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Racism in ESO?

  • Flameheart




    So I don't think Zenimax did anything wrong.

    PS: I jumped onto the racism derail, because another thread about lag is boring.

    Edited by Flameheart on January 28, 2016 11:42AM
    Sometimes the prey turns and nips us... it's a small thing.

    So let the snow flakes and unicorns dance alone until they melt or vanish from existence, we will finish up with those smart enough to stay in the glowing circle of love.

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    Sylundine - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Warden (Ebonheart Pact)

  • Vyperia
    Almost everybody has missed the point of the thread. Beautiful work OP. :D
    PC EU - CP 810+ - @Vyperia

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    Aleri Telvanni - Magsorc AD
  • Knootewoot
    there are NO black vampires in TES Lore brah... this is not rl

    In Morrowind there were more then enough black Vampires. Redguard vampires did not get a skin color change.

    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • NateAssassin
    I'm not racist, I just hate everyone, which includes vampires.
    Edited by NateAssassin on January 27, 2016 1:57PM
    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
  • MrDerrikk
    ...there is the problem sadly where the Dunmer mud body paint also gets whitened from a deep black mud. It was one fo the reasons I ditched the vamp on my DK...
    I have departed into the great unknown that is outside the game and the forums, and wish you well in your Tamriel adventures!

    DC - PC - EU - Australian
    VR11 Mrderrikk: Breton Stam Sorc (Vamp) | VR16 Derrikkinblack: Dunmer Mage DK | VR3 Cuts-Until-It-Dies: Argonian Magicka NB

    Oh look, Anook.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Volkodav wrote: »
    Vampires have no blood,so they have no color to their skin.They are dead and drained of blood.
    Movies are movies.But all the Vamps in ancient stories,books,etc,in Myth,have colorless skin.It's not ESO racism.
    Where does the term Thin-blooded or Pureblooded vampire come from then?

  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    Vampirism in Tamriel is a disease with multiple strains. All strains of vampirism consume the afflicted's blood while augmenting the body to be capable of gathering more blood. This leads to pale/colorless skin and "vampire ashes" gatherable from dead vampires. All vampires are categorized as undead due to their blood being consumed by the disease (the disease is maintaining a corpse).

    The dominant strain of vampirism in 2E582 is Noxiphilic Sanguivoria, a more powerful strain that goes extinct briefly after this time period.

    Lycanthropy and other forms of were-people are also strains of disease.
    A vampire is dead, they die a very real death...a disease doesn't raise the dead nor does it give them superpowers for that matter or the ability to shapeshift into mist particals or turn into a winged demon who can telekinetically throw people around. sure noxiphilic sanguvora, porphilic hemophilia and sanguinare vampiris are diseases but they were only created as the bloodline began to thinout. the more purer vampire's weren't even turned via a disease, many of them were turned directly and not by a scratch or an infection, do you think Harkon sacrificed 1000 souls for a disease?

    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on January 27, 2016 2:22PM
  • elias.stormneb18_ESO
    Almost everybody has missed the point of the thread. Beautiful work OP. :D

    No, we're just ignoring it. No one wants another Cyrodiil Lag tread. Pale Khajiiti vampires is a much more interesting subject.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Jura23 wrote: »
    Because vampires don't go out when sun is shining, that's why they have pale skin. This of course applise only to races with light skin by default, but over time it became treat so typical to vampires that they do the same thing with all races.
    Yet these vampires are not harmed by sunlight so they are always walking about in sunlight so why are these ones so pale then?

  • kenpachi480
    Vampires are vampires. Just seems zos don't want black ones.

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc argument = fallacy.
    Edited by kenpachi480 on January 27, 2016 2:17PM
    Pain and Dead are the cost to the enjoyment of Battle

    Captain Otter Wildwater - DK - V12 - EP
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    Best selfclaimed Healer of Ebonheart Pact NA
  • joleda4ub17_ESO
    One of the great things about computer rpg's is the ability to create conflict from sources as silly as racism. Although a different lore system, conflicts in DnD are largely based on racism and social differences. For example, Elves and Dwarves dislike each other at best, at hate each other at worst.

    On a personal note, I friggin hate that I had to help the vampires in Riven as part of the main quest. Vampires are undead, and undead are evil! Thanks to snowflakes like the OP and modern society for polluting my immersion. NOT!!
  • FortheloveofKrist
    I totally thought this thread was going to be about the racism between the different ESO races. But instead, it was about a white cat.




    They turned your cat white because they didn't want you have bad luck. You should be thanking them.

  • Gidorick
    THIS particular strain of TES Vampires lose pigment in their skin and fur follicles.

    The ONLY legitimate argument here is that the hair on the head of THIS type of vampire should also turn white.

    We really need other stands of Vamparism in ESO.

    And yea... ZOS really needs to do something about the lag. They say they're working on it... as if they haven't been "working in it" for over a year now. Time will tell I guess.
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  • Thorn416
    Volkodav wrote: »
    Vampires have no blood,so they have no color to their skin.They are dead and drained of blood.
    Movies are movies.But all the Vamps in ancient stories,books,etc,in Myth,have colorless skin.It's not ESO racism.

    Melanin is what causes the pigmentation you're talking about, not blood lmao why are you making *** up
  • Thorn416
    ListerJMC wrote: »
    At least white Khajiit are a thing, Redguards turn bright purple when they become vampires!

    (I know this is a joke thread but I'm not joking send help my Redguard is purple and needs a doctor)

    yeah I had to remove vampirism from my redguard immediately because he looked so ridiculous
  • Junkogen
    It's that vampire vitiligo.
  • ListerJMC
    Thorn416 wrote: »
    ListerJMC wrote: »
    At least white Khajiit are a thing, Redguards turn bright purple when they become vampires!

    (I know this is a joke thread but I'm not joking send help my Redguard is purple and needs a doctor)

    yeah I had to remove vampirism from my redguard immediately because he looked so ridiculous

    I'm just covering him up and pretending he's not hideously purple, which works until he uses crafting stations and the helmet gets auto-removed :/.
    Edited by ListerJMC on June 2, 2017 5:25AM
    PC NA & EU || Mammoth Guilds - Victory or Valhalla || Altmer sorcerer main
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves."
  • Ethromelb14_ESO
    there are NO black vampires in TES Lore brah... this is not rl

    The people playing it are real, and deserve to get what they want. This game is ran on real money, so people want real options.
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    The best way to prove someone wrong, is to do better yourself. -E

    I keep forgetting to remember to get a photographic memory.
  • Elsonso
    ... Now artists cannot create white vampires without being accused of racism ???? (/facepalm) .

    (Reminder : vampires are NOT a race... and they don't exist IRL... )

    I don't think most people are getting this thread and its creativity (/facepalm)

    The OP presents two issues, obviously the important one gets discussed first. As time allows, we can talk more about that other one.

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
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  • gw2only1b14_ESO
    Why is there such a transformation from being black to becoming a vampire. I just took vampire off and forgot that I actually made a black cat. This is an extreme case but all character go white...

    There are plenty of black vampires I see around on TV etc but it seems ESO well...

    Me with racism I mean vampirsm on:

    Me without it:

    Now before you all go saying there are not any black vampires, I bring you evidence:





    Now that I have your attention:

    Please fix the damn lag in PVP and stop my FPS dropping to below <5 and my ping shooting up to 999+ when more than 10 people are on the screen at the same time and remove the fricken AOE caps so we can de-stress your servers for you and break up these zerg balls:

    "Prime time" (LAG):


    "Non prime time" (NO LAG):


    If you watch both the same videos the fights are "similar" in numbers but the difference would most likely be the amount of fights / people on the server overall. So the servers IMO should have population locks at the very LEAST halved.

    LOL cant believe you posted "Blackula" ever see that movie? lol was B grade for sure but some funny scenes
  • Oldmanlawlor
    OP you can't be serious.. Can you?!
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