Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

[Forlorn] recruiting active social 3-cp561, EP pvp/endgame pve focus

  • Urumis
    Doing imperial city runs this weekend!
  • Urumis
    Have a mic? Love this game? Looking for people to play with? We want YOU!
  • Zomzomqueen
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Zomzomqueen

    Add me love making new friends
  • NeillyBob
    I'd like an invite. GT NeillyBob
  • Urumis
    Almost 200 members now! Looking for more active players with a mic and not afraid to chat! Become part of our legacy!
  • rubydanger
    Soul Shriven
    Do you have a decent number of AD characters? What's the average age of the group?

    GT: Ruby Menace
  • Urumis
    Ruby we have a fair amount. Not a ton tho. We are recruiting all factions, however ep dominates out guild, ad and DC are in the 'growing' stage
  • Urumis
    Recruiting pvp players! EP specifically!
  • Urumis
    Pvp, pledges and wroth dailys this weekend!
  • darthsage
    GT: Darthsage v8 120cp DK DPS EP. Mostly PVE but I enjoy PVP.
  • PoseidonEvil
    Is this guild still active?
    In-game ID: alchelvly
    Phixeon Maghi -- Breton Healer
    Harrow the Souleater -- Breton Necro Healer
    Krogyle dro-Smoketh -- Orc Stamdk
  • Urumis
    darthsage wrote: »
    GT: Darthsage v8 120cp DK DPS EP. Mostly PVE but I enjoy PVP.
    Will get you in tonight bro

    Is this guild still active?
    Yes, just didn't check this the last few days
  • Urumis
    [Snip] especially looking for those interested in all levels of pvp and end game pve
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on July 7, 2016 4:55AM
  • Dubiese
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: str80utac0ncord
  • Urumis
    Will get you added today str8
  • Urumis
    [Snip] will be splitting off the social/leveling aspect into our sister guild. Main guild will be focused on pvp/endgame pve. Leadership will be the same in both guilds
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on July 7, 2016 4:55AM
  • Urumis
    Recruiting for pvp! We have a good core going, looking to expand on that
  • Urumis
    Still looking for more, any style player, we are building our new player base as well as our hardcore pvp group
  • LIQUID741
    GT# Liquid741 AD/Nightblade 206..just returned and getting settled in. Looking for an active guild that runs dungeons daily.
    Solid-Nightblade of AD
  • Urumis
    Who is going through my posts and adding [snip] to everything? Is it the word 'bump' am I literally not allowed to use the word bump at all? Seriously go find something better to do with your time ZoS!

    On another note, we're still recruiting for social leveling and EP pvp
  • FloppyFrank
    Do you guys run trials? If so, can I get an invite. I'm a champ 282 sorc dps, GT is x mech duck x
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Urumis wrote: »
    Who is going through my posts and adding [snip] to everything? Is it the word 'bump' am I literally not allowed to use the word bump at all? Seriously go find something better to do with your time ZoS!

    Thread bumping is in fact a violation of the Community Rules. This was previously stated within this thread on page 2.

    We are glad to see our members reaching out and making great use of the Guild Recruitment Forums. However, we would like to kindly request refraining from bumping the thread as Thread Bumping is against the Community Rules. We have taken a moment to remove all posts that have been bumps.
    Thread Bumping: Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way. We understand that everyone would like to keep their discussion active and visible, but we encourage you to strive for meaningful and constructive posts instead of posts that consist of nothing more than “Bump!”

    Continue to violate the rules and this thread will be removed. This is your final warning. Please review the rules that you have agreed to when creating your forum account. Thank you for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • Urumis
    Urumis wrote: »
    Who is going through my posts and adding [snip] to everything? Is it the word 'bump' am I literally not allowed to use the word bump at all? Seriously go find something better to do with your time ZoS!

    Thread bumping is in fact a violation of the Community Rules. This was previously stated within this thread on page 2.

    We are glad to see our members reaching out and making great use of the Guild Recruitment Forums. However, we would like to kindly request refraining from bumping the thread as Thread Bumping is against the Community Rules. We have taken a moment to remove all posts that have been bumps.
    Thread Bumping: Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way. We understand that everyone would like to keep their discussion active and visible, but we encourage you to strive for meaningful and constructive posts instead of posts that consist of nothing more than “Bump!”

    Continue to violate the rules and this thread will be removed. This is your final warning. Please review the rules that you have agreed to when creating your forum account. Thank you for your understanding.

    So question Mr. Gregor, am I not allowed to say 'bump' in a post? Or what is this forums definition of a 'bump?' The 'previous warning' I was instructed to do more than just bump, make it meaningful and constructive. Which I believe I've done, tried to incude information on upcoming guild events and big changes in the guild. If you have time to help me in this I believe it would make me a better community member ;) no need to threaten, I'm willing to work on it and adjust my posting habits but I need to know more specifically what I'm doing wrong good sir

  • Urumis
    Do you guys run trials? If so, can I get an invite. I'm a champ 282 sorc dps, GT is x mech duck x

    Floppy I'd be lying to you if I said we are currently doing trials. Most of us have completed maelstrom and also DSA, when we were under level, all of us are far beyond 160cp now so I believe our play is at or beyond that level. We're just looking for a few more pieces to the puzzle. We'd love to have you

  • FloppyFrank
    Yeah, sure I'd still like an invite. Always need a group for dailies and WGT/ICP
    Xbone GT: x mech duck x
  • Urumis
    Yeah, sure I'd still like an invite. Always need a group for dailies and WGT/ICP

    We will get there too don't you worry. If you know anyone else who would want to be a part of it, feel free to invite them. We also have a FB page, and a FB chat group so we can stay in touch and coordinate times to be one etc. Just search Forlorn, an eso Xbox one guild if interested in that
  • Urumis
    Big pvp group rolling right now! Who wants in on this?!
  • Urumis
    Will be rolling again Friday and Saturday night and off and on throughout the week!
  • darthsithis
    Got room for a 499cp stormproof sorc? I crave and love playing endgame dungeons and trials more than any other aspect of the game. Dps test is 1:26 without overload, but I assure you I can carry my weight and synergize with any group! I am far from juvenile, and love playing challenging pve content with others who get the same enjoyment.

    Gt: turboyagi xbox1 n/a, AD, love all the endgame content like icp/wgt, trials, vet dragonstar, and also teaching mechanics to those who want to learn!
    Message me if you want to do trials/dungeons, or need a trading guild! Flawless conqueror magsorc with a bad sense of armor fashion.
  • Urumis
    Will get you in man!
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