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Racism in ESO?

Why is there such a transformation from being black to becoming a vampire. I just took vampire off and forgot that I actually made a black cat. This is an extreme case but all character go white...

There are plenty of black vampires I see around on TV etc but it seems ESO well...

Me with racism I mean vampirsm on:

Me without it:

Now before you all go saying there are not any black vampires, I bring you evidence:





Now that I have your attention:

Please fix the damn lag in PVP and stop my FPS dropping to below <5 and my ping shooting up to 999+ when more than 10 people are on the screen at the same time and remove the fricken AOE caps so we can de-stress your servers for you and break up these zerg balls:

"Prime time" (LAG):

"Non prime time" (NO LAG):

If you watch both the same videos the fights are "similar" in numbers but the difference would most likely be the amount of fights / people on the server overall. So the servers IMO should have population locks at the very LEAST halved.

  • ShadowDisciple
    there are NO black vampires in TES Lore brah... this is not rl
  • lynog85
  • MountainHound
    lynog85 wrote: »

    I included pictures for illiterate people.
  • Volkodav
    Vampires have no blood,so they have no color to their skin.They are dead and drained of blood.
    Movies are movies.But all the Vamps in ancient stories,books,etc,in Myth,have colorless skin.It's not ESO racism.
    Edited by Volkodav on January 27, 2016 12:26PM
  • Jura23
    Because vampires don't go out when sun is shining, that's why they have pale skin. This of course applise only to races with light skin by default, but over time it became treat so typical to vampires that they do the same thing with all races.
    Georgion - Bosmer/Templar - PC/EU
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    ... Now artists cannot create white vampires without being accused of racism ???? (/facepalm) .

    (Reminder : vampires are NOT a race... and they don't exist IRL... )

    PS : thanks for the lag videos. Nobody realized there was lag before you came up with them...

    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 27, 2016 12:28PM
  • MountainHound
    Vampires are vampires. Just seems zos don't want black ones.
  • MountainHound
    ... Now artists cannot create white vampires without being accused of racism ???? (/facepalm) .

    (Reminder : vampires are NOT a race... and they don't exist IRL... )

    I don't think most people are getting this thread and its creativity (/facepalm)
  • Volkodav
    ... Now artists cannot create white vampires without being accused of racism ???? (/facepalm) .

    (Reminder : vampires are NOT a race... and they don't exist IRL... )

    I don't think most people are getting this thread and its creativity (/facepalm)

    Using a word like racism in these forums is like putting gasoline on a tiny camp fire.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Vampires are vampires. Just seems zos don't want black ones.

    ...and that makes them racists ?

    ("Vampires are vampires". Fine. Creative. Care to elaborate ?)
    Edited by anitajoneb17_ESO on January 27, 2016 12:31PM
  • MountainHound
    Did we not read pass the "PVE" contents?
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Did we not read pass the "PVE" contents?

    I did.
    Wrote a line of PS in an edited post about it.
    Wasn't worth much more...

  • MountainHound
    Who reads edits.
  • Weesacs
    Yup. Thats just utterly racist in my book ... may I suggest:
    High Elf Templar
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  • MountainHound
    I will be back later to read the hilarious comments. But for now I must go and find where the toilets are in ESO.
  • Volkodav
  • kevlarto_ESO
    Has nothing to do with racism it's just their version of a vampire there have been many different interpretations of vampirism there has been tv shows that do not follow the mainstream view like the vampire diaries true blood just to name two.
    Some of the older vampire movies the vamps were pretty pale.
  • Streega
    Volkodav wrote: »
    Vampires have no blood,so they have no colour to their skin.They are dead and drained of blood.
    Movies are movies.But all the Vamps in ancient stories,books,etc,in Myth,have colorless skin.It's not ESO racism.

    If you drain black person of blood he/she will not turn white, but dark brownish grey (or greyish brown?). I've had very dark Dunmer, turned her vamp and now she looks like a white lab mouse :/
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
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  • SemiD4rkness
    Idk about racism but I wont talk to an argonian.
    Edited by SemiD4rkness on January 27, 2016 5:40PM
  • Hortator Indoril Nerevar
    Hortator Indoril Nerevar
  • lynog85
    lynog85 wrote: »

    I included pictures for illiterate people.

    I'm very capable of reading, this is just not worth reading. Far too long, i did catch on it was satire though, then i near fell asleep.
  • ListerJMC
    At least white Khajiit are a thing, Redguards turn bright purple when they become vampires!

    (I know this is a joke thread but I'm not joking send help my Redguard is purple and needs a doctor)
    Edited by ListerJMC on June 2, 2017 5:25AM
    PC NA & EU || Mammoth Guilds - Victory or Valhalla || Altmer sorcerer main
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves."
  • Voxicity
    ''There are black actors in these movies about vampires so ZOS is racist for making all vampires white''

  • Ffastyl
    Vampirism in Tamriel is a disease with multiple strains. All strains of vampirism consume the afflicted's blood while augmenting the body to be capable of gathering more blood. This leads to pale/colorless skin and "vampire ashes" gatherable from dead vampires. All vampires are categorized as undead due to their blood being consumed by the disease (the disease is maintaining a corpse).

    The dominant strain of vampirism in 2E582 is Noxiphilic Sanguivoria, a more powerful strain that goes extinct briefly after this time period.

    Lycanthropy and other forms of were-people are also strains of disease.
    Edited by Ffastyl on January 27, 2016 1:11PM
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

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  • shauny.gibbsb16_ESO
    That title is just pure Clickbait, glad I didn't fall for...... Damn
  • dsalter
    i can understand why since the vampire skin setting is set to a specific shade of skin rather than lightening what you have which tbh is kinda odd for a khajiit since... you know... fur... and argonians shouldn't lose loads of colour in their scales either since reptiles scales keep alot of the colour when they come off which is a dead scale yet still keeps most of the look to it.

    so basically unlike older ES games, the skin shade isn't lowered, it's specifically set to white, kind of a terrible oversight, they need to reduce how white you go slightly... looks overkill currently
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Amagad OP don't you know that Palewave is the only fashion style we've got in ESO? Q.Q

    ..also ZOS pls fix the damn lag + loading screens and in combat 5min after spawning at keep and start picking flowers, cuz gives up running 10min to get to battlefield ...fight will be over by the time I reach there anyways -.- yay from expensively geared warrior to flowerpicking wolfbane.
  • Volkodav
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    Vampirism in Tamriel is a disease with multiple strains. All strains of vampirism consume the afflicted's blood while augmenting the body to be capable of gathering more blood. This leads to pale/colorless skin and "vampire ashes" gatherable from dead vampires. All vampires are categorized as undead due to their blood being consumed by the disease (the disease is maintaining a corpse).

    The dominant strain of vampirism in 2E582 is Noxiphilic Sanguivoria, a more powerful strain that goes extinct briefly after this time period.

    Lycanthropy and other forms of were-people are also strains of disease.

    Yeah,I said this in basic terms and someone said this:
    "If you drain black person of blood he/she will not turn white, but dark brownish grey (or greyish brown?). I've had very dark Dunmer, turned her vamp and now she looks like a white lab mouse :/"
  • willymchilybily
    1. skin pigment is not blood. all those answering as such
    2. khajitt has fur, hair folicles contain no blood.. the saying cut me do i not bleed does not apply to hair. no ones hair bleeds afaik.
    3. 3rd. blade was not a vampire.
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  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    1. skin pigment is not blood. all those answering as such
    2. khajitt has fur, hair folicles contain no blood.. the saying cut me do i not bleed does not apply to hair. no ones hair bleeds afaik.
    3. 3rd. blade was not a vampire.

    Since when do undead have to comply with the laws of biology ?

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