I started the game about a month and a half ago with hopes of cyrodiil being similar to DAoC's frontiers and it seems like it has the basis for being a lot of fun. I came to the game with 2 friends, one of which is a world class pvper who has made a living off it in other games, ive historically done well, but have less experience. Venturing out early on we got wrecked by higher levels, and thats fine. We now have 2 v16s each, around champion level 275 in v16 purple (with a few yellows thrown in, always yellow weapons) for an overall level of where we stand.
So in my experience with a magica and stamina nightblade, i find myself critting for roughly 3-4k for my spammer. My current magica build uses plate armor and is build more tanky (when fighting I have in the ballpark of 27k physical resist with spell resist being a bit higher), yet takes around 4-5k crits from your "average" nightblade (since 70% of pvp in my experience is nightblades) surprise attack crits for around 5k. Snipes variants are often in the realm of 8k up to 10k, crystal fragment and overload are around 11-15k.
My other character is a bow/2h stam sorc. using everything possible, my snipe (lethal arrow) is lucky to crit for 6k on a cloth target, overload (given, i dont have champion points in shock damage) left click does closer to 4-5k damage with crits, while my sorc takes between 11 and 17k crits from overloads.
My friends have all had similar experiences. We've had fights where we block/dodge considerably more attacks than our opponents, landing more solid attacks, higher APM, weaving light (or heavy with snipe) attacks where the opponent is not, simply outplay the opponent, but are completely dominated by foes with considerably more damage that we cannot explain with numbers even accounting for the opponent having legendary gear and max champion points (my favorite being jumping a sorc only to have him s key backwards left clicking, each leftclick doing 10k damage blocked while my attacks crit for 3k on him).
Ive looked up guides and copied specs, but there is something i feel I'm missing. It seems improbable for every player in pvp to have a full set of legendary gear and max champion points. Even with multiplicative scaling it seems odd for some people to hit over 5 times as hard using the same button.
Any ideas?