Hey guys! We're somewhat new, 100+ members and looking to grow! We have a good group vets to help out new players and new players to learn from vets. EP+ meaning we are primarily EP but welcome other alliances for dungeons and small scale pvp in cyrodil. cross faction grouping is a thing now!
We want to get an active group going to quest, grind, pvp or run dungeons with, our core members now all have mics and play daily. My idea for what I'd like this guild to be is 'casual hardcore' haha casual because we won't be doing anything too crazy for right now and hardcore because we play a lot and want to get to the end game pve/pvp stuff in the near future. If you're a pro looking to settle down or if you've only been playing for a few weeks we'd love to have you.
The only thing we ask is that you avoid being obnoxious in chat and respect each other for the most part haha.
Add me on xbox live-FatedZygote or comment here with you gamer tag and I'll add you!
We have a Facebook group started as well, feel free to join it and request an invite there as well!
Send me a message in game FatedZygote
Our group page:
We are small ish but very active, 5-15 in chat at any given time, 100+ members. Looking to get more active members but stay somewhat small and close

crowded chat is no fun
See you in Tamriel!
Edited by Urumis on November 20, 2016 5:45AM