least 3 armor piece (so one or two jewelry without weapon, or no jewelry), if not nearly everyone will have this set in pvp.
durok bane was a powerful group set but you had to sacrifice quite alot as you lost the possibility for undaunted and had to wear 5 heavy studry pieces. This set is durok's bane on steriods and comes in any pieces, the loot table defs needs changing, if not, the 5 piece needs to change.
Duroks was powerful for small scale. The problem with it was that it didnt proc on AoE attacks. Only on single target attacks.
hammayolettuce wrote: »
Duroks stacked with shifting standard heal debuff. Pretty certain it still does. This new set is a complete joke. You honestly don't even sacrifice too much to use it and you can can use this magicka or stamina very easy with the full use of undaunted passives.
1, reduce proc chance to 20%
2, make healing debuffs affect shields.
Since you can couple it with shieldbreaker - how about no.
The only thing broken in my opinion is the set stacking with other healing debuffs. It should just apply minor + major defile.
@Derra if they fix it not to stack with the other debuffs, and no more changes, dont you think that the set will be super OP for a sorc. You are an awesome sorc, so what do you think about the set?
Since you can couple it with shieldbreaker - how about no.
If this set goes in live without any changes it will make magicka Sorcs the best of the best of the best PvP class for solo and small scale. Even without this set they are on the top of the food chain in Cyro.
As most of you know the set procs on every skill, and for DoTs it refreshes every time when a DoT skill does damage. On top of that the set procs on shields even if you do not do any actual damage. It means that if you wear the set your opponents incoming heal will be reduced with 50% at least. If the person who use the set use other form of healing debuff or CP your incoming heals will be reduced even more. A sorc using this set will benefit most of it. It will proc on his/her shields and even if you use the set too, the sorcs main defence is shields which will not be affected.
The set should be changed to be weapons and heavy armor only. Probably every other nerf to this set will make it useless.
@Bashev ,
The Armor set states: "When damaged, you reduce the attacker's Healing Taken by 50% for 5 seconds".
The way I understand the armor set: you need to be damaged. And if you have a damage shield, you get incoming damage, but no actual damage (from your health) takes place.
And therefore no proc.
You say: "As most of you know the set procs on every skill..."
Did you actually test whether the set does indeed proc when you only have a hit (DOT or not) on your damage shield ?
So what? Shieldbreaker bypasses shields regardless of how strong or weak they are, so i dont see how its relevant in this case.
I tested it. That is why I am worried about it. You do not take damage because u absorb everything but the set still proc.
@Bashev thanks
that is really terrible !
I hope that this proccing from only absorb damage is not intended and is a bug
You already have to heal that dmg bypassing shield and those heals are influenced by this set.
It´s like proposing healdebuffs should affect your ability to dodgeroll 100% of the dmg - now only 50% of dmg dodged sry...
If you want shield to work like heals they´d need mitigation too and that would lead again to horrendous rebalancing efforts.
That is so regardless of whether shields are reduced by healdebuff or not.
Dodgeroll is about avoiding damage, not about repairing the damage done. Completely different concept, unlike heals/shields which work very similar.
They already have mitigation from being immune to crits.
I feel like everything should proc on shields the same way it does on HP tbh. They should just be balanced to account for this scenario and it should be consistent for ALL sets.
It´s one of the bugs of the winterborn set. While other dmg on procc sets work on shields (nerieneth, skoria) winterborn does not for some reason.
Defensive sets like Malubeth or bloodspawn also work when a shield is hit.
@Derra ,
From the perspective of a good consistency of the game mechanics you are right... as simple as that
I think also that that consistency should prevail
Now I understand better the discussion around the Set Jewelry and Set Weapons.
If Fasalla includes Jewelry and Weapons, a Sorc can walk around in 5-7 LA and have this set proccing to all opponents
that is really nasty