Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

[Forlorn] recruiting active social 3-cp561, EP pvp/endgame pve focus

  • ZOS_GregoryV

    We are glad to see our members reaching out and making great use of the Guild Recruitment Forums. However, we would like to kindly request refraining from bumping the thread as Thread Bumping is against the Community Rules. We have taken a moment to remove all posts that have been bumps.
    Thread Bumping: Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way. We understand that everyone would like to keep their discussion active and visible, but we encourage you to strive for meaningful and constructive posts instead of posts that consist of nothing more than “Bump!”
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Vanderlee1998ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I'm new to ESO and need help just getting use to the game, Still not sure what I want to play as, I've only tried the dragonknight and sorcerer classes. I don't know if you will take me but I'd like to join the guild if you could help me out at all with choosing/helping decide what to play as. That would be great!

    My Gamer Tag is: Prophet Deflex

  • Urumis

    We are glad to see our members reaching out and making great use of the Guild Recruitment Forums. However, we would like to kindly request refraining from bumping the thread as Thread Bumping is against the Community Rules. We have taken a moment to remove all posts that have been bumps.
    Thread Bumping: Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way. We understand that everyone would like to keep their discussion active and visible, but we encourage you to strive for meaningful and constructive posts instead of posts that consist of nothing more than “Bump!”

    We are glad to see our members reaching out and making great use of the Guild Recruitment Forums. However, we would like to kindly request refraining from bumping the thread as Thread Bumping is against the Community Rules. We have taken a moment to remove all posts that have been bumps.
    Thread Bumping: Please refrain from replying to discussion threads for the sole purpose of “bumping” them. This is considered to be a form of spam because it does not add to the discussion in a constructive or meaningful way. We understand that everyone would like to keep their discussion active and visible, but we encourage you to strive for meaningful and constructive posts instead of posts that consist of nothing more than “Bump!”

    Haha ok brother, glad to see ZoS putting their time into something useful. How's that group finder coming by the way? Or the guild bank stacking? Structured pvp? Pvp arenas? Housing? Oh! Or cyrodil lag? Just thought I'd ask while you're here. Keep up the good work
    Edited by Urumis on March 26, 2016 4:21PM
  • Urumis
    Just so everyone knows we will take anyone who is willing to be social! We love new faces in chat! We can forge you into a warrior to be reckoned with!
  • The13thHippie
    Soul Shriven
    Ey fam. I'm a noob imperial nightblade on DC faction. I'm pretty bad at pve and pvp, so it'd be cool if ya'll would teach me.

  • Urumis
    Over 100 members now!
  • Urumis
    Still looking for active members, not afraid of guild chat!
  • Urumis
    We have multiple psijic ambrosia recipes in guild and also offer a discount to guild members! #bonusxp
  • deximasb14_ESO
    Gt: deximas
  • Nowayout2k
    Soul Shriven
    GT: The Jotis
  • Urumis
    140 members! Looking for more with mics that are active in chat!
  • Urumis
    Event coming up Saturday! Get in on this! And drinking and fishing with Park tomorrow night!
  • romarymj
    GT: Mr Romes
  • Urumis
    150 members, FB group, FB messenger members lounge, weekly events, lotteries, new member gifts, why wouldn't you join?
  • fordmit14
    Throw me an invite sounds like fun GT: mit14
  • helioman0723
  • shynay21
    Hello I am interested!
    GT: ShayShae Boogie
  • Urumis
    Will get you 3 in asap!
  • Urumis
    160 members! Who wants to be 161?
  • Skydash
    Soul Shriven
    I'm new to ESO, looking for direction.

    GT: Chronixmile
    Edited by Skydash on April 28, 2016 6:59PM
  • ZeSlaughterhaus
    Sounds like fun definitely interested

    GT: ZeSlaughterhaus
  • Urumis
    175 members and growing!
  • Urumis
    Build clinics this weekend!
  • Urumis
    180 members! Looking for 181!
  • Urumis
    Working on builds with new members all weekend, we will make you the best you can be!
  • Roadhouse12
    I'd like to join. Roadhouse12
  • Tida2Yuna
    GT: zmerin6o
  • Urumis
    Ooo almost 190!
  • Urumis
    Join us
  • enjoyingcoma9
    Hi, I'd love an invite. GT: EnjoyingComa9
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